Chapter 8.28: Dear Diary, the Promise


Dear Diary, Father Burnside cornered me the other day about the spell book I had Tilly steal for me. It was foolish to hope he wouldn’t notice the book’s absence, since he hadn’t cornered me right after it happened.

Over the past few years, he’d watched me even closer than usual. It must have taken great strength on his part not to confront me sooner.

“Miss Seaforth, I think you have something that belongs to me.”

I thought it a strange choice of words. The book belonged to him? He’d gone to great lengths to keep it from me because of his assertion that the text was dangerous. Had he wanted it for himself all this time?

It felt for the longest time like I’d always had burning questions for Father Burnside, Father Grant, and Laris Bloodgood. Questions that, when answered, only led to more questions. Maybe playing dumb would help get more information from him.

“Oh?” I finally answered. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

His lower lip twitched, and he placed his hand over his heart. “I know you must have the book. It is best that you give it to me.”

“Refresh my memory. What book?”

His face turned beet red, and I thought he might burst.

“Let’s stop with the games. It’s dangerous, this road you’re traveling. I’m only trying to help you.”

Of course, I didn’t believe him. I tried to read his future, a power that normally came easy to me. But something shrouded his in darkness with nothing to read. It was both alarming and fascinating.

“Are you, though?” I dared to ask.

His mouth curved into a frown, and he seized my wrist, digging his nails into my tender flesh. In that instant, I saw a small metal box of some kind. I’d never seen one like it before, but I didn’t like the dread it put in my heart.

“I want that book! You will give it to me!”

Wrenching myself free, tears stinging my face, I ran as fast as I could to my room. Thankfully, Meredith wasn’t there.

Sobbing, I flung myself onto my bed and reached through the abyss with my mind.

It was only seconds before Laris heard my plea, although, it felt much longer.

“My Angel,” he said with a furrowed brow. “What is wrong?”

All at once, in a single rush, I told him everything that happened with Father Burnside.

With narrowed eyes, Laris said, “That old fool. Do not give him a second thought. He has sealed his own fate.”

His voice sounded strange to me. Was it anger I heard beneath his calm surface? I sat up on my bed, drawing my legs under me. “W-what does that mean?”

“Do not concern yourself. He has no business seeking out such things.”

“So he wants the book for himself?”

“Yes, he can feel the book’s power, but can never understand it like we do. How is your spell work coming?”

And, just like that, Laris had turned the conversation. I explained to him that the few spells I’d performed seem to work rather well. The money spell was working, as were some other good grades and protection spells.

Laris seemed satisfied with my progress, and he encouraged me to try other spells, too.

“You need to become more proficient in our secret workings in order to be ready for the ceremony when you are eighteen.”

He was mentioning the ceremony more and more lately. I supposed that was because I was nearly the age to go through with it. Laris always told me it was my choice whether or not to do the ceremony. But the more he spoke about it now, the more he seemed sure I’d agree to it.

“What is the ceremony about?”

He paused, then said, “It is a rite of passage where you will leave the pain of mortal life and join with me. We will have the perfect off-spring and bring our kind back.”

I wasn’t sure I wanted a baby at eighteen.

As if reading my mind, he said, “The child will bring you great joy. And in return, you will have everything you ever wanted.”

“I want my dad back and for Sophie to live with me and to be happy.”

“It will all be at your fingertips, My Angel.”

Later, after dinner, we were in our voluntary creative writing class. Some of us took this class to booster our credits for graduation. Yet, instead of concentrating on writing, all I could think about was what Laris had told me about the ceremony and having my dad back. Wouldn’t I do anything to have my family back again? Wouldn’t we all be so happy? It was a big promise he gave me.

“I’m writing the dirtiest smut novel!” Tilly whispered with a gleeful smile.

Oh, Tilly, I thought, with an inward grin, we don’t even know what smut is.

Then I gave her a sideways glance, my curiosity piqued. Or did she?

“That’s funny,” I told her. “Can I read it later?”

