Did You Know?


Did you know when you post a comment on my site, a plugin I use allows you to advertise your latest post?

Take a look…

The plugin is called CommentLuv. When you click the box as you’re writing a comment, your last ten post links will appear. All you have to do, is click on the link you want it to show with your published comment.

Jess tried it out yesterday, and it worked well! 🙂 When the link is clicked, it opens a new window with the post advertised.

Thank you, Jess, for letting me use you as a tester! And, thank you, Gayathri, for sharing what you know!

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    • Yes, I wish wp.com would do that, too. There was a lot I wanted to do when I was on wp.com, but couldn’t. It’s a very safe site, though, so that is a huge plus for using it.

  1. Thank you for sharing this! A nice way to encourage people to share what they’ve been up to. It could be fun to see exactly where readers are with their own blogs at the very moment they comment, especially for people whose blogs have maybe grown up together, inspired by one another–like it might feel a little more immediate somehow than checking in the Reader.
    Will definitely be looking this plug-in up.

    • Thank you so much, GC 🙂 I’m glad you like this. I enjoy seeing where the links lead me, too. It has increased the spam that hits my spam folder, but at least that’s still under control.

      I hope if you use it, you like it, too. 🙂

  2. Oh wow!! This is awesome! Girl, you find the neatest plugins! I’ll have to put this on my sites and see how it works. It’s a great way to share someone else’s work and encourages people to comment and share, too.

    • Thank you! 🙂 I found it on a blog I really like called Elgee Writes. The link is in my author’s note. 🙂 It’s a great article she wrote.

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