Chapter 7.27: Dear Diary, a Good Place to Start


Did you miss Wednesday’s chapter? Catch it here: Chapter 7.26: Dear Diary, Threats & Other Niceties

Part 1: The Beginning is a Good Place to Start

… an excerpt from the diary of Kara Poe

Dear Diary, having Bram around has been even better than I thought it could be. At first, I was nervous we’d fight all the time, but it hasn’t been like that at all. Maybe because we’re older? Or perhaps because we’ve finally realized what is important.

When we decided to work on our relationship, I asked him where we should start. He said, “The beginning.” So that’s what we did. We started dating, and he’s staying at his own house across town. He visits every day, and we talk. It’s been so nice rediscovering him, I could cry.

Of course, I’m still worried sick over Kai, but having Bram there has relaxed me enough that I don’t feel like my heart will stop beating at any second.

“Thanks for the coffee,” Bram said this morning.

We’d been enjoying a nice, aimless conversation. The kind where it’s not really important, but it’s just nice to be in the other person’s company.

“You said you wanted to talk about something?” I asked, topping his cup off with more.

He continued when I sat back down.

“I put my notice in with The Inheritance.”

When he said that, I was just reaching for my cup, and my hand shook, nearly spilling the steaming contents.

“What? Is that something you can even do?”

He shrugged a little. “Well, I mean, I did it. If they think I’m bluffing, they’ll have another thing coming.”

“Jarah and I went on the run because of them. Will they let you go? Just like that?”

“Kara, when I first joined them, I was sick and shocked over what happened with my father. I didn’t understand what happened, so I went with them, hoping they’d make sense of it. In return, they were supposed to leave you and my brother alone.” He cleared his throat, and his mouth was a firm line now. “I’ve been with them a long time, and I’ve paid my dues. They have no choice but to accept I’m finished.”

My hands were still shaking, so I put them in my lap and fidgeted with my skirt. “I don’t like the sound of this.”

He sighed, and a relaxed smile crossed his face. “I don’t want you to worry about it. I think they’ll see it my way. The Inheritance is important, but I don’t think I’m a necessary component. Let me worry about this, though, okay? I only wanted you to know that I’m leaving them, so I can spend more time with you, and Kai before he leaves.”

“What will you do?” I asked, my voice small.

He smiled again. “I don’t know yet. Maybe I’ll work on another cookbook.”

I laughed. “Yes, I think volume two is way overdue.”

The more I thought about it, the more I realized what he was giving up in order to be the father he should have been. If I was seeking a relationship with him, this was terrific news for me, too.

“I’m glad, Bram, that you’re making this decision.”

“I thought you might be happy about it. Even if there’s push back from them over my decision, I feel good about it, too.”

My heart felt lighter, and my chest had expanded as we continued to talk about his newfound freedom.

We looked up as Kai came out of his bedroom.

“What’s this?”

I smiled at him. “Coffee. Do you want some breakfast? Pancakes or something?”

He gave me a look like I’d grown another head. “Really?”

“Sure,” I said. “Don’t look so surprised. I know I don’t cook often, but I’d be happy to make breakfast.”

“Why are you even home?”

The question took me off guard and stabbed at my heart. He was so used to being alone.

Bram sipped his coffee while I answered.

“I had some hours saved up, so I took a few days off. You’re leaving for school in a couple days, and I want to spend some time with you. Come, sit with us.”

His body seemed stiff as he took a seat and didn’t even pull up to the table.

“Scooch in,” I chided with a smile, “we don’t have cooties.”

“Don’t make it weird,” he grumbled, holding his position.

Bram chuckled as my face turned red.

“Okay, so maybe that’s something more appropriate to say to a little child,” I laughed. “I don’t guess you’re worried about cooties at this point in your life.”

“Mooooom,” he groaned, “You’re making it so weird.”

I didn’t know whether to be offended or giggle. “All right, all right, I’m sorry.”

“I don’t want to make this weird,” Bram began with the same smirk Kai also so often used, “but would you like to spend the day with us? We can do whatever you want.”

Kai averted his eyes, then took a breath before looking at us again. “I can’t. I’m meeting Jade so I can tell her goodbye.”

“Ah, okay,” Bram said. “Maybe we can do dinner?”

“Yeah, okay,” Kai said.

“I know you will miss your friends,” I said. I wanted so badly to take his hand and comfort him, but I knew he’d pull away. I had only a few precious moments with him before he’d be gone for a year, so I didn’t want to spoil what time I had.

Kai shrugged, rubbed the back of his neck, then shifted in his chair. “Jade’s really the only friend I care about.”

I perked up at this little tidbit of information he’d thrown our way. Glancing at Bram, I knew he must be thinking the same thing.

“Oh, um, you and Jade have been friends a long time. Have you two, um, been going out?”

His face turned beet red, and he scooted his chair back, getting ready to stand up.

My heart sank. I’d ruined the moment by prying for more than the smidgen of information he’d offered. He must have seen something in my expression because he slowly sat back down. I think he knew that by showing interest in his life, I was trying. At least, I hoped he understood that.

