Chapter 6.28: Dear Diary, Knuckleheads & Nice Guys


Content Warning: Language

Part 1: Oh, No You Didn’t! (An Excerpt from Kara’s Diary)

Dear Diary, my first dance was something else. I didn’t know if I would enjoy it or not. At first, it was fun. The DJ was like nothing I’d seen before! She played the coolest music. The beats thumped through me, until I was positively alive with them. Maybe dancing would be fun, too.

Andrew wasn’t in the best mood after his date fell through. And, I suppose taking your sister was the worst sort of date you could ever hope to have. Despite all this, he was really putting in an effort to make sure I had a good time.

Teagan was dancing with a boy. I think his name is Gregg. Anyway, she had quite a scowl on her face.

I’ve come to learn something about Teagan I didn’t understand before. She has eyes for Joey. The problem is, he treats her like… well, like a chum instead of a girl, if you know what I mean.

We ate a fine meal, then everyone hit the dance floor. Andrew tried to get me out there with the others, but my feet wouldn’t move.

“It’s okay,” Andy said, “you just kind of move to the music. It will be fun.”

“I don’t know…”

My voice trailed off as I realized Joey and his date were here. I hadn’t seen them up until now.

Andy’s gaze followed mine, landing on our little brother who was with Sibley!

In only a few strides, Andy was across the room. I hurried behind him, hoping I could figure out what to do in case this got too ugly.

Before Andy reached him, Joey was already talking.

“Hey, you’re here! I, uh, uh…”

Sibley had the wide-eyed look of innocence about her. “Andrew! It’s so good to see you.”

“You asshole!” Andrew yelled.

Joey’s face flushed crimson, and he kept blinking rapidly. “This isn’t what-“

“You’re not saying that to me right now! I can’t believe this!”

I could feel the heat in my own cheeks as the other kids looked our way, some of them nudging each other.

“How could you do this to me?”

“Bro, I-“

“-Nah, don’t call me bro. I should beat you bloody right now!”

“You’d really fight for me?”

I couldn’t believe my eyes. Sibley was enjoying this. Andy was angry at Joey, but I suspected this was Sibley’s doing, more than Joey’s.

Before Andy could lunge at Joey, I stepped between them.

Putting my hands against Andy’s chest, I said, “I want to go home. Now.” He looked like he would resist and clobber Joey. “Please. Take me home.”

Andrew glared at Joey over my shoulder. “You’re lucky she wants to leave!”

“Wait!” Joey called as Andy took my arm and we left.

Part 2: Knuckleheads (An Excerpt from Bea’s Diary)

“What are you doing home so early?” I asked as Andrew, and Kara came in.

Kara, with eyes averted, moved to the side.

“Kara Darling, are you all right?”

She merely nodded, stealing glances at Andrew.

Perry joined us, catching on right away that something was wrong.

“What’s going on?”

Andrew’s nostrils flared, and his hands clutched into fists. “Joey is the problem! He stabbed me in the back!”

Kara cleared her throat. “Joey went to the dance with Sibley.”

My jaw dropped. “There has to be some kind of explanation for this.”

“Yeah, my brother is a jerk!”

Perry opened his mouth to speak, but before he could, the door flung open. Joey, and Teagan rushed inside.

Joey’s face was flushed, and he was gasping for air, as he stammered, “Dude! I can explain!”

“I’m going to kill you!” Andrew said, shoving Joey in the shoulder.

Kara gripped the door frame where she was standing, her knuckles turning white with the effort.

Perry grabbed both boys, trying to pull them apart, but they held fast.

“I’m going to kill you!” Andy repeated.

“You need to listen to me! There’s an explanation!”

“I’m going to make you wish you’d never been born!”

“All right, you knuckleheads, that is enough!” Perry’s voice came in a bellow that silenced the boys right away. “Andrew, hear your brother out!”

