ND: Generation 1

Chapter 1.13: Dear Diary, Get the Car, Fool!

Entry 13:

I don’t know how Liev manages, Journal. He is up at the crack of dawn doing what he calls “choring.” Then, he takes a quick horseback ride and off to work he goes. Lately, all I want to do is sleep. I feel all right; I’m not sick or anything, just tired.

Liev says it’s because I’m not used to the fresh farm air yet. I think he means the “stinky air.” But I’ve already written about that.

The way he tells it, you have to get used to not being polluted with every breath. Frankly, I don’t know if he’s right or not. Maybe I’m just a bum that likes to laze around in bed as that wonderful breeze comes through my window in the morning.


My husband has been keeping the same routine. And apparently, it’s exactly the way Gramps did things up until the day he died. (I’m beginning to think that maybe Liev spent more time here as a kid then he has told me.)

First, he takes care of the horses and cows. Then he feeds the chickens.


For the longest time, I couldn’t figure out why it takes him so long to feed the those chickens. I mean, it’s not like the rooster chases him all over the barnyard.  But then I saw this. Mystery solved.


He talks to them all and gives each one special attention. It’s time consuming, but kind of cute.


He milks the cows and brings the fresh milk to the kitchen. You know, this reminds me to bring up the fact that I never realized how thick milk is straight from the cow like that. I swear, it’s thick like pudding. Well, maybe I’m exaggerating but this is another aspect of farming I’ve had to get used to. It kind of turns my stomach, but it’s the best to bake with!

Anyway, it’s just another thing on the list that Liev says I’ll get used to.


Around this time, I’m starting up in the garden if I can get my butt out of bed. I yawn the entire time but it still feels good to work with the soil and plants. And it’s paying off! After my last harvest, I earned 1,845 simoleons! I might be able to make this garden work out after all because it’s only getting bigger and better!


Later in the morning after Liev has gone to work and I’m taking a tea break, it’s time for Mango to head out. There’s no word on his promotion yet but I know they’re really hoping for it. I want to hope he gets it because that’s what they want, but the more I think about it, the more insecure I feel about Keniesha moving out.

Back to Mango. He’s such a goofball. And I say that with a smile on my face. Keniesha is looking really good even though all she ever talks about is how “huge” she’s gotten. She’s antsy to get back to the force as she wants to move up her own career ladder and she’s concerned she’ll never fit in her uniform again.

At one point, I dared to casually mention to her that perhaps they shouldn’t move out so quickly because I’m like a built in babysitter. I think the way I said it must have been too casual, though, because she didn’t really respond.


Mango didn’t make it out the door this morning, though. Just as he was about to leave, Keniesha grimaced a couple times.

“Honey, what’s wrong?” he asked, full of concern.

She was so calm. Calmer than I would be. All she said was, “You’d better get the car.”

Puzzlement filled his face before she grimaced again and put her hand on her swollen stomach. I guess that’s when realization dawned because that’s when he completely lost his mind. Even Biscuit thought he was crazy!


Still calmer than I would be, she repeated with more emphasis, “Get. The. Car.”

“Oh, yeah, okay.” He then bumbled his way outside.


Keniesha and I went out front to wait for Mango to pull the car around. She reassured me several times that she was okay, she just had a feeling she needed to get to the hospital in a timely manner because her pains were coming quicker now.

So, we stood there waiting. And waiting.

Not surprisingly, it wasn’t long before she lost her mind, too.

She yelled, “Where is the car? GET – ” (and with each word, her voice got louder and higher pitched).


” – THE – “


” – CAR – “


” – FOOL!”


Her demeanor was completely calm again, but her voice was as shrill as could be! Mango acted like he had never seen a car in his life.

Car? What car?


Keniesha was done. In true form, she marched to the garage and pushed him into the passenger’s seat. She got behind the wheel and took off, leaving me behind.

Good gravy! She left me behind! Liev had the other car at work. It took a few minutes, but I finally got a cab to take me to the hospital.


Frantically, I ran up to the front entrance of the hospital feeling winded and kind of nauseated. Mango was standing at the door looking seriously excited.

“Where’s Keniesha?” I panted.

Keniesha? Keniesha who? If only you’d seen his blank expression.


“I’m right here,” she snapped as she strolled past me to the door. With every determined step, she was grumbling and I knew better than to answer her. “Fool couldn’t even drive – couldn’t even park the car! I let his ass off at the front door and parked it myself! Damn fool!”

She said a few other choice things that I’ve decided shouldn’t be in print. But you get the gist of it, I think.


Finally, she reached the front door and gave Mango a withering look.


I was beside myself. This wasn’t going at all how I imagined. When the time came, I pictured her turning to Mango and sweetly saying, “Honey, it’s time.” He would then gently help her to the car. They would kiss and he’d take her to the hospital, holding her hand all the way there.

And I wouldn’t have been left behind, either.

“What’s wrong now?” I dared to ask.


“I just realized something I didn’t think of before.”

“What?” Would I have to run all the way home and bring in something she’d forgotten? I didn’t want to do that. What if I missed the birth?

Shooting Mango another glare, she answered, “There is no good way to have a baby.”


Several hours later, I found out the hard way she was totally right. Oh was she right! Holy crap, I hope I never see anything like that again. I could have gone my whole life and been perfectly fine not knowing what I know now!

