Chapter 6.25: Dear Diary, the Turn Around


Part 1: Bea and Perry Catch Up

Dear Diary, I’ve been so troubled lately with the box Aunt Rosetta sent to me, Kara’s fears at night, and Joey’s recent behavior. It’d been a while since Perry and I could talk about everything, so, this morning, I was relieved when we caught a few minutes by ourselves.

“I don’t know,” I said when he asked me what else we could do for Kara, “I put curtains on her window so she couldn’t see the dark sky, I put an extra nightlight in her bedroom, and I leave her bathroom light on with the door ajar, too.”

“Maybe Dr. Fellowes will have other suggestions to ease her fears. Did she have this sort of problem at the center?”

“Dr. Fellowes said Kara slept with the bedside light on. She wants us to bring her in three times a week for counseling instead of two, and…”

Perry’s left eyebrow went up. “And?”

“She suggested trying a new medication to help her sleep. But, I’m not sure I want to go that route.”

“I can understand that, but let’s talk to the doctor more about that option so I’m up to date. And I think we should try the counseling more often and see how that goes,” he said.

It felt good knowing Perry and I were on the same page. Kara’s fears of the dark had me worried because nothing seemed to help.

“About Joey,” Perry said.

“Yes, his behavior toward Kara is atrocious, and I can’t get him to talk to me about it.”

“Yeah, I struck out, too,” he said with a sigh, rubbing the back of his neck.

“Well, that’s not good. Why is he such a tough nut to crack? I mean, he was so excited to meet Kara, and then, he acts like this.”

We spoke then about different approaches, finally deciding to ask Dr. Fellowes about this as well.

“Is there anything else we need to discuss?”

Smirking a little, I said, “I feel like we’re at a board meeting or something, hitting all the points on the agenda.”

“This is what parenthood has reduced us to,” he laughed. “Seriously, though, I’ve noticed a certain tension between you and Ellie. I thought you two were on the mend?”

“Something happened.” And, I told him about the package, its contents, and how Mom tried to get me to stop looking into the matter.

“Bea, I can’t believe this is the first I’m hearing about all this. Why wouldn’t you tell me about it right away seeing as how much it’s been bothering you?”

“I know, I should have. I’m sorry. Things have been crazy around here, and it never seemed like the right time to tell you because we had kids to discuss.”

His eyes softened, and he sighed again. “I hate to say it because it sounds like something I’d want to pursue, but I think your mom is right. We have a lot going on right now that is way more important.”

“You seriously think Mom is right?” My jaw must have been on the floor because I had to tell myself to close my mouth. “How can I ignore this? Don’t you want to know what it’s all about?”

“Actually, yes, I do. But, we have to figure Joey and Kara out right now. Our family outranks your aunt’s past deeds, whatever they may be.”

When he put it like that, it made me feel selfish for being so enthusiastic about solving the box-mystery.

Figuring out the kids’ issues was priority number one, true. But I’d be darned if I’d put the box away and forget about it permanently.

Part 2: Andy the Teen

A few days later, Andy had his birthday. He was so excited to be a teen and learn how to drive, even though that was a ways off yet.

Andy was so handsome. I could see bits of my dad, myself, and Perry in his features. My heart was overwhelmed with pride and felt like it would burst right through my chest.

Karen’s family joined us for the celebration. It felt good to set my problems aside, even if for just a little while, as we ate cake and laughed.

Part 3.a.: An Excerpt From Kara’s Diary – The Runaway

Dear Diary, I started writing this because Mom thought it would be a good idea. She said if I write my problems down, I don’t have to carry them around in my head anymore. So far, that seems like a good plan.

At Andy’s birthday party, I kept noticing how Joey was scowling. He doesn’t like me at all, and I guess I can understand that. You see, I’m an add on. I don’t really belong here. I’m not sure where I belong or if I ever will. All I know is, there is something different about me. Something that won’t let me fit in. I like puzzles, and sometimes I think I’m a puzzle, but with a lot of missing pieces. I hope I find them someday.

Anyway, back to Andy’s party and Joey.

He was extra scowly, and slipped away from the others, I followed him. (On a side note, I realized some time ago that I have this thing about me. I don’t know how to describe it except to say, I’m able to observe people from a distance without them knowing it. I often find myself on the perimeter of groups, looking in, without being a part of them.)