Part 3: My Friend Bram (An Excerpt from Kara’s Diary)

“Bram!” I called as Duchess and I joined him at the black and gold fence. Seeing him in there reminded me of a story I read about a bird in a gilded cage. It seemed almost as if that described my friend. He lived in a luxurious prison of sorts.

“Hi, Kara,” he said.

Then, he reached forward toward Duchess, and was immediately rewarded with a lick. This brought a smile to his face.

It always amazed me how he knew things, like that the dog was there. I supposed he could smell her.

“She loves you,” I said.

“Dogs love everyone.”

“Not true. She hates our neighbor, Mr. Weiss.”

He smiled again. “He must be a real dick.”

This made me giggle as my brothers, until the dance, were careful not to use that type of language around me. I wish they wouldn’t shelter me, but I guess that is what brothers do, even if they’re younger than you.

“Oh, he is,” I promised.

“How did the dance go? I’m so sorry I couldn’t go. My dad… well, I’ll tell you sometime.”

“I hope so,” I said. Then, I told him what happened at the dance.

“This is better than daytime TV. So, what was Joey’s explanation?”

“That Sibley, she makes me so angry. She told Andy she was ill and couldn’t go. Then, she told Joey that Andy called the date off because he wasn’t feeling well. She was crying and Joey felt bad, so he said he’d take her.”

“That’s kinda evil,” he said. “Why would she do something like that?”

“If you knew her, you wouldn’t have to ask. She’s so manipulative. When Andy and Joey were yelling at each other at the dance, she was smiling! Can you even believe that?”

His mouth became a grim line when he answered me. “Yeah, unfortunately, I can. I mean, there is a darkness in some people. Well, I think everyone has a darkness, but, and, I don’t know why, some people embrace it.”

His response sent chills down my back.

“Hey, um, Kara, my dad is going out of town and my birthday is coming up. Would you like to come over for dinner on Tuesday?”

My heart leaped into my throat and my eyes filled with unshed tears. No one had ever invited me to a party except for Teagan and I’m not sure that counted since she was more friendly with my brothers.

“Oh, yes, I will be here! Thank you!”

“Don’t thank me yet. I’m cooking,” he grinned. “I’ll be lucky if there aren’t any major disasters.”

I couldn’t wait to find out how he cooked.

Part 4: Kara Asks Permission (An Excerpt from Bea’s Diary)

Well, the dishwasher is at it again. It broke and flooded the kitchen, reminding me why I was never buying this brand again.

As I surveyed the damage, Kara and Mom came up from downstairs. I sighed and pulled my mop out.

“Watch the water, honey, it’s everywhere and I don’t want you to slip and fall,” I said to Kara.

“Grandma’s on the phone with a repairman.”

“Okay, good. I’d like to kick the dishwasher to the curb, but maybe the repairman can do something with it. Again.”

“I was wondering if I could go to Bram Seaforth’s birthday dinner at his house on Tuesday night at six.”

This had me standing up straight, looking into her eyes. “You know how I feel about this, Kara. His father runs The Inheritance, and I don’t think it’s a good idea to get involved with that family.”

“His father won’t be there, he’s out of town. But they have a butler that will chaperone. And, Mom, he’s my only friend! I have to go! Please!”

“The repairman will be here in about an hour, thank goodness,” my mother said.

“Please, Mom, please!”

“Don’t make her beg like that, Bea, tell her she can go. She deserves some fun.”

I couldn’t hold my loud sigh back as they ganged up on me.

“Fine, you can go. But it’s a school night, so you should be home by ten.”

“Thank you, Momma.”

Part 5: He Can Cook! (An Excerpt from Kara’s Diary)

My first time inside the Seaforth mansion had me gaping most of the time I was there. Everywhere I looked, there was a gorgeous, old painting, or statue. The foyer was so big, the grand piano seemed dwarfed by it.

“Thank you for coming,” Bram said.

This was the first time I’d seen his eyes without the glasses. They were blue underneath what looked like a white cloudiness. This might repulse some, I suppose, but I wasn’t. It was just a part of my friend Bram.

“Thank you for inviting me. You have a lovely home.”

