Stuck with the Devil


Stuck with the Devil

The devil on my shoulder
Has no angel on the other
I do what the devil says
Or why even bother?

Making profits big
is one thing that he does
How can I turn away from him
When he gives me such a buzz?

But everyone has left me,
My wife and daughter, too,
This devil on my shoulder,
“Quit telling me what to do!”

How can I be rid of him
And his evil ways?
That’s when he leans closer
To my ear and says,

“But it’s me you like, remember?
I help you in so many ways
I’m the devil on your shoulder
And you’ve been better all these days

“You’ve made lots of money
And have had anything you want
Why get rid of me
When we have such a bond?”

I nod at the devil, his ways are so clear
He has never wronged me
So I pull the devil near
“Don’t ever leave, please,

“I’ll do whatever you want,” I say,
with a voice ever so cracked,
“Please, devil on my shoulder,
I really need you back!”

Looking in the mirror,
My face is gaunt and drawn
This can’t be so worth it
And I’m nothing but a pawn

But how do I leave him?
I pick up the phone.
I need someone to help me
Because I’m so alone

No one answers
I’m distraught and ashamed.
Everyone has left me
And I’m the only one to blame

The devil smiles and embraces me
Back to the fold
I’m stuck with this devil
The clock has now tolled

K.L. Hawke

This post is for Kevin’s No Theme Thursday (04/05/24). NTT is my new favorite thing! Kevin makes amazing pictures to choose from, and I just couldn’t resist this one! Thank you, Kevin!

Thank you so much for reading, liking, lurking, and commenting! You are important!

Featured Image by Kevin.

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  1. Now my ChickieNoodle, you dropped the bomb on us 🧨💥💣 and I see you got the magical poetry, powerball fever! ✍🏼✍🏼✍🏼 Bust a move while you bust those rhymes KymberPotPie! I L💖VE this. Now, you took this image prompt to a whole new level! Booyah! 🤜🏼🤛🏼 Have a FANtabulous weekend girlie! 😘

  2. Your poem has depths, in that it suggests a story behind it without having to explain the story. An iceberg kind of thing. Well crafted! And I felt for the guy with his loneliness at the end. So this is a good lesson!

  3. Wow, this poem really captures the inner struggle of temptation and the consequences of giving in to it. It’s a poignant reflection on how easy it can be to succumb to the allure of short-term gains, even at the expense of everything else that truly matters.

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