Chapter 7.24: Dear Diary, Dating Disaster Diverted


CONTENT WARNING: brief nudity (in Part 2), swearing (in Part 3).

Part 1: Cold Heart Penitentiary

… an excerpt from the diary of Kara Poe

Dear Diary, there it is in all its bleak, rundown glory. Cold Heart Penitentiary, my place of employment. When I first started there, the rules seemed too many to remember. Especially the no wearing underwire bras. After setting off the metal detector, though, that one definitely stuck. It was a moment of embarrassment I won’t soon forget.

I was once told it takes about a year to get truly comfortable in a job, so I don’t suppose this will be any different. I’d been already been there nearly a month, and even though some aspects were strange, I liked the work. To me, the prisoners weren’t that at all. They were only my patients who needed my help, just as anyone in a hospital might.

So far, I hadn’t been treated unkindly by anyone, and my patients seemed to appreciate just being handled like regular people. Out of the prison population, the diabetics were the ones I saw the most. There were a few that had epilepsy, too, so I had to stay mindful of their anti-seizure medication doses.

My co-workers were great, and always up for a laugh, which helped pass the time.

Scott Delaney was one of the guards, and he was a riot. I kept getting the feeling he wanted to ask me out. This makes me wonder what I would say if he ever finally did.

It also got me thinking about Bram and where things stood with him. Or didn’t stand. I struggled to find the right words, and I played What If constantly. My guilt never left me when I considered how my lack of a decision about Bram had affected the son we share.

Morrie advised me to call Bram and tell him about the trouble Kai had been in recently. I didn’t disagree with that, but I hadn’t done it yet because… because I was afraid. Terrified, really. What if he didn’t want to hear about Kai? He’d been distant for so long, maybe by now he figured I was fine doing this on my own.

But I’m not fine. Nothing is fine.

“Hey, Kara,” Scott said as he joined me. “Clocking out?”

“Already did,” I mumbled.

“Going home then?”

Here it came. I was lost in thought, so I hadn’t prepared to duck this encounter. Any minute now, he’d suggest dinner. I figured I’d better nip this in the bud once and for all, or there might be a total dating disaster of some kind coming right up.

“Look, Scott, I don’t know what to do, so I’ll just come right out with it.” I paused a moment, but all he did was nod at me a little. I cleared my throat before venturing forward. “I have a pretty strange life, you see. And, and, I have a troubled teenage son who is going through a rough time. My main goal right now is to concentrate on his needs so he never ends up in a place like this.”

He tilted his head to the side, and in an uncertain tone said, “Uh, okay.”

“Well, good.”

“Yeah,” he said. “Do you need some kind of help? Are you okay?”

If only I could have made a retreat to somewhere quieter. Instead, I tried to explain. “The person I need help from is my son’s father. He’s out of town a lot, and I can’t always reach him.” Why was I telling him this? By now, my cheeks were hot as flame and probably as red as that, too.

“Well, I think you should try, anyway. I mean, instead of ruminating on it, just do it. What will it hurt?”

He had a point.

“There was something I was going to ask you.”

Uh-oh, had I not made myself clear?

“Uh, okay,” I finally said.

A huge grin spread across his face that lit up his sparkling eyes. “I don’t know if you heard, but Lily and I-uh Lily Curtis, and I are getting married this summer.”

In my head, my jaw dropped a foot. In reality, I stood there, forced smile, relief coursing through my veins.

From behind me, I could hear Lily clacking the keys on the intake computer as she finished a report.

“You and Lily?” I asked.

He nodded, the smile never leaving his eyes. “Yeah, and I want to get her a gift. Something really special. But I don’t know any of her friends except you. Do you think you could try to find out something she really wants?”

My insides felt like jello after all the worry I’d put into this situation that had turned ridiculous. Slowly, I nodded and mumbled, “Uh, huh. Sure.”

“Great! Thanks so much! I hope things work out with you and your son. And, I meant it, if you need any help, let Lily and me know.”

“Thanks,” I said before getting out of there as fast as I could without tripping or looking even stupider.

Part 2: Jade Greenhill

… an excerpt from the diary of Kai Seaforth

“Do you love me?” Jade asked after we finished… you know what.

