Chapter 9.1: Dear Diary, I’m Gigi


Dear Diary, I’m Georgia, but you can call me Gigi. My last name used to be Seaforth, but it’s Noble now. More on that soon.

Once upon a time, I was a little girl, happily living with my mother and father. When I was six, my little sister Sophie was born. My childhood was carefree and full of joy.

Sophie and I were close, and she depended on me for everything. I was protective of her, as any big sister would be.

Then tragedy struck. My father was taken from us in the most atrocious way, and I thought things couldn’t get worse. But I was so wrong.

If my cruel family hadn’t sent Sophie and I away to an all girls’ boarding school, where we were ripped apart, we would have stayed close. There was a hole in my heart where my dad, mom, and Sophie used to be. It was like I lost my entire family in the span of a few short weeks.

It was cold there, and the separation from my dear little sister proved to be too much. They left us to grieve alone, without counsel, without care.

Through it all, I found a new resistance to pain, and a constant tightness in my chest.

So, when I met Laris Bloodgood, I was willing to do anything to get my sense of family back. And he promised me he could.

Normally, I wouldn’t have believed him. But he was mysterious and strangely attractive. Being with him felt dangerous, yet comfortable. The more I was with him, the more agreeable it was.

Something within me awakened, and I saw warm light everywhere. It enveloped me, comforting me in the way I’d wanted my mother to after my father died. Later, I wanted to see Laris more and more. I longed for him and his promises that my father would join us in Midnight Hollow.

Every once in a while, in our house in Midnight Hollow, I would catch glimpses of my father here and there.

He was just as I remembered him.

“When will you join us?” I’d ask him.

“Soon, Geeg. Soon.”

The sound of his voice brought a weakness to my knees, making me thud hard to the floor. I beat at my chest with fists until the point of injury, not caring about the child I was now carrying, only wanting him back in my life, begging him to come to us this instant.

“Daddy, join us today,” I pleaded with a constricted throat, my hair flying wildly about my face.

“Soon,” he said again.

“When will my dad unite with us?” I asked Laris.

“Soon,” he said.

He sounded strangely like my father.

I pushed the thought out of my mind. All I wanted was for my family to be whole again, the way it was before. Maybe once dad was back, my mother would be well enough to leave the mental institution, too.

Laris touched the bruises at my chest and frowned.

“You must take care,” he said. “I will not have you taxed. This child means everything.”

“I will be careful,” I promised.

I knew the baby was important. And I did want him or her to be healthy. What happened when I saw my father was unintentional. I’m not certain what’s wrong with me. Perhaps I’m only too impatient for Laris’s promises to come true.

In my bedroom, I keep my collection of spell books written in the language of our ancient peoples. I’ve been studying them ever since coming to Midnight Hollow.

After coming to Midnight Hollow, I took part in a special ceremony with Laris in which I found out I’m a hybrid of fairy, witch, vampire, and werewolf. I’m now queen of them all. Laris is my king. During the ceremony, I was impregnated with our child and my last name was changed to Noble.

Making potions from the secret spell books has been a pleasurable pastime for me as I wait for the child to be born. I’ve decided not to look into the future to see if I’m having a boy or a girl. I want to be surprised.

Tilly, a friend from boarding school, joined me here. She is a bartender in town, and is determined to snag a rich husband. She is concerned about me because she doesn’t understand everything that has happened. I think she doesn’t trust Laris since she can’t possibly be cognizant of all that has taken place.

“You haven’t asked me to do one bad thing,” Tilly said.

“Everything is under control.”

“It sure doesn’t feel like it.”

“I don’t know what you mean.”

She frowned and rubbed her arms. She was always complaining, as was Sophie, about how cold it was here. I couldn’t see what they meant. I thought everything was perfect.

“You used to have little things for me to do. Break into this, sneak into here.”

“You should be glad you don’t have to do that, Tilly. I mean, honestly, remember what I told you about your future if you kept on that path? You’d end up in a dark place?”

Her frown became more pronounced. “It’s just so much fun. I’m bored.”

“Well, perhaps, I’ll find something for you to do soon.”

“Promise?” she asked with a smile.

