Get to Know You #3!


I don’t know about you, kind Friends, but I have really been enjoying your responses to my Get to Know You posts!

Without further ado, here is round 3!

  1. What is something that always makes you laugh?
  2. What would you name the autobiography of your life?
  3. What’s the story behind your name?
  4. If you could pick between dating a superhero or a supervillain, who would you choose?
  5. As a kid, did you ever do something wrong but manage to pin it on your siblings?

And because it was much requested last time, I shall leave my answers here:

  1. Something that always makes me laugh is when my husband Richard speaks for our fat, orange cat, Cesare. If only you could hear the voice…. and the words! It’s hilarious!
  2. I would name my autobiography, “Well, That Didn’t Work!” lol
  3. My mom had a friend with my name, all my sisters and I have “K” names (Krissy, Kimmy, Kari), and I have my grandfather’s initials. When I was in middle school, my dad called me “Kymber.” Most everyone else, even my friends usually call me Kimmy.
  4. I would date Loki. Was there ever any doubt? lol
  5. Okay, this isn’t something I did, but rather it’s something my children did. When our daughter Katy was 2 years old, she and our 4 year old son Jimmy were taking a nap. When I went into their room (they had bunkbeds) to get them up, one of Katy’s pigtails was cut off right down to the scalp, it had been pasted to the wall and was stuck there, and she was holding a pair of scissors. I was about to scold her when my son actually scolded me about how easy it was for his little sister to get a hold of scissors! I felt horrible because he was right! All the “what ifs” went through my head… What if she’d gotten hurt? And, to top it all off, she was supposed to get her pictures done the next day…..

    …Flash forward 22 years and we’re all joking around as a family when my son (who now prefers to be called his proper name, Jaymes) tells us, “Hey remember that time Katy cut off her pigtail and glued it to the wall?” We said, “Oh, yes, how could we forget.” Then Jaymes says, “She didn’t do it. I did.” LMAO If you’d been there! Katy didn’t remember it so she couldn’t tell us any sooner. lol I still can’t believe he kept that to himself for that long!

Okay, okay, now it’s your turn! I can’t wait to see your answers! If you don’t wish to participate, there is no pressure, but I’d love a hello!

Have a blessed day and thank you for reading, liking, lurking, and commenting!

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  1. OMG, your kids are hilarious! XD

    My cat when she does basically anything. She’s adorable and makes me smile. 🙂
    “From Numbers to Novels”
    My name comes from the name of the main character in a book series my mother adored. I happen to think it’s way better than Frankie or Goldie.
    I had the biggest crush on Poison Ivy as a youngun. >.>
    OK, I didn’t do the wrong thing, but I definitely persuaded my younger sister that SHE should do the wrong thing… and then I watched her do the wrong thing to see what would happen. The wrong thing in this instance was literally stealing from a cookie jar. ^^;

  2. What is something that always makes you laugh?
    Animals who act human
    What would you name the autobiography of your life?
    Get out of Florida some day
    What’s the story behind your name?
    Kill them with Kindness Wins
    If you could pick between dating a superhero or a supervillain, who would you choose?
    As a kid, did you ever do something wrong but manage to pin it on your siblings?
    Don’t have siblings

  3. Loved your answers!

    What is something that always makes you laugh? I used to always laugh at my cat’s antics and his desire to pester people. He had it down to an art form!
    What would you name the autobiography of your life? Persistent to a fault
    What’s the story behind your name? I’m not aware of any story behind my name, which is Eric, but I like the question though because it made me wonder.
    If you could pick between dating a superhero or a supervillain, who would you choose? Superheroine, to balance me out. Ended up marrying one! You last post hit home because she too had a battle with cancer, and I remembered my feeling when I first heard she was cancer-free.
    As a kid, did you ever do something wrong but manage to pin it on your siblings? No but the inverse would frequently happen! My sibling would take full advantage of the fact that I was the trouble-maker.

    • Thank you so much! And I loved your answers, too! 😀

      I think persistence is a good thing, so it’s a great name for your autobiography.

      I’m so glad you married your favorite superheroine. I’m so glad she beat cancer. I really know what you mean about the feeling you had when you were told she was cancer-free. I’m so happy for you.