So, as I said, I followed Joey to the foyer where he was pulling his hat down on his head.

“What do you want?” he asked.

His voice has this sneering quality that puts me on edge. But I’m a determined person, so I said, “I wondered what you were doing? Are you going outside?”

“That’s why I have my coat and boots on DUH!”

“It’s been snowing all day,” I said.


“So, when it snows hard like that, you shouldn’t leave the house.” I had this knowledge from experience, but he didn’t know that.

“I can do what I want!” he yelled before running out the door.

As fast as I could, I pulled my snow gear on so I could follow him.

But he got a good head start on me. It was snowing harder than I realized, and his footprints were filling in fast. Shivering in the dark and cold, I pressed forward. Hopefully, I could find him fast and we could be home before anybody realized we were gone.

When I reached the end of our backyard, I didn’t see him anywhere. He was fast and his footsteps were already filled in with the snow.

Gazing into the distance, it was clear he could be anywhere by now. Why was he so stupid? Didn’t he know this was dangerous weather?

All at once, while summing up the situation, I felt panic tugging at my heart. I’m anxious a lot inside, but this was threatening to be a full-blown meltdown. If I didn’t find my little brother soon, he could freeze to death. The snow was falling harder, and it was heavy. Even if I found him, it would be hard to find our way back to the house. You can get lost easily in a blizzard like this.

Turning back to the house, the lights in the dining room beckoned me home. I could go back and tell them about Joey, letting them figure this out. But by then, who knows how far he would have gotten? He might even be lost already.

It was getting harder to see, as I turned back toward the direction he’d gone. Ahead, there were trees. Lots of them.

“I know my way around the woods,” I told myself. Still, my feet felt planted on the spot.

Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes to play a game I’d been amusing myself with since I could remember.

I cleared my thoughts, pushing the panic down deep so I could concentrate.

Joey, Joey, where are you? I called inside my head. Then I waited for what was most likely only a couple minutes, but what felt like an eternity.

Finally, I picked something up. Trees… deep snow… big rocks… ahead, to the right.

I walked and walked, pushing my way forward, not being able to see, but keeping a hold of the inner vision that told me where Joey was.

“Joey!” I called, the wind nearly taking my breath away, strangling the sound of my voice.

He was behind a tree, straight ahead, I only had to get there.

Trudging through the deepening snow, I found him at last.

“Joey! We have to go now!”

“Go away!” he yelled, his little fists balled up at his sides.

“I plan on going away—back home! And, you’re coming with me,” I said, trying to grab his arm before he could run again.

“No!” He stumbled a few steps, and I realized there was something wrong.

“What happened?”

“I fell and hurt my ankle,” he said as tears welled up in his eyes.

“We have to go back home now! It’s cold and we might get lost!”

“My ankle hurts too bad,” he said, sitting down on a big rock, and crossing his arms.

I took that moment to get my bearings. Already, my footprints were gone, and I felt the tendrils of fear teasing the edges of my mind. Whether or not he really hurt himself, I couldn’t tell. All I knew was, he’d have to walk on it either way or we’d freeze.

Kneeling down, I pulled him forward, so we were eye to eye.

“Listen,” I said, “we have to go back before it’s too late.”

Tears spilled down his reddened cheeks. “I can’t, it hurts so bad. I can barely move it, and my boot feels super tight.”

Looking into his eyes, I could tell he wasn’t lying.

“Okay,” I said as I wracked my brains to figure this out.

At first, I tried to piggyback him, but he was way too heavy for me, and I kept falling to my knees.

“This will not work and I don’t want to hurt your ankle any more than it already is,” I said to him. “Let’s take shelter behind the rocks and think about this.”

At least the rocks would cut some of the wind from hitting us directly.

I sat down, then pulled him onto my lap, my arms around him to keep him as warm as I could. In my haste to catch up to him, I put on my skimpy gloves when I should have put my heavy gloves on. My fingers were stiff, and I could only hope I thought of a way to save us soon.

“I’m scared,” Joey said.

I hesitated, then said, “I’m scared, too. I’m afraid a lot, actually.”


