Chapter 9.2: Dear Diary, the Bodyguard


From the Diary of Sophie Seaforth

Dear Diary, after my fight with Gigi, I woke up the next morning to this creepy ass guy staring at me. He knocked, and when I let him in, he introduced himself as Sebastian. Is it just me or are his eyes glowing? And what’s that mark on his neck?

Okay, I’m back. I had to take a break because I had chills running down my back. Brr.

“Well, what are you doing here?”

“They have assigned me to be your bodyguard.”

I frowned. Bodyguard? Why would I need one of those? My insides quivered, and my breathing accelerated. It was because Gigi didn’t trust me. She thought I was going to run away.

“I don’t want a bodyguard,” I told him, my stomach churning. “I want you to go away.”

To my surprise, he bowed down on one knee. “You are sister of the Queen, and I am bound to you, sworn to protect you. I will do anything you wish, but I will not go back on my sworn word to protect you.”

I blew out a series of quick breaths, hoping to gain some control and to process what he was telling me.

Then, he asked, in what seemed a kind way, “Do I frighten you, Lady Sophie?”

Lady Sophie? What was that all about? Were we really royalty? I rubbed my hands together as another wave of coldness set into my bones. Would I ever be used to this place, and its frigidness? And people with red or glowing eyes? Sometimes I thought I was going crazy.

“To be honest, everything here frightens me,” I admitted. And, one way or another, I’m taking Gigi’s baby and running, I didn’t say out loud.

He gave me a strange look, but only said, “I will attempt to assuage your fears, dear lady, and remain as unobtrusive as possible.”

From the Diary of Georgia Noble

Dear Diary, I’ve been making potions from the spell books in order to help our people. I find it so relaxing. One of my appointments as queen is to make sure to help all my subjects when they are in need.

The responsibility of queen lays heavily on my heart, but I know I’m doing my best. Laris is pleased with my efforts, so that makes me feel good, too.

My biggest failure at the moment is unsmiling Sophie. No matter what I do, I cannot seem to make her happy. I’ve done so much for her and she appreciates nothing! Laris thinks I should spell her out of her gloominess, but I would like to give her a little more time before I do something so drastic as that.

What I’ve done is put a bodyguard detail on her person, as I am afraid she will run away. She hates it here that much. I’ve debated whether to tell her our father will join us soon. I will give that more time as well.

Sebastian seems an excellent choice. He is a loyal vampire from a good line. He can read thoughts, too.

“I don’t need a bodyguard,” Sophie said, interrupting my blissful thoughts of father coming home, while I stirred my love potion.

“Yes, you do,” I sang out, determined not to let her get me down.

She stamped her foot, putting her hands on her hips. “I don’t! You never listen to me! I want him gone! Now!”

I turned to face her now with a forced smile, and a stiffness in my neck. “Now, what would happen if the sister of the Queen was at school and suddenly surrounded by a mob? You do need Sebastian, you just don’t realize. This is a silly discussion. You’re going to spoil my delicate love potion with this sullen attitude of yours.”

Tilly came in from work just then and my sister ran to her, crying. I hated they were always whispering about me behind my back. I could only imagine what they were saying to one another.

Ever since coming to Midnight Hollow, I could no longer read either of their futures or sense what they were thinking.

It was frustrating when that sort of thing used to come so easily to me before.

Unable to take the fact they were whispering about me, I swooped in so I would be included.

“How was work, Tilly?”

“Fine. I wish the men were biting, though. It’s like they know already that I’m just after their money.”

“Well, keep trying,” I said. “So, what were you two talking about just now?”

The two culprits shared a guilty glance, then Tilly laughed like I was being silly and said, “Nothing.”

“I see,” I said. “Well, I’m afraid the two of you ruined my potion, so I will have to start over on it tomorrow. I’m too tired to work on it more tonight. Sophie, I want you to play.”

She looked at Tilly as if somehow she could save her from the torture.

Finally she asked, “Do I have to?”

“Yes, you live in my house and you will do as I say.”

As Sophie played, I knew she would only get more and more angry with me and try to find ways to run away. I wanted her to like it here, and I didn’t want Laris to insist I spell her.

