Chapter 9.13: Dear Diary, Birthdays Aren’t Always Happy


Dear Diary, I haven’t heard from Everett since telling him about Amy. I suppose it’s best to learn now where he stands than to have put it off any longer. Still, I can’t deny I’m disappointed in him. Oh, I know it’s ridiculous to think a teenage boy could accept my situation. No normal boy would.

It was wrong of me to even befriend him when he didn’t know the truth about my circumstances.

Now my birthday was here, and although my family was celebrating this milestone of mine, I was sullen.

I quietly observed them, my mouth set in a grim twist.

Kasey was grilling hotdogs and humming to herself, her hips swaying to the beat in her head. Why was she always so damn bubbly?

Sebastian was avoiding the sun as best he could. While he could walk among us during the day, the sunlight bothered his eyes a great deal. I hoped with all my heart the witch’s spell didn’t fail him one day, causing him to burst into flames. Could a vampire come back from something like that? Should I keep a fire extinguisher handy, just in case?

A small smile touched my lips. A fire extinguisher? Really?

Part of me wanted to tell him my little joke, but then I wondered if it would only give him one more thing to brood over. Lately, he seemed overburdened, and I did not want to add to the list he carried.

My humorless mood returned as the sound of Tilly’s voice, which often grated me just because, assaulted my senses. She was speaking to my mother while often glancing toward Sebastian. As soon as she looked at him, he looked away, off into the air, as if he hadn’t seen her staring.

My eyes narrowed, my jaw set, as I watched her less than subtle behavior. What was she up to, and how did it involve Sebastian? With Tilly, my first instinct was to protect everyone around me.

You could even say when it came to Sebastian, Tilly’s behavior left me especially irritated. I’d known both of them a long time, so it didn’t take a genius to realize something was really happening here. Knowing Tilly and her devious ways, there had to be something she wanted.

Was she holding something over his head? Or did she want him? Literally.

Both thoughts made my blood boil.

“Mama, play blocks,” Amy said.

I made a mental note to investigate this further, then plopped onto the ground across from Amy, which made her roar.

My birthday came and went. While I spent the next few days getting used to my new “grown up” body, it occurred to me I should shop for some new clothes to fit my contemporary style.

I’d spent the day shopping away, wishing my mom could have gone with me, but lately, she hadn’t felt like leaving the house. My new purchases were being delivered, so I wouldn’t have to carry them on the train ride home.

Just as I was coming above ground from the subway, I ran into an older, yet familiar, face.


“Wow, um, hi, Soph.”

After the initial shock, we smiled at each other. I spread my fingers out like a fan across my breastbone, and careened to the side before catching my breath, and scrambling toward home.


Ignoring him, I continued on my way, wishing my house was closer.

“Please, wait up!”

He was tall with long strides, keeping up with me just fine. But I was tall, too, and could walk much faster if I wanted to.

Finally, I turned to face him.

“What? What could you possibly have to say?”

He grimaced and tucked his elbows in toward his sides.

“That I’m sorry.”

My nostrils flared, and my palms were sweaty.

“For what? You have nothing to be sorry about.”

“Then why are you angry?”

I gasped. Why was I angry? Tears welled in my eyes, but I was resolute in not crying in front of him.

“I’m not angry at you. I’m mad at myself.”

He seemed to fumble for words as his expression softened.


I swiped at a tear that rolled down my cheek, and a lump formed in the back of my throat.

“I can’t talk to you about this.”

He pulled back a little, then shuffled his feet.

“I understand. If you change your mind, I’m around.”

Was he, though? This was the first we’d seen one another in months and suddenly, he expected me to tell him my complete life story?

Taking a deep breath, I squared my shoulders. Nope. That ship had sailed, I was sure of it.

As if reading my mind, he nodded, then turned. I pivoted around so I wouldn’t have to watch him walk away and out of my life forever.

All at once, I clutched myself as the tears came, and moans escaped my lips. I wasn’t even that upset about him specifically. Was I?


The floodgate had opened because it wasn’t just his friendship I’d lost. It was the prospect of more. Of having what I perceived as a normal life.

It was the weight of everything I’d endured, the results of decisions I’d made for the past few years had blindsided me. What made it worse was that I was in public.

Suddenly, a whoosh of air spun past me, and Sebastian was across from me, holding me up. If he hadn’t been there, I might have crumpled to the ground in heaving sobs.

“It’s okay, I have you, Little Beehive.”

I gritted my teeth, trying to gain control of myself. The more I fought, the worse the wave of shortness of breath, dizziness, and squall became. I was fighting myself and losing.

My display didn’t seem to bother Sebastian. He continued holding me up, the strength of his arms reassuring me. As the last sobs racked my body, he continued to support me, his eyes full of concern.

When at last, I was calm, I slipped my hand in his, and we walked home side by side.

Thank you, Bee (Stories by Bee / Poses by Bee) for making the Homecoming Poses I used in this update!

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  1. Thank you for sharing!!.. as Marilyn Monroe said “I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you can appreciate them when they’re right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together” ( Marilyn Monroe)… 🙂

    Until we meet again..
    May your day be touched
    by a bit of Irish luck,
    Brightened by a song
    in your heart,
    And warmed by the smiles
    of people you love.
    (Irish Saying)

  2. In regards to Everett, putting aside the sneaky maneuver Seb did on him, the news of a pregnancy, then child, is enough to stop anyone for a minute. In that moment, your vision of a person’s reality changes. Here he is a teenager, likely sexually inactive, living a regular teenage life. Before that moment of her confession, he has never thought of any other reality being possible, till he gets “smacked in the face” with what she says. Choosing to step away from her reality, certainly very different from his own or what he envisions for his own life, does not make him a bad guy. Especially not at the age he was at the time.

