Chapter 1.23: Dear Diary, Life & Death


Content Warning: This chapter contains images which may be disturbing to some.

police report


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  1. Oh noooo! My heart! My heart!!! This isn’t good, not good st all!

    I will say, though, that this looks awesome! I can see that a lot of work went into this. I would love to know how you went about putting this together. I wouldn’t even know the first steps in doing something like this.

  2. Awwwww, no! As soon as the ages were reported, I knew who were in the truck. 🙁
    I’ve read all the comments and salute you for a fantastic narrative solution for a tragically glitched sim.

    On a lighter note, you made me google a gram-to-oz converter which taught me that 7 grams is a 1/4 ounce, strictly out of medical curiosity, of course. *cheesy grin

    • Thank you so much for your kind words. It was one of those things where I had to make a tough decision. 🙁

      I’m grinning cheesily along with you. lol 😀

  3. Oh no, everything was going so well :'( I love how you did the police repot and shots, everything looked so great but heartbreaking at the same time </3 Losing a sibling is hard, but losing a twin will be infinitely more so. I'm expecting a very sad next chapter…

  4. OH MY GOSH! You can’t do this to me! I’m invested especially after Jilly did her scrapbook. Was this your plan all along; to do the scrapbook and then show this? Was this foreshadowing? My little heart can’t take this! I’m distraught!

  5. And now I’m caught up. I’m kind of glad I didn’t have to wait for all the foreshadowing to be resolved. Woo. This was intense.
    You even added animated fire. Impressive.

  6. OMG NO!!! I don’t want to lose either of the twins, and they were so attached to each other!
    I love how you made a police report, a little fire gif and everything though.

  7. Holy crap what just happened? That was so intense (yet clever how you did the fire and no words)… arghhhh I’m not sure exactly what happened but did Leo die??????
    Question marks! This is so sad….

    • Thank you, Jesse. I worked on this chapter for a long time and it’s been ready for several weeks now. Thanks for your positive feedback! 🙂

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