Chapter 7.26: Dear Diary, Threats & Other Niceties


Part 1: Bram Arrives

… an excerpt from the diary of Kara Poe

Dear Diary, Bram finally arrived in the early evening. Before that, though, I paced around while I thought of everything I wanted to finally say to his face. Maybe if he’d arrived when he said he would, I would’ve had less time to think about this. But, no, he was late, and Kai had already tanked the day. Oh, in my mind, I was scathing, my tempter barely under control.

Now, he was standing just inside my doorway, and I had to count to ten four times.

“Kara?” he finally called.

“It’s about time!” The words burst out of me like an explosion. So much for counting when you’re angry!

“I apologize. My layover in Fortress Rock was drawn out, then we sat on the tarmac for a long time. I was anxious to get here, and am glad I finally made it.”

“I’m sorry for snapping. It’s… good to see you,” I said, fumbling over my words. There was a heaviness in my body, and my mouth felt like it was full of marbles.

“Where is he?”

“In his room. He was home early from work today, looking a mess. I think he was drinking and got in a fight. But when I took your advice, and called his boss, everything with his work was fine. I don’t know what’s going on with him. I’ve lost touch.”

“What do you mean?”

I sighed as I tried to formulate my thoughts into words. “I don’t know. I only want to figure out what we’re going to do to help Kai.”

He nodded. “I’ve thought of something and made some inquiries. Let’s sit down and talk about it.”

For the first time in a while, I felt relief stirring within me. Just as I’d hoped, Bram was swooping in to save the situation.

Part 2: Daddy Issues

… an excerpt from the diary of Kai Seaforth

I knew my dad was here because the walls are paper thin, and who could miss a limo pulling up in this dumpy neighborhood? Even if I was super rich like my dad, I’d never want a limo. Instead, I’d have a garage full of cool muscle cars. In my mind, I was forming a plan to make that happen someday.

He knocked on my door, then came in, closing it behind him. I didn’t want to turn around and look at him. As far as I was concerned, I didn’t have a dad. This one in particular sucked big time.

“I’d like to talk to you, Kai.”

He had what I always thought of as the dad voice going on. Firm, but holding back any type of emotion. At least he didn’t come charging in, making demands, and telling me what I was going to do.

I finally turned around to face him. He looked the same as he ever did… hair pulled back, dark suit, and the same face except with maybe more wrinkles around the mouth and eyes.

“Fine,” I said, trying to keep my voice as uninterested sounding as possible.

And then it started. My stomach clenched as all of his questions reminded me what a mess I was in. I hoped I wouldn’t start puking again. How would I explain that?

“Your mom told me you were drunk and had gotten in a fight.”

“She doesn’t know as much as she thinks.”

“It’s not true, then?”

I sighed. “I’m not saying she lied, just that she didn’t really try that hard to find out what happened.”

“So, what did happen?”

Damn. Why had I said that? Wait, he couldn’t see my banged up nose and black eyes. I could get out of this just fine if I played it cool.

“Nothin’. I mean, I felt sick, so I came home and threw up. That’s it.”

His mouth thinned out, and the corner twitched. I don’t think he bought it.

“Are you all right now?” was all he said about it, though.

That question, though, set me off in a way I wasn’t expecting. All of a sudden, I was yelling, waving my pointer finger around, and telling him how it was.

“You can put away that ounce of concern now, mom’s not in here! You don’t know the first thing about me, you’ve never been there for me. Ever! So, don’t think you can waltz in here now, and pretend everything’s great, and we can pick up where you left off. It doesn’t work that way!”

What surprised me the most was that, even though he flinched at what I said, he didn’t yell back or seem to get heated at all. When he talked, his voice was calm, like nothing had happened.

“I expected this might be the reception I got. And, I wanted to tell you how sorry I am that I let you down. I always wanted to be in your life. You may not believe that, but it’s true. I get why you’re angry with me.”

We stood there for a minute, and while it was quiet, I thought about what he was saying. I must be some kind of dumb sap because I didn’t understand his angle. What was he trying to do? What would it get him?

“Look, your mom and I have a lot of things to work out, but we will try way harder for you and each other. I love you, Kai, and everything’s going to be okay.”

“It is? Right.”

“I’ve spoken with your mom already, and you may not like us for this, but we’re sending you to an alternative school-“

“-I’ve gotta move schools again?” I shouted.

He put his palms up like stop signs. “Let me finish, then you can commence with the whining.” He paused, probably to see if I was going to have a tantrum. When I didn’t, he continued, “I’ve checked it out, and it’s really nice. It’s an all boy’s academy.”

“So what’s the catch?”

“Well, it’s what they call a therapeutic boarding school. It’s not a hospital or anything like that. You will stay there, in their dorms, have counseling, academics, and extra-curricular activities. They have sports just like any other school, too.”

