Chapter 8.27: Dear Diary, Home for the Holidays


Dear Diary, it was an ordeal, but Tilly was able to find the book I described to her. First, she had to learn the code that opened the door to the temperature controlled room. Then she had to find a time when she could sneak in and stay for a long period of time without being noticed. The stealth this job took was amazing to me, but I knew she could do it.

“I thought you were bringing me my book. This is one of our science textbooks,” I said with a frown.

Tilly couldn’t hide the smirk that curved her mouth. “So it would appear, but I’m not stupid. I took one of the book sleeves of a science book and put it on the book you wanted. Now the book can hide in plain sight.”

This girl was more useful than I’d ever given her credit for.

“You. Are. Awesome.”

She grinned. “I know, right?”

“So,” she continued, “what’s in this book? I had the weirdest feeling when I picked it up. Kind of like it attracted me to it. Isn’t that weird?”

“Not really,” I said, opening the front cover to make sure it was the right book. “You can’t tell anyone what you did or that I have this.”

“I’m wounded,” she said, covering her heart with her hand and taking a step back. “Life with you is too fun to spoil. I would never.”

I’d never seen myself entering an alliance with Terrible Tilly. When we first met, she made it clear she would do anything to blackmail and keep her thumb on everyone. She’d succeeded in doing just that, but I’d tired of it quickly. Ever since I didn’t cave to her blackmail attempt, she’d wanted to be friends.

As if she’d read my thoughts, she said, “Hey whatever made you stand up to me that day in Iron Tits’ office?”

I squared my shoulders, looking her in the eye.

“It’s simple. Life is tough, and so am I.”

Later, when I was finally alone, I locked myself in the stall of one of the bathrooms and opened the book. It wasn’t the most ideal place to study the book, but it was the only area I could think of that I wouldn’t be disturbed.

The book fell open to the same page I’d looked at the first time I’d seen at it.

Running my finger along the strange text, I wondered what it all meant and why Laris and the priests here all seemed to value it.

I thought about Father Burnside and his warning:

…He cleared his throat, then said, “Please be careful. All this digging around you’re doing,” then he swept his arm toward all my notes and piles of books, “it isn’t healthy.”

“I don’t understand.” Maybe that would get him to tell me more.

“You don’t need to understand. You need to do as I say and stop all this nonsense…”

Why had he warned me about the book and Laris Bloodgood? What did the strange text mean, and why would it upset Father Burnside and Father Grant so much?

I turned back to the book. Although the words were strange to me, I felt like I should understand. It was as if my soul understood, but my mind was keeping me from it.

“Trust yourself,” I heard Laris say in my mind. “You know what the page says. You know.”

“But how?”

I didn’t receive an answer, but as I stared at the wording, it changed shape until it was in my own language. How was this possible? I blinked a few times, sure that my eyes deceived me.

The text was in the weird language, it hadn’t changed into my own tongue, but rather, I could read it as it was!

I sucked in a shallow breath and read:

…Now take the seven dimes in your dominant hand and place them one by one into the jar. As each dime drops into the jar invision it multiplying into great amounts, and speak the following for each dime:

“Towards this wish the money grows, by leaps and bounds it over flows. Coins that jingle, coins that shine, come to me now, for you are mine….”

Once you have said this for each of the seven dimes, write your name upon the back of the bay leaf and drop it into the jar as well…*

What was this? I sat there, dumbfounded, my mouth hanging open.

It was a spell! A kind of money spell! This was a book of spells!

Time Lapse:

  • Gigi is 17, about to turn 18
  • Sophie is 11, about to turn 12

“I hate them all!” Sophie growled, baring her teeth, her hands shaking.

I tried to comfort her with a hug, but she pulled away.

“It’s not fair,” she continued. “Practically everyone has gone home for the holidays and all we got was a Christmas card from Grandpa and Grandma! Nothing from mom! And, they all left us here alone like we don’t even matter!”

I felt the same, but at the moment, Sophie didn’t need to know I agreed with her, for I thought that would feed her fire and she’d never calm down.

Getting down on my knees so I’d be on the same level as she was, I said with as calm a voice as I could muster, “I know you’re angry, and you have every right to be. But at least we’re together. Isn’t it nice sharing the room while Meredith is gone? She doesn’t even mind you sleeping in her bed.”

Her eyes narrowed, as if she hadn’t even heard me. She clamped her fists tight. “I bet they’re having a terrific time, sitting by the fire and opening presents. I just bet they’re going to have ham and mashed potatoes.”

Ham and mashed potatoes were Sophie’s favorite. When Dad was alive, he made it every year with Grandpa George complaining in the background that Dad was going to burn the house down.