It was settled. I would have to tell her about dad and why Midnight Hollow was so special. Then she would see why we needed to be here and how we would all be a family soon.

Thank you so much for stopping by, and reading, liking, commenting, and lurking! Have a great weekend! See you next Saturday @ 10am (EST) for another chapter of Noble Doubt!

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  1. At this point I’m only wondering who will come out of this mess alive. My guess is the baby when Sophia dies on the way out. Or maybe she somehow manages to charm the bodyguard into helping her. He looks very intense and cold. But it can only mean that he will fall the harder. I hope.

  2. I would not say not to Sebastian-of-the-glowing-eyes to be my bodyguard.

    Actually, the fact he can read thoughts is a bit off-putting. He might be thinking I’m mentally undressing him. But I don’t what him to KNOW that’s what I’m doing 😆

    I do think Gigi needs to tell Sophie everything that’s going on. It’s the only way, and maybe she’ll put the pieces together and feel a little more at home there and less left out of what she currently just sees as weirdness. I hope she takes it well!

    Another excellent instalment, Kymber!! xx

    • Isn’t Sebastian kinda cute, though? lol

      I think the whole reading thoughts thing is off-putting, too, though, for the same reason. hahaha

      I agree that if Gigi would just fill Soph in, maybe she would be less scared of all the creepy crap going on around her. I mean, how is she supposed to respond to glowing eyes?

  3. I vote for taking the baby and running lol. Well…not with a bodyguard who can read minds, though. I have a feeling this come to Jesus about Kai will not go well!

    • Thank you, Jess. LMBO!!!! 😂😂😂 Oh yeah, you’re probably right about that come to Jesus moment. Right now, Gigi is so desperate, but when realization hits…… 💥💥💥

  4. For some reason it didn’t quite register that it was already Saturday and there was your chapter to read. So not the first to comment this time, I’m afraid, lol.
    Well, Gigi is just… so unpleasant. It seems not only did she lose all her rational thoughts, her feelings for her sister flew out the window as well (considering putting a spell on her? Assigning a bodyguard against her will? Really?). I wonder how Sophie’s going to run away now when she has a vampire bodyguard who can read thoughts. Doesn’t seem very likely. She really needs to find a way to wake Gigi up from that trance she’s in. It would interesting, by the way, to have Tilly’s narrative as well. I wonder how she feels about all this and how much exactly she knows. And… Kai’s still not coming back. What a surprise! Kidding, still don’t believe he’ll be joining for dinner in the creepy mansion, LOL

    • Yeah! You’re usually first! lol And I’m usually quicker to respond, but I’m on grandma duties now (and loving every second, I might add) lol. 😀

      You got that right about Gigi. I mean she is nothing like she was before; like a trance you said. She’s really going over board with considering spelling her own sister. I mean, that would be pretty extreme. I like that you’re wondering what Tilly is thinking about all of this. Hold that thought :D.

      LOL I laughed out loud for real at what you wrote about Kai.

  5. The creepy ambiance continues! Poor Sophie – she must be so confused and scared. Her getting to be with her sister again was supposed to be a good thing and make her happy, but instead Gigi is caught up in this creepy cult stuff. I really hope that Gigi starts coming to her senses soon…

    • Thank you, Louise. Yes! Onward with the creepy ambiance! lol Soph is defiantly confused and scared. This was supposed to be where her life would come together and she would be happy. Instead, she gets this. Hopefully, something good happens soon.

  6. Oh man. Gigi is out of touch. Laris has done a real number on her. Laughing so hard at Cathy’s comparison to Stepford Wives. It’s so true! And poor Sophia. I have to wonder if she were able to get Gigi away from Midnight Hollow and Laris if her eyes would be opened. I wish I understood what he really wanted other than to rule all supernatural beings. And maybe that’s all it is and even if Sophia and Tilly got her out of there, he’d still find her. He found her at the school.

    • Thank you, Audrey. Gigi is definitely out of touch, as you said. I laughed at Cathy’s comparison to Stepford Wives, too. lol

      You know, that’s a good question about Laris and his motives. Is he even being truthful about what he and Gigi are?

      I imagine you’re right that if Gigi and Sophie got away with the baby, he would only find them again.

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