His next sentence surprised me even more.

“I’m… kind of nervous about leaving.”

Bram nodded. “I can understand that. Just know your mom and I are only a phone call away, and we’re here for you. I quit my job, and I’m determined to change things between us. All of us. I want to be there for you, son. It’s okay if you don’t believe me because I’m going to show you.”

I thought Kai might bolt. Instead, Bram’s words seemed to get through to him.

He nodded, and said, “Okay.”

I wish I could have chimed in and told him I felt the same way. But I didn’t know if that would be making it weird? So, I kept my mouth shut, nodded, and smiled my agreement.

Part 2: A Kiss Goodbye

… an excerpt from the diary of Kai Seaforth

Twinbrook is dying. A lot of the buildings on my side of town are crumbling, with windows smashed, and weeds winding through, overtaking them. I think if I wasn’t leaving, I might keep feeling like Twinbrook does until there’d be nothing inside me at all except weeds.

It took me a while to realize it, but I didn’t want that. Where I’d once harbored apathy, now I felt… I don’t know what I felt, but something inside me knew leaving this place was good for me.

I waited down by the old train tracks for Jade. I lived closer to it than she did, but when we were kids, we had some adventures here. Once, we’d followed the tracks as far as we could just for fun. What we found out was that they were broken in spots, and mostly overgrown as they meandered through the hillside out of this place.

Today, after the passing of time, they looked even worse. I walked a few feet, and at some spots, you couldn’t even see the old tracks anymore.

“I’m here!” Jade called breathlessly as she ran to me.

We hugged, and I liked the softness of her curly hair against my cheek.

“Your hair smells like roses.”

She smiled at me, her beautiful eyes dancing with life. “It’s my conditioner.”

“I like it.” She giggled as I hugged her again, burying my nose in that gorgeous hair.

Then we took a few minutes to shoot the breeze before we got into the more serious stuff. She told me how her dad was upset because she’d taken his car without asking. I swear, she was always doing something to piss those people off. There was no remorse in any of the wild stories she told me. I’ve always thought she enjoyed making her family crazy.

Next, it was time for the heavier stuff. And she dove right in.

“I’m going to miss you so much, Kai. I always thought we’d graduate together.”

I used my thumb to wipe a tear off her cheek, just under her eye.

“Hey, don’t cry. I’ll be calling you to bitch about it constantly.”

She laughed a little, and her eyes brightened again. “I’m actually really happy for you.”

Huh? Had I heard her right? I was being sent to a “therapeutic” boarding school. While I wanted to get out of town, and away from Frank, I wasn’t exactly thrilled about starting over again. My dad said it wasn’t a hospital, but it sure sounded something like one to me. I even wondered if there were bars on the windows.

“You’re happy?”

“For you,” she repeated. “This could really change things for you.”

“Or it could be a real drag.”

“Maybe, but you want to know what I think?”

I felt the corner of my mouth go up. “What?”

She paused for a minute to kick at a pebble. “I think you’ll get out of it what you put into it.”

Huh. As crazy as that sounded to me, it kind of made sense.

“When’d you get so smart?” I asked with a smile.

She laughed. “Dude, I’ve always been smart. I’m glad you finally noticed.”

She was smarter than me, that was for sure.

I pulled her against me, wrapping my arms around her. The feel of her warm body next to mine felt so good.

“I wish I could bring you with me.”

She rested her head against my shoulder. “Well, that’s a nice thought, but I’m not the type you can just put in your pocket and carry off.”

“No?” I kissed the top of her head, getting a nose full of roses again.

She shook her head. “I’ve got big plans of my own. Someday, you’ll see.”

I bet I will, I thought as our lips brushed, and we shared our final kiss goodbye.

Notes from Kymber

Special thanks to Bee (Poses by Bee) for the First, Second, Third Base -Teens pose pack! I’ve gotten so much use out of this pack!

I feel like this chapter needed to happen, but that it was kind of boring, too. So, I am sorry if you’re yawning right now, and I’ve put you to sleep. 🙂

As we near the end of this generation, I’d also like to thank you, gentle readers, for your support. You are wonderful.

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  1. It was nice to see Bram and Kara sitting at a table with their son. It felt like they were family seeing them all together. I’m happy Bram is trying to be a better father and even quit the job at The Inheritance. It must have been a difficult decision for him.

    • I think Bram made the right decision. He really does have a good heart. Keep in mind for future reference that he still has contacts through The Inheritance even if he doesn’t work with them anymore.

      I thought it was about time they acted like a family. 😀

  2. Awww it’s so adorable that Bram is actually trying <3 I hope the Inheritance won't go after him! 😬
    Jade is being super mature and supportive about Kai leaving and that only makes me like her even more. I hope Frank will stay away from her once Kai leaves!

  3. Lots of changes and hopefully for the better. I wonder if Jade and Kai will try to have a long distance relationship. I imagine it’s going to be so hard, especially since they really aren’t mature enough to handle such a thing. Jade is right. I think he will get out of this experience what he puts in, and hopefully he will heed that advice.

