Chapter 7.8: Dear Diary, Drastic Measures


Dear Diary, so much has happened, and I will try to catch you up. The problem is, it’s still all a whirlwind in my mind. I’m reeling from all that has taken place in only three day’s time.

When I went to the police with the files Jarah was able to break the code to, they brought in the FBI. I knew this was huge, but it was much bigger than I even realized.

We continued to stay at the lighthouse, although, Sloan and Zayday left to stay with her husband. I hope with all my heart that Sloan can work things out with him. She once told me Otto had created the problems in her marriage that lead them to divorce proceedings. Maybe if the FBI brought Otto down, Sloan and her husband would make amends. I could only hope. I know Zayday wanted that more than anything in the world.

Bram and I were still on the outs. After a couple days, he didn’t seem as angry, but he wasn’t exactly talking to me much either. Only the normal everyday kind of things one must say to be polite. You know, “Excuse me,” or, “Please, pass the salt.”

I was so sure we were finished for good, I didn’t even try to get him back. He made me feel so small. Even though he’d kept things from me about his family, he thought I should have told him about being attacked.

Bram’s behavior reminded me a lot of my father’s. He had all kinds of rules in place that I was to obey without question. Yet, he didn’t have to mind any of those same regulations. When I was a child, I thought that’s how it was, and so, I accepted it. But, as an adult, it makes me angry. Aren’t rules supposed to go both ways? I would never expect someone to abide by something I won’t even do.

Every time I thought about this, I got hot under the collar. Were all men like this? Not just Bram and my father, but every single one? I couldn’t decide because I had very little frame of reference. And, Jarah was no help. He was nice now, but who’s to say he wouldn’t be the same as all the others once he grew up?

Perry was a good man, and I’d known him most of my life. Was my mother lucky, or were there more like him? Maybe I should have been measuring other men against him instead of my father. That seemed a good solution.

Still, I was sad about Bram. He was the only man I’d ever loved that way. Even with how unfair I thought things were, I still loved him.

The thing is, we all have emotional wounds of some kind that color our behavior, and influence our futures. Some are smaller than others, I guess, but Bram’s is big. So is Jarah’s. Mine, too, if I even need to write that here.

What if Bram got the kind of help and support I’d had during my teen years? Would he be different after that? Would it help him heal, or is it too late? It might be worth mentioning to him. But that will have to come at a later time, if ever. Right now, there is more to write about Otto.

Bram received a call from an FBI agent informing him Otto had disappeared. They were looking for him, but we should all lie-low until we heard from them again.

What we didn’t know at the time, was that Otto had plans in place. He used his resources with The Inheritance to find us. When Jarah didn’t come back from his walk on the beach, we feared the worst.

It was true. Otto had Jarah, and he wanted to meet. He wanted the flash drive, and he wanted Bram and I to come alone or he would kill Jarah.

When we arrived at the location, we were confronted with Otto practically strangling Jarah in his grip, and brandishing a knife.

Bram took my elbow, little beads of sweat forming on his forehead, his lower lip shaking, and I brought him closer to where his father and brother were standing.

“Stop there!” Otto commanded, bringing the knife closer to Jarah’s throat. “Where’s the flash drive?”

I glanced at Bram. His lips were flattened, and a vein in his temple was pulsing. Slowly, he crossed his arms in front of him.

“Let Jarah go,” Bram said, his tone deepening.

My limbs were shaking as Otto bared his teeth.

“I know you can’t see us right now because you’re useless,” Otto snarled, “but your brother is in a rather precarious situation. I’d hurry up with that flash drive if I were you!”

I gasped as the knife drew blood from the sensitive skin on Jarah’s neck. Reaching into my pocket, I drew out a flash drive. The FBI had the real one.

“It’s here!” I said, my voice cracking like a prepubescent boy. I held it up for him to see.

“Walk it to me,” he said.

“Let Jarah go first,” Bram said, his arms still crossed.

I looked from Bram to Otto, then my eyes met Jarah’s. The teenage boy kept struggling, even though the knife bit into his flesh.

“Bring it here! Now!”

“Kara, don’t. He’ll never let Jarah go.”

“Bram, he’s cutting him!” Taking a deep breath, I took an unsteady step toward Otto.

That’s when things got crazy. Crazy? Crazier.

As I watched, the sky turned a gray-green, and the air was deadly still. From living in the wilderness with my father as a child, I knew that signaled a tornado even though, just moments ago, the sun had been shining, the birds singing.

All at once, a huge gust of wind blew across the field, then surrounded us. The sun was hidden, the sky a black mass of clouds. The earth trembled, and I fell to the ground, barely catching myself with my right arm.

Stealing a glance at Bram, I saw he’d widened his stance, steadying himself against the force of the wind. His back was arched as he tilted his face toward the sky. He raised his arms, his fingers spread, and straining. Terror spread from my stomach to my limbs, my heart thumped against my rib cage.

“Bram!” I tried shouting, but my voice was swallowed by the wind.