I liked the feel of her against me, her skin was silky smooth under my touch.

“Maybe,” I said as truthfully as I could. “I like you better than anyone else I know.”

Jade and I had been meeting up a lot. The first time we hooked up, neither of us had given protection a thought. From then on, though, we’d been way more careful. She was on the pill, and I used condoms I bought from Milton’s station.

She sighed, never looking away from me. We were at Milton’s because he was gonna be gone for the whole weekend visiting his mother a couple hours away. It was late at night, but I no longer cared if anyone thought I shouldn’t still be out. What were they going to do? Arrest me? Not likely.

Jade, on the other hand, loved giving her parents a hard time. I didn’t exactly think it was a good idea that she treat them that way, but if I didn’t give a crap what my own mom thought, why would I care how her mom was doing?

“What’s gonna happen after we graduate?” Jade asked.

“What do you mean?” I asked, stifling a sleepy yawn.

“With us.”

“That’s not happening soon, why worry about it?”

“We only have one more year to go. Don’t you ever think about what will happen after high school?”

“Not really. I mean, I’ll probably keep working on cars with Milton.”

“That’s it? I mean, don’t you have any dreams?”

My heart sunk a little as I realized I was pretty aimless with little prospect for a future.

“Do you?” I asked her.

Her dark eyes sparked, and she smiled. “I want to go to business school.”

“Huh, I had no idea.”

“Don’t you wanna get out of this crappy town, Kai? It’s not too early to figure this out.”

“Well, what’s wrong with working on cars and stuff?”

She shrugged, her bare skin brushing against mine. “Nothing, I guess, as long as that’s what you really want.”

What did I really want? Who knew. But what was the big deal? I had a job, free beer, and smokes, and a girl to have sex with. What more could I want?

Part 3: Bram Gets a Call

… an excerpt from the diary of Kara Poe

“Bram! Finally! You have no idea how long I’ve been trying to get you on the phone!”

“Kara, it’s good to hear your voice. I’m on a crazy case, so my team didn’t want to disturb me. Are you all right?”

I tried to hold it back. I tried not to let him hear how desperately I needed him, how fearful I was for Kai. But when he asked me that, it opened a floodgate.

“No. No, I’m not okay. Everything is a mess. Kai’s in trouble, I mean real trouble. I’m at my wits end and I can’t do it alone anymore.”

“What’s happened?”

“I’ve lost touch with him. He’s not the same kid he was. He gets into so much trouble with drinking, skipping school, and now drugs. He was brought home by the police the other night. It was Morrie, but still, the police!

Bram waited so long to say anything, I feared the call had been dropped and I’d have to start over.

“Kara, I’m in another country-“

“-I don’t give a shit where you are! He’s your child, too, and you need to get your ass here and help me now!”

“Kara, honey,” his voice was calm but firm, “I was going to say I’m in another country, but I will take the first flight back to Twinbrook.”

“Oh. Well, good.”

“I do want to know… why are you just calling me now? I know it’s a pain getting a hold of me, but you were able to do it. Why didn’t you call me before everything went up in flames?”

I could feel the heat on the back of my neck, and knew my cheeks were probably reddened, too. “Did you really just ask me that? You’re the one who puts your stupid job and travel before your own son! You have never wanted anything to do with him!”

There was another pause, and his voice became deeper. “I always wanted to be there. Remember me? The guy that wanted to marry you and raise our son together?”

With the firmness of his voice, I lost my train of thought. Regardless, I shook my head and stood my ground.

“This isn’t about us! It’s about Kai! Are you getting on the fucking plane or not?”

“Uh, yeah. I’m on it.”

“Good. See you soon.”

Notes from Kymber

Special thanks to Bee (Poses by Bee) for the First, Second, Third Base -Teens pose pack! They are terrific!

I’d also like to thank Hillary for sending me her sims Lily Curtis, and Scott Delaney to use.

The prison is by Cyclonesue, and you can find it here: Bracemoor Medium Security Jail.