A small smile came to my lips, but it still filled my heart with an awful grief so consuming, I could barely see.

Time heals all wounds. That’s what people told you at funerals or whenever they thought you were missing your loved one.

Let me be the one to say that’s a bunch of bullshit! It’s been years, and whenever I think of my father, I feel so empty. The only thing that keeps me going is Laris and the promise of things to come.

“I wish they were all dead,” Sophie declared, invading my thoughts.

“No, no,” I said, my voice firm, “no you don’t. Never say that.”

Words had power. I knew this because of my spell book and the abilities that were gifted to me. While it couldn’t be said I was some master wizard, the few spells I’d had the nerve to perform had worked. With the money spell, I’d been collecting odd bits of currency here and there and planned to use it after graduation.

“I just hate them so much!”

“Shh. Listen, remember me telling you about Laris?”

She nodded, snuffling back tears.

“Well, after I graduate in a few months, I have plans to move to Midnight Hollow. There are people there who will welcome me. And Laris told me there is a house there meant for me. And you, too, Soph.”

She sniffled again and hiccupped as she tried to hold back another sob.

“What do you mean?” she managed to ask.

“I still have to talk to Mom, but I want you to move in with me and go to school there.”

Sophie almost smiled, but in an instant, she turned her back to me, crying again, her shoulders shaking.

“This is good news,” I told her. “This means we can be together and you won’t have to stay here in this school without me.”

Suddenly, she turned back around, glaring, her eyes small slits, and her mouth a grim line.

“You must be living on another planet, Geeg! Mom will never agree to it.”

She has to, I thought, clamping my eyes shut. Laris said she would. But I didn’t think Sophie was ready to hear something like that.

Instead, I told her, “Try not to worry about it. I know what I’m doing.”

Her back was to me again.

“I hope so because I don’t see that happening.”

If only I could assuage her anger. The last thing I wanted was for her to become as embittered as I saw myself. Everything my little sister said was how I felt, too.

That night, I had dreams of the house in Midnight Hollow.

My house.

And I saw my father standing outside, waving his arm to beckon me inside.

A special thanks goes to Bee (Poses by BeeStories by Bee) for the poses in Gigi’s last two pictures. You can find them here: Child Emotions, and First Day of School.

Thank you so much for reading, liking, lurking, and commenting! I hope you enjoyed today’s post!

See you Saturday at 10am (EST) for the next chapter of Noble Doubt!


Liberumbrarum. “Money Jar.” The Book of Shadows, 31 Jan. 2015,

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  1. I’m adding two and two and the answer I’m getting is way off from four. Something doesn’t feel right to me. Dabbling at spells when you don’t know what you’re doing, especially ones for personal gain including money, will come at a high price. I think Gigi is being set up for a really nasty fall. These dreams about her father coming back are creepy. I’d personally love to see Kai come back the way he used to be, but I think that’s an illusion that Gigi needs to try to fight off. I think her heart’s desire is going to come back and bite her in the ass…or worse.

    I don’t blame Sophie for being upset. I can’t believe how horrible the family has been to these poor girls. It’s no wonder Gigi is experimenting with things she has no clue about.

  2. I love how Tilly got the book. It’s great that she could help Gigi. But Laris does seem to have a really strong hold on Gigi. She trusts him too much. Maybe he’s planting those visions into her head, luring him with the idea of meeting her father?

    • It’s a good possibility you are on the right track. If only Gigi had family in her life, she probably wouldn’t be in this position. She definitely does trust him too much.

      Tilly is quickly becoming a fave for me.

  3. Gosh, I’m so sorry for not reading sooner, Kym. Amazing how busy things get in the day to day. At least I get to binge a bit, though. 😁
    I really wonder what Gigi is getting herself into. I’m not sure it’s good.
    It is pretty cold of Jade to not get them back home for the holidays, though, and I can’t blame Sophie for being upset. These poor girls. 😔

    • Hi there, Louise! Please don’t apologize. You are so wonderful, and I’m so happy you came by to binge a little bit. 🙂

      I’m sure it’s not good, too, what Gigi is thinking right now. lol

      It does seem cold of Jade, that’s for sure. Hopefully, the girls will do well anyway.

  4. Something sinister is definitely going on. I don’t know that they should be playing at magic… it could end very badly. I feel so bad for the questions these girls are left with and the hurt caused to them.

    • Thank you, Nya. Something is definitely sinister here. I agree that playing at magic could end badly. The girls definitely have a lot of hurt. Hopefully, it can mend one day.