It was as if he wasn’t there anymore. He wasn’t scared, or asking what was happening, nor was he ducking for cover. He wasn’t doing anything except lifting his arms to the sky… almost as if he was in a trance.

Jarah yelled something, but with the noise of the wind, I couldn’t make out the words. Otto was screaming, his eyes wide, his face a growing mask of horror as the winds rose, and multiplied around us. Jarah fell from his grasp as he struggled not to fall.

Otto looked like a caged animal as he fought against the cyclone, and I watched as he pointed at Bram, demanding he stop what he was doing. At least, that’s what it looked like he said.

Turning my attention back to Jarah, I tried with all my might to stand so I could get to him, but the winds held me back. Screaming his name, begging him to move toward me, I only hoped he could hear me above the deafening sound of the windstorm.

Using his entire might, Jarah began crawling to me. When he was finally within reach, I grasped his clammy hand, and held on as tight as I could, covering his head and shoulders with my body to shield him.

Before my very eyes, the clouds grew darker, and the tempest hurled Otto up into the air. His body spun, and contorted into unnatural shapes before it seemed to stretch like a rubber band, then was torn apart all together.

When it was over, I heard shrill screams, then realized they were coming from me. Jarah still clung to me, his face buried in the grass, his shoulders shaking.

“Jarah, are you okay?”

He slowly sat up, wiping his cheek with the back of his hand, his eyes not meeting mine. When I tried to get a closer look at the cuts on his neck, he pushed my hands away. To my disappointment, I could see him turning inward, much like he was the first time I met him.

On my right, I heard Bram suddenly collapse to his knees, leaning forward, his head bowed. Finally finding my feet, I knelt next to him, noticing a burning smell coming off of him. As I reached out to touch his shoulder, I was zapped with a sharp static shock.

“Ouch!” I yelped, pulling my hand back. “Bram, can you hear me?”

His nod was almost imperceptible, his chin lowering further. His frame was wracked with shudders, and I didn’t know what to do. In desperation, I tugged my phone out of my pocket, and dialed 911. Within ten minutes, the field we were on was overrun by police, firemen, and paramedics.

This would be hard to explain.


Poses in this chapter are from HERE and HERE. I had a lot of fun using them, and so, thank the talented creator, BloodyScholastic. I had to use OMSP to make the hostage pose work with a teen, that’s why Jarah’s feet aren’t touching the ground. LOL Then, I lost him because I accidentally had him step off of the OMSP. Never do that. lol He’s back now, though, and all is well again. 😀

Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed today’s chapter even though it was a bit different than what I usually do. 🙂

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  1. So, that’s the post I stopped reading your story… at the end of August, 2019. And now, I decided I want to get back. You see, I do kind of now what is going on in the story at the moment, but I feel like I have a huge blank space to fill when it comes to Kara’s gen. Yesterday I realized I had to go through it since the beginning because I forgot so much, and I admit, I remember bits and pieces from the previous gens some of the plot was based on. I was sure you had a recap page, but I couldn’t find it. Ah well, I’ll manage. Excited to find out more!

  2. Is this power another thing that Bram has kept from her? Hmm. Or maybe he just discovered it himself. It seemed like a raw kind of power.

    Using Perry as a measuring stick for other men in her life is a great idea for Kara! I think Bram could still come to his sense, but she can’t wait forever.

    • Thank you, Heather. That’s a great question! I think you’re right that it’s more of a raw power he probably didn’t know he possessed.

      Yes, Kara should stick to that plan and measure men against Perry from now on. LOL

  3. I don’t know why but I did always wonder if there was something like this to Bram. I can’t say it was ever hinted at but maybe just instincts (or wishful thinking?). Still, the force of what he did shocked me. But I guess he was pushed very, very hard.

    • Thank you so much. 🙂 I like that you thought, even though it wasn’t really hinted at, Bram might have something more going on. Someone contacted me through messenger on FB and told me much the same thing. So you’re not alone in your thoughts. 😀 You’re right that Bram was pushed way too hard.

  4. Whoa! So Bram has some kind of superpower??! I wonder if he’s ever done that before… (and if Jarah had seen him that time too)
    This was so awesome – I’m super hyped about what’s coming next! <3

  5. Firstly, I’m sorry I’m so far behind on blogs so I’m a bit late reading this! Secondly, wow!!! I wonder if Kara had ever thought herself capable of something like this..? I wish I could conjure a tornado 😂 Poor Jarah though, he must have been terrified. I hope the two boys are okay (not too bothered about Otto, he deserves it!) xx

    • Thank you, Caz xo. And, please don’t apologize. I totally understand, and I get behind a lot, too. Besides, I’m just tickled pink you read my story. 🙂

      I wish I could conjure a tornado, too! lol There are a few instances I could find that very useful. LOL

      I think Jarah was definitely terrified, and I hope they’re okay, too. I’m not so sad about Otto either. lol xo

      • Makes me wonder if this is something passed along from his mom’s side of the family. Another thing to ponder: Was Otto trying to create a certain “something” with each of his children. Did he consider them failures partly because of this apparent lack of manifested ability? So many things to ponder.

