Answers to the Noble Doubt Pop Quiz


Happy timezones, friends! It’s good to see you on this fine day. I hope you are well.

Here are the questions with the answers:

  1. What disease did Memphis Noble’s biological father eradicate as a scientist?
    A. Fading Finger Disease
    B. Stomach Blight
    C. Necrotic Blindness
  2. What war did Liev’s grandfather fight in?
    A. The Wackadoodle War
    B. The Feign War
    C. The Luke-Warm War
  3. Who died in Chapter 1.23: Dear Diary, Life & Death?
    A. Leo
    B. Jilly

And here is where the answers can be found if you would like to reread or look them up:

The answer to question 1 can be found in:

The answer to question 2 can be found in:

The answer to question 2 can be found in:

To those who celebrate, I wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving Day! Be careful if you dare to venture out for Black Friday!

Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay

I hope you had fun with this Pop Quiz. Perhaps we’ll play again sometime!

Thank you for reading, liking, lurking, and commenting!

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  1. OK, I see I have a lot of catching up to do! 😱 I guessed all wrong. Anywho, after reading Belladonna’s question, I was going to ask what happened to Mr. Lindor and Mama Vera in Old Stone? Gotta go check that out. As you can tell, I am playing catch-up! LOL 😂😝🤣 Later Chickie Pot Pie!

  2. I knew it! I knew I had the right war, but then second guessed and chose another. Dang! Well the other two were easy! I know where you came up with luke warm war, but where did fading finger come from?

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