Chapter 8.25: Dear Diary, Change is in the Air


Dear Diary, since the last time I wrote, I’ve noticed even more strange things than before. My eyesight seems to have altered, and now, I see and feel the warm golden glow of light everywhere. My eyes haven’t been their old selves in what feels like ages. I think getting used to it will take time if this is how I am now.

If I’m very still, I can hear Laris better. I like to lie on my bed during free time. It’s nice that I don’t have to worry about interruptions then because Meredith, who is my roommate, is more active than I am. She likes to play tennis when we’re not in class.

“Laris, I’m here,” I began. Was I speaking out loud? Sometimes. Mostly, though, I just concentrated on his face-no, his eyes, really. Then, his silvery voice would float to me, swirling in the air and in my head as if caressing my soul. The more he spoke to me, the more I longed to hear more, to see him.

And he would appear in my mind’s eye, although it felt like I was wherever he was.

“Hello, my angel,” he said, sending pleasant chills through me. I loved it when he called me his angel.

“Why am I so attracted to you?”

A smile lit his strange eyes. “Because we are the same. The only two in the entire world like us.”

“What are we?”

He licked his full, bottom lip, then finally said, “All in time, my angel. All in time.”

Disappointment dug at my heart, but it was soon replaced with the burning hunger to be near him.

“When can I see you again?”

“Very soon. I will visit you, but be warned, people see only what they want to.”

“What does that mean?”

He hesitated, and I ached to hear his husky reply.

“I may look different that day, but you will recognize me. Trust in your instinct. There is a lot for you to learn.”

Just before we broke our connection, I saw the building he was standing near. On the front, at the top, were strange symbols. Deep down, I felt like I knew what they meant, but it was like a dream you feel was so real, but you cannot remember.

For the rest of the day, as was becoming normal, I was out of touch with those around me. When I was “with” Laris, it was as if I was under the influence of a powerful drug. When I wasn’t in contact with him, it took a while to come down to earth once more. All I wanted was to be with him and feel that way again even though it seemed to put me into a blank trance..

It must have been Friday evening because it was movie night. We all gathered in the media room, taking a comfortable chair.

I had a difficult time with computers and media in general because of the changes in my sight.

“So, I’ve been thinking,” Tilly said, plopping down onto the chair next to me. Ever since I told her to straighten out her dark ways, she’s been stuck to me like glue. “I’m no longer in the blackmailing game, but is it okay if I’m even just a little bad? I don’t think it’s possible for me to be good all the time.”

I sighed. “What have you done now?”

“I accidentally found out who Steve is-you know, the boy that got Doris pregnant?”

“Yes, I remember. How did you accidentally find that out?”

Her pale cheeks flamed red. “Well, I happened to be in Iron Tit’s office on a completely different matter when she took a call from Doris’s father. I may have tiptoed over to the door after she excused herself to hear what was being said. So, Steve is-“

“-I don’t want to know!” I hissed. “What are you doing with that information, Miss Sneaky?”

“I need to tell someone, Gigi! If I don’t, I think I’ll explode!”

“Fine,” I said, “but you can’t use this information against Doris.”

She grinned, her blue eyes lighting up. “Steve is-“

“-a politician’s son,” I finished for her. I was getting more used to my psychic abilities, but sometimes I still blurted things out when I didn’t mean to.

“Yes!” she squealed. “Isn’t that exciting? His father works with the Leader of the Free World!”

Shaking my head, I threw my arms up. “Yes, exciting, but also intrusive to Doris’s life. We shouldn’t know this.”

“But you know everything! You know what? You should go into politics! That would be killer to have you in a position of power.”

Suddenly, Mr. Saul was barking at us. “Ladies, would you like to share your discussion with the other girls?”

“No, Sir,” we both mumbled.

“Then zip it, the both of you. Be courteous to the others around you who want to see the movie.”

I don’t know how Tilly managed it, but she didn’t bother me the rest of the movie. As for her idea I should enter politics, I knew in my heart that was not what I was meant to do.

I tried to watch the movie, but it was just too vibrantly yellow.

