Social Distancing


It’s time for social distancing
But I’ve been doing that for years
It saves from getting hurt
And shedding unwelcome tears

Now that everyone is practicing
I wish I could go out
Explore the world in all its fineness
With no one else about

But nothing out there’s open
So I might as well stay home
Read some books, kiss my husband
And pray for all who roam

©2020 Kymber Hawke

Stay safe, much love to you all!

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  1. It’s now been over a year since I had surgery. I had surgery in March of 2020 and not long after I got out of the hospital the pandemic hit. UGH! It cheated me out of a planned trip with my aunt since all theme parks had closed down due to the pandemic. Still haven’t gone anywhere yet. :'( Someday……

  2. Its funny, I love easy days, were I can stay at home and do anything I want. dont we all?

    (it doesn’t happen much as I like it to, until now)

    but this is so different, the feeling it brings, that you cant go out…

    I’m not sure if this is the right word to use “lethargic” I cant go out and see my friends, so I want to even more

    they are saying we are going to be locked down here now for 15 weeks.

    As I dont have go to work for a while

    I’m going have some a little time on my hands, going to try to get back into doing my story, plan to give it an ending as my game is still playing up, and it takes forever to do one scene.

    I just want you to know…

    Its helps a lot to say how you feel Kymber and it helps overs that are feeling the same way.

    its a clever way to do it in a poem 🙂

    thank you so much Kymber for all you do here on this site. I feel like you are looking after us all in a small way 🙂

    you are a like a ray of sunshine here.

    So try and remember that you are very much cared about and loved by family and all the friends you made here.

    Please Stay strong and safe too


  3. *waving at my fellow INFJ!* I absolutely love this poem. I chuckled because I could relate about having been doing social distancing for years 😀

    P.S. Love your cat kiddo. Adorable!

  4. I definitely relate with finding it an exciting thought to explore now abandoned places. But, staying home and staying safe because it’s the right thing to do. I really enjoyed this poem, so apt for us introverts during hard times.

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