Heir Poll!


The heir poll continues! I can hardly contain my excitement as we go through this process. I think Generation 5 is going to be a lot of fun.

Whoever wins the poll and becomes heir will move into the brownstone (which you haven’t seen yet, but there will be a sneak peek!) and attend school. The twin that does not become the heir will also move into the brownstone but will not have as heavy a presence in the new generation as our heir.

As you know, I’m preparing a spin-off story called The Inheritance which the non-heir will star in alongside Marty, Xalen, and the rest of the team. This is going to be a little bit different in that the characters will not age, as this is not a legacy but more of an ongoing story revolving around these characters. So, when you see Marty, Xalen, or the non-heir in The Inheritance, they will be frozen in time. When these characters appear in Noble Doubt, Generation 5, they will be the appropriate ages. I hope that all makes as much sense written out here as it does in my head! LOL

Without further adieu, here are the nominees:

Happy voting and thank you in advance for your input!

Holden Leo Sprague


Rosetta Susan Sprague


And, here is the poll yet again because I like overkill! Vote for your favorite as many times as you wish!

[polldaddy poll=”9974780″]

(This poll will close on Wednesday, April 18 at midnight EST.)

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  1. I have been avoiding reading the comments because I don’t want to see who other’s have been voting for. I want to be totally surprised when everything is revealed.
    That being said, I am Team Holden 100%, and voted for him again today!! 🙂

  2. I voted for Holden for the third of fourth time, lol! But to tell you the truth, I had great difficulty in deciding, so I know I’ll be happy no matter who gets chosen eventually! 😀 But I wanna find out who wins! 😛
    I’m very excited about the next generation, I’m sure it will be no less than terrific! <3

    • YAY for four votes! LOL Thank you so much! <3 I'm glad you'll be happy either way. It's so hard for me to sit on this information but I know from last time that things sometimes change at the last minute. Eep! 😀

    • Meeee, too! 😀 lol As the time draws nearer, I’m firming up more ideas I was kicking around. I always hate saying goodbye to a generation but I always get excited about the new one, too. lol

  3. Ah, I totally forgot that we ain’t getting a chapter today. Oh well, I got to vote for Holden once again. And I understand your concept with The Inheritance. I know both gen 5 and the spin-off will be amazing as is all your content! 😀

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