Today’s chapter was a bit different for me as I don’t normally include nudity of any kind, nor do I have my characters swear that often. That being said, I felt like Kai’s behavior, the extent of it, needed to be shown. On the same note, I thought Kara would be at the very end of her rope right now as far as dealing with Kai alone goes. So, it is what it is. 🙂 Thank you for allowing me this unusual fare today.

Thank you for reading, liking, commenting, and lurking,

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  1. I’m glad Bram’s taking the plane. It was not fair of Kara to tell him he put his job before his son, when, though she was with him and swore she was doing it for him, she also put other responsibilities before Kai. I wonder what Bram’s going to do now.

    • That’s a good question about Bram. And, omg, right? Kara was really hypocritical there, especially because of the way she raised Kai… or didn’t raise him.

  2. Lol, that scene with Scott was HILARIOUS! Fortunately Kara didn’t embarass herself even more and was able to save face 😂😂 Lol
    It was about time she called Bram too! Although I’m not sure how well it will go with him and Kai at this point… did Kai call him ruthless at one point?
    It’s really sad to see Kai so aimless… but I guess it’s understandable in a sense. He’s obviously the kind of person who needs guidance and never really had it, with both his parents practically absent. I hope he’ll soon find his path!

  3. Well, at least Jade and Kai have the good sense to use protection even if he is acting stupid about so many other things. He won’t have much of a future just fixing cars. I’m glad Jade is asking him these questions. She’s right. It’s not too early to start thinking about what you want for your future.

    Bram still isn’t impressing me. He has a lot to make up for and hasn’t proved himself. He wants it both ways but doesn’t want to do anything to make it work. It seems like he just wants to have everything fall right into his lap wrapped up in a neat little bow. And even if they were married, nothing would really change. He would still go on his trips and forget he has a family. And yet, Kara can’t make her mind up either. I think maybe she’s afraid to take the next step for fear he’ll hurt her again, but the status quo isn’t getting her anywhere. I did have to laugh at the scene with Scott and Lily, and the part about the underwire bra setting off the metal detector was hysterical.

    • Yes, true about Jade and Kai. Kai’s future at this point is not too great.

      I don’t blame you for feeling that way about Bram. In a way, I think Bram is used to having everything dropped in his lap. I’m glad you thought the scene with Scott and Lily was funny. 😀

  4. That was funny with Kara and Scott. I guess he and Lily just keep it professional at work. 😆

    I was wondering if Kai and Jade ever went further. Good thing she’s asking him questions like this. Boys don’t really think about the bigger picture, lol.

    I don’t like Bram’s excuse there. Just because they never got married doesn’t mean you abandon your child. 🤨 And if they were married, how would it change things? He would still be traveling all the time.

    • Thank you, Heather. 🙂 Kara is so out of touch, isn’t she? LOL

      Now you know all about Kai and Jade. 😀 I know Kai never thought about anything other than the present moment before. haha

      I like what you said about Bram and his excuse. I really think you’re right that it wouldn’t have been much different had they been married.

  5. Jade, honey. He’s not serious about the relationship. That much is obvious.
    Good thing she finally called Bram. She’s not wrong – he should be there, attending to his son alongside her.

  6. OMG, poor Kara. She is so out of touch with other people’s feelings. As least she didn’t embarrass herself too much.
    And I think that this is part of why Kai is acting out. If he had some direction or ideas of the future he might straighten up his act.

    • Thank you so much. I really do agree with you on all counts. Kara is definitely out of touch which I think it kind of a leftover from what happened to her as a kid; how she was raised in her early years.

      Maybe you’re right that Kai needs direction. And, maybe Bram can help him with that.

    • LOL Thank you, maladi. I can’t say I blame you for thinking that might happen. haha I’m glad you liked the prison part. I had a lot of fun setting that up.

    • Thank you, Raymond. 🙂 Yes! Bram is on his way! I hope this will be good for all of them. We will soon find out. That’s a great suggestion for Kai, too.

  7. I really enjoyed this chapter. I’m starting to feel that Kai is going to be OK. He really just needs human connection, and he’s getting that with Jade. She seems good for him.

    • Thank you, CT. I’m so glad you enjoyed the chapter. I think you’re right about Kai, and what he needs. Hopefully, if their relationship is found out, they won’t be split apart.