Eventually, I closed my eyes and thought about Laris. What was I supposed to do after graduation? I didn’t hear his voice, but I could feel his embrace as sure as if he was with me in person.

It was then, I felt like I didn’t need to worry because it would all be clear to me soon.

I excused myself from the movie to use the restroom. As I was rounding a corner, I ran right into Sophie!

It was good holding her in my arms. I’d missed her so much.

The silly handshake was still alive!

“What are you doing on this side of the school?”

She smiled widely at me, straightening out her shoulders. “I knew you’d be in movie time, so I thought I’d get a bathroom pass and come find you.”

My right eyebrow went up as if it had a life of its own. “How’d you know where I’d be?”

“I know your whole schedule, Geeg! See, I found out where the secretary keeps the password, and I looked up your schedule on the computer.”

Oh, boy, another snooper at this school was all we needed. And this time, it was my sister!

“You’re very clever, but I don’t want you getting into trouble.”

The corners of her mouth turned downward. “I thought you’d be happy to see me.”

“Oh, sweetie, I’m so happy to see you! It’s just that you don’t need to do things that will get you in trouble to see me. Let me do the dangerous stuff, okay? Besides, I have a feeling we’ll be together again soon.”

“You do? When?”

“I’m not sure. It’s just a feeling.”

“Hello, ladies. Sophie, what brings you clear over to this hall?” Miss Regan asked as she approached.

“I knew I shoulda made that left turn at Albuquerque!” Sophie said, mimicking her favorite old Bugs Bunny cartoon. It was Dad’s favorite, too.

My sister was something else!

“She got lost,” I explained.

Miss Regan’s face softened, and she took Sophie’s hand. “All right, I’ll take you back to class, then, Sophie.”

I gave her one last tight hug. “I love you, kiddo.”

“Love you, too.”

With the movie over, I wandered to the library. Maybe there were books that could explain the symbols I’d seen on the building above Laris’s head.

In the next hour, I’d chosen book after dusty book…

…until they were piled on a table around me. I’d found some interesting things and even made notes.

Father Burnside kept strolling by, obviously interested in what I was doing, but not really bothering me.

Then, I found something!

Once again, it seemed like I should already know what I was looking at. The characters in the old book were somehow familiar, yet allusive. I traced my fingers along the thick, black, brushed lines.

Finally, I turned to the next page where it said the figures were part of an ancient language, now forgotten, from the Order of the Golden Divide.

What did that mean? And what was the Order of the Golden Divide? I hoped Laris would tell me more soon.

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  1. I remember while catching up, I kept thinking to myself, Hmmm. Curiouser and curiouser! The book was intriguing for sure, and my curiosity was so rooting for Gigi to decipher it. I was thinking that maybe it’s a clue to this mystery she’s embroiled in right now.

    I can maybe see how a very traumatic experience can bring powers to the surface and awaken them. A lifechanging experience often triggers hidden powers. But were they always there to begin with or is she being taken advantage of? Maybe none of this would’ve happened had Kai not been killed and their family remained happy and healthy. Perhaps Gigi is being taken for a ride? Let’s hope that nothing sinister is going on, but there is definitely more to this than meets the eye.

  2. Sophie is a little troublemaker, ha ha. It’s like she’s gonna know the whole school like Darcy just to know where Gigi is, lol (I almost typed Jade, they look so similar). I wonder what’s that about with the symbols in the book she found.

    • I almost type Jade all the time, so I know what you mean. Sophie is so funny to have figured out Gigi’s schedule. lol Ah, yes, the symbols. More on that, coming right up!

  3. Now it’s my turn to catch up! When Laris said people see what they want and that he’d be different it worried me. I think it’s easy for Gigi to gravitate to him because of her situation. If it she was still home and happy, then I doubt any of this would happen. However I’m not sure the trauma caused her powers … but possibly they did that too. And clearly Tilly is afraid of Gigi because she begged to be part time bad! Lol. I was glad to see Sophie too. She’s such a sweet girl.

