Has Moved!


Hello, Friends! I apologize for making two posts in one day but I hope this note finds you well. 🙂 The reason for this update is to make you all aware that I have switched host sites and now is self-hosted!

This has been a huge learning experience for me but so far, it’s been worth it. If you know anything about me, you know that I can’t leave my site alone. I am constantly coding and changing things, tweaking here and there. Well, I found to be too restrictive in the types of coding they allow. I still think they provide an excellent service and would recommend them, for sure. I just needed to hop out of the box I felt like I was in. lol

Speaking of changing things, this is also an FYI that tomorrow (March 8), I may be switching themes. I will try to make that as painless for you as possible, though. 🙂

This site should pretty much appear the same to you because I’m using software. Thankfully, I will still appear in your reader whenever anything is published. All my followers were successfully migrated here from, but if there are any issues, please don’t hesitate to let me know.

Once again, thank you for your support, the love you’ve always shown me, and the encouragement. I truly love this community.


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  1. That’s fantastic for you 😀 I’ve considered doing the same myself, but I was afraid of losing everything – but the transition seems really smooth from our end 🙂 For a sec there I was afraid I’d lose your posts in my reader, but thankfully that’s not the case <3
    Guess I know where to ask for advice if I do make the jump some day 😀

    • Thank you, Louise! 🙂 It looks like all I lost are my likes on my posts. As long as I still have the comments, I’m happy. lol 😀 I’m thinking about removing the like button from the comments because it seems to take a long to load.

      Anyway, even though I’m not using, I installed Jetpack and can use the reader. (Jes2G taught me that one! lol)

    • Thank you so much! What a relief you got the announcement along the normal channels. 😀 I’m so glad to know that. Thank you, as always, for following.

  2. Oh, that’s cool! I didn’t notice anything as this just popped up in my reader~
    I love how you constantly change things up 🙂 Part of the fun in running a site/blog is the creativity you can express in not just your writing but how things look/are presented. It’s quite fun XD Best of luck with the new site <3

    • Thank you, Amy! 🙂 I’m glad you didn’t notice. I was hoping it would be a smooth transition.

      You said it! I can’t stop tweaking because I love it so much. It’s a way I can show my creativity. 😀

    • Thank you so much. <3 I'd been kicking the idea around for a really long time but was afraid I might lose major things in the migration process. You do lose your "likes," but I still have the comments, so I'm happy. 🙂

  3. Anywhere you go, we will follow!! =D You are the author, so it is important that you are comfortable in the writing and publishing process. Good luck with the new location, and congratulations on becoming self-hosted!! ♥

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