“You bet!”

As she typed away, her eyes crinkled, and she emitted a giggle.

Graduation was looming, and I thought about each girl in the room with me. When I’d first arrived, I didn’t want to make friends. But now, I’m so glad I did.

After graduation, Tilly will come with me so I can keep her on the straight and narrow. We had a rocky beginning, but now we were best friends.

She planned to be a bartender.

Meredith was going for a hearing after graduation to see if she was fit to return to normal society. I guess the fire she told everyone that had killed her family was started by her. Of course, I knew this already because I’d seen it.

Being roommates with Meredith for the past few years meant sleeping with one eye open.

Gwen was a culinary genius! So, she was going to culinary school. I saw great things in her future as an award-winning chef. Gordon Ramsey, watch out!

Darcy may have been a kleptomaniac in her younger days, but they supposedly cured her of such impulses. She was heading for the police academy.

“Are you going to miss it here?” Tilly asked me as we typed.

I couldn’t stop the cringe that gripped me. “You know, once upon a time I was sweet and innocent. Then I got sent to boarding school. That’s my story.”

Tilly paused her clacking fingers. “Hey, that’s my story, too.”

That made me laugh. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t picture Tilly as sweet and innocent.

“Girls, hush. Others are trying to work,” said Mr. Saul.

I saw several girls rolling their eyes, but no one said anything.

The next few days were uneventful. Father Burnside had steered clear of me, and so I didn’t see him at all.

One morning, there was a strange hush over the school. All the teachers gave one another somber looks, and there were whispers. When I tried to “see” what the fuss was about, all I saw was that small metal box I’d seen the other day when challenged by Father Burnside.

In between classes, Tilly and I went to the front office to find out what we could.

Once there, we ran into Iron Tits and Father Grant, who were deep in discussion.

“… Must be careful how we announce this,” Iron Tits was saying.

That’s when I saw the metal box on the desk. Suddenly, the room spun, my heart hurt, and I felt faint.

“Is that… is that…” I tried to ask through my distress.

Iron Tits grasped my arm to steady me, her eyes somber. Finally, she gave me a small nod, then said, “We have not announced yet it. We’re discussing how best to do that. You may as well know, though.”

She glanced at Father Grant, who took over for her.

“Father Burnside had a heart attack two days ago and passed away.”

That’s why my heart throbs, I thought, my hands turning to fists. Father Burnside was dead and his remains were inside that little silver box.

“We would appreciate you girls not saying anything to the others. We’ll make an announcement and have a memorial service dedicated to him,” Father Grant continued.

“Did you find out if he has family?” Iron Tits asked.

There was a humming in my ears, and I fought back tears.

“He has a sister in town,” I said, which was more like blurting out information I didn’t really know firsthand but had discovered with my powers. “Sheila Burnside.”

Iron Tits raised an eyebrow. “I didn’t realize you and the Father were so close, Georgia. I truly am sorry you found out about his passing in this way.”

All at once, behind us, Tilly let out a long wail.

“Why? Oh, why? Why him?” she lamented in a pitch so raised it could break glass.

This took us all by surprise.

“His sister lives at 112 Orton Street,” she said between sobs.

Heavens only knew how Tilly could have knowledge of that, but I didn’t doubt her information in the least.

Iron Tits grabbed pen and paper, scribbling down the address. Then she hesitated. She was not a touchy, huggy person, so I imagine she didn’t know how to handle Tilly’s outburst.

Tilly sobbed again, but upon closer inspection, I thought I saw the tiniest of smiles.

Iron Tits turned toward Father Grant now. “Clearly this is going to have a greater impact on the girls than I first thought.”

“It would seem so,” he replied, his stance awkward as he tried to put his arm around Tilly, only for her to burst forth with another howl and side-step him.

“Georgia, take Tilly to her room. Both of you are to remain silent about this for now, and you may stay in your rooms the rest of the day.

“Yes, ma’am,” I said, taking Tilly’s arm, and “helping” the poor “grieving,” grinning monster to her room.