I rubbed his arms briskly as I spoke. “I think it’s the way I grew up. I never knew what would happen next, and I felt so alone.”

“But you were with your dad.”

“Yeah, that’s true. I don’t think he liked me very much, though.”

I’d never admitted that, but before I knew it, I spilled the entire thing to my little brother. I told him all about living in the shack made out of rusty sheets of steel and flimsy cardboard. About never being warm enough in the winter, never being allowed to sleep by the wood stove to keep warm because it was close to the door.

Now, Joey knew it all. I told him how my father ignored me for extended periods of time, how he talked to himself with an angry voice… or to me that way. Sometimes, he was nice, but most of the time, he was brooding and enraged, quick to call me stupid, then, moments later, apologizing with tears in his eyes.

I explained that I loved him, yet feared him. He was my world, and all I knew.

Even through it all, I still miss him with all my heart.

When I finished laying my heart out bare for him to see, he snuffled, then said, “I’m sorry I’m so mean to you.”

I blinked back tears and held him tighter. “It’s okay.”

He shook his head, the knitting of his cap rubbing against my numbed chin. “No, I mean it.”

“Why have you been mean to me?”

His shoulders shook, and I realized he was crying, which broke my heart.

“I think Andy likes you better than me. We were best friends before you got here. But I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have ever called you names.”

“You and Andy will always have a bond you don’t share with me. You’ve been buddies your whole lives. Andy’s just being nice to me because he knows I feel awkward. He doesn’t like me better than you.”

“I’ll be nice from now on if we don’t die.”

I laughed despite our situation. “Okay, we will not die. I just thought of something. But, you have to be quiet for a few minutes.”


Closing my eyes, and clearing my thoughts, I focused on Duchess. Maybe somehow I could lead her to us and we could follow her home. Joey still couldn’t walk, but we’d figure something out.

Part 3.b.: An Excerpt From Kara’s Diary – The Rescue

“Duchess!” Joey exclaimed.

Opening my eyes, I couldn’t stop the grin from spreading across my face.

“You are the goodest girl!” I told her.

To our further surprise, Mom and Perry ran up a few minutes behind her.

“There you are!” Mom said as tears fell onto her rosy cheeks.

Joey and I tried to stand up, but we were kind of frozen in place. So, Perry and Mom had to help us.

“Joey hurt his ankle,” I said. “He keeps saying his boot is too tight.”

Mom didn’t miss a beat, pulling Joey into her arms and saying, “You and Kara had us so scared! Thank goodness we found you! Daddy will carry you, okay?”

She fussed over him for a bit as Perry hugged me tight.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“Just cold,” I said.

“Let’s get you home!” Mom said.

Perry picked Joey up like he was light as a feather, and Mom took my hand.

Part 4: Back to Bea

Dear Diary, what could have been a total disaster turned out to be a good thing in the end. Don’t ask me how because I am not sure what happened between Kara and Joey.

During Andy’s birthday party, Duchess acted strangely. She would pace to the door and scratch at it, we’d let her out to do her business. But instead, she would come back in and look at us like we were stupid. Finally, Perry realized she wanted us to follow her, although we couldn’t fathom why.

It was around that time, Andy wondered where Joey and Kara were. We looked around the house. When we didn’t find them, Teagan pointed out that their coats, hats, gloves, and boots were gone. That put everything in motion because with the blizzard conditions, we feared the worst.

Luckily, Duchess seemed to know exactly where to go. She deserves a medal!

Once we found them, we took them to the emergency department where Joey could have his ankle assessed. Luckily, it wasn’t fractured, it was sprained. So, we had to limit his activities, and elevate his foot above heart level. This active boy will love that. I’ll love it even more. Not.

When we finally got home, Karen’s family had gone, and Andy was waiting for us. Kara and Joey were getting along surprisingly well.

“Never do anything like this again,” I told them.

“We’re sorry,” Kara said, her cheeks turning crimson.

“Yeah, we’re sorry,” Joey echoed.

“Well, what happened? How’d you end up clear out there?” Perry asked.

Joey stared at his feet for a moment, then he sighed. “Well, I was run- “

” -He was running,” Kara said, “we-we were running. And… well, we didn’t mean to go so far.”

