Chapter 7.23: Dear Diary, Who is Molly & Why is She Bad?


Did you miss Wednesday’s chapter? Catch it here:  Chapter 7.22: Dear Diary, Trouble Our Way

Content Warning: Some swearing, depictions of drug use.

Part 1: New Friends

… an excerpt from the diary of Kai Seaforth

Dear Diary, my new school sucks. I hate everything about it from the smell of stale pot in the bathrooms, to the overcrowded classrooms that reek of gym socks and BO. What makes it worse is how far behind this school is compared to my old school. In English Literature, they’re using the same textbook we used in our sophomore year. Our required reading list is a joke, too. I swear, if I have to read Lord of the Flies one more time, I’ll shove that book right up our teacher’s–well, you get my point.

It doesn’t take a genius to just glance at this school from the street to know it’s the worst.


My so-called friends are lame, too. Jade, Jeff, and I referred to each other as losers, but we had no idea. These new kids are using me to hang out at Milton’s. I didn’t have anyone to hang with, so it’s my own fault they only allowed me in so they could use me. I don’t even know all their names.

Except this jerk. His name is Miles, and tonight, I’m pretty sure he spiked my drink with ecstasy. I didn’t realize it at first because I had my buzz on, but then, this sense of pure happiness washed over me. I didn’t have a care in the world. I didn’t even mind him hanging on me while he laughed, although I usually hate that kind of thing.

The girl in the group washed her tabs down with lots of beer. Something deep inside me wanted to stop her, but by then, the room was tilted, and I was totally wasted.

We’d gone through so much beer, smokes, and who knew what else, that time slipped away from me. I didn’t know if we’d been partying for ten minutes or ten hours.

What’s-his-name fell asleep on the ratty couch even though the music was blaring.

One thing I remember is someone asking me what was behind the purple curtain. Milton told us not to bother his personal stuff, which was back there, so I’d never looked. I was about to tell them that when my beer slipped from my hand. When it hit the floor, it was like a crashing sound that echoed in my aching head.

I opened another beer, but I don’t remember if I drank it.

I was coming down, and it didn’t feel good.

Part 2: Red-Handed

… an excerpt from the diary of Kai Seaforth

Miles and I were staggering home when we heard a cop car squeal at us. Both of us threw our bottles into the bushes, and Miles ran like a rabbit out of there. It was too late for me because I wasn’t that quick.

The car pulled right up onto the sidewalk, and the cop yelled, “Police! Put your hands up and get on your knees! Now!”

Shit. It was Morrie. I could feel the color drain from my body, and my knees were so weak, it wasn’t too hard to comply with his demands pretty quick like.

As my limbs shook, and I held my breath, I heard Morrie step out of his vehicle.

Some random drunk called out, “Hey, give yourself a ticket, you can’t park like that!”

“Shut up, and go home,” Morrie snapped at him.

Then there was a pause.

“Kai? Is that you?”

The disappointment in his voice made me hate myself and wish I could just disappear.

He sighed loudly. “Get over here, kid.”

I let out a moan as I tried to find my legs without falling over. He just stood there waiting, watching me struggle until, eventually, I was able to stumble over to him.

“What has gotten into you? You’re high as a kite.”

I couldn’t look him in the eye because I thought I might crumple under his scrutiny. No amount of slouching was enough to shrink away from him and this moment.

Finally, he said, “Get in the car, I’ll drive you home.”

Part 3: You’re in Trouble Now!

… an excerpt from the diary of Kara Poe

Dear Diary, Kai’s behavior is out of control, and I don’t know what to do about it. There, I said it.

The things he’s been doing are so outrageous. His skipping school has gotten worse, I think he’s been drinking, and smoking, too.

Tonight, after work, he wasn’t home. I didn’t worry at first because he’s usually with Jade or Jeff. But when it got late, and he missed dinner, my fear grew. Finally, I saw Morrie pull up, and Kai get out of the car. They seemed to talk for a moment, then Kai came in… no, he stumbled in.

“Thank you, Roger. Actually, he just came in. Yes, I know, bye.” After I hung up, I lit into him. “It’s after midnight. Where have you been? Do you know who I was on the phone with just now? Jeff’s father! Jeff is home in bed where he is supposed to be and they haven’t seen you in a long time!”

All at once, his lips curled, showing his teeth, and as he answered me, he jabbed at the air with his finger to emphasize his points. “Are you kidding me? You’re kidding, right? Of course I haven’t seen Jeff! We moved to the shitty side of town and it’s not exactly a place his dad wants him hanging!”

There was a dull ache in my head, and I felt like I might cry. “I know you’re angry, but that doesn’t give you the right to skip school and hang out as late as you want to. It sure doesn’t give you the right to drink or do whatever it is you’re doing!”

He graced me then with an unkind smile, his eyes red and tired looking. “You’ve never been around much to tell me what I can and can’t do. So don’t even think you can start now.”

With that, he huffed into his bedroom, slamming the door behind him.

Part 4: Who is Molly?

… an excerpt from the diary of Kara Poe

When his shift was over, Morrie came over before the sun was even up. Not that it mattered since I hadn’t slept. I’d dozed off and on, but was afraid I wouldn’t hear if Kai tried to sneak out or something. My insides felt like mush, my heart ached, as did my head.

Morrie explained the activities of the previous night, waving his arms all about. “So, when I saw it was him, I decided to bring him home instead of arresting him.”

“Thank you,” I said, my voice barely above a whisper as I picked at my cuticles.

“Don’t thank me yet. I told him this only happens once. Next time, he’s going in.”

“I understand.”

“Kara, he took Molly last night, and was drinking heavily. We have to figure out what we’re going to do.”

Between my exhaustion, and my pounding head, all I really heard him say was the name Molly. Kai had a girlfriend? “Wait, back up. Who is Molly? Is she a new friend of his? What were they doing?”