He leaned in, and we were in closer proximity than we’d ever been before. “You smell so good, if you don’t mind me saying.”

He didn’t see me blush as I felt his breath on my cheek. I was sure he sensed the smile on my face, though. “It’s a new perfume my mom got for me. It’s called Radiance.”

“So, it describes you.”

I reckon it was the butler who cleared his throat, interrupting us.

“Dinner is served.”

I couldn’t help but giggle at my sudden urge to call him Jeeves.

“After you,” Bram said, waving his arm toward the dining room.

The butler opened the door, and Bram pulled my chair out for me. When he was sure I was seated, he pushed my chair in closer to the table. Then, he walked around to the other side and sat across from me.

“This smells delicious. Did you really cook it?”

“All by myself,” he said, a smile tugging at his lips. “You probably wonder how I could accomplish such a task. So, I’ll tell you. I have talking gadgets, like my meat thermometer, for instance. The knobs on the stove and oven are marked so I know what the temperature is. And, my ingredients are audio labeled. It sounds weird, I guess, but it works out well.”

“This is beyond delicious! I’d say you have the perfect system. You know what I miss that I don’t have? A garden. When I was a child, I gardened every day.”

His face lit up as a new idea hit him. “Kara, there’s plenty of room here for a garden! Let’s make one!”

“Really?” I felt tears springing to my eyes. He was so kind and thoughtful.

“Absolutely. You’ll have to teach me what to do, but I think it would be fun.”

“And, then, you could cook using the fresh ingredients.”

“That sounds awesome!”

After dinner, it was time for his birthday cake, which he told me his father had bought for him.

“I don’t bake a lot,” he told me.

“I bet it will be good. Are you ready? I can’t believe you’re eighteen!”

“Me either. But, your birthday is coming up soon, too.”

I lit the candles then pulled out the little party horn Jeeves or whatever his name was gave me.

Bram laughed. “You’re such a goofball!”

Instead of upsetting me, I laughed hard. “I know!”

“Will you help me?”


Together, we leaned forward, holding hands, and blew the candles out together.

And, Bram was officially a young adult.


Thank you, Bee (Stories by Bee, Poses by Bee) for making the awesome poses where Andrew and Joey were arguing! I appreciate it so much! You can find the set here: That’s My Girl!

In other news, you won’t want to miss Wednesday’s post which is an interview with Sharon, otherwise known as Sweet Nightingale (SimLit Legacy Stories by Sharon, Simming with Sweet Nightingale)! It’s a good’un!

And, thank you, for reading, liking, lurking, and commenting,

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  1. Sibley!!! That was so manipulative. Joey should have seen that something was up, too, since he hadn’t seen Andy acting sick. But they’re teenagers. I hope they both see who she really is now.

    I really like the broken dishwasher scene. 😃 It’s easy to forget those little moments. But it really brings the story down to earth.

    Fancy dinner! Kara and Bram’s relationship is developing nicely.

    • Thank you, Heather 🙂 You’re so right about Sibley. I hope the boys are more communicative in the future. lol

      I’m so glad you liked the broken dishwasher scene. These things do happen. haha

      I’m also glad you like Kara and Bram’s budding relationship. I love those first sweet moments.

  2. I feel like it was still a serious lack of foresight for Joey not to tell his brother what he was planning to do. I mean, you’d check in at the very least, right? Then again, they are teenage boys… I don’t think they have two brain cells to rub together at that age 😛 Kara’s assessment of people, while pretty naïve, often is accurate. She’s quite perceptive at times. And I like her friendship with Bram, and that it looks like it’ll continue to grow. Though I wonder if there’s more to Bea’s reluctance to have them be friends…
    Oooh, sudden theory: will he help solve the mysterious items from the box!

    • Thank you 🙂 I loooove your theory! 😀 😀 You just might be right!

      You’re definitely right about Joey. I mean, come on. lol I don’t think he was being malicious in any way, he was just dumb. lolol

      I love that you think Kara is perceptive. It’s true she’s naive, but she’s able to maybe see things others don’t notice.