      Isn’t that how it is? It’s always easier to blame the trouble maker. LOL

  4. Hello Kymber, enjoyed your, ‘Getting to Know You.’ responses. Here’s mine:
    1. My wife’s fantastic British sense of humor.
    2. ‘An Amazing Journey.’
    3. Named after my great-grandfather, a soldier in the Boer War.
    4. I was raised under the iron rule of a military officer father – I always took responsibility
    even when I wasn’t to blame. (and I survived :))

    • Thank you, Peter-James. I’m so glad you enjoyed my answers.

      There is something quite fun about a British sense of humor.

      I love the name for your autobiography. I’d read that!

      How lovely to have been named after your great-grandfather.

      You were very gracious to have covered for your sibling(s). 🙂

  5. What is something that always makes you laugh? My husband and our dogs
    What would you name the autobiography of your life? I couldn’t have dreamed it.
    What’s the story behind your name? It’s actually a sad story I wrote about only once.
    If you could pick between dating a superhero or a supervillain, who would you choose? Neither, happily married too old to cheat.
    As a kid, did you ever do something wrong but manage to pin it on your siblings? I didn’t have siblings, so no.

    • Husbands and dogs make me laugh, too. 😀

      You have written an excellent autobiography, btw.

      LOLOL I love that. I’m in the same boat, although, I do imagine Loki in the role, I’m also happily married and too old to cheat. 😀

      Love your answers!

  6. Smelly cat, smelly cat. What are they feeding you? Lol
    Uh-oh, WTF???
    Two fold, there’s an old actress called Stephanie Powers, who my dad adored and second, his childhood first love was a Stephanie
    Supervillian, way more fun to be had, plus not all are evil, some are just misunderstood.
    No siblings, so unfortunately I was tarred and feathered as charged lol

    • OMG Your mention of Smelly Cat had me LOL and now I’m singing it out loud, too! hahaha ….It’s not your fauuuuullllllllllt! hahaha

      Oh yes, I remember Stephanie Powers. And how sweet to be named after her and your dad’s first love? I melted over that.

      Yes to the Supervillain! Woot!

      LOL Well, seems you survived to tell the tales. 😀 🤍🌺🤍🌺

  7. Geez, keeping a secret for that long without letting it slip, especially being just a little kid! I usually could pin just about anything on my little brother, as he was usually getting in trouble anyways, and I, well, I was the shy one.
    But I’m getting ahead of the answers – 1. I know it’s not politically correct to laugh at people falling, but skilifts seem to have been invented for people to look foolish! Living in the French alps, I get my dose of mirth every winter.
    2. My autobiography would be called ‘Wait! There’s more coming!’
    3. Jill was one of my dad’s biker friends’ British wife. My mom wanted to call me Elizabeth, or Malin, but luckily he got his own way when it came to pick my name.
    4. A supervillain would be more exciting, if I was into girls – Poison ivy, Catwoman and Harley Quinn are a few examples of fantastic female supervillains, when the male ones are just frightening (Joker, Venom and their likes). So I’ll settle for a Superhero. My heart is torn between Spiderman, because I think he is funny, and Ironman because brains and money is a lethal combination.

    • IKR? I still can’t figure out how I never knew that! lol

      LOL About getting your little brother blamed. It probably helped loads that you were shy and he was in trouble all the time anyways. haha

      I think I’d laugh at the ski lifts, too. I would be one of the ones you laughed at, for sure, and that’s okay. hahaha

      I love what your mom wanted to call you, too, but I’m glad your name is Jill.

      Oooh, I do like the superheroes you picked out!🤍🌺

  8. This was entertainment!!! Love these peeks into your life!
    Here are my answers:
    What is something that always makes you laugh?
    *Just last night, I laughed so hard I thought I’d pass out! One of my sims 4 teens ended up in detention for the first time EVER and I wasn’t even mad. It was hilarious!
    What would you name the autobiography of your life?
    *Fighting to Live: A Preemie’s Journey to Adulthood
    What’s the story behind your name? My first name:
    *I honestly have no idea. My middle name: My mom’s cousin Liz was a donor match for me when I needed a blood transfusion at birth.
    If you could pick between dating a superhero or a supervillain, who would you choose?
    *Depends on who’s better-looking(lol!)
    As a kid, did you ever do something wrong but manage to pin it on your siblings?
    *Absolutely. LOL!

  9. What is something that always makes you laugh? My hubby cracking jokes.

    What would you name the autobiography of your life? An average life.

