Ah, Life… Gotta Love the Plot Twists


I’m just going to put this little update here because some of you may have noticed I’ve fallen behind in reading your blogs/stories, etc.

Last week, I had to go to the hospital where they graciously kept me as a guest for a few days.

Fun times. Fun times. 😱😱

The care was excellent, the food… well…

But I’m fine, not to worry. I am home now and feeling pretty good.

I will do my best to read your wonderful blogs as soon as possible, and catch up on comments, too.

Meanwhile, I’ll be writing as well. #amwriting

All my love,

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  1. Finally “met” you hear thanks to Sally and her blog. Sorry to hear about the hospital stay – Meh, for sure. Good news is that you’re home and feeling better.

  2. Aww nooo, Kymber! You’re a glutton for punishment taking a hospital holiday. Sounds like the food is as bad over there as it is here. I’m glad the care was a heck of a lot better though and it’s great you’re home. I don’t want to pry as it’s none of my business, and I’ve no idea what happened, but I really do hope you’re okay… I’m always here if ever you want to chat but there’s absolutely no apology necessary here for not keeping up with other blogs. None what so ever. Apology not accepted!

    Sending lots of love and best wishes your way my friend 💜💙💚💛
    Caz xxxxxx

    • IKR? Life’s curveballs, I tell ya’. I was not expecting this visit at all, and I was not happy at all about it either. But I’m doing great now.

      Chatting sometime would be great. ❤️❤️ I really appreciate you xoxo

  3. I won’t ask because I don’t want to be intrusive but my prayers are with you. A couple of days in this world is a long time. My sister had her hip replaced and they sent her home the same day.

    Take care, Kymber.

    • Thank you so much, fluffy. I tell ya’, I’m working on stuff. But you’re right, I need to remind myself what I was just through and maybe I need to not be so hard on myself. 🙂

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