BONUS POST: Jarah Finds a Friend



Hi there! I hope everyone is having a great week! I just wanted to show this little snippet with Jarah. We’ll be seeing more of his new friend. I’m sure this will be a great step for him.

In other news, I wanted to mention that if you see me following your blog again, I never unfollowed. I don’t know what’s up, but I read your posts on your sites proper, and I often see the follow button grayed out as if I’m not following you anymore. I hit follow again just to be sure I don’t miss anything.

Thank you so much for checking out my post!

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  1. They seem to belong each others congratulations on you Jarah. Kara’s confidence on him pushes him higher.
    About the problem of your blog believe me or not but they told me you didn’t not follow me so I guessed it was a problem from wp not from you.

  2. Can’t wait to see how this develops 🙂 And I’ve been having this problem, too. Technically, I’m not even following your blog now, and yet I still get your posts in the Reader 🤷‍♀️

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