    • Thank you, Audrey. I hope your move is going well. 🙂 I think you may be right that this would not be happening if Gigi were at home. LOL about Tilly. She kills me right now. Sophie is finding her own way which is good because she was always so dependent on Geeg.

  4. I’m sorry I’m so late to the party, Kym. 😌
    As much as I am a romantic at heart, I’m getting some bad vibes from Laris like others are, so I hope Gigi isn’t going to get into something bad. I really don’t know where all of this is going so I’m super excited to learn more. At least I can hop on over and read the newest chapter right now – one plus of being late! 😁
    I liked that Sophie and Gigi got to be together for a bit – Sophie is so sneaky.
    This was lovely, Kym. 💕

    • Thank you, Louise. It’s so good to see you! I know you’re wanting some romance. lol We still have all of Gigi’s generation to go very soon. Will she fall in love? I can’t wait until you know! 😀 😀 I don’t blame you for getting some bad vibes about Laris. You’re right, there are definite benefits of being late! LOLOL 💕💕

      I’m glad you liked that Gigi and Sophie got to see each other. Sophie is definitely sneaky. haha

  5. I am so happy that Gigi and Tilly can find these moments together. It is so unfair that they are kept apart at a time when they need each other most. Laris though… something about him is making me uncomfortable.

    • Thank you, Nya. I agree; they need moments like this to keep going. I can’t imagine how it would be if they never saw each other at all.

      I am not surprised you feel that way about Laris. There are definitely some red flags there.

  6. I’m a little worried for Gigi. Laris seems to have too much power over her now because he holds all the answers and he won’t share them all at once. Just one answer at a moment. Which may be a reasonable precaution or a sign of manipulation. Gigi could have also been placed in this institution by her grandpa for someone like Laris to not find her. I don’t trust him yet.
    I wonder if Sophie is also ‘gifted’.
    Was that a picture of a Green Man in the book?

    • Thank you, maladi. I can see why you’re worried for Gigi. Laris does seem suspicious for all the reasons you mentioned.

      It’s true that Bram may have put her in this institution so someone like Laris might not find her. There’s something to that.

      That’s a good question about Sophie. After all, she had a great trauma, too.

      Honestly, I liked that pic. It probably is the Green Man.

  7. Sophie!!! She seems so much more grown and relaxed…and hilarious! I knew being alone would be good for her. I just hope she isn’t turning into a troublemaker. Geeg is enough for the both of them with that mouth LOL. Tilly is hilarious, asking for permission to be part time bad lol. And the Order of the Golden Divide sounds REALLY intriguing! Is it Saturday yet?!

    • Thank you, Jess. Yes! Sophie is growing up, and getting more confident. You called this one big time when you said it might be good for her to have to lean on herself instead of Gigi. Hopefully she isn’t too much of a troublemaker. Geeg is definitely enough for the both of them.

      IKR @ Tilly being hilarious for asking permission of Geeg.

      The Order of the Golden Divide is coming! Woot! I can’t wait for you to learn more!

  8. This Laris is setting off every red flag there is for me. I hope Gigi stays safe.
    At least, it’s nice to see Tilly is taking the “no more blackmail” seriously.

    • Thank you, Violincat. I wondered if the red flags would be waving today. Let’s hope Gigi doesn’t fall under his spell anymore than she already has. As for Tilly, you’re right about that. Hopefully she walks a narrower path from now on.

  9. ” I was out of touch with those around me. When I was “with” Laris, it was as if I was under the influence of a powerful drug” big red flag for me, hoping it turns out to be nothing

  10. This is getting super fun! I’m loving that Tilly hasn’t completely changed her ways. I figure something bigger than Geeg telling her to be good, will be needed for her to really think about who she is. SOPHIE! Our sweet girl is learning some devious ways! I feel I am torn between liking her at school with all the fun antics going on and wanting her to go to Laris….. so undecided!

    • Thank you so much, Bee. I think you’re right about Tilly. I’m not sure she can be good. lol Yes, about Sophie! I’m having fun with this part of Gigi’s story, but I can’t wait for more Laris, too.

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