A Long Road Leads Me Back


Hello, Friends! Are you still here or is that a lonely echo? lol I thought I’d write a little post about what’s been happening in the past months since my last chapter of Noble Doubt.

On June 21, there was a huge fire in our beloved village that burned down an antique shop called The Arcade and caused major damage to the historic Holly Hotel, and a pub called Andy’s Place. We live about four blocks from downtown but we were not in any danger.

The fire was reported around 4 pm and more than 200 firefighters from 20 departments were on the scene with six firefighters being hospitalized because of the heat. At 8:51 pm, the fire was finally considered under control. At 12:20 am, hot spots were still being extinguished. The cause of the fire remains undetermined.

Here are some photos my husband took*:

A special note belongs here, I guess… A movie was filmed here in Holly called Christmas at the Holly Hotel prior to the fire. I’ve seen the trailer and it looks like it will be pretty good. Here is the information for the movie from IMDb: Christmas at the Holly Hotel, release date November 27, 2022.


In other news, I’ve been feeling pretty awful and had major surgery on August 4th. I’m on the mend, but a couple of weeks after surgery, I was taken to the hospital by ambulance and then transferred by ambulance to a hospital about an hour away where I was admitted once again.

The good news is, everything is fine now and I’m feeling really good. I consider that a success. 🙂

Noble Doubt

If you’re still interested, I would like to continue with Noble Doubt and get back into your lovely posts and stories again. It’s going to take a bit to settle back in, but I feel I’m finally ready. Let’s finish this story, okay?

As always, thank you for your wonderful support and friendship. I couldn’t ask for anything better.


*The first photo was not taken by Mr. Hawke, but the rest were

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  1. I’m so glad to see you back and feeling well, Kymber. I totally missed your storytelling.
    I got your book for my kindle, I only read the beginning until now, more reading for me in fall I guess.
    I wish you a full recovery after you had been through so much.
    What a frightening fire that hit your town, impressive pictures though.
    Looking forward to the next chapter. 😊

    • Thank you so much. ❤❤ You are so sweet to have bought my book. I hope you like it.

      I released the next chapter on Saturday but it didn’t show up in the Reader, unfortunately. I hope you like it.

  2. Thank you for sharing and welcome back!!.. Sorry that you, and your town, had to go through trying times but glad that you are on the mend.. looking forward to more stories so let your fingers do the walking and your heart do the talking!!.. 🙂

    Hope life is all that you wish for it to be and until we meet again..
    May love and laughter light your days,
    and warm your heart and home.
    May good and faithful friends be yours,
    wherever you may roam.
    May peace and plenty bless your world
    with joy that long endures.
    May all life’s passing seasons
    bring the best to you and yours!
    (Irish Saying)

  3. Welcome back, Kymber!
    What an exciting summer; the good and the bad of it. Glad to hear that you are feeling better, I can’t imagine what a scare that must have been 💕
    Looking forward to the new generation and what’s to come!

  4. I’m so glad to see you on here, Kym ❤️ I keep refreshing my Reader every now and then, but I see the updates on various blogs have been sparse. A couple of our friends from when I was still active I haven’t seen for a long time, which is such a shame, although life happens. I can’t believe so much has happened just in yours! It all must have been so scary, I’m just glad you’re okay ❤️

    • Thank you so much, Jowita. ❤️ It feels good to be back. I’ve noticed that, too, about our friends’ stories. I miss everyone. One of my happiest days was when you came back to read. It’s so lovely of you. ❤️❤️ Thank you again for your kind and encouraging words. I appreciate it so much.

      • This so sweet of you to say, Kym. You know I’ve always loved your story, to the point I even started mine in a similar format. I’m looking forward to seeing how you eventually wrap it up ❤️❤️❤️

            • Wow, year 3 already! Seems like it’s gone so quickly. Well, your experience might not feel like it’s gone so fast, but just wow! 😀 I’m glad you’re doing well. 💗💗

            • Definitely with the covid and all, it feels like the time has really gone by fast. I can’t believe I’m going to be a full-blown adult according to US laws in a month. And how I’ve been one 3 years in Poland. Weird how I started blogging when I wasn’t even 15 yet. And that it’s been so long since I started reading your blog and it’s so close to the finish! I’m sure it’ll be very emotional to get the eventual closure. I think, along with Bee, I must be one of your readers that have stuck around the longest. So many people have left WP in recent years.

