Teeny-Tiny (but IMPORTANT) Update!


Hi, everyone. I thought I should just put a note out there that since most of you know my name is Kymber, I’ve decided to do away with my pseudonym (Rosemary Castevet/RosemaryMarie) and just go with my real name. So, if you see me commenting on your site and you’re wondering who this Kymber-person is… well, now you know. 🙂

I’m sorry for any confusion this may cause but I really felt like I needed to do it.

Thank you for understanding.

In other news, voting is still open for the Noble Doubt Generation 5 heir! You can find the poll in the sidebar on the right. 🙂

All my love,

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  1. I’m glad you say outright what name to use. I’ve been calling you Rosemary because I did think that I saw your name was Kymber, but I didn’t want to get it wrong. Social awkwardness, ahoy! 😀
    Looking forward to more updates from you, Kymber! 🙂

    • LOL Don’t worry, Louise, I totally get how weird it can be when you don’t know how to address anyone. I really don’t mind being called Rosemary since it was my pseudonym, or Kymber since it is my real name. I mostly was worried people would be confused if I didn’t come right out and say I’d made the change. 😀

    • Thank you, Jowita. It’s kind of refreshing and I thought I may as well since pretty much everyone knows my name anyway. 😀 I remember when you started out as Jowita. <3

  2. Awe, now we aren’t name buddies anymore! But there’s still plenty people using Rosie for their sims. My name is so popular this year. 😉 I almost feel like a star! Hee hee, I eagerly await more updates.

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