Gag. I might’ve mentioned once or twice that team sports give me a rash. I decided not to mention this to him since I figured if he knew anything about me, he’d already know that. In my mind, he didn’t deserve any clarification.

“Can I leave if I don’t like it?”

His expression was grim as he answered me. “No, that is not an option. If you don’t like it, you can speak to your mother or me. We’ll decide how you’re doing, and if anything needs to change. Kai, you need to understand that your life is going in the wrong direction, and you need help. I wish I could change things… I wish I could change the fact I wasn’t there for you like I should have been. But, I can’t. All I can do is try to do what is best for you now.”

This really pissed me off. They were sending me away. Just like that.

“Sounds a lot like a jail.”

“Trust me, it’s anything but. They’re strict, but their interest is helping you turn your life around, not to keep you as a prisoner. You can’t freely leave, it’s true. Try not to dwell on that aspect, though. Instead, see this as the opportunity it is.”

Opportunity? How could I possibly see being sent away an opportunity?

Then, it occurred to me if I went away, I wouldn’t have to deal with Frank Cooper. As far as I was concerned, being forced to work for him was reason enough to try this new school out.

After he left, I sat on the edge of my bed to think some more about what had just happened. I wasn’t looking forward to my life totally changing again, but getting away from Frank sounded good.

Then I realized I might never see Jade again, and my heart sank. I didn’t think I was in love or anything like that, but she was about the only friend I had left, and I’d miss her.

The unknown weighed down on me like a ton of bricks, and my stomach clenched again. They were sending me away whether I agreed or not. What would I tell Jade?

Part 3: A Change of Heart

… an excerpt from the diary of Kara Poe

While Bram was talking to Kai, I made coffee. My thoughts kept going back to when Bram first got here, and I snapped at him when I should have been thankful he came. Why was I like that to him? I didn’t understand it at all.

By the time he stepped out of Kai’s room, and my eyes fell on him, a well of emotions bubbled up, threatening to explode. The part of me that was still angry should have been able to carry on, however, there was the side of me that still loved him to contend with.

Did I really write that? Okay, then, fine. It’s true. I still love him.

And, I hate him. I love him, and I hate him. This is not going to be easy to sort out.

Now, he was waiting for me to say something.

“How’d he take it?” I asked, picking at my cuticle for the thousandth time that day.

Bram stood near me, letting out a breath. “It went better than I thought it would, but I’m sure he’s unhappy about our decision to send him to Edgewater Academy for Boys.”

“So, he’ll go?”

Bram shook his head, and swore under his breath. “Kara, he doesn’t have a choice. We’re doing this. We agreed.”

“Yes, okay. Yes, we did.”

“We can’t back down now. We’re a united front. He might try to talk you into changing your mind, but we have to be strong for him.”

I nodded, my heart aching for what our little family had come to.

“I need to ask you again because we didn’t really talk about it. What did you mean when you said you were out of touch?”

My head was beginning to ache. I didn’t want to talk anymore. “I don’t know.”

His head tilted a little to the side, and his lips pursed. “I don’t understand. You don’t feel right.”

I huffed and shuffled my weight to the other foot. “That doesn’t make any sense. I’m clear across the room.”

He hesitated a moment. “You’re so different, not at all like you were when Kai was little.”

“So this is all my fault?” I demanded, my cheeks red hot.

After another long moment, he said, “It isn’t all your fault. That isn’t what I meant. Please, listen to what I’m saying.”

“I will when you start making sense,” I grumbled.

He took a step forward, but must have sensed my anger because he stopped there. His arms dangled awkwardly as he tried to explain. “There was a time when you were full of life. Even in the worst times, nothing could dampen your spirits or change the drive you had to go on.”

“So you’re saying I’ve given up?”

“Don’t put words in my mouth.” He sighed, moving a stray wisp of hair off his forehead. “There was something special I could always sense when I was with you. From the first time we met, you had… it.”


“Don’t you remember? Have you really forgotten all the times you knew how I felt by just touching my arm? What about all the times you found items we thought we lost for good? It’s like there’s something extra about you that other people don’t have.”

Suddenly, memories flowed through my mind, things I had indeed forgotten. I put a hand to my head as I recalled the time my little brother got lost in the blizzard, but I had no trouble finding him at all. It was as if something inside me told me where to go.

I looked at adult Bram, his face careworn. I remembered the first time I touched the fence that went around the property where he grew up. The sadness from inside that house overwhelmed me to the point I knew I had to meet the strange boy that lived inside.

“You’re right,” I said, wiping a tear off my cheek. “I have lost something. I don’t know how or why, but it’s gone, and it makes me so sad, like I’ve been stripped bare.”

He was across the room in three strides, wrapping me in his arms. I hadn’t been held like that for so long. It was something more I’d forgotten.

