Get to Know You #24


Here is round 24:

  1. What’s something on your bucket list?
  2. Is cereal soup? Why or why not?
  3. What’s something funny or unusual a teacher did during class?
  4. Who has been your strangest or most annoying neighbor? (Please don’t use their real name. LOL)
  5. What’s the last song you listened to?

Here are my answers:

  1. I want to see dolphins and orcas in the wild.
  2. I think not, but I can see why some might try to make a case for it. lol
  3. I’ll try to make this a short story. lol

    When I was in 8th Grade science class, the teacher, Mr. Hart (who mostly told us war stories instead of teaching), was trying to illustrate for us how a candle can make smoke move. Basically, he had a clear acrylic shoe box with two tubes in it. It looked something like this: Picture a fully enclosed clear box instead of this yellow thing that has its side open. lol

    So, he put a candle in the box under one of the tubes and lit it, then he put the lid on the box and held a match down the tube, where the candle was. It was supposed to draw the smoke from the match through the box and up and out the other tube.

    Well, the match kept going out and Mr. Hart was fed up. So he lit a cigarette from the pack in his pocket and held the cigarette down the tube over the candle, and it worked! LOL Mr. Hart was always smoking in his office, but that was the first time he ever lit up in class! He smoked it, too! LOLOL
  4. We had this neighbor… we’ll call him “Biff.” LOL Good ol’ Biff hated all the children in the neighborhood. He was one of those, “Get off my grass!” people.

    Before I go any further, I should mention this was a private road we all paid maintenance on. There was absolutely no traffic at all and most didn’t even know our street was there. It was in the woods.

    Anyway, my children were playing with the other kids in the neighborhood, and they all dropped their bikes on the street to run up to one of the kids’ houses to get popsicles. Almost immediately, Biff comes roaring out of his house, yelling at the children to pick up their bikes because their handlebars are making dents in the road. (They weren’t.)

    So I come out of my house, yelling back at him, “It’s a road, Biff! If they come in your driveway, then you can yell at them!” (He didn’t really have my permission, but there was no danger in that happening since all the kids avoided his house like the plague.)

    Has anyone else had a neighbor like Biff? lol
  5. Aurora – Cure for Me, and before her, I was listening to Jelly Roll. I love his songs.
Aurora – Cure for Me¹

And now, it’s your turn! If you don’t want to participate, no problem! I’m just glad you’re here. A hello would be fantastic, though! Of course, lurkers are always heartily welcome. xo

I really wanted to tell some tales today, didn’t I? LOL

Thank you so much for reading, liking, lurking, and commenting! You are important!

[1] iamAURORAVEVO, “AURORA – Cure For Me,” YouTube. Jul. 08, 2021. Accessed: Apr. 19, 2024. [YouTube Video]. Available:
[2] Earth Day Image by 🤦‍♂️爪丨丂ㄒ乇尺 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️ 卩丨ㄒㄒ丨几Ꮆ乇尺🤦‍♀️ from Pixabay

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  1. Finish reading my long list of must-read books before I die. 2. It is not. Because of the use of milk instead of savory broths. 3. Endlessly complain about how tough he felt teachers had it. 4. A neighbor lady whom we eventually realized ran an escort service. 5. Adam Ant’s Goody Two Shoes.

  2. What came immediately to mind for a bucket list item is that I would like to go to the Cook Islands and have wanted to for a very long time.
    The question of whether cereal is soup or not seems like a philosophy question and I know philosophy is not my “jam” – ha ha.
    I remember Mr Steele in grade 5 would toss rubber erasers or chalk at anyone not paying attention – he obviously made an impression as that was a very Looooong time ago but that’s not to say I didn’t like him, in fact I did but he gave tons of notes. The whole class he wrote notes on the board, filled up the chalkboards and then refilled them so you had to be quick to get all your notes.
    I have had good and bad neighbours but only one terrible neighbour who wanted to fight at 2 in the morning when he refused to turn down the music and I had a 6 month baby at home.
    What’s the last song you listened to? It might have been L-O-V-E sung by Diana Krall – I love the way she croons. It’s the same song made famous by Nat King Cole as you know. – Thank you for reading my blog, it was nice to visit you today. – David

  3. Hello friend. My answers are:

    What’s something on your bucket list?
    To visit the islands (Jamaica, Bahamas, Hawaii) and Africa
    Is cereal soup? Why or why not?
    No way. It has milk and no veggies or broth.
    What’s something funny or unusual a teacher did during class?
    I don’t know. My teachers weren’t funny, or unusual.
    Who has been your strangest or most annoying neighbor? (Please don’t use their real name. LOL)
    A couple I once lived near who would perform their yoga rituals outside their home for all the neighbors to see. I
    say rituals because they were a part of some type of cultural religious group.
    What’s the last song you listened to?