      You bring up a good point about Bea and her reluctance to have Kara be friends with Bram. I like the way you think!

  3. I actually had flashbacks of highschool reading this. For a second or two, I thought my life had been uploaded into the sim database 😬. Great story line and the real gem is Bram and Kara are “blossoming.” Knuckleheads. I think that was my father’s term of endearment for my brother and I because he called us that all the time. 😎😎. Hope life is treating you well Kymber. The world takeover is going smoothly but we had a major tragedy in Germany when our main beer supplier was recaptured by Bolsheviks. Those knuckleheads!

    • Thank you so much 🙂 I can see why you had flashbacks of high school. lol 😀 I like what you said about Bram and Kara’s friendship blossoming. I think they need each other. 🙂

      LOL @ what you said about your father and knuckleheads. I have a friend who had a parent who always called him knothead. lol

      Thank you. I hope life is treating you well, too. We are still a bit up in the air with the family member, but things are better now overall.

      I’m glad to hear our world takeover hasn’t missed a beat in my absence. I’m sorry to hear about our major tragedy, though. Knuckleheads!

      • LOL 😆 all us boys were competing for the attention of the girls and they all thought we were knuckleheads AND knotheads with a bit of silly grossness thrown in. If two boys fought over a girl, she akeays went with a third boy and the two boys became friends. It was a strange siciety in those days. I suspect it was living in the middle of all that helped me develop a healthy INFJ personality. When my INFJ locked in, my life became very entertaining. That’s when me and my Head Elves started having fun. 😁

          • We are talking back in ancient times before smart phones. Now th8ngs are totally different. My Head Elves make me giggle at all the most inopportune moments. *SNORK, SNORK* 😆

            • LOL! I seem to recall those ancient times and how inconvenient they were. I was also less reachable, which was not always a bad thing in my mind. LOL 😀

            • Right? I like how you put that. 🙂

              P.S. Cesare has informed me he is quite bored and will be ready to train new recruits soon. 😀

            • The finest tuna has been arranged from our newly acquired Japanese master tuna ninja’s. Cesare has proven to be an exceptional Grand Martial of the Army and it is vital to keep him well fed and a bit pampered to keep his conquering spirit in good order. 😺

            • Cesare thanks you! He never thinks he’s pampered enough, though. But trust me, he is. lol He’s busy at the moment keeping the chickmunk squad in line. 😀

            • Ha ha haaa! I bet that Chickmunk brigade is quite a handful. They are such notorius little rascals. Cesare has to stay alert or his tuna ration will be stolen before he can holler, Alvin…

            • LOL! 😂. I had a great visual of Cesare trying to concentrate on command and control with all that busy cavorting about by the troops in their daily routine. Grand Martial of the Army work can be exhausting.

            • Waaaa haaa haaaa! Yep, it had the same effect on me. After a full day of drill and ceremony, it was power nap time 😴 I wonder, does Cesare have an affinity for snoozing in boxes or grocery bags when available? That is a sign of a true leader.

            • Yes, boxes, for sure. although, he has a special pillow he likes to sleep on. It is kitty sized and looks comfy. He sleeps on it on the tippiest toppiest part of his cat tree. I will post a pic for your sometime.

            • Awesome. I’m a little jealous. I just have a regular ground level man-chair to nap in. Napping at the top of the cat tree is just total Army Field Marshal behavior. Cesare is a natural. He can lounge up there and keep an eye on things. 😜.

            • I have this image in my mind of Cesare perched on his high cat tree throne with two chickmunks fanning him and a squirrel feeding him catnip flavored treats. A world conquering Army Field Martial is a good candidate for Emperor. I know Cesare is just playing the part as best he can. 😸

            • LOL I love that visual! You’re pretty spot on, you know. He has minion cat buddies, too, Lewis and Capricorn. Lewis is a black kitten, nearly full grown. Cesare has brought him up right. Capricorn is a pudgy little tortoise hair who looks grumpy 24/7. There’s another torti named Cassie who is up there in age. Even Cesare knows not to trifle with her nap times. She is revered among all.