    Tilly as a vampire? How terrible and fantastical that would be at the same time!

    • Sophie sure knows how to chase off the guys, doesn’t she? LOL I really don’t blame Everett for being overwhelmed. I think he pictured Sophie as someone more like himself; innocent and inexperienced. Which she really is, but can’t tell him that. What a mess. lol

      You’re right that he’s not a bad guy. He just doesn’t know how to handle what she told him.

      Should Tilly see her vampiric dreams come true? We must discuss!

    • I think Everett is a good guy, too. You’re so right about him and how he would fit (or not) into Sophie’s life right now. They are in two very different places at the moment.

  3. Tilly. Wow, what beeatch! But, I suppose being a vampire wouldn’t be half bad, lol. Well, theres’ hope for Sebastian, if he can get the human thing accomplished. Who doesn’t need someoen strong to hold onto? Sigh.

  4. I read it a few hours ago, but just was so sleepy I couldn’t gather my thoughts to comment. I’m back now, though!
    Same as Sophie, I understand Everett, but can’t help but feel disappointed in him. I think he might have dubbed Sophie as someone innocent and inexperienced like him (which she in fact was) and the news of her early pregnancy creeped him out, not just the child itself (that, too, of course, but I’m sure there’s more to it). She probably became a completely different person in his eyes, a reckless wild girl who had unprotected sex at 14. If she did have that, to him it must mean she must have a lot of other personality traits that made her do it, which he wasn’t aware of, and that thought made him keep his distance, as he became scared at the prospect of potentially having a relationship with this new Sophie that didn’t match the picture he previously had of her. We can’t blame him for thinking that if he only knew the version of the story that Sophie told him.
    “It was wrong of me to even befriend him when he didn’t know the truth about my circumstances” – I agree, she should have told him when they became closer.
    That’s sweet how she worries about Sebastian and cares enough to be gentle and try not to make him sadder than he already is. I’m sure Seb hates how he can’t have fun in the sun with Sophie and the others, and it only makes him more determined to search for a way to be mortal again.
    “With Tilly, my first instinct was to protect everyone around me” – it’s funny how Tilly is still around and no one of the current main characters like her. I loved her relationship with Gigi and miss reading about them plotting together. It’s clear how different the sisters really are from each other. And I’m sorry we didn’t get to experience the sarcastic, brave Gigi we knew from her teenage years once she became an adult and enchanted by Laris’ spell. Her narrative then was so fun. I feel like Sophie is much more uptight, and it’s probably mainly because of the many responsibilities she’s had from a very young age, taking care of her niece as if she was her mother.
    “Was she holding something over his head? Or did she want him? Literally.
    Both thoughts made my blood boil.” – ah, jealous much? I see potential for that Sophie/ Seb ship.
    I love that yellow outfit Sophie bought! And funny how you added the part about grown-up body after we had that discussion about weird teen Sims’ bodies, lol.
    Everett is very handsome as an adult. He looks like he could be a journalist or politician with that well-tended hair and blazer.
    I’m glad Sebastian was there for Sophie when she had her break down. It’s understandable why she would feel overwhelmed with how hard it’s been to be an isolated teen mother and then lose the only friend he had.
    I’m hoping it will get better for Sophie, and of course waiting to see her relationship with Seb blossom, especially now that she’s an adult!

    • I think you’ve completely pegged what’s going on with Everett. He’s not what one would call experienced in anything. He thought Sophie was the same. I think even in this conversation he tried to show he cared about her, but they are on two different levels in life.

      Man, I miss Tilly’s relationship with Gigi, too, when they were in school. Gigi didn’t take any crap off of her. Perhaps Seb will realize at some point how to handle her. Or not. lol

      Sophie sure sounded jealous, but I don’t think she even understands her own feelings about him.

      Oh, yeah, I was thinking about sim bodies because of our convo, so I added how different her body is now. LOLOLOL

      I was thinking Everett was a journalist, so bravo on calling on that! LOL 😀

      I’m glad Seb was there, too. He’s always there when she needs him. And, you’re right, she lost her only friend. What a hurt.

      I hope things get better for Sophie, too. As Dr. Phil would say, “You can’t fall off the floor.” Things can only go up from here. haha

  5. I agree with mama dragon here too. Tilly is on,y going to cause poor Sophie more pain. It’s clear how her burden has snuck up on her as she’s reminded of what she’s lost. Yes, the Everett ship has probably sailed, but Sebastian gets her. Thank goodness she has him. I think she’ll be forced to face choosing over Everett at some point and how can she choose anyone except Sebastian. Everett wouldn’t understand and could she even tell him everything? I think not. Now Sebastian, on the other hand, he was there and suffered through it all with her. I think she has feelings for him but doesn’t understand them. Probably more brotherly than romantic right now, but maybe given time, that will change. But it’s going to be a long hard road whether she chooses Sebastian, someone like Everett or no one. And that will be the worst. Sorry for all of the predictions. Can’t seem to help it. I’m intrigued.

    • No reason to be sorry. I love when I see predictions. Yours are always so creative and inventive, too! You have no idea how much you’ve inspired me over the years. 😀

      Yeah, with Everett, he’s not really a bad guy, he’s just young and can’t deal with it all. His choice. But Sophie made choices, too, about how to handle her life, so it’s hitting her hard.

      You’re right about Sebastian. He does get her. You might be right, though, that Sophie doesn’t understand her own feelings. She has so much to sort through.

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