Morrie stared at me, his mouth slack like he couldn’t believe what I’d just said.

“What?” I demanded, my nerves wearing thin.

“Molly is the street name for ecstasy. He’s taking drugs, Kara.” He rubbed his face, and shook his head. “This is worse than I even realized, and now I’m thinking I didn’t really do him a favor. I should have taken him in.”

“Morrie, no,” I said as tears filled my eyes. “What am I going to do?”

“I’ll tell you where you can start. You can call Bram and have him help you straighten this out. You can’t handle Kai on your own. I don’t understand your relationship with Bram, but whatever is going on, you two need to put that all aside and save your son.”

Morrie was right.

He was right.

Notes from Kymber

Hello, gentle readers and friends. I think I’ve finally caught up on all the older comments I missed while I was away. If I skipped any, please know it was only by accident, and not because I didn’t appreciate what you said.

Don’t forget: the next chapter is on Wednesday. Kai takes over on Saturday April 18th, and at that time, I will be returning to weekly Saturday posts.

Thank you again for reading, liking, lurking, and commenting. I appreciate you so much. xo

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  1. Well, this is trouble. I’m so sorry it’s come to this. Hey, at least they put it in Kai’s drink and he didn’t really want it himself, right? There’s that.

  2. How could Kara let the situation slip away from her like that? She should have figured things out with Bram a lot sooner, and not at the expense of her son… now there’s just too much damage done.
    At least Morrie stirred her towards the right direction. But lmao, I can’t believe he expected her to know the street name for ecstasy! 😂

  3. Well, this isn’t good, not good at all! I had a feeling things were going to go from bad to worse, and I don’t think the trouble is over just yet. Kara needs to get it together and figure things out with Bram, and Bram needs to quit being an absentee father. I hope they can get it together for their son’s sake and come up with a plan to get him on the straight and narrow.

    • Oh yeah, the trouble isn’t quite over yet. We’re just beginning. lol It’s true that Kara needs to get it together. And Bram needs to be in Kai’s life. I hope they can figure this out, too.

  4. I am finally catching up. Get your stuff together, Kara. Bram needs to get it together too (this is why I was Team Morrie lol). That little throwaway line about how maybe now she could spend some time with him and make up for all the time she missed pretty much says it all. You can’t go back, you can only go forward…

    • Thank you so much. 🙂 You tell her because that is good advice Kara should listen to. lol Bram, too, as you said. I like how you brought up that sentence because it says so much. I agree that you can only move forward.

  5. I wonder if Morrie should have arrested him for maybe one night. A sort of “scared straight” thing.

    I hope Kara and Bram will be able to come up with a plan together. Although if Bram had been more a part of his life maybe this wouldn’t have happened at all. 🙄

    • Ooooh, that would have been great! I wish I’d thought of Morrie arresting him. LOL Maybe you should write the story because I really love that. LOLOL

      Let’s hope it’s not too late for Bram and Kai. Even if it isn’t, it will be hard to mend what’s happened.

  6. Poor, poor Kara looks so exhausted in the last pictures. I do agree that Bram needs to get involved now. Maybe he’ll be able to get through to Kai. I really hope things turn better soon…

  7. Oh man, it really gets me how tired poor Kara looks in the last two pictures. She’s been through so much in her life and it’s like she can never catch a break. 🙁 It does seem like Bram needs to get involved – she can’t handle it on her own anymore. Kai needs a serious attitude adjustment…

    • Thank you, Louise. 🙂 I’m with you here. Kara was trying to make their lives better, but here we are. I agree that Bram needs to get involved because it’s too much for her. Let’s hope Kai gets that attitude adjustment soon.

  8. Had to giggle twice. First when Kai got caught by Morrie. I just love it when they get into trouble.😁
    Second when Kara was clueless who or what Molly was.😂
    I would give Kara the same advice. Get the boy’s daddy more involved and not only when it is convenient for him. Let Bram experience the worst version of Kai.😈

    • Thank you, maladi. 😉 I’m so glad I got you to giggle. I know these are serious times in the Poe/Seaforth family, but I thought those instances were funny, too.

      Yeah, I think Morrie’s advice is what she should do right now, too. It’s about time Bram had to deal with some of this, too.

  9. Yup! It takes a team. When my son got into drugs and we found out, we let him know he could no longer hand out with certain friends and he’d never know when we would pull him out to get drug tested. He was very angry at first, later he would thank us for being so dutiful about it. It was hard, but we did come together for that. Later, that same kid would guard a President and former Presidents!!!

  10. I’m not surprised that Kai is bending to peer pressure. Whether he took the molly on purpose or not. He is so desperate for anything to heal that hurt. Morrie is definitely right. Bram could help. Hopefully it’s the right help.

  11. Yep. It’s time for an intervention. Gotta double team Kai before jail. After jail, life’s option get more narrow. Love this story Kymber, it’s real, it’s gritty, and it drives home a lot of the emotional strain when families begin to unravel. I’m on the edge of my chair hoping Kara can get through to Kai and he can grow up to be a lot more than the sum of errors in judgement.

  12. Well, at least someone has some sense and can see what Kara is obviously ignoring. It’s a good thing Morrie was the one that found him and that he told Kara the hard truths. She needs to tell Bram to get his a$$ home and help her take care of their son.

    BTW – Kai is very handsome. He has a lot of his fathers looks I think. He’s gonna be a gorgeous yet troubled teen and young adult I fear.

    • Thank you, Audrey. I agree with everything you said right there. Either his parents need to finally intervene, or he needs to find out the hard way the consequences of his actions. Or both. lol

      I love Kai. I see his father in him, too. YA Kai reminds me a lot of Holden except his hair, etc.

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