            • Whoa! This is really starting to get interesting. Lewis, the young Squire, will probably grow up to be Cesare’s First Order Black Knight of the Chickmunk Realm, Capricorn must surely be Cesare’s Right Hand in charge of carrying out all of Cesare’s orders, which is why he appears grumpy because he is so busy. And Cassie, she must be the Empress Mother of Dark and Light. Basically that means she is really in charge 24/7 and Cesare has to mind her or he gets a good tail tweaking. The Royal Court seems to be in order. I’m quite fond of animals. I could easily become a hermit catman with an army of cats by my side. Of course, there would have to be cat friendly dogs, raccoons, and otters too. That would be my ideal eccentric lifestyle. I’d really have to work hard to get them to use the outhouse or my dream might get a big dose of reality. 🧛🏻‍♂️😺😺😺😺😺😺

            • Lewis a squire! Yes! Now, why didn’t I think of that? And, Capricorn the Right Hand. Excellent! That does explain the grumpiness.

              Cassie, the Empress Mother. That fits her perfectly. And, yes, she is in charge, they all know it. 😀

              I’m fond of animals, too. I think your idea for hermit catman sounds wonderful. As for me, I must have goat friends. I just love goats. 🙂

            • Oh wow! Goats. I have goat stories. My coworker raises goats and she brings the newborns to work so she can watch after them. We all take turns giving it a bottle and walking it around to develop coordination. Sonja has to help out the new mothers as they don’t quite have it down right like the older moms. After they are about ten days old, they are sturdy enough to join the gang. We need to add a Goat Brigade to our Army too.🤠

            • Awwww I love that goat story so much. We do need a goat brigade, I quite agree!

              I have a friend who rescues farm animals. Every winter, she knits all the chickens their very own shawls, and all the goats get new knitted hats. It’s about the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. 😀

            • I would absolutely love to have a farm full of rescued animals with all kinds of outfits to wear. I get a big kick out of seeing what people come up with for their pets, it’s a thing. When I was growing up in Florida, all of my relatives were farmers and they had Emu’s, Alpacas, turkeys, ducks, chickens, cows, goats, and pigs. We had 7000 acres so only a fence that ran the perimiter of the farm and a few to separate the cows. The rest all ran on the farm free. They had lots of space and were quite happy. If we wanted to find them, we just put out feed and they all came running. I was very small so those Turkeys and Ducks chased me around like a bunny rabbit. I learned how to scream “Mom” very loud so she could hear me and rescue ME instead of the animals. 😂

            • I would love a farm like that, too, for realz. That place in Florida sounds so cool! That must have been such an interesting atmosphere for a child. 😀 We had chickens and the rooster used to chase my son. I remember his screams of, “Momma!!” lol

            • Ha ha haaa! Then you know exactly what I went through when those big birds decided to take a bite out of my rascally rear end. I think my mom always gave the birds a head start before she came out and laughed at me for having a duck clamped to my bootie, then she would intervene on my behalf. Whew! Life was rough back then.

            • Yes, I understand this problem you had with the big birds. LOLOL It’s a mom’s duty to laugh a little before she rescues the situation. 😀

            • My heart is warmed realizing that I wasn’t an isolated case with an angry bird problem and that moms everywhere know precisely how to manage such avarian incidents. Oh, and speaking of goats, my coworker says she can supply you with as many cute baby goats as you like. Yhey get along really well with cats and dogs but there is a period of sniffing and hopping around for all the animals before they get all buddy buddy.

  4. Pah, I hate Sibley. She lives for drama…. Evil evil drama. I hope the boys will be okay and their relationship won’t suffer. They need to expose Sibley together! Kara and Bram are great friends already 🙂 (Also did one of Kara’s dresses have elephants on it? So CUTE)

    • You and me both. You’re right about her, and hopefully, the boys will not let this come between them. Kara and Bram have so much in common. I can’t wait to see where their friendship leads them.

