5 Useful Websites for Sitebuilding & Writing!


Hi there, Friends! I sometimes like to do these little posts of how-to’s or what I use for writing or website building. They’re a lot of fun, and I hope you find them useful!

1. First up is Colorate.

If you didn’t know, I’m color blind, so in order to make sure my site’s colors are consistent, I use hex-codes. Colorate lets you look at any color, gives you its hex-code, and even tells you what colors might go well with the one you choose.

My site colors at the moment, are:

2. The next website I find useful is Free Fonts.

If you can’t find a great font to use here, it doesn’t exist! lol 😀

My fonts, here at Kymber Writes are Montserrat, Tan Mon Cheri, and White Star.

3. Moving along, you may have noticed that whenever I use an outside source in my chapters, I also provide a citation to give it credit at the end. If you’re not sure how to write a citation, I’d like to direct you to EasyBib.

All you have to do is put your information in where it tells you, and it generates the citation for you.

4. One thing about owning a cite is how quickly or slowly your pages load. If you’re wondering how long it takes to load your pages, you just plug the site address in here: Solarwinds Pingdom.

Performance is important as nobody likes a slow website. Solarwinds will tell you (for free) how fast your page loads and what’s holding the speed up.

5. Last, but not least is the Follow Button Creation site.

Self-hosted sites don’t have the benefit of the wordpress.com follow button. But how do I have mine, you ask? Click the link above and you can have one, too. 😀

You will still have to transfer followers over from your wordpress.com site to your self-hosted, but at least the button is there for easy use.

Well, that’s it for today! I hope you found this post beneficial! If you want to find out about more sites, or have questions about my site building, let me know! I’d love to discuss it with you.

Also, thank you for your support during my theme debacle. I am still working on things behind the scenes, and should be caught up with comments very soon. I appreciate you!

Oh! I almost forgot to mention it, but I’m so, so excited that my pre-order of “Love, Me: A Christmas Wish Novel” by Jacquie Biggar dropped on my Kindle today! Woot! I can’t wait to read this holiday romance!

Thank you,

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  1. Great tips. WordPress has a lot of these things hard coded or with limited options, which can be good and bad. I love the Free Fonts site and that’s somethig that WP doesn’t accommodate. I end up using them for my book covers and chapter titles. 🙂

  2. Good stuff. A color wheel and sites like Colorate are helpful even if you can see colors, so you can see exactly which shades complement each other and come up with jump-off points for design ideas.

  3. I’ve actually got no idea if I have a follow button as I wouldn’t be able to see it. Hmmm. Had no idea about that so thank you! Will have to investigate.

    The Free Fonts blog is great, isn’t it? You’ve listed some fab suggestions and some I’ve never heard of before so I’ll bookmark this to come back to. xx

  4. I always love the look of your site, you know that. I wish I could use plug ins, but unless one is self hosted or paying for a business plan, that are not available to use. So I look longingly at your site and dream what mine could look like!

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