  4. I think it’s good that Bram hasn’t expected their relationship to go back to how it was and they’re starting with dating again.

    I really like what Kai said about Twinbrook. Maybe this school will help him make a plan for his life. I have to wonder what will happen with him and Jade. Sounds like they’ll try to do long distance, but that will be really hard especially since they’re so young.

    • Thank you, Heather. I think that’s good, too, that Bram wants to date Kara instead of trying to pick up where they were.

      I think this school will be good for Kai. That’s a good question about Kai and jade and what this means for them. Hopefully, it all works out.

  5. I’m kind of surprised that Kai just accepts his dad being there in a way he wasn’t before, but I imagine the whole thing with the garage was a big shakeup for his mindset, making him less likely to be antagonistic with family.

    • I think you’re right. Basically, this all comes down to what happened with Frank at the garage. If that hadn’t happened, I don’t think Kai would be so compliant right now.

  6. That was a very sweet goodbye and I’m glad Kai’s parents are making more of an effort to spend time with him. I hope the new school goes well! And gosh I hope Frank doesn’t do anything bad to Jade once Kai leaves….

    • Thank you, Raymond. I think it’s good, too, that Kara and Bram have finally realized a little bit of what Kai has been missing, and the attention he’s needed but not gotten. Hopefully, the new school goes well, and Frank won’t hurt anyone else.

  7. On the surface, it all looks peachy keen, but I have questions. Even though I think Jade can handle herself, I’m just wondering what Frank will do when Kai bails and I’m wondering why Kai hasn’t warned Jade, so she can be prepared, or would that have caused a war… like “why didn’t you tell me what this jerk has been doing?” and ” you’re running out on me, leaving me with this mess?” I’d be angry and terrified. If he loves her, does he have a plan? I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop.

    • Thank you, Jo. Those are excellent questions. I think Kai is afraid to tell Jade for the reasons you mentioned. She is his only friend, and I think it would be harder for him to leave if she was freaking out or angry with him. My personal opinion is that he should have told her because what if she goes there with other friends? She has no idea what the real story is. Maybe Kai thinks that without him, she has no reason to go there. So far, it seems his only plan is revenge. I don’t know if that will change or not. Hopefully, he matures at school and rethinks that aspect. I can totally see why you’re waiting for the other shoe to drop.

  8. I don’t find these kind of chapters boring. For me, these chapters are what I read for, and I just make my way through the other types of chapters to get to these kinds of chapters. I like hearing what characters think about life… That’s what interests me. Plot and action are just distractions from that, or maybe, at best, the containers in which the interior story can unfold. Anyway, I loved this chapter, and I love Jade. I sure hope she’s a big part of the next gen!

    • Thank you, CT. I’m so glad you like chapters like this. This is one of things that interests me the most, too. I love character development over plot any day. I’m glad you love Jade, too. That girl has it going on. lol 😀

  9. I’m so glad he is turning into the glass half full instead of the empty type. At 16-17 they think they know it all, so seeing his world as it is now with the Frank thing on top could be enough to really change him and not for the better. Thank you Bram for saving the day! YES, I said it, I’m trying to be the glass half full with Bram too. He just better not mess up again or I am deleting him from my computer!

  10. Things are looking bright for this family. I’m glad Jade is being supportive and encouraging. Teens are usually very self centered but Jade is a pistol. I bet she’d be clever enough for old Frank. Anyway I’m looking forward to reading what the future has for this bunch.

    • Thank you so much. Yes, finally! I love Jade, and she has big plans for her future, so I think she wants him to have plans for his, too. lol You just might be right about her against Frank. haha

  11. Awww. I’m glad Kai is trying to embrace the change and that Jade is encouraging. It’s sad the reason why though. I’m sure we haven’t heard the last of that awful man. I do think he and Jade may see each other again someday. And Bram! He quit! Yes. But now we know why he went. So they’d leave her alone. Can’t wait to see how Kai does in his new school. ❤️ Looking forward to the 18th and all the chapters in between!

    • Thank you, Audrey. ❤ I’m glad, you’re glad. I think it makes sense for Kai to be happy to leave because of Frank. Hopefully, though, he’ll find better reasons once he’s there. And, yes! Bram quit! And now we know a lot more about why all that happened the way it did. I’ so happy you’re looking forward to the 18th . I am, too. 😀

  12. Aw, there are some little lights spots ahead, aren’t there? 😊 I liked Kara, Bram, and Kai having a nice time for once. And I liked Kai and Jade’s thoughts on him leaving the town. I think they’re right it’ll be good for him and I think that’s a rare sign of maturity, especially for Kai. Dang, it seems like there’s hope for the kid and that just makes me happy. 😄❤

    • Thank you so much, Louise. 🙂 Yes, I think some light spots are warranted. lolol I was playing, and Kai just came in when they were at the table. So, I started taking pics, then he sat with them! I was like, I gotta use this! lol It seems to me that with Kai, Bram put this in a good perspective for him, and then Jade sealed the deal. lol The great things is, there is hope for the kid. ❤❤

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