Perry looked from Kara to Joey, then back again.

“You both could have died!” Perry informed them. When they didn’t respond, he said, “Is this sort of thing going to happen again?”

“Heck, no!” Joey exclaimed.

“What he said,” Kara said with a small smile.

“It’d better not,” Perry said.

“Joey!” Andy said, hurrying and hugging his little brother. “I was so worried! Don’t be stupid like that again!”

Joey grinned. “I won’t.”


In today’s chapter I used poses that Bee (Poses by Bee, Stories by Bee) made for me. Thanks, Bee! She is putting them up for download, isn’t that great? You can find them here: Lost Children Poses.

I know you’re dying to have the mystery-box solved, but it’s going to take a little bit longer than I first planned. I hope this doesn’t aggravate you too much. I promise there is a method to the madness. 🙂 ❤

Thank you so much for your support because it means the world,

This post is Cesare approved.

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  1. I had to chuckle at the part where Bea and Perry were catching up. It’s hard to find “couple time” when you have a houseful of kiddies. I’m glad they know the importance of nurturing their marriage though because that goes by the wayside too many times.

    Still can’t wait to find out what this mystery is.

    Oh dear! Talk about going from Happy Birthday to Doomsday Disaster. Well, now we know what was up Joey’s craw, and I’m glad he told Kara. She sure saved the day. 😀 😀 Ahhhh…be still my supernatural heart! So, it sounds like she has some telepathic abilities, at least with animals? And dogs have such an innate sense about these things, too. 🙂 I LOVE it!!! *does a chair dance*

    I think there will be less tension now between the siblings. 🙂 That’s a very, very good thing.

    • Yes! They need couple time, dagnabbit! LOL

      Yes, the mystery is still a mystery but it’s going to all come out and hopefully, you won’t have seen it coming when you get answers. 😀

      Yesssssss, Kara has some abilities. But, she doesn’t know it’s anything special. lol

  2. I love Bea and Perry joking about being at a board meeting. Their conversation really did feel that way. 😆 And, yeah, if I was Perry I’d feel that Bea had kept the information about the box from me. But he’s right that with these issues going on they don’t have time to figure it out anyway. Yet. 😉

    Andy is so handsome! He looks like a model!

    Going through something like that together is bound to make Kara and Joey closer. It’s great that Kara opened up to him about what she went through, and felt comfortable enough to say that. Joey can be a lot more understanding about her behavior now.

    Very interesting to see Kara’s power in action. I wonder how this will develop.

    • Thank you, Heather 🙂 As I was writing it, I thought, sheesh, sounds like they’re having a meeting! haha

      I was really happy with how Andy looked. And surprised. A lot of times, my sims don’t turn out like that. haha

      I think you’re right that going through that has made Joey and Kara closer. It took a lot for Kara to open up, but it definitely brought them to a new understanding.

      Kara’s got some cool stuff coming up. I hope you will like it. 😀

  3. This was such a wonderful chapter! It gave me all the warm fuzzy feelings inside. 🤗
    I loved that Joey and Kara had that heart to heart moment even if it could have ended badly. So sweet! And I can’t wait to find out more about the Rosetta mystery. 🧐
    Andy is really good looking! I think Joey will be a cutie too. Watch out ladies! 😎

    • Thank you so much. I’m glad it gave you the warm fuzzies. It’s too bad it took something this drastic for them to find common ground, but at least they worked things out.

      One Rosetta mystery coming up! Eventually. LOLOL 😀

      LOL @ watch out, ladies! haha Next chapter is Joey’s bday!

  4. Aww happy birthday, Andy!! The question is, will he be a teen terror or an angel for his teenage years? 😉
    I love that Kara followed Joey out of concern, and that they were able to be honest with each other and both admit they’re scared. To show that vulnerability, especially after Joey has lashed out so much to hide it and for Kara to admit something she’s not told anyone, is a big step for both of them. Such a sweet thing to have happen, but I’m sure Joey will go stir crazy having to rest up that sprained ankle after a day! 😆

    I think it’s logical for the storyline to hold off on the box mystery a little anyway, Be a & Perry would prioritise the Joey/Kara situation (even though I’m sure the mystery is killing Bea!)