    The last song was Smokie Norful’s, I’ve Got a Praise. 🙂

    That’s it. 🙂

  4. I love your answers, Kymber, and Biff sure was grumpy! Mr. Hart sounded very cool though! Here are mine:

    What’s something on your bucket list? Traveling the U.S. in a sprinter van

    Is cereal soup? Why or why not? I don’t think so! 🙂

    What’s something funny or unusual a teacher did during class? I honestly can’t think of anything, but I had one teacher who was great – my choir teacher in high school. He was a friend to his students and really cared about them. Nothing funny or unusual, but factual. LOL

    Who has been your strangest or most annoying neighbor? (Please don’t use their real name. LOL) Our current neighbor 2 houses down from us. She has a loud voice, so when she talks to anyone or to her dog, she is LOUD, and her voice has a rough quality to it. So whenever we hear her, it’s just so annoying! Why doesn’t she talk so loud for the whole block to hear? 🙂

    What’s the last song you listened to? The Living Years by Mike+The Mechanics on Steve’s blog, Song of the Day. A song that will bring you to tears.

    This was fun! xoxo

  5. Mr Hart sounds like a blast! Hahaha that’s a case for ‘if all else fails, have a cigarette’. Good lesson for kids there 😂

    As for Biff, he sounds like the grumpy neighbour in a film. Maybe deep down he’s lonely? Making dents in the road though, jeeeees!

  6. Difficult questions this week. Let me think
    What’s something on your bucket list? Learning to lose.
    Is cereal soup? Why or why not? It’s not a soup in my books.
    What’s something funny or unusual a teacher did during class? Sister Anne, the music nun. The nun that never laughed, laughed so hard, she cried.
    Who has been your strangest or most annoying neighbor? (Please don’t use their real name. LOL) The stalker across the street. An older gentleman, who is widowed and bored. He comes over when there is a package at the front door, to tell me that there is a package at the door but in reality, he wants to know what it is and he will ask. Sadly, I don’t like nosey neighbors and I don’t make him happy.
    What’s the last song you listened to? I dislike the song, but love this version.

  7. I enjoyed reading your answers. I was listening to songs of movie named Sairat while I was blogging, just a while ago. Its a Marathi movie, one of the Indian languages (answering question 5).

  8. I love that song! And I think we all have a not-so-nice neighbor like Biff, LOL – nice use of the word there.😂😂 Cereal is definitely not soup.

  9. Interesting reading your answers. Your teacher sounded like he made class fun.
    Here are my answers:
    2. Cereal is not soup. I know some cereal is hot like oatmeal is cereal to me, but usually cereal is cold with milk. Soup is most times hot with vegetables and meat. I wouldn’t want it for breakfast.
    1. I never made a bucket list of anything. I’ve done lots of traveling over the years, and am happy just staying home now.
    3 .Hard to remember, but one that stood out is my 5th grade teacher sometimes would bring her dogs to school. Normally dogs weren’t allowed, but she did anyway. I even remember the dog’s names … they were Aridales dogs I think and curly haired, and one was named Dog (pronounced DeeOhGee) and the other was TreeBaTaw (that’s how it was pronounced.)
    4. Can’t remember any annoying neighbors, but we have nice neighbors here. One sort of weird thing is they asked could they borrow our tree! We have a large tree in the front yard, and they don’t have any. They wanted to hang a pinata from ours for their grandaughter’s birthday party. They did this a couple of times, and it was fine with us!
    5. When I read this question yesterday these were what I was hearing on the radios … On on was “Spiderwebs” by No Doubt, so I listened to about half, then on the other radio in the room it was “Flying High Again” by Ozzy, so I left it there. 🙂

  10. I never made a bucket list. I would say spending time with my precious grandchild would be top of mind.
    My cereal is more like a stew, as I eat granola with yogurt and berries. Yum.
    My Grade 9 chem teacher and his reaction when some students dropped white phosphorus into water. His reaction was almost as alarming as the pillar of flame shooting to the ceiling.
    4) My former neighbour to the East, who used to clear snow from his sidewalks with his hunting quad which had twin rifle scabbards on it. A scary dude.
    If You’re Happy and You Know it, as sung to my grandchild.

    Happy Tuesday Kymber. Allan

  11. What’s something on your bucket list? Visit Yosemite National Park
    Is cereal soup? Why or why not? What you said!
    What’s something funny or unusual a teacher did during class? We had a music teacher who was an alcoholic. During class he often sneaked into a room attached to classroom where he hid a vodka bottle. One time he got very drunk and got incredible wild while playing Khachaturian’s ninth symphony. He was dancing, running, throwing himself around and shaking intensely to the music, his face got all read and he lost his glasses, while we just sat there. Well he enjoyed the music.
    Who has been your strangest or most annoying neighbor? (Please don’t use their real name. LOL): A current neighbor who never walked their Doberman. Instead, they let him walk around the neighborhood all by himself. It wasn’t nice to the Doberman and not safe for anyone else. I don’t know what they did with the Doberman. They don’t have him anymore.
    What’s the last song you listened to? The house of the rising sun, by the animals.

