Ahem. A word from Our Furbabies…


As you know, it used to be Cesare’s job to approve the posts around here. And that was an important job. Little did we know that he has been coaching Josie-Pye during her cat naps on how to take over his former post.

He wishes to say hi to everybody from heaven, through his sister, Josie. He is still with us in spirit, and we will never forget him or all of his accomplishments as the “Chief of Cheesy Writing.”

Josie-Pye is concerned that she has big paws to fill. But Cesare has taught her well and he has complete faith in her.

The title he has bestowed upon her is, “Chieftess of Catnip Capers.” Yes, she is in charge of hiding the toys, sneaking around, and making the coffee. What could be more important than that?

Here is her new badge:

Isn’t she purdy? (She sure thinks so!)

Let us all give a round of applause to our newly appointed Team Member!

Happy timezones, and thank you, Kind Friends, for stopping by! We still miss Cesare so much, but as his final act, he decided to officially retire his post as Chief of Cheesy Writing.

Thank you so much for reading, liking, lurking, and commenting! You are important!

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  1. This brought a tear to my eyes as I remembered Cesare’s conquering spirit and accomplishments as Field Marshal for the Chipmunk Corp. I am happy to read he has kept in touch with his sister and bestowed upon her the most worthy honor of Chieftess of Catnip Capers. I know you are pleased Josie-Pyle has accepted the new role with vigor.

  2. She is a beauty!!! 😻 Sorry to hear about her brother. It’s always hard to lose a pet.

    You realize now, though, that when she decides to walk across the keyboard that’s her improving your article!

  3. Oh my goodness this is too adorable KymberNoodle…“Chieftess of Catnip Capers?” Well now, how about that? Thanks for bringing a huge smile to my face ChickeDee. Hugs, smooches and a FANtabulous week to you my dear! 😸🙀😺

  4. I didn’t realize Josie-Pye is a tortie! I sure love torties, mine (of course) included!

    Congratulations, Josie-Pye, on your well-deserved promotion! I’m sure you’ll do your big brudder, Cesare, very proud indeed.

  5. Kymber, I have no doubt at all Josie-Pye has been inspired by both Cesare’s leadership and love, and is gonna do a great job in that role, which has a great title as well.🐈

    • Thank you, Teagan, I am, too. I still can’t look at photos of him because they make that hole in my heart feel that much bigger. But Josie-Pye is so purdy and soft, and I think she misses him, too. Thank you for your love and hugs. Same back to you. xo

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