Get to Know You #22

Photo by Los Muertos Crew:

Here is round 22:

  1. What scene in a movie always gives you goosebumps every time you watch it?
  2. Do you think you rely too heavily on your phone? Why or why not?
  3. What book had the most significant impact on you?
  4. Would you ever try space tourism, if you had the money for it?
  5. What’s the best way to stay young?

Here are my answers:

  1. When Wendy (Shelley Duvall) sees all the pages Jack (Jack Nicholson) has typed and what they say in The Shining (1980).
  2. No, not at all. If anything, I hate the little beast. LOL All I use it for is texting and playing Word Cookies when I can’t sleep. I hate talking on the phone and I don’t like using it to look at websites, etc.
  3. The Outsiders which I read in the 8th grade. And A Separate Peace. And To Kill a Mockingbird. There are so many.
  4. I would have been more likely open to space tourism when I was in my 20s. I’m not as interested now.
  5. Hula-hoop, baybay! Try it! lolol

And now, it’s your turn! If you don’t want to participate, no problem! I’m just glad you’re here. A hello would be fantastic, though! Of course, lurkers are always heartily welcome. xo

Welp, I got really behind in answering comments over the holiday weekend. The Mister had a four-day weekend and I came down with bronchitis. lol I’m doing much better now and The Mister is back to work. I’ll catch up as soon as I can. 🤧🖖

Oh! Something else! I have a few things cooking back here that you need to know about, so look for a post on that very soon. 🧑‍🍳🤗

Thank you so much for reading, liking, lurking, and commenting! You are important!

Featured Image by ColdwellPro from Pixabay

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  1. … 1. In Casablanca when Victor says to Rick Blaine “Welcome back to the fight. This time I know our side will win.” 2. No. I seldom use it. 3. Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man 4. Yeah, sure. 5. Letting yourself enjoy things that make you laugh, no matter how many people think those things are too silly. Don’t know how I missed this one for 10 days! Sorry!

  2. Hi Kymber, Great questions and I enjoyed your answers. WRT movies, I don’t watch many but The Shining as a whole, gives me the shivers. I love my phone and do everything on it – banking, Jetpack for WP comments, YT, and Twitter. I don’t write blog posts from my phone usually. I prefer to use one of my laptops for that. Favourite book – That would be Bram Stoker’s Dracula. Nope, no space tourism for me. I’ll stick to visiting the bush and wild animals. Lastly, I think looking outside of yourself and finding joy in nature and other people keeps you happy and happiness helps keep you young.

  3. I’m always so pumped for these 😂 And I suppose we have the same taste in movies (are you a horror movie fan?) for that scene in the Shining is one of my favorites.

    What scene in a movie always gives you goosebumps every time you watch it?

    As I said that scene in Shining. There is also several scenes in the Dark Knight Trilogy that give me goosebumps. Like when Bruce overcomes his fear of bats in Batman Begins or when Batman returns in the Dark Knight to combat the Joker. The moment he climbs the well to escape Bane’s trap in The Dark Knight Rises.

    Do you think you rely too heavily on your phone? Why or why not?

    I think I do. Maybe I have a social media addiction (or maybe because I spend most of my time writing on social media. Instagram and Youtube also are quite addictive for me. I have a couple online friends who live in other states, so that’s the only way I can keep in touch with them)

    What book had the most significant impact on you?

    There are plenty of books that had a profound impact on me. It has to be Mahashweta by Sudha Murthy (the story of a young woman that contracts vitilgo), The Palace of Illusions by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni (the story of Draupadi, the heroine from an epic Mahabharata), another by her is Victory Song (the story of Neela, a young girl that joins the Indian freedom struggle movement to save her father from prison), The Solitaire Mystery by Jostein Gaarder (A story within a story of a boy and his father who are searching for the mother who has left them to go to Greece) and the last one I’d mention is A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini (needs no intro)

    Would you ever try space tourism, if you had the money for it?

    Maybe. I loved the possibility of space travel since all the planets looked so cool and the nebulas in space are beautiful. But if I do, I’d probably want to just stay in space and not return to earth.

    What’s the best way to stay young?

    Think less and live more. Neuroticism ages the body and mind quickly.

  4. What scene in a movie always gives you goosebumps every time you watch it?
    The seventh cross with Spencer Tracey, the whole movie is a big goosebump.
    Do you think you rely too heavily on your phone? Why or why not?
    Downgraded my smart phone to a phone a while ago. I use it as a phone and for texting and pictures and the banking app.
    What book had the most significant impact on you?
    Way too many to list.
    Would you ever try space tourism, if you had the money for it?
    What’s the best way to stay young?
    To not think about age.

  5. What scene in a movie always gives you goosebumps every time you watch it?
    Melanie on her deathbed, saying to Scarlett: Look after him for me, just as you looked after me for him. (Gone with the Wind.)
    Do you think you rely too heavily on your phone? Why or why not?
    Not really. I try to use it only for answering messages and checking my email, but most of what I need to do online, I do it in front of the computer, like now 😊
    What book had the most significant impact on you?
    In Spanish La Regenta en La Habana by Leopoldo Alas
    In English The accidental tourist by Anne Tyler
    Would you ever try space tourism, if you had the money for it?
    I don’t think so!
    What’s the best way to stay young?
    Work out, run a bit every day…

  6. The scene where Katie is pulled out of bed in the first Paranormal Activity.
    I don’t rely to heavily on my phone. My Kindle is a different story.
    It may sound strange to say, but the Harry Potter series. I never would have read YA books and probably never written any. They opened a whole new world for me.
    Absolutely! But I’d probably never get through the G-force stuff. Carnival rides similar to those make me sick.
    Love your hula-hoop answer, Kymber! Absolutely staying active. I take spin classes, do cardio machines, yoga, weights, and we’re getting ready to try pickleball.