            • And another oh wow has escaped my lips! lol I remember how young you were, and sophisticated, too. Even then, your writing skills were terrific!

              I feel very emotional when I think about the end of ND. I”ve been debating whether to wrap the story up in the first chapter or two of generation 10 or not? I think it could be done, especially since Amy will be making some appearances in my next project (I think). lol

              You’re right about people leaving wp. You know, coming back, I found another sims’ blog deleted and the author has disappeared like so many. I really enjoyed her story, too.

            • Aw, thanks! I never felt too comfortable directly stating my age because people felt weird in the past to be much older than me, lmao. I feel like I’ve been on the internet too long and started too early haha
              Oh wow, I thought you were doing another 30-chapter generation. I get that with the many breaks you might feel the need to just be done with it already. It kind of makes sense, too, to wrap it up once you reach the magic number. I wonder about Amy making appearances. I’m sure your next project will be just as good as ND.
              Aww, that sucks. I remember some time ago I learned Kate has privated her Loewe legacy. It is such a good story and especially her pictures are top notch and very well edited. I wish people would at least leave their sites for us to enjoy. I remember when I was starting out I had a very faithful reader in someone called shannynlee and that she too deleted her Forever Darkness site…

            • LOLOL You’re so young still, but like I said, you always had a sophistication about you, so you seemed older than you were.

              I hope my next project is better than ND. 😀 I feel like it’s going to be so different than what I did here, so perhaps it will feel refreshing. Thank you for your vote of confidence, btw.

              Yes! That’s the thing. People just disappear after deleting their site. You never know who might find your site and enjoy your story later on even after you’ve left. I have people now who have just found ND.

              Hey! I remember Forever Darkness. I was reading that, too, because you told me about it. It was quite enjoyable and then it was just gone.

              So sad.

  5. Welcome back! Sounds like its been a chaotic time for you. Here’s to hoping things will settle down a bit for you, with health and happiness and love. I’m looking forward to new posts to come! <3

  6. Hurray! for ND coming back! Tossing confetti, clinking champagne glasses and leading a parade kind of hurray! You have been on a roller coaster past two years called Life and now it’s time you got off! No more sudden illness, not more family illnesses, no more tragedies….my heart just can’t take it! So looking forward to you finishing your current story with new chapters and seeing what you bring out next!

    • Thank you so much, Bee. I’ll toss that confetti with you, for real! lol I think we’ve both had a crazy couple years. I like your ideas about not having anymore illness, family illnesses, or tragedies. I’m over it. haha I’m so glad you’re looking forward to more ND and what is beyond. 😀

  7. I wondered why you’ve been so quiet! Glad to know you’re doing better and no one in your town was severely injured in that fire!
    I can’t wait to see what’s next for our beloved legacy! <3

  8. It was lovely to see your name pop up on my email, Kymber. I’m glad the fire didn’t threaten you, and really happy to hear that you’re in good health now. That must have been a bit of a scare. Take care and Happy Writing!

  9. KYMBER! I am so pleased to see your name pop up in my inbox (I get email notifications whenever you post). I’m so sorry for all you’ve been through, I’m relieved you’re on the mend, and my thoughts go to everyone who was affected by the fire 🙁 Sending you lots of Hiddles hugs! Xxxx

      • Awww. I’ve been slow updating of late so it’s probably not as bad as you think. ❤️ We moved and, as you know, it takes a lot out of you. But we’re settled now. Then came all of the back to back mod breaking game updates, well, that got me stuck again and again. But I’m finally halfway through the screenshots for the last chapter of this gen! 😱😱😱

        • Gosh I can’t wait to see what’s happened in your story. ❤❤ Oh yes, moving takes it all out of you. lol We’re remodeling our kitchen at the moment and I’m waiting on our appliances to be delivered and installed. It’s been crazy. I think moving is even harder though. I hope you like your new house. ❤

          Ugh, that’s so not cool about the mod breaking game updates. Hopefully, it’s better now. I played 4 the other day and had to remove some mods, but I had to figure out which ones were causing the problems. Not a good time. lol

          Can’t wait to see how the gen turns out!

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