    What’s the story behind your name? no clues, it's never come up

    If you could pick between dating a superhero or a supervillain, who would you choose? Neither, both would be exhausting. An anti hero maybe. Just in case anyone needs the definition: Anti hero, someone who isn't considered the good guy by a long shot but when it comes down to it does the right thing for the right reasons when push comes to shove. Yes, I was the dork crushing on Han Solo when all my friends were fawning over Luke Skywalker.

    As a kid, did you ever do something wrong but manage to pin it on your siblings? No siblings.

    • I totally agree with you, I watched the movies over and over again so I could get my dose of Han Solo! That lopsided grin still makes Harrison Ford a charming elderly gentleman.

    • Ooooooh, I love what you said about how both a superhero and a villain would be exhausting! Ain’t that the truth! I never thought about it, but of course, you’re right. And who doesn’t love a good anti-hero? 😀 (I always like Han Solo way better than Luke Skywalker. lol)

      I loved your answers, Mama Dragon! 🤍🌺

  10. My cat or Modern Family reruns – loved that show.
    Right Place, Right Time – things seem to work out for me like that, and it seems like my youngest son has inherited that gene, lol.
    My mom wanted to name me Stephanie, but my dad wanted to name me Teresa – he won. Mom got to name my sister.
    If I was going to date a villain, it would definitely be Loki. I’ve always wanted to fly, so I’d have to decide which of the flying superheroes I’d choose.
    I always blamed my sister. The only way my parents knew I’d lied was when I admitted it when I became an adult.

    This was fun, Kymber!

    • That was a good show! And I love watching cats’ antics! lol

      I’m glad your mom got to name your sister. LOL But Teresa is such a pretty name. 🙂

      YAY to Loki!!

      Oh boy! haha You were really able to fool your parents, but good. That is funny.

      Thanks for participating! xoxo

  11. Okay #3…here we go…
    My granddaughter always makes me laugh. But also, there are some old cartoons and Marks Brothers movies that do too.
    My autobiography would be…If you’re really bored, Read This.
    I was named Joseph, after both of my genuine Italian grandfathers. My middle name is my father’s first name. The last name came with the whole family.
    Probably I go would go for a superhero. But not Wonder Woman. Maybe Supergirl or Batgirl.
    When I was young I did try to blame my sister for everything. Problem was, she did it too and blamed me. She was lots more convincing.

    Okay, Now you…
    If you could be born again and raised anywhere in the world, where would that be.
    Did you ever have your heart broken.
    If you could have picked your name, what would it have been.
    What was your favorite subject in grade school.
    Who was your favorite cartoon character when you were little.

    • Grandchildren and the Marks Brothers movies, nothing more fun! 😀

      I love the name of your autobiography! hahaha

      That’s funny about you and your sister.

      Okay, your questions, here goes:
      I like very much where I live, but I reckon I would say Ireland…. Or Egypt. I don’t know. I want to be everywhere all at once. lol
      Oh yes, I had my heart broken in a bad way. It ended a 17 year marriage.
      If I could have picked my name, I think I would choose Ruth and Almeda combined in some way after my grandmothers.
      My favorite subject in school was always history. It still is. I look things up even now and end up in rabbit holes for hours. LOL
      My favorite cartoon character…. I actually had more than one… Popeye, Sylvester the Cat, and Pepé Le Pew

      Thank you for your questions. I enjoyed them very much!

  12. a toddlers mispronounced words (too cute)
    destiny’s design 😁
    my dad’s obsession with specific syllables 🤭😂
    super super villian 🙃
    nope… though I always tried. the 3rd child from 4 and most mischievous. always blamed it on my sisters…but they knew me too well. 😬

    much enjoyed, Kymber.
    hope I went about it right 🤍

    • Awwww toddlers’ mispronunciations are sooo cute! I agree. 😀

      Wooooow super SUPER villain! I love it!

      Parents do tend to catch on, I think. lololol

      I’m so glad you enjoyed the questions! You did great! 🤍🌺

  13. My brother’s crazy antics.
    My Mother’s Influence
    The way she tells it, she named me anything that couldn’t be classified as a southern-sounding name, like my sisters have. ToniAnn and Connie June. So she named me Kimberly Susan so they wouldn’t be lumped together. My oldest sister was named by her grandmother who called her Victoria Jamelle, but she was always Vicki to us.
    Superhero, because when I was young I was drawn to bad boys that just used me. I’d rather have a good guy like the one I married!
    No, I never got away with anything!

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