  7. As for me,

    What scene in a movie always gives you goosebumps every time you watch it? The flyby seen of Saturn in Interstellar gives me the goosebumps, but in a good way. Also, the shoot out / duel between Harmonica and Frank in “once upon a time in the West”.

    Do you think you rely too heavily on your phone? Why or why not? I may be on Facebook a bit too much.

    What book had the most significant impact on you? Many books had a profound impact on me, but a Swedish book on special relativity that I read as a teenager completely changed how I view space, time, as well as other concepts such as energy and magnetism. I understood something abstract and very different from what I was used to for the first time in my life. Also, much later in life, I read “the storms of my grandchildren”, by physicist James Hansen. That book made me interested in trying to help with solutions to climate change.

    Would you ever try space tourism, if you had the money for it? I support space exploration when the goal is scientific. Tourism, naah.

    What’s the best way to stay young? Never stop learning new things.

  8. I gotta cheese it up for the movie scene one because that one speaks to me. Right before the climax to The Brave Little Toaster, the titular toaster and his tatty tagalongs end up at a city dump. They meet a bunch of morose cars that have resigned themselves to their fate of getting crushed into cubes, and break into song about the lives they’ve lived.. then they get crushed into cubes. Meanwhile the chorus is singing, “you’re worthless.” Oof.

    And yes if aliens. Flying around losing bone calcium for no aliens, hard pass. I need my bones!

  9. What scene in a movie always gives you goosebumps every time you watch it?
    The scene in Last of the Mohicans (Daniel Day-Lewis and Madeline Stowe) when they are in the waterfall cave and Cora is going to be captured and Hawkeye is going to leap into the waterfall so he can come back later and save the day, and he says to Cora: “You stay alive… You submit, do you hear? You’re strong! You survive. You stay alive no matter what occurs. I will find you. No matter how long it takes. No matter how far. I will find you.”

    Oh my gosh. The chills.

    Do you think you rely too heavily on your phone? Why or why not?
    No. I misplace it too often for it to be truly important to me. 🤦‍♀️
    What book had the most significant impact on you?
    To Kill a Mockingbird
    Would you ever try space tourism, if you had the money for it?
    No. Not even if it was an all expenses paid trip. Nope nope nope. Can we say “Claustrophobia”? Haha
    What’s the best way to stay young?
    Playing with grandchildren

  10. What scene in a movie always gives you goosebumps every time you watch it? The Dirty Harry scene where he loses count of how many times he shot and then asks a guy “Do you feel lucky huh do ya punk?”
    Do you think you rely too heavily on your phone? Why or why not? No I use it just enough. Lately I have been away from my desk so I rely on it to answer e-mails etc. If I didn’t use it I would be buried.
    What book had the most significant impact on you? I have to say On The Beach by Nevelle Shute.
    Would you ever try space tourism, if you had the money for it? I would be first in line.
    What’s the best way to stay young? Keep the mind active. You are as young as you think.

  11. There are several scenes I can call to mind from movies that raise goosebumps, but the one in A Star Is Born with Streisand and Kristofferson, when he dies, it never fails!
    Do you think you rely too heavily on your phone? Absolutely! Why or why not? It’s not only a phone, but my computer, my lifeline!
    What book had the most significant impact on you? Hands down, The Grapes of Wrath.
    Would you ever try space tourism, if you had the money for it? Nope. Not interested.
    What’s the best way to stay young? In the words of the late Toby Keith, ‘don’t let the old man in.’

  12. Great questions Kymber…🌸 I am glad to see you are feeling better! Take care of yourself!

    What scene in a movie always gives you goosebumps every time you watch it?
    The Matrix, when Neo get shot towards the end, waiting for him to get up.

    Do you think you rely too heavily on your phone? Why or why not?
    Nope, the screens are too small for me. I play Gardenscape on there tho and use it for calls. Everything else I use my desktop and 32 in screen… lol

    What book had the most significant impact on you?
    Romance novels to be honest, of all kinds. I am a serious romantic…

    Would you ever try space tourism, if you had the money for it?
    That is a big YES!

    What’s the best way to stay young?
    By using your thoughts…

    I love your answers… 🌞

  13. 1/ I can’t say. But there are many of them. But some scenes in Gone with the wind (They didn’t have computers and AI) 2/No 3/The old man and the sea 4/Yes but I don’t have enough physical force 5/I don’t know.

  14. 1) I can not think of one, but perhaps the encounters between Clarice and Hannibal Lecter in Silence of the Lambs. Watching this movie even once was too much. 2) Nope. I carried a mobile at work and since retirement, my mobile mostly sits on the counter. But, I do rely on my laptop way too much. 3) A Brave New World by Aldous Huxley and 1984 by George Orwell. I read both in school and again recently. It is amazing how eerily similar to current real life these predictive works from 1932 and 1949 got. 4) Not at all. I have enough dangerous encounters right here on earth. I do not even like going in the water. 5) Keep exercising, keep walking, keep blogging, keep reading, keep dreaming and most of all, hold your grandchild in your arms (until your back gives out).

    Happy Thursday Kymber. Allan

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