  5. Tilly is so resourceful. I like her.🙂 Didn’t Gigi warn her though that if she keeps doing these things her future won’t look very bright? And now she practically talks her into misbehaving. 😏
    Uh-oh, so it’s a spellbook and she uses it to get money. I have a bad feeling about that. Spells and especially money making spells always come at a high cost.
    Poor Sophie. I hate their family too for how they treat them. No matter their reason they should have explain it to the girls somehow and not keep them in complete dark. Unforgivable.
    I don’t trust these dreams Gigi has. They give me chills.

    • Thank you, Maladi. Tilly is definitely resourceful. You’re right that Gigi warned her. It is selfish to go back then and tell Tilly to be bad.

      I like what you said about the money spell coming with a high price. Gigi has a lot to learn.

      I feel bad for Sophie, too. The family has handled every aspect of this in the wrong way and there really isn’t any excuse for it.

      I can see why Gigi’s dreams give you chills. Hold on to that thought. 🙂

  6. I’m worried about Sophie. All that rage is bound to get her in trouble (like it did for Gigi). I don’t get why her mom and grandparents have practically deserted them, even if it is supposed to be for their own good. Not cool.

    • Thank you, Jacquie. I’m worried about Sophie, too. I think you’re right that the rage she feels might get her into trouble. Not cool indeed. This family has gone way off the rails!

  7. Way to go on getting the book, Tilly! A book of spells is so cool. Just imagine finding that as a kid. How exciting!

    I feel bad for Sophie. I’m not sure mother dearest would be too keen on the girls moving away either but Laris seems quite confident she’ll allow it so perhaps… I saw another comment wondering about Kai. It made me curious too. Strange things can happen..! xx

    • Thank you, Caz. Tilly is awesome in moments like these. lol That would be cool finding a book like that as a kid.

      I feel bad for Sophie, too. We’ll soon see how it works out for the girls, whether or not they’ll manage to move away on their own or not. Strange things can happen for sure! 😀

  8. Oh Sophie!!! 😭 I was afraid she would get bitter as she got older. Why in the world can’t they go home?! Have they ever been home for the holidays? I know Kara thinks she did the right thing sending them away, but to have no contact?! How does she think that’s going to help? And Midnight Hollow? I always see it as a bad place lol. But then again, it’s always a supernatural place, so I guess it makes sense. Hopefully it won’t be a bad place.

    • Thank you, Jess. Poor little Sophie. 😭 No, they’ve not been home at all. No matter what the reason, the girls are old enough to know. Kara has a lot to answer for. Midnight Hollow is a supernatural place, but is it dangerous? Hopefully not.

  9. Gigi is a witch! Or spellcaster, or wizard, whatever you want to call it. But is she also a fairy? But aren’t fairies generally considered evil and manipulative? Gigi certainly isn’t any of those things. But, maybe whatever she is she should NOT go to Midnight Hollow. Laris seems to be manipulating her dreams, I bet he can too. He figures if he shows her her father, it will make her want to go. But then maybe he’s reincarnated or something. *sigh*. You make this so interesting with so manny possibilities. She should just take Sophie and run somewhere else, but I bet she doesn’t. She somehow trusts Laris. But I understand why, her mom just pretends like they don’t exist. So sad really.

    • Thank you, Audrey! Such good questions you pose! I tend to agree with you about Midnight Hollow. If only she had her mother to guide her now. That’s a great theory about Laris possibly manipulating her dreams. Or is there another reason she is seeing Kai?

    • Thank you, Violincat. IKR? Jade’s excuse, if she has one, better be good. And if Jade wasn’t bringing them home, at least their grandparents should have.

  10. Sorcery is a dangerous ability and Midnight Hollow not the healthiest place on the sims planet. No wonder the priest warned her so harsh. But who would scold Geeg for trying it out, being alone with no word from home ? Her only comfort the creepy-eyed boy (man, whatever) who calls himself Laris. And pictures from her father in her dreams.
    There was always a little magic in this family and their branches.
    Looking forward for the mysteries which will come to light.

    • Thank you so much, Doris. You’re right about sorcery being a dangerous ability. And also about Midnight Hollow. Geeg has been so alone, so you’re also right that there is no one there who matters that can stop her. Laris is the only one who seems to understand her. The dreams of her father are so important to her, as you can imagine.

      Yes, there sure was always some kind of magic in the family tree. 🙂

  11. Good morning and happy Nobls Doubt Day!😁 Some part of me thinks Kai might still be alive because of her dream but I won’t get my hopes up. Also I said that rhyme in my head. For some reason I thought it was cute. Lol!

    • Thank you, Hilly! Happy Noble Doubt Day! LOLOL 😀 That’s a good question about Kai. You’ll find out soon! 😀 It is a cute rhyme, you’re right.

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