      Yes! That elephant dress is my favorite one she has. 😀

  5. Oh my god, Sibley is such a brat! And so weird; how on earth could she be enjoying this??! I really hope the boys will see through her actions.
    I’m loving Bram and Kara’s friendship <3 I adore him and they seem to fit together perfectly! 😀 <3

    • Thank you 🙂 You couldn’t be more right about Sibley. I once knew a girl like her, and never understood why situations she caused were “funny.”

      I’m so glad you love Kara and Bram’s friendship. I they’re well-suited too.

  6. Yikes, I hope Joey has a good explanation, and gets it out before Andy decks him! I love your inclusion of Bram’s use of tech (what a wonderful thing!) in helping him do tasks like the cooking. I really like how he made Kara laugh, it makes me all the more worried that he’s going to turn out to be a creep! xx

    • Thank you, Caz 🙂 I think it would be in Joey’s best interest to explain as soon as he can! LOL I’m glad you love the inclusion of the gadgets that help Bram with daily life. Awww…. hopefully, he is really as sweet as he seems. But, I can see why you’re worried. lololol

  7. “You’d really fight for me?”
    Srsly little girl? LOL

    Hmmm…parents out of town…dinner…what could go wrong? LOL Good thing I trust this guy otherwise I’d be warning Miss Kara.

    The butler soooooo looks like Carson from Downton Abbey!

    • LOL! Oh my gosh! He does! He looks like Carson! hahaha Leave it to you to figure that one out. 😀 😀

      Thank you so much. 🙂 I I’m glad you trust Bram. I totally would be warning her, too, otherwise.

  8. So of course it would be that Sibley girl out to cause trouble again. Sigh. She’s a pretty terrible person, that’s for sure. As everyone else, I, too, love Kara and Bram’s friendship. It seems like it’s good for them – it also seems like he, at least, is taking a shine to her. 🙂
    And I can’t believe she’s almost a young adult! But of course, we are getting very near to the end of the generation. How time flies. 🙂

    • Thank you, Louise 🙂 Sibley is a terrible person, for sure. I’m so glad you are loving Kara and Bram’s friendship. I am, too. 🙂 I think you might be right about Bram taking a shine to her.

      I can’t believe she’s almost a young adult, too! I can’t believe how close to the end we are! 🙂

  9. First…..What Sharon said! And I didn’t realize she was ‘Sweet Nightingale’! Lol.

    So, I giggled when I saw who Joey was with. At least he had a sound explanation… I was getting ready to get on the Andy bandwagon! But of course it was Sybley!

    And Bram! He and Kara fit together perfectly! Both of them a little damaged in different ways. It will be fun to see how this plays out, especially since overprotective mommy is against it. I have to wonder, surely her grandmother knows the secret, so why is she pushing it. Especially when she wanted Bea to get rid of the ‘box’ – which incidentally we STILL doesn’t know the contents of….. grrr….

    I’m sure it will be revealed in time!

    The scene between the boys brought back memories of my two oldest boys growing up. Soooo competitive and sometimes it led to literal fist fights. *sigh*. The joys of raising boys!

    • Thank you, Audrey. 🙂 LOL Yes, now you see she is both. haha

      I have to admit, I’m loving Bram and Kara’s friendship righ now. You’re right that in a lot of ways, they are alike.

      Yes, Sibley is a mess! And she made a mess, too! lol

      I totally get why you’re wondering how Ellie could approve of such a thing. My line of thinking, which I didn’t put in the chapter but should now lol, was that since he’s blind, she thinks he won’t be involved in The Inheritance. She’s selling him short, I reckon. But, the other thing is that she can see how lonely Kara is and Bram is the first ever prospect for a decent friend. lol I hope all that makes sense to how the character is behaving. I’m open to hearing what you think on that. 😀

      Yes, the box will be revealed. Alllllll will be known. 😀 I just hope the wait is worth the answers. hahaha

      Oh, boy, raising more than one boy. lol I just have one boy. I’m glad Andy and Joey’s competitive nature is along real lines. lol

  10. I love Bram too, but I love Kara’s attitude. I’m sorry the boys had to learn the hard way about conniving women. I’m surprised Joey didn’t know who Andy’s date was to begin with. Had he known, he might not have been duped.