When his fingers brushed more tears off my face, I couldn’t stop crying. The whole time, he shielded me in his embrace, and I wished he’d never let go.

“I changed, too, Kara, after I killed my father. It scared me what I was capable of, and how out of control that power was. So, I wanted to be with you forever, but I couldn’t stand the thought you might get hurt.”

I understood completely because I’d feared him for a time. None of that mattered now.

“Where I have you now, is where I’ve always wanted you to be. I’ve been stupid, and selfish for a long time. All I want is you, and our son. I don’t give a damn about anything else.”

A sob wrenched free of my throat. It felt like my whole body was melting, so I leaned into him, our faces only inches apart. “How do we ever make this work?”

“We just do it,” he said, his voice filled with confidence. “We stop over analyzing, we forgive each other, and move forward like we should have a long time ago.”

Was it that easy? Could it be?

“I know you must have doubts, Kara, but please, give us a chance. Let this be the first step in healing our family.”

At that moment, I knew I would give us all the chances we needed. Nothing would ever tear us apart again.

Part 4: We’re Not Friends

… an excerpt from the diary of Kai Seaforth

This morning, I went to work way early because I knew Frank would be taking inventory in the main garage. Behind the main building was where Jade and I had been hooking up. My idea was to sneak in there and ransack the place if I had to. I didn’t know what Frank did with all his recordings… if he kept them to watch, or if he sold them, but I would take what I could find and destroy them.

To my absolute horror, I didn’t find any.

As I was coming back around to the front to check in for work, my mind seethed with the things I’d eventually do to Frank. Wrapping my fingers around his neck and squeezing tight would feel so good-

-Damn! I stopped short when I realized Frank was coming toward me. He stopped near the dumpster.

“What were you doing back there?” he asked, one of his eyebrows raising.

I wanted to punch that smirk in until all his teeth fell out in a bloody mess. “Nothing.”

“Oh,” he said, his grin widening. “I thought maybe you were looking for something. Were you looking for something?”

“No,” I mumbled.

“Oh, okay.” He chuckled to himself, and I imagined his head exploding off his shoulders like a huge pimple.

“Go grab us some beers and c’mon. We have a lot of work today.”

“Sure,” I said through gritted teeth.

He flashed me a carefree smile and returned inside.

I let out a breath, and tried to steady my legs, but they were wobbly like jello.

I’m going to kill you someday, Frank Cooper, and it will be the best day of my life.

Notes from Kymber

Annnnnd, 30+ revisions later, we finally have a chapter. lol I moved paragraphs, did rewrites, and chucked entire sections. Yikes is the word I’m thinking of. Thank you, Bee (Poses by Bee) , for working extra hard this week editing my chapter. It. Was. A. Mess. until you came along.

It’s April 1st, have you been fooled today? Hopefully not! lol

In other news, can you believe we’re almost done with Generation 7? I can’t wait to get started on Kai’s generation. Let’s hope the new school will help him. 🙂

Thank you for reading, liking, lurking, and commenting,

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  1. I loved the cute moment between Kara and Bram. I really hope they can make it work. I realize I may have been a little harsh on Kara some comments back and now I feel more empathetic towards her, but I still think she just let herself take up too many responsibilities. And Bram, he got too caught up with his job and didn’t care enough about his family. Sorry that Kai was the victim.

    • I can see why you empathize with Kara now, but in the end, you might find yourself being critical of her again, and I won’t blame you. lol Bram messed up, too, unfortunately for Kai.

  2. Finally!! Some good developments between Bram and Kara at last <3 I really hope it lasts.
    I wonder how Kai's going to take it. And I am very curious to see that new special school (although I don't believe it will take his mind off Frank and revenge completely).
    This was lovely! <3

  3. I kinda thought Kara and Bram would get together eventually, but he’d better not hurt her again. I hope he’s worthy of her this time and that the school will help Kai. Like he said, at least it’ll get him away from Frank. I’m a little concerned about the obsession over him wanting to kill Frank though. I don’t think this is going to bode well.

  4. Yeah, I’m not ready to forgive Bram. It’s like he only wants to help if him and Kara are together, and if he really cares he would help whether or not that happens.

    Hopefully going to this school will be helpful. Like Kai said, at least he will get away from Frank.

    • Thank you, Heather! I can totally see why you say that about Bram. He hasn’t really put much other effort into a relationship with Kai before now. Hopefully, you’re right and the school will be good for Kai.

    • Thanks, Jess. I know what you mean. I guess she’s thinking it’s better if she moves forward, and lets go of the past. But I do see where you’re coming from, for sure.

  5. So… Bram arrives in his limo and doesn’t even stop for a minute to take in the neighbourhood and conditions his son lives in now? He kind of did waltz in just as Kai put it. It’s easy to play the savior when you have the means. He should have shown concern much much earlier and not waited until Kara sends an SOS signal. I’m not forgiving him yet, he’s on probation.