  12. What’s something on your bucket list? Oh, definitely riding Mario Kart in Japan! I’ve always wanted to experience the thrill of racing through the streets like a real-life Mario character. It sounds like an adrenaline-packed adventure that would be a dream come true for me.

    Is cereal soup? Why or why not? Well, I’d say cereal isn’t soup. Soup usually involves cooking ingredients in a broth or liquid base, while cereal is more about soaking grains or flakes in milk. Plus, soup tends to be savory, while cereal is often sweet. So, while they both involve a combination of ingredients in a liquid, they’re different enough for me to see cereal as its own thing.

    What’s something funny or unusual a teacher did during class? Once, my teacher accidentally used a permanent marker instead of a whiteboard marker. We spent the rest of the class trying to scrub it off while they gave us an impromptu lesson on the importance of reading labels properly.

    Who has been your strangest or most annoying neighbor? (Please don’t use their real name. LOL) Oh, I’ve had my fair share of interesting neighbors, but one that stands out was this elderly lady who seemed to have a direct line to every superstition out there. She’d hear a rooster crow and immediately start speculating about pregnancies in the neighborhood. It was comical at first, but then it got annoying when she started dropping hints, making everyone wonder. I mean, come on, me pregnant? Virgin Mary vibes, anyone? Turns out, her own grandchild was the one expecting! Talk about twists in the gossip mill.

    What’s the last song you listened to? ALEX TERRIBLE LORNA SHORE Pain Remains I: Dancing Like Flames COVER

  13. What’s something on your bucket list?
    Is cereal soup? Why or why not?
    What’s something funny or unusual a teacher did during class?
    Who has been your strangest or most annoying neighbor? (Please don’t use their real name. LOL)
    What’s the last song you listened to?

    I want to see the Grand Canyon someday! And Sonoma!

    No, it’s a breakfast item. Soup is for lunch or dinner!

    I had a biology teacher who would give extra credit for doing weird things…like eating worms! He once got me to eat an oyster back when I thought I hated them!

    Once, when I had my own apartment, the neighbor below me used to beat his girlfriend and the sounds came through the vents in my apt. It was horrible and I would have called the police but was too scared of retribution. Besides, I’d hear them “making up” later. 🙄

    A rising star named Dan Vasc sing Amazing Grace! Check him out on You Tube!

  14. Skydiving used to be on my bucket list, but I removed it. Now I’d like to go back to Italy and see coastal places.
    Definitely not.
    My high school trig teacher would call for volunteers at the chalkboard. We’d scramble over each other to get there first because the math problems only got harder every round. I think he greatly enjoyed embarrassing us, but it was for fun. He had a great sense of humor.
    I’d say one of our current neighbors. He does very odd things (explosion in a trash can last month) and since we lost some trees that separate our lots in a windstorm he thinks nothing of walking over in our yard to interrupt us when we’re grilling, hubby is watching golf on the patio, or I’m reading.
    Hurts to be Human by Lines of Loyalty

  15. What’s something on your bucket list? I think it might be catsup
    Is cereal soup? Why or why not?. Liquid with stuff in it. Of course, it is soup.
    What’s something funny or unusual a teacher did during class? Our physics teacher leaned against an electrostatic machine that had a full charge and his hair stood straight up. He looked like a surprised Einstein.
    Who has been your strangest or most annoying neighbor? (Please don’t use their real name. LOL) I have one who mows his lawn on Sunday and to make it more pleasant he starts and stop so it takes the whole day. I still wish there was a way to ask a favor from The Godfather. If so this guy would be swimming with cement overshoes.
    What’s the last song you listened to. Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, by Mel Carter

  16. Happy Earth Day KymberNoodle! 🌎💖😍 Girlfriend, I love #4…how about that Biff? Too doggone funny! If we had neighbors like that when we were growing up we didn’t know it. It wouldn’t have been too good for them if our parents were aware of that, especially my Mom! 😲 Sweet post my friend. 😎💐🥰

  17. I greatly enjoyed reading your responses here Kymber. Great questions! 🌞

    What’s something on your bucket list? Go on a cruise!
    Is cereal soup? Why or why not? No, not a soup, it takes milk!
    What’s something funny or unusual a teacher did during class? Actually, I don’t remember any!
    Who has been your strangest or most annoying neighbor? (Please don’t use their real name. LOL) The last apartment building I lived, and worked in, contained my most strangest and annoying neighbor! They claimed I was jealous of them and their possessions, which was why I wanted to get into their apartment to see what they had, not that I was there to do a job.
    What’s the last song you listened to? Niall Horan – Put A Little Love On Me (Official Video)

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