A half hour later, I was finally alone in my room, and so exhausted, all I could do was flop down on my bed and let sleep overtake me.

Often when I slept, I would feel myself leave my body to hover above. This time, my travels and dreams were stranger than usual.

I was back with Father Grant from earlier, as the moment where he told us about Father Burnside’s death replayed.

Father Grant had always acted strangely around me. The first genuine encounter I had with him was when he took the book away from me and wouldn’t give it back. At the time, I realized he didn’t know what he had in his hands and was probably acting on Father Burnside’s instructions.

Why was I seeing this moment again? Had he felt the power of the book, and would he try to get it away from me?

Father Grant had stood, both hands over his heart when he told us Father Burnside was dead. What was that expression? Why was this important?

One word formed in my mind then. Insincerity.

Before I could dwell on it any further, my body was floating again through time and space.

I saw my house-my future house. I was older, and both Sophie, who was a teen, and my dad were there. It was everything I ever wanted. And it was going to be mine.

If I went through with the ceremony, the things Laris promised me would happen.

Warmth flooded every part of me, and I sank into a deeper, comfortable sleep.

I can’t believe we’re coming close to the end of Generation 8! I miss Kai, how about you? How do you feel about the ceremony? Do you think Gigi should do it?

Thank you so much for reading, liking, lurking, and commenting! I hope you enjoyed today’s post!

See you Saturday at 10am (EST) for the next chapter of Noble Doubt!

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  1. Wowza!!! Lots and lots happening here.

    Father Burnside is a total sleezebucket, but his death is quite sudden and very mysterious. I think Laris somehow killed him or had him killed to keep him quiet. Very creepy!

    But what’s even creepier is all this talk (without clear facts) about this ceremony. Laris is fixated on Gigi having a baby and telling her she’ll LEAVE the pain or mortality behind. Something is way, way off base here. Laris, I feel, is leaving out a lot of vital information and is using Gigi’s grief over the loss of her family to attempt to schmooze or control her into agreeing to this ceremony. Yeah, a rite of passage – a very dark one, IMO. I think Laris wants this child to be a vessel of evil and then sacrifice Gigi once she’s done incubating. Oh, this is getting so, sooo creepy!

  2. “It felt for the longest time like I’d always had burning questions for Father Burnside” – it’s kind of a fun play on words. Both Burnside and Bloodgood are interesting surnames. Maybe they’re telling us something of them? And I’m now even more firmly believing that these visions Jade has are planted into her head by Laris. Maybe he’s trying to lure her in using his powers? Connecting the house she doesn’t know and maybe would find creepy with something good like the memory of her father? And also, what about the urn? She saw it then father Burnside was suddenly dead. I think she didn’t kill him, and Laris did. It’s all so crazy. And the part about her giving him kids, uh… Maybe father Burnside seeing him as a beast tells us something and he’s really a devil in disguise and that would be some demon offspring. I don’t know, but I don’t really trust him.

    • It’s an interesting thought about the surnames. I don’t always take a lot of care in the names I choose, but I did this time.

      I like what you have to say about the visions. Can she rely on them? I like your suspicious mind lol.

      It is crazy, I agree! And, I also agree he’s too
      shady to trust.

  3. For some reason this quote: “It is a rite of passage where you will leave the pain of mortal life and join with me. We will have the perfect off-spring and bring our kind back” just creeped me the heck out. That’s some next level, red flag, creepy cult stuff. Maybe if her family hadn’t totally lost it, she wouldn’t have been so eager to agree to this creepiness to feel at home. 😔
    And let’s not ignore the whole ‘he sealed his own fate’ stuff before the Father died. 😬

    • Thank you, Louise. 💕 That quote is worrisome, I agree. I hope you don’t mind me saying, I’m glad you were creeped out. hahaha I agree that if her family hadn’t totally lost it, she wouldn’t be this eager.

