MTN: The Edwards 3


The time had finally arrived when Mr. Edwards, the dirty abusive rat, was leaving for his weekend work conference. One thing Mrs. Edwards found out during her escape planning was that it paid to know the right people.

It took all of her courage, but with Keith’s prodding, she finally sucked it up and spoke to her neighbor Jade Seaforth about obtaining a lawyer. She hated to impose on Jade during this trying time since her husband had so tragically died only the week before, but she hadn’t known what else to do.

She hadn’t expected Jade to be acting normally or anything, but what she encountered was downright strange. Kai’s parents were there, and his mother stepped in rather abruptly, telling Mrs. Edwards to go home and not bother them.

It was Kai’s father, however, who was touched by her sad story of ill treatment at the hands of her abusive husband. He eluded to working with The Neptune Foundation, which had been around for centuries. As far as she knew, the Neptune Foundation was philanthropic, but really, that’s all anyone knew about them.

Without delay, she accepted Bram Seaforth’s help, and his foundation arranged for her and Keith to flee the country under assumed names. They were set up in a posh apartment on the beach, and she was provided a cushy job that would support them.

She couldn’t have asked for anything better. Keith was happy but also worried his father would find them. He often brought up the night they left and how many police cars they’d seen at the Hill residence. He’d worried the police were for them, but Bram Seaforth assured them, the police were a good diversion to their escape.

Mrs. Edwards and Keith were getting in a taxi just in time to see Molly Hill dragged away in handcuffs, her legs buckling under her, only moving at a tenth of her own pace.

At their new apartment, Mrs. Edwards, now called Anne Miller, would give anything to wipe the look of fear off her son’s face.

Perhaps in time…

Well, this wraps it up for the Meet the Neighbors series. I hope you enjoyed it even though it didn’t go into any heavy detail. 🙂 I’ve thought about doing a series on the other girls at the boarding school Gigi and Sophie are going to. Let me know if you’d be interested in anything like that.

Thank you so much for reading, liking, lurking, and commenting! I hope you enjoyed today’s bonus post! See you Saturday at 10am (EST) for Noble Doubt!

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  1. I’m so glad Bram came through for them. They so needed the help. I hope they will be all right in time and that the ingrained knot of fear will leave them.

    Ah, good! It was refreshing to know that Mad Molly got hauled away. I honestly hope she comes to a sticky end. If anyone deserves that, she certainly does.

  2. Molly is gone too soon! I was only beginning to appreciate her evil ways! Oh well.
    I’m looking forward to reading about the girls’ adventures in their new school and I sure would love to learn more about other characters they meet there unless those aren’t gone too soon as these neighbours after I have got myself invested in their stories. 🙂

    • Thank you, maladi. She is gone too soon, isn’t she? I’m sorry about that. I’m so glad you want to hear about the other girls at Gigi’s school. Hopefully, they will hang around a bit longer.

  3. Oh! Well that wrapped up nicely. I’m glad Bram stepped in. They couldn’t have landed a better situation. Kara has been very strange lately. She’s getting to be more and more like her mom and grandma and I can’t really understand why. As far as Molly goes, I knew she wouldn’t get away with it!

    • Thank you, Jess. I totally get what you’re saying about Kara. I think Saturday’s chapter of ND will maybe put Kara in a different light. You’ll see finally what’s been going on. And, see ya’, Molly!

  4. 🙁 I have this weird feeling. I felt like Mrs Edwards and her son shouldn’t be forced to flee. They did nothing wrong. It was Mr Edwards and his abusive ways that need to be brought to light. Poor Anne and Keith will be living in fear and watching over their backs, worried for the day they might bump into Mr Edwards. I’m glad Brams helped them within his own power, but I stand for justice too much and am still worried for mother and son.

    I keep rereading the chapter but I can’t tell where does it say Molly has something to do with Kai’s death. Was it mentioned last chapter instead? 😮

    • Thank you so much. 🙂 As to your question, it was not mentioned, it’s just implied in this chapter by the police dragging Molly away. Saturday’s chapter of ND will explain everything. 😀

      I am so glad you said that about Mrs, Edwards and her son, and how they shouldn’t have to flee. I’m a justice fighter, too, so it’s really unfair. Unfortunately, this type of situation ends like this so often, where the abused parent must flee with the kids. So many times for them, there is no justice. But that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t like to see justice happen.

  5. So glad that Kai stepped in when he did. He was always a bright one, even if things didn’t go right with Kara for the longest time. Can’t imagine how she must be feeling right now, if she acted the way she did.
    Bye bye, Molly, you won’t be missed.

    • Thank you, Violincat. I always thought he was a bright one, too, trying to undo the damage his father did, and trying to finally win Kara and his family over. Good riddance Miss Molly!

  6. I didn’t expect this intervention, but I like it! And I guess Molly Hill got arrested for manslaughter? I would love a Meet the Schoolmates series!

    You know, this generation takes an almost impersonal approach to problems: grand gestures like sending kids to boarding school and erasing identities, rather than interpersonal support and communication. Problems are solved, but more ones are created, for the personal touch of love and facing challenges together is missing. They’re not getting into the messiness of living together, and everything feels like it leads to social isolation.

    • Thank you, Cathy. I’m so glad you’d like to meet the other schoolmates. It should be fun, if it works out.

      As for Mrs. Hill, she got arrested, all right.

      I like what you’ve noticed about this generation and their attempts at problem solving. You are right that this is going to have long-term effects and consequences that reach forward. It’s especially going to shape the way Gigi thinks and feels about things.

  7. Giving Bram a virtual hug! Once again a disapproving look to Kara! I’m glad this wrapped up on a happy note, because woman to woman, we can never leave a distraught person or sim behind! Looking forward to what comes next on Wednesdays…… what will that be maybe???

    • Thank you, Bee. Bram loves hugs! lol Kara has other, more important (to her) things on her mind right now. lol Hmmm…. other Wednesdays? Thinking maybe focusing on the other girls at the school Geeg and Sophie get sent to. Not sure. 😀

  8. Thank goodness for Bram. I can’t believe how tacky Kara was. But wait, yes I can. Ugh. Anyway, happy they’ve escaped. And verrrry happy they know it was Molly that killed Kai. 😭😭😭. However it seems two neighbor men may have it in for Jade and Kai’s parents. That is if Mr. Edwards figures out they helped his wife and son escape and then Molly’s husband for thinking his wife had anything to do with Kai’s death.

    • Thank you, Audrey. Bram is a good guy… mostly. LOLOL There is a lot cooking in the Seaforth house right now regarding Mrs. Hill that will be in Saturday’s chapter. I like how you think, girl. Yes, to Mr. Edwards’ anger if he discovers it’s Bram who helped his wife and also Mr. Hill for thinking his wife had anything to do with Kai’s death. We will see 😀 😀 😀

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