    • Thank you, Caz. 🙂 That’s a good question about Andy! lol

      You’re so right about Joey and that sprained ankle. haha He’s not one for sitting still for long. I think he and Kara have a new understanding between them now. I like how you worded your comment regarding what happened with them; so lovely.

      LOL The mystery is killing Bea, for sure! haha But, yes, it seems logical they would put their immediate family before past things Rosetta did.


  5. Awww isn’t Duchess the goodest girl of them all?! <3 <3
    I'm so happy Joey and Kara are friends again 🙂 What Joey said makes perfect sense, though I hadn't realized this could have been the reason for his behavior!
    Oooh, Andy turned out to be suuuper good looking, oh my 😍 He's gonna make all the girls swoon, I'm sure!
    I loved that bit Kara wrote about her being a puzzle. Poor girl… I really hope she'll eventually find her missing pieces 😢 <3
    So I take it now is the time for us to learn about that mystery box? Awesome 😁

    • Thank you so much ❤ ❤ You are so right about Duchess. She is the best of the best and deserves an award.

      I’m happy about Joey and Kara, too, but not as happy as Bea and Perry are. haha 😀

      I thought Andy turned out pretty good looking, too. ❤ He hopes he makes the girls swoon! LOLOLOL Actually, there is a chapter coming up where… well, you’ll see. 😀

      I’m so glad you love the part about Kara where she thought about how she is a puzzle. I think she will find her missing pieces. Or, perhaps, she will discover they aren’t really lost. I don’t know, but it will be happy. 😀

      Yes, well, there is some strange box stuff coming up! 😀

  6. I thought for a moment you were going to take us all on another emotional roller-coaster for a moment there…

    But I’m happy it all worked out well in the end Kymber 🙂 great chapter once again 🙂

    • Thank you so much, Darren 🙂 LOL IKR? 😀 I think Kara and Joey have a new understanding of one another and they’ll get along much better now. 🙂

  7. Hmm Kara has an ability too…. Mysterious, and I love it 😀 I can’t wait to see what’s causing these powers and why! Although it’s terrible that Joey broke his ankle, I’m glad he and Kara finally had a bonding moment. Hopefully there won’t be too many more squabbles from here on out

    • Thank you, Raymond 🙂 Yes, Kara’s got something going on there. Exactly what and to what extent, we’ll find out yet. 😀

      I think Joey and Kara are going to be on much better terms from now on.

  8. You know, I’m surprised Cesare approved this post when a dog was the MVP 😉
    So Kara has some trace of ‘power’ too it sounds like… I’m glad she was able to help. And it looks like Joey understands her far better now, so good things came out of this!

    • Right? You’re always full of good points! He must have skimmed it and not read thoroughly. I’ll have a talk with him. 😀

      Yes, Kara does have something going on there. There is so much to learn about her, I can’t wait.

      I think Kara and Joey will have a new understanding of one another from now on and things between them will be much better.

  9. Not gonna lie .. It was a little weird with Perry not being supportive. AND I was floored to hear Kara open up to Joey about her dad! AND then to have them stick up for each other was adorable.

  10. Grrrr it makes me so aggravating that we don’t know yet! Okay, I’m kidding, but I am just dying to know. 😛 I mean, I guesss it’s true that Bea should focus on her own family but come ON, Perry, you can’t do this to the readers!

    Anywayyy, I’m glad that Kara and Joey had a heart to heart. I thought Joey was sad that his mum was so attentive to Kara, but it also makes sense that he would be worried about his friendship with his brother.
    Speaking of his brother… dayum, that is a fine young man that Bea and Perry produced. Ehehehe. 😀 I think he’ll grow up looking very nice. 😉

    This was awesome, Kym! <3

    • Thank you, Louise 🙂 I’m soooooorrrrry! lololol I hate when people start mysteries and then leave you hanging! 😭😳 LOL

      Straighten up, Perry!! 😡

      Maybe it was a little jealousy of having to share his mother for Joey, but realizing Andy wanted to do things with Kara like video games, etc., put him over the edge.

