Update: March, 2016


Just an update from the author for the months of January – March..

Periodically, I thought I would give an update regarding Noble Doubt because I like to bore you and also, I like to keep track. Okay?

Pages – 10
Posts – 10 published chapters, 4 scheduled chapters, 2 special feature interviews, 1 html tutorial that may or may not see the light of day…. and this post (1 update).
Generation – 1
Blog Theme – I have finally settled on one that I feel meets my needs, but I will never, I repeat never, be done coding. I can’t help it.
Ideas – coming out the wazoo; Generation 2 has me more than a little nervous; it’s gonna get crazy around here!
Insomnia – going strong at 8,604 days (or 1,229 weeks and 1 day…. or 282.63 months…. yes, this includes 6 leap years)! Woot! (Just thought I’d throw that in there.)

The thing is, I want to connect with you. Let me just say that your feedback has been most welcomed and tremendously helpful! Please feel free to drop me a line or leave me a comment.

Back to the update… Even though this legacy is more for story purposes and a creative outlet, I was pondering what, if any, rules should be imposed. This is what I have decided thus far:

  1. Number of Generations to be determined. I’m shooting for 10 but this may change.
  2. The Founder and all Heirs must have the writing skill.
  3. Other than the writing skill, remaining traits must be randomized.
  4. Autonomy must be set on high.
  5. Age progression and story progression must be on.
  6. Lifespans are set to default but I may extend this slightly for story purposes.

Now that that’s established (and subject to change like everything else), I thought I’d mention a few things about the blog itself.

In the upper right hand corner, you will see an ellipsis (three dots) that lead to an overlay menu. I went back and forth on using that menu because I didn’t know if I liked it. I tinkered with the css in order to insert the word “Menu” there instead (thanks to the theme creator who helped me because css is not my thing) but it just didn’t improve the look or function of the site. So, the ellipsis remains alone. Most of the information needed is in the footer anyway.

Speaking of the footer, you may or may not have noticed that I made a button that can be used on your site if you would like to link back to me. Just copy the code provided in the scroll box and paste it into your site where you want it to appear. Not everyone uses buttons for their blogroll, though, so no biggie.

I guess this about wraps it up for now.

I’ve played way ahead in my game and I’m so excited for you to know what happens! It’s all I can do sometimes not to tell what I know. But all in good time.

Thank you for reading and for your support!



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  1. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Just kidding my dear I only did that because of your I love to bore you statement.
    I love getting to know what an author is thinking and what their process are.

  2. Hi! I agree with Babay! I have no idea what type of coding you are referring to or what css is, but go for it! It would appear that there’s a lot more to writing a blog than meets the eye! There’s always something interesting here to read, but now I am definitely caught up…!

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