  6. your very welcome, Kymber 🙂 you are always so nice 🙂 at first it took me a while and Jowita helped get the basics of how to use it 🙂

    take a look at this

    had to do it a little different than she dose it, and it took a couple of days to get it right

    but its not that difficult. if you want to, I’m sure you would pick it up just as easy as I have 🙂

      • I understand, Kmyber. but of course, with picture you already do, they look great to me anyway and I will look forward to seeing what you are useing, to make these pictures 🙂

        I’m always on the look out for new ways to do pictures 🙂

        photoscape x is good, but that one I haven’t worked it out yet, but I like it because I can bend the picture corners with it and as far as I know, you cant do that with gimp.


        • Why thank you. 🙂 My pics are nowhere near as good as yours, but I thank you for the compliment. 🙂

          I’m always on the lookout for new ways to do pictures, too.

          That’s good to know about Photoscape! 😀

          We’re all set for your interview tomorrow! I hope you like it. 😀

          • I just sent you an email… of an idea. but it ok, if its done know… im sure it going to be great the way it is 🙂

            and I fond 3 mistakes in that part I sent to you, corrected it in the blog now 🙂

            and I would swap all that I could do with Gimp, just to able to write as elegant as you Kymber 🙂

    • Thank you so much, Darren. I’m glad you liked the pictures. You inspired me, actually. 🙂 I think you’re a marvel with Gimp; I can’t figure it out. haha I used a variety of programs to do the pics this way. Someday, maybe I’ll make a list of programs I use for pics. 🙂

      Thank you again.

    • Thank you, Jowita. I’m glad you loved it. It took some work, I’ll tell ya’. lol Seems maybe Otto should have looked at his son closer to see if he was suited for The Inheritance. lol

  7. Looks like Kara isn’t the only one with an unusual ability! In Russia, there’s a saying: there are devils sitting in a quiet pond. Well, it applies to Bram to a boot. Otto pushed him too far and he got what was coming to him.

    • Yes! Maybe Otto should have let Bram into The Inheritance after all! lol Ooooh, I love that saying. I’ve never heard it before. I can totally see that it applies very well to Bram.

  8. Oh dear, now Bram is the scary one. I think I’d be running and not looking back. If he has a temper and can get that miffed, weeell, you know it’s said, we women tend to marry our fathers and at this juncture, she doesn’t need that.

    • Thank you, Jo. Yes, gotta watch out for those high temper guys! You might be right about how Kara will react. I’m with you, I’d hit the ground running and not look back. lol

  9. WOW holey moley .. this was crazy intense .. powerfully written and fab screenies too .. this is what I try to teach folks in the challenge .. it is about the complete package! Each augment the other .. screenies in simlit are far more than mere window dressing! This proves my point!

  10. Wowza! This was so intense! So, Bram has some kind of powers that were now unleashed. 😁 Not useless now, is he, Otto? You met your match, and it was well deserved. What a way to go! *shudders* Still though, boiling him in oil would’ve drawn out the suffering and agony. 😁😁😁 Muahahaha!!!

    I do hope Jarah will be okay. I’m miffed at Bram for the same reasons Kara talked about, but I’m still rooting for the relationship to survive. They will have a lot to work through, and she is going to have to lay down the law. A relationship can’t survive on double standards.

    • Thank you so much, Sharon. Yeah, Otto, how is your perception of Bram now? LOL You’re all for boiling him in oil still. LOLOL We think more alike than you even know. 😛

      I’m glad Kara has learned what she has. We’ll see how she applies it. 🙂

    • Thank you, CT. Yes, I reckon Bram was better suited for The Inheritance than Otto thought.

      It won’t be easy, but next chapter will definitely show where their relationship is going from here.

  11. OMG OMG OMG! Bram is some sort of witch or sorcerer! Good riddance Otto! I hope that Jarah is okay and maybe she and Bram can work things out now that the threat – at least I hope – is gone.

    • Thank you, Audrey. Seems like Bram was suited for The Inheritance after all, eh? 😀 The next chapter will wrap this part of the story up, and you will find out for sure what it means for Kara and Bram’s relationship.

  12. Well! That was exciting! Soooo…is Otto really in several pieces? LOL

    I’m glad Kara has realized the double standard, and I hope she remembers this and doesn’t let another man bulldoze her again.

  13. Wow, Kym, this was so unexpected. o_o So… Bram has some sort of power?! What the what? Well, not so useless now, is he Otto? The fact that he was torn apart though… I’m absolutely speechless! This was a very different chapter, but it couldn’t be more dramatic. The pictures are so dramatic as well! Well done, Kym. <3 I'm really excited to learn what happens next.

  14. Heart thumping, breath caught in my throat! How frightening that all sounded! I knew there were more secrets in that family and I had a feeling someone would get hurt…….beyond the wanting Otto out of the picture of course. I think Otto got what he deserved, if Jarah is at least the best evidence to support my statement. My beloved boy, how damaged you have been.

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