      I’m so pleased with how Andy turned out! I can’t wait for you to see Joey next week! 😀

      I’m so glad you liked the chapter. ❤

    • Thank you 🙂 You never know! It does run in the family. Right now, to Kara, it’s just a part of her life that she uses when needed. But it’s like a game; it isn’t something she realizes other people may not have. 😀

  11. I’m glad she’s held off on the box. Perry is so right on this.

    Andy is GORGEOUS!! We may have a little heart throb on our hands lol. I love that he and Kara have the same eyes.

    Their kitchen is EPIC!

    I’m glad Kara opened up to Joey. That was definitely a defining moment for them. Does she have powers? It seemed like she summoned Duchess with her mind or something.

    • Thank you, Jess 🙂 Yes, there were more important things going on and the box was only adding more pressure. Perry would be so happy you agree with him. 😀

      I thought Andy was really cute, too! I didn’t touch his face at all. 😀

      Right? I need that kitchen in my life! lol

      You’re right that this was a defining moment between Kara and Joey. And, yes, she does have some abilities. It’s how she found Joey, and how she called Duchess. 😀 She doesn’t realize this, but rather, uses it as a sort of game to help her along when she needs extra help.

      • You know…I can’t wait until Kara reads all the old journals. I feel like her life will change dramatically by learning about this entire history she didn’t know she had before. It may be incredibly overwhelming for her, and maybe slightly discouraging, but I feel like it’ll help her figure herself out. No one has needed to learn about the past more than her!

  12. I love this so much! I always knew Kara had gifts! It seems like she might be the one to use her gifts in a way that her grandpa and great aunt were not. Rather than denying them or using them for evil, she’s integrating them into her life and using them as a tool for living, which is exactly what they’re intended for!

    • Thank you, CT 🙂 I’m glad you loved this. You called it! You’re right that she has some gifts and is using them as an integration of her life. Holden would be horrified, Rosetta would be urging her to go to extremes. lol I think this will definitely help her throughout her life.

  13. Andy is such a cutie and you are right about features from all three.

    I’m so happy to see that Kara was intuitive enough to know something was wrong and brave enough to follow him into that storm. A real kindness considering how badly he has been treating her. Hopefully now, things will go better for both of them. Looking forward to happy family, so we can get on to……………………THE BOX!!

    • Thank you, Bee 🙂 I love how Andy turned out, too. 🙂 I can’t wait till Joey ages up in the next chapter too.

      I think you’re right that things will be better between Kara and Joey now. As scary as this was for them, they bonded well. Yes, let’s have happy family now! And, THE BOX! 😀

    • Thank you, Jolie 🙂 Good question! In The Sims, the ages are infant, toddler, child, teen, young adult, adult, elder. So, there is a jump in size from child to teen. Next week’s chapter includes Joey’s birthday, then he’ll be the same size as Andy. It’s kind of weird how their sizes jump like that. lol

  14. I’m so glad that Kara and Joey are safe. I wonder, though, about Kara getting Duchess to find them… Does she maybe have a special power like Rosetta did? I don’t know if it’s just the dog being wise.
    It was good to read things from Kara’s POV. She views the world in an interesting way, sadly, due to her traumatic experiences of the past.

    • Thank you, Jowita 🙂 You bring up a good point about Kara. It seems she has some kind of ability. I wonder what else she can do? 😀

      I’m glad you enjoyed Kara’s POV. You’re right that she views the world differently than others because of what she’s been through. She is the heir, but don’t worry, I think her generation won’t be as gloomy as this one was. lol She’s got a great future ahead of her. ❤️

  15. Well, maybe part of the problem with Joey just cleared up and maybe even Kara is going to be better as well. What a great bonding experience for those two. And it could have ended up so much worse. Sooooo. Kara has some innate abilities to see and sense things others cannot. Interesting that Bea doesn’t seem to have that.

    So I expect that now that the kids are sorted, that we’ll dig into the Rosetta mystery more. I hope so. I can’t wait to find out!

    Also….Andy is super cute! Good genes! He’s gonna be a lady killer! ❤️

    • Thank you, Audrey 🙂 Yes, I think the kids are going to be much better now that the air is cleared between Joey and Kara. You’re right about Kara and innate abilities. 😀 I wonder if there is anything else she can do?

      I can’t wait for you to find out more about the mystery-boy!

      I thought Andy was really cute, too. lol ❤️

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