    • LOL Thank you, Jolie. These boys could have made her plan backfiring by just comparing notes. lol

      I think Kara is coming along great considering everything. I can’t wait to write her generation.

  11. I forgot to mention…I love the outfits Kara was wearing. The outfit with the critters on it is super cute. Were they all CC or did you just use CASt to put on the patterns?

    • Thank you! 😀 Those are all CC clothes. I have a certain look in mind for Kara. I don’t know if you watch The Magicians, but I picture her dressing like Alice from that show.

      That elephant dress is my favorite!

  12. Oh, and thank you SO much for the interview shout-out. 😀 😀 It was such fun writing up the answers, and I’m so glad you’re excited to post it. I totally can’t wait to see it.

  13. Ohhh, boy,where to begin!

    So, Sibley makes me sick. I mean, talk about asinine and evil actions. I really hope the boys don’t let her come between them permanently. If they would have compared notes, they would have figured this out, and her plan possibly could have blown up in her face. I’d have LOVED to see that. I just hope she gets her comeuppance one of these days and that the boys figure this out before she does even more serious damage.

    The one I feel really bad for is poor Kara. It’s the ultimate embarrassment to have to go to the dance with your brother anyway (I have a feeling that was Bea’s doing) and feeling like a fifth wheel. It couldn’t have been a fun evening for her, especially with the argument happening. She has Sibley figured out though, which makes me SUPER happy.

    Bram is such a doll. 🙂 I totally adore him. I can also identify with him a bit as I’m visually impaired myself. I love that he has a great outlook, and he seems to do very well for himself. It’s just too bad he’s stuck in that luxurious gilded cage. It’s great to see the friendship between him and Kara blossoming. 🙂 However, c’mon, Bea. Don’t pull a Holden and try to make things difficult for her. It’s certainly better than making your son take his own sister to a lame dance. LOL! The woman needs some lessons in how to be hip. LOLOL!!!

    I wonder if Bram has some supernatural abilities. It would be SO awesome if he did. 😀 😀 Being blind, his senses would be more acute, especially possibly a sixth sense and some extra powers. One thing that comes to mind is this old radio episode called “The Map Makers:” from this old show called “X Minus One.” A group of explorers are out in deep space when an accident happens, killing their navigator and injuring some others. It looks hopeless until…

    I won’t go any further. You’ll just have to listen to it and find out. 😀

    • Wooooow, Sharon! That is a cool program. I had no idea! How do you find these treasures?

      Sibley is a real piece of work, isn’t she? At least Kara has Bram to commiserate with. What are Joey and Andy going to do about this? I think, like you said, they should have just compared some notes.

      Oh, I LOVE what you said about Bea. I think you’re right that she would keep Kara in bubble wrap and indoors until she is 40. lol

      That’s a good question about Bram. He does seem to have good senses about him. And, he’s way more confident than I think I would be in the same situation.

    • Thank you, Jowita! I love Bram so much. I think this friendship is good for both of them. I love the word “blossoming.” 🙂

      Hey, at least Kara has Sibley figured out. hahaha

  14. Underdeveloped brain teenagers. Don’t take the time to think a story or explanation through all the way to the end and figure all possibilities. Which only made it worse I’m sure because Joey knew his brother was going to the prom and was fine to go. This will be a hurt he will not easily or if ever get over. A distrust will always be there now in the back of his mind.

    Bram’s a sweetie. This will be very good for Kara

    • Thank you, Bee 🙂 Right? LOL You might be right about that. I hope there are no lasting grudges, but you never know. A girl like that can do a number on these two.

      I love Bram!! 😀 I think it will be good for Kara, too.

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