      Yes! Did Laris finish Father Burnside off? Hmmmm 😀 (Yes, I am rubbing my hands together while grinning evilly. lol)

  4. First of all, I’m so glad this new Tilly is in this story LOL. She ALWAYS makes me laugh, and her humor is always perfectly timed! Secondly, I think Gigi needs to ask more questions about this ceremony! Like, she clearly missed the part about the LEAVING pain of mortal life! She has no idea what that means and what it entails!! At this point, I feel like Laris is making these big promises to bamboozle her into a decision without having all the facts!

    • Thank you so much, Jess. Tilly is my comic relief. haha About Gigi…. YES!!!! Tell me, Geeg, do you understand what leaving pain of mortal life is? No? Ask the question! LOLOLOL

      Laris is so shady lol but Gigi doesn’t really have anyone she can talk to that might make a difference in her life decisions.

  5. I think it’s always a good advice to be cautious about ominous ceremonies that will bound you by promising no more mortal pain and you being happy forever.
    I also don’t trust any preachers, wo will grab other peoples wrists. But at least, he didn’t push things further and is dead now.
    And the lesser I trust that boy with his warm words and fiery eyes. What if Gigi tells him : “No, thanks.” ?
    I believe he’s a fraud, or he himself was misled.
    And last I miss Kay with all my heart.
    His warmth was sincere and I hope, his essence will stay put to his daughters whatever their future holds.

    • Thank you, Doris. I think your advice to always be cautious about ominous ceremonies is sound.

      I also agree that preachers who grab a person by the wrist can’t be trusted either.

      I can see why you trust Laris the least. He’s acting pretty shady. What would happen if Gigi told him, “No thanks?” That is a good question. Your belief that he is a fraud is totally justified.

      I miss Kai, too. He was a good father so let’s hope the girls will always remember that.

  6. I’m torn. I didn’t like Laris’s reference to Gigi leaving her mortal life to bond with him. It feels like she’s being led toward something he wants- a binding to a virtual stranger.

    • Thank you, Jacquie. I can see why you’re torn. That’s a good point about Laris telling Gigi she will leave her mortal life to bond with him and that it is a shady thing.

  7. My eyes were completely glued to this chapter! This is all so exciting and scary at the same time – “…..leave the pain of mortal life and join with me.” Like, Holy Crap! This all sound so unreal! I mean Laris took care of her didn’t he, seeing her tears and then….someone is dead! Sealed his own fate he said, but how. In Laris’s eyes, or God’s? I have so many thoughts I could add, but I will wait to see what happens next!

    • Thank you, Bee. I’m so glad you had this reaction! Holy crap is right! lol I mean, most probably in Laris’s eyes. I can’t wait to see your thoughts unfold as we progress through the chapters. 😀

    • Thank you, Cathy. You couldn’t be more right. Unfortunately, Gigi doesn’t have her family in her life who would most definitely steer her clear of this whole thing.

  8. I’m pretty sure Laris is responsible for the untimely demise of Father Burnside. But why was Tilly aware of his sister’s address? And why did she feign sadness over it? I’m sooo confused about that part.

    So it appears Gigi’s dreams have convinced her to go through with the ceremony because she’ll have her father back along with her sister by her side. I have to say, those two girls are absolutely gorgeous! Knowing you, Gigi’s trails are just beginning. She thought it was hard now, it’s on,y going to get harder. My heart hurts for all of them.

  9. I’m interested to know if Laris had anything to do with the Father’s death. He did say something would happen. Also, I keep seeing a lot of Memphis in Sophie! She’s a stunning young lady. Can’t wait until next Saturday! <3

    • Thank you, Hilly. That’s a good question about Laris and Father Burnside’s death.

      Sophie got the family’s red hair. I think she’s pretty, too. 🙂 ❤

  10. I know Gigi is going to hurt hard, but I’m foreseeing a harsh truth about Laris, a realization of her own strength and a future with acceptance and closure in it.

    A few more chapters and we see if I’m right. 😉

    No matter the twist and turn, I do know I shall enjoy what you present.

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