I nodded. “Promise.”

Sophie was another story. She never smiled anymore. I couldn’t figure the child out. Checking on her, it was clear she didn’t want to talk, so I left her alone for a while.

We had two additional guards at the gate, a vampire and a werewolf. I can’t remember their names.

While a fairy and a witch showed up as ladies to help me with daily things. It perplexed me at first, as they were with me nearly every minute, but then I found I enjoyed their company.

It was refreshing to have my bed made every day with not a wrinkle in sight. Whatever I asked for, they made it happen within minutes. It’s good to be queen.

This is Phira Plumspirit.

And Agatha Ebonywood.

Back to my sister. She is so ungrateful, it is starting to get on my last nerve. After everything I’ve done for her, she hates it here. She has no idea how dad is going to join us, and I can’t explain it to her because she’d freak out.

She tries to explain her ungratefulness to me, but I just don’t understand how she can loathe this place so much when I love it so.

“Can’t you see how strange and creepy it is here?”

I sucked in a deep breath, my entire being shaking. Willing myself to remain calm, I forced a smile.

“Sophie, dear, you’re just not used to it here. It will take time to settle in, that’s all. Give it a chance, that’s all I’m asking.”

“You’re asking too much. I mean, I can’t believe this. You disappeared one night, came back pregnant, and this Laris guy-this Laris guy-he is the creepiest part of it all! He has red eyes! Red eyes, Geeg!” I crossed my arms while she came up for air then continued. “And you’ve changed! I can’t explain any of it, but you’re not you anymore and it scares the hell out of me! I just want you back and I want out of here!”

“Yes! I’ve changed, Soph, but it’s for the best! I’ve found contentment, happiness for the first time since dad died! You don’t understand yet, but I promise, you will! You only have to trust me. It hurts that you don’t trust me right now. You used to.”

“You used to be someone else,” she said, her voice quiet with disappointment.

It hurt my heart. For the first time since bringing her here, I realized she might try to leave me. I wouldn’t have that. Not ever. It was everything I could do not to rock in place and grab fistfuls of my hair to pull out.

Drastic measures would have to be taken. She would never leave me as long as she lived.

I’m going out of town for the day with my sister to visit my niece up north. Woot woot! I can’t wait to see her! 😀 I also can’t wait to see what you all think of Generation 9’s debut chapter when I get back! Have a great day, and have a great weekend! xo

Thank you so much for stopping by, and reading, liking, commenting, and lurking! Have a great weekend! See you next Saturday @ 10am (EST) for another chapter of Noble Doubt!

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  1. “Hey Gigi. I’ve always loved your nickname!”

    The longing for her dad is painfully sad, especially when her mother isn’t there either, isn’t it? But being a hybrid combination of fairy, witch, vampire & werewolf is pretty freakin’ awesome. That can make up for a lot of negatives in life. I’d settle for just being a fairy. And now a baby on the way. That’s some ceremony 😉

    I feel bad for Soph. And for the distance that’s come between the two girls. But the darkness at the end of this diary piece is a bit unsettling. Is there a darkness in her heart now..?

    I hope you, your sister & niece had a great time together!! 💜

    Caz xx

    • Thank you, Caz. xoxo I agree with you about how painfully sad Gigi’s longing for her father is. She is willing to believe anything at this point in order to restore her family. How far will her desperation take her, is the question?

      I would settle just to be a fairy, too. hahaha In my game, the baby is here! And, a toddler now. Sophie was teaching him/her how to walk and it was so cute. 🙂

      I feel bad for Soph, too. There is definitely a distance coming between the girls.

      Rather a darkness in Gigi’s heart, I’d say a desperation. A soul crushing desperation.

      That’s so kind. A nephew (from yet another sister) unexpectedly showed up, too, and we had a blast! 😀

  2. This has such an eerie, creepy mood! I think everyone’s basically said what I’m thinking – I don’t think there’s any chance that Kai is coming back and Gigi’s being manipulated or controlled somehow. She’s acting very strange. Hopefully, she won’t drive Sophie away. 😔

    • Thank you, Louise. I’m glad you thought it had an eerie, creepy mood. I was going for that. You all might be right about Kai. Laris does seem to have some control over Gigi that began way back when she was at the school. If Sophie was wanting to leave Midnight Hollow, I wonder if she would run without trying to bring Gigi with her?