  6. Aww I really hope the new school can be a new chapter to move Kai back on a better track. I like the Bran’s man bun and the fact he’s still so soft and caring. It’s hard when you change and feel you’ve lost something, and it’s hard when you get overwhelmed and feel things are changing between you and another person, but I think (hope!) these two will grow stronger for it together.. xx

    • Thank you, Caz. 🙂 I think this might be what Kai needs. We’ll soon see. You like the man bun! Woot! 😀 Right now, I’m glad Bram is back and taking charge of the situation. Let’s hope whatever happens, Bram and Kara grow together.

  7. Considering what his parents can do, I wouldn’t be surprised if Kai has some latent abilities too and he might make good on his threat to Frank.
    Finally Kai and Kara are working things out!

    • Thank you so much, Violincat. You did a lot of reading! 😀 That’s a good point about Kai. I wonder if he has any special talents he doesn’t know about? 😀 And, yes! They are finally working on this mess. LOL

  8. I hope Kara does get her spark (and her hunches) back, AND that Kai lets his parents know what was the deal with Frank. Honestly, I’m sure their high schooler having sex with another high schooler is probably lower on their list of worries than him getting brought home high/drunk by the police. And what Frank is doing is just twisted. Sounds like Kai’s looking for those recordings and could definitely benefit from someone who just instinctively knows where to look for things. 😛

    • Yessssssssss. Thank you so much, snazzle. 😀 What you say is so good. I don’t even think Kara and Bram have thought much about what other activities Kai could have dabbled in; you’re right that it’s the whole drunk/high/police thing right now. I wonder if the recordings will ever surface, or if Kara will get that hunch back and have a reason to look for them on her son’s behalf? 🙂

  9. I finally got a chance to finish this chapter. Now I hope they’re able to put the pieces of their family back together. As for Frank I think he still has those tapes. They’re like trophies to someone as sick as him. But I hope Kai doesn’t lose his cool and mess around with Frank. He needs to stay cool and think it all through before acting.

    • Thank you so much. I can’t tell you how right you are. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if Frank still has the tapes, too. Sick trophies, but what you say is true and makes sense. Hopefully, with Kai going away to school for so long, the urge for revenge will be quelled, and he’ll move on, or have told someone like his parents by then.

  10. I’m not surprised that Bram is sending Kai away to a special school. What a ‘rich person’ kind of move. 😅 But it might actually be the kind of getaway Kai needs. He can definitely count on being more closely watched there, that’s for sure.
    And it seems like Kara and Bram might actually make it as well. It could be that things are looking up, even if I’m cautiously optimistic. 😊
    Lovely chapter, Kym!

    • Thank you, Louise. It’s a total rich person kind of move, I agree. haha I think you’re right about this; Kai might even get the attention he craves while there.

      I can totally see why you’d be cautious. 😀 Let’s hope this is the start of many good things.

  11. I’m glad you touched upon how much Kara had changed. I’d been thinking about that. Hopefully, she’ll get back her spark when she’s less stressed and overwhelmed.

    • Thank you, CT. 🙂 I believe you’re right about when she might get that back. It’s been gone for a while now, and it was such a huge part of who she is.

  12. I’m so glad Bram stepped in! I hope the boys school will help Kai, especially the counseling. And seeing Kara and Bram together gives me hope. This will all work out. Frank does deserve what’s coming to him…

    • Thank you, Raymond. I’m so glad Bram stepped in, too. I think the school is a good idea for Kai. Especially since I think Kara and Bram probably need to work on things on their end. I totally agree about Frank.

  13. Wow! I can’t wait for Frank to get his. The reconciliation was overdue but I’m hoping not too late. I’m guessing not, because after all Kai is a “Noble” so he’s got to figure it out for the saga to continue. lol However, how he gets it, will be relishing to see.

    • Thank you so much, Jo. 🙂 I can’t wait for Frank to get his, too. You’re so right about the reconciliation being way overdue. I like what you said about Kai being a “Noble.” You’re right about that!

  14. Wow. Okay first…. Bram and Kara reconciling couldn’t have come at a better time to help Kai. I hope once he does get away from Frank, he can let his father know what happened and let him go after Frank instead of it being a burning need for Kai take care of him himself. For some reason, I don’t think It’s going to be that easy. Kai has to be humiliated that he’s on video with his girlfriend.

    • Thank you, Audrey. 🙂 You’re so right about Bram and Kara’s reconciliation. Better late than never, I reckon. I agree it would be better for Kai to tell Bram what happened, and drop his plans for revenge. You might be right that it may not be that easy for him.

    • LOL Thank you, Hilly. I’m not sure that sentiment will ever be out of my system. lol As for Bram and Kara, I think it’s looking way better for them now.

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