  8. hahahaha, oh my gosh I love ALL the changes and how it came together. I’m sitting here laughing, not because of the chapter but because of your apologetic note. For a second there I thought you were going to say, it’s not like me to write this way but I was co-erced by my editor….or this is more my editors voice!!!

    Okay, so you know I am not a fan of Bram, which is weird to say since he is my sim (don’t know when really I developed such a dislike for him) but I am glad he is coming home. I am hoping to see a side of Bram that will smarten this kid up! On the flip side, I am happy to see Kai in this story. I think he opens things up for you and I am enjoying our push and pull as well as the new ideas you are getting from him.

    • Thank you, Bee. Haha That would’ve been something if I’d said, “My editor made me do it!” LOLOL

      I can’t believe I made you dislike your sim. haha I guess I have a knack! I think this could go either way with Bram interjecting here.

      I’m glad I’m writing Kai, too. I’ve gotten so many ideas I can’t wait to explore, and I’ve never written anyone quite like him before.

      • I of course adore Kai! I’m not sure it was you that made me dislike him. I don’t know what happened. It’s not that he really did anything bad or wrong. I just know I don’t want him for Kara and I’m sure deep down, we disagree on that too! I’m pretty firm on my stance and you will need to work hard in the next while to change my mind if that is where things leads in the end. Your move………

  9. I’ve been in those shoes, but I think Kara has been just as disconnected as Bram at various intervals. She’s there with him and still had no clue until it blew up in her face. I mean, she may have sensed it, but did take a real look and that’s been Kai’s impression all along. I hope the two of them can get it together for Kai’s sake. Sometimes, kids, just want to know people care. His in and out emotions show us he does care and could possibly be a decent human being, but his pride doesn’t let them or himself see it.

    • Thank you, Jo. I think you’re right about how much Kara has been disconnected from Kai, too. I like what you said about what could make their situation better, and what Kai (and kids) want. I think you’re spot on.

  10. Ha, I’m glad Bram is finally getting involved. Kara seems like she’s had enough. Seriously, though, the poor dear needs a break so badly. I hope she finally gets to rest.

    • Thank you, Louise. Yes, finally! Kara has definitely had enough, and needs a break. If she knew Kai was getting on the right path, she’d finally be able to rest.

  11. Great chapter! Poor Kara. I can’t believe she actually thought Scott wanted to date her when he’s engaged to her coworker no less. It shows how out of touch she really is. I bet he was like … Okaaay …. so I’m engaged. Lol. She just has a really hard time relating to people in her own life. I’m sure she’s good with the prisoners because they are there and then gone. Yay for finally calling Bram. And she doesn’t even let him talk. It’s so sad. He was totally right. He wanted to be there and she pushed him away.

    Then Kai….. oh my. He is just aimlessly drifting. He really, really needed Bram there. But now, I don’t think he’s going to react very well to his dad coming in and trying to upset his cushy little setup. ‘ I had a job, free beer, and smokes, and a girl to have sex with. What more could I want?’ Yep. Not going to take kindly to dear old dad trying to come in and change it.

    And did I say Kai is probably the most attractive of all the heirs in this legacy so far? He’s absolutely gorgeous!

    • Thank you, Audrey. This chapter was really To me, it’s kind of a result of what happened to her as a child. She recovered as best she could, but still finds it hard to relate to people sometimes. I like what you said about Bram, too.

      Kai is definitely aimless which wouldn’t have happened to this extent maybe if his father had been in his life. You are probably right about how he will react when Bram finally tries to straighten him out.

      You think so? That is awesome! I love Kai.

  12. Wow! Wow again! Kymber you really have this struggle with Kai and his own dark spot well defined. It’s scary real and relatable. And Kara, yep, I too have poked that belly button and gotten the fire breathing butt bite. It’s frightening as heck the first time, but I learned quickly not to do that anymore. The graphics tell the story well with the text. Poor Kai didn’t realize he doomed himself with the look into the future test. I am on the edge of my man chair hoping Kai pulls it together and gives Kara some relief from her stress. And Bram, man up bro!

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