    • Thank you so much. I hope Sophie realizes, too, before it’s too late. LOL I just said “before it’s too late.” haha You’re right that it might be beyond that point already.

  3. This is one of the most intriguing gens so far encompassing all of the supernaturals. I do believe that Laris is lying to her about Kai. And poor Sophie. I hope Gigi doesn’t try to lock her up. That would be terrible. And the child being so important. And all,of these new characters. Eeek! I’m excited.

    • Thank you, Audrey. I’m really excited to write Gigi’s generation! I’m nervous, too, as I’ve never written all the supernaturals like this before.

      You just might be right about Laris; that he is lying about Kai. Gigi is getting desperate to the point of… well, you’ll see. Eeek! That’s a work that might come to mind a lot in the next few chapters. LOLOLOL 😱😱😱

    • Thank you, Violincat. I’m afraid you might be right about Laris and what he is doing to Gigi. The problem with Sophie is she doesn’t want to leave without Gigi.

  4. This reminds me of Godric Hollow, and the turn of the story reminds me of Vampire diaries and Twilight saga. Brings back so many memories… I used to be glued when reading those. Looking forward to see what happens next

  5. Dammit, I somehow closed the damn tab on my computer. I don’t even know what I was typing, but I will try again…
    So excited for Gigi’s gen! I like how she looks more like the orginal Noble family with Keniesha and has parents. I remember Memphis was having it hard to fit in as an adopted child.
    “He sounded strangely like my father.” Uh-huh. I feel like our premonitions that Laris has something to do with the visions of her father are not completely unfounded.
    “She has no idea how dad is going to join us, and I can’t explain it to her because she’d freak out.” And does she even know? It’s not like Laris explained everything in detail. He’s bluffing, though, for sure. I don’t feel like Kai’s going to come back. And if he does, I doubt he’ll be the same, just like Geeg is not the same.
    And here she is, still wearing that pendant. I do have to wonder if Laris can have more control over her with that on than when he did when she still wasn’t in that town AND had rational thoughts!
    Ooh, excting new characters with mysterious surnames! Bloodgood, Plumspirit, Ebonywood, and, of course… Burnside. I wonder how these will fit into the story. I won’t let myself be fooled by Laris having ‘good’ in his surname because there’s ‘blood’ as well. But then I guess it could also mean that he is of good heritage, and has ‘good blood’. But who knows really? And what about her bodyguards? Too bad she forgot the surnames, then we could speculate, lol. Waiting to see what more stuff is connected to her being the queen…
    And, of course, the last ominous sentence of this chapter… What the hell is happening with Georgia?! What’s she gonna do to her sister? Oh so many questions…

    • Thank you, Jowita. I hate it when I close the tab by accident. Grr.

      I’m so excited about Gigi’s gen, too! I think she looks more like the original generation, too, with Keniesha. Memphis was so long ago, and I feel so nostalgic for her.

      It does seem like your idea that Laris might be behind Gigi’s visions of Kai might be right. I can’t wait for you to find out more on that. You’re right that Laris really hasn’t been forthcoming with any details at all regarding Kai and how it’s all going to come about. Or when even.

      I wonder if you’re right about the pendant? She is wearing it all the time, it’s true. Perhaps Laris uses it to control her somehow? Or it amplifies the control he has over her? We will see. Good thoughts on that. 😀

      I like what you said about the surnames! Bloodgood, Plumspirit, Ebonywood, and Burnside, even though he is gone. As far as “good” being in Bloodgood, good doesn’t always mean good, does it? lol

      And, yes, the queen connection.

      There is so much story here to tell.

      What would Georgia do to her sister in order to keep her near? Not much longer to wait till we find out more…


    • Thank you, Hilly. I can see what you mean about driving a wedge between the sisters. I think there is a wedge beginning already. Hopefully, it doesn’t get bigger, and Sophie can stop it from getting bigger.

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