5-Star Review of Secrets in the Blood!


Happy timezones, my Friends! This morning, I wanted to bring your attention to another 5-star review of my book, Secrets in the Blood by Miss Latoya Lawrence (“My Voice” Weblog by Miss Latoya Lawrence)!

Miss Latoya is an author in her own right and her blog inspires me all the time. She is strong-minded, honest, confident, and determined. As an author, she loves to write whether it’s for business or fun. If you haven’t checked her site out, please do, it’s well worth it.

Here are Miss Latoya’s books! Enjoy!

You can read the review for Secrets in the Blood on her site:

And you can check out my book Secrets in the Blood here:

Thank you so much, Miss Latoya! I really appreciate you taking the time to read my book and review it!

And, thank you, Dear Friends, for reading, liking, lurking, and commenting!

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  1. Congratulations Kymber that was a fabulous review and I totally agree with it. It is certainly well deserved. I would like to point out for the sake of others that you have scroll down a few posts to see it.

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