And no good way to have a baby? Try two! That’s right, Keniesha and Mango are now the proud, if not already frazzled, parents of twin girls. We are going to have our hands full, I can tell. Maybe I’d been hasty in offering my free babysitting services because all those kids did since they arrived is wail.

As soon as was possible, I fled that hideous place. I couldn’t get out of there fast enough. Holding my stomach I managed to follow Mango part way to the car. He was going to the car to grab a couple things from the backseat and I was going to drive it home and then pick them both up tomorrow when Keniesha and the girls were released.


But I really only made it to the curb. Still clutching my stomach, I bent at the waist and hurled all over the sidewalk. Let me tell you, I haven’t vomited in public since the third grade when I told Mrs. Gunderson I didn’t feel good and she wouldn’t excuse me to the bathroom because math was more important. She found out soon enough, though, that I wasn’t just trying to skip math. I ended up puking all over her shoes.

Then I freaking threw up again.


Mango didn’t turn around but he asked, “Are you okay?” I could see his shoulders moving like he was gagging. I reckon he’d had enough of this kind of thing. Hopefully, the girls aren’t pukers.

“Yeah, I just think the whole ordeal really got to me.”

And that was the truth. It’s not every day you see your sister bite her husband during a contraction, the birthing of twins… or experience the smells of the hospital. I guess odors have really been bothering me lately. I may have mentioned this once or twice.


I reckon it was all worth it, though. Keniesha and Mango sure thinks so.


I’m proud to say that I’m now the aunt of Tia Rose (my mother’s namesake) and Grace Marie (my namesake) Mango.

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I am a simmer, Rennie garb wearer, author, and dog petter. Judy Garland is my queen, horror movies & classic movies are my jam. A little bit eccentric, owned by cats. 🐱🐱🐱

53 Comments on “Chapter 1.13: Dear Diary, Get the Car, Fool!

  1. Twins! Well, yeah, she should blame herself! She willed it into existence offering her help like that, the universe was like “Oh yeah? We’ll see about that! They are adorable though and I absolutely love their names!

  2. Oh my twins!!! Double the trouble, double the fun. And Mango freaking out…Classic. Um…Memphis, dear, I’d take a pregnancy test if I were you. Odors bothering you and puking twice and just wanting to sleep…it’s not just the ordeal of the day. 😄

  3. Wow, Keniesha was a strong independent woman this chapter – no thanks to Mango, haha. The twins are adorable and have such lovely names~ I sense another cute kid in the future with the way Memphis was feeling towards the end 😉

    1. Mango kills me! hahaha He was so much fun to write. Keniesha was fun, too. lol I sure do miss her.

      Oooohhhh, you just might be right about Memphis! lol

  4. Haha, the labor part was so funny, I laughed so hard when I saw Keniesha behind the wheel 😂 Mango, you had one job!! The twins are adorable! <3 And Memphis…I'm guessing she'll have big news of her own soon?

    1. Hahaha! I’m so glad this chapter made you laugh. And I loved when you said, “Mango, you had one job!” LOLOL

      You just might be right about Memphis! 😀

  5. Well written and funny. Tired? Sleepy? Smells? Oooooh, I was so smell sensitive when I was pregnant. 50 years later and I still can’t stand the smell of Ivory soap and Jergen’s lotion. LOL

    1. Thank you. Oh my goodness! I know what you mean! haha I can’t stand the smell of Comet to this day for the same reason you can’t tolerate Ivory and Jergen’s. 😛

      1. I made sure when I got pregnant after that, that those were the only products I would use, so I wouldn’t develop an aversion to more stuff. LOL

  6. Aww those twins are so adorable. And Memphis is PREGNANT!!!!!! Yup yup she is trouble with smells, super tired, and throwing up after the smell of the hospital she is pregnant!!!!!!!

  7. Congrats on the twins and it is quite funny that she seems unaware of why she’s so lazy all the sudden, odors bother her, and she’s vomiting in public. This was a very funny update, like when Keneisha left her behind.

    1. Thank you, Shannon 😀 Yes, Memphis is clueless about this. lol In game, Memphis was left behind, which, I suppose is normal since it’s only the sim in labor and the significant other that go to the hospital. So, I had to get Memphis there quickly! haha I thought I’d write that in. 😀

    1. Hey! Your comment is here and not in my spam folder! YAY! 🙂 Thank you so much for reading and your feedback, too. 😀

      1. So it really was me, or at least partly me. I’m not sure how I managed to post comments before, but I discovered that my WordPress login required a third-party cookie setting in my browser that wasn’t there. So how come it worked until THIS WEEK? I have no friggin’ idea. Also, why was it so difficult to find a technical support post about this? I don’t know either.

        If I can comment, it doesn’t really matter :).

        1. You have raised good questions there! I found two posts of other people having the same problem, but don’t know if they apply to you or not. I’m just glad you’re able to comment now again, at last. 🙂

          I don’t know if you saw the links I posted in another comment to you, but these are them:

  8. Oh, Mango! He was so funny. I know men sometimes react that way, so it was very true-to-life. The twins are adorable, of course, but what I most enjoyed was seeing the farm animals. I never had those in my game when I tried playing Sims 3, so it’s incredible for me to see chickens and horses and cows. I do hope we get a farm-themed expansion for Sims 4. I’d love it!

    Of course, I’m guessing that Memphis might soon have big news to share with Liev — and with the rest of us. I’m looking forward to it!

    1. Hello! 😀 I love playing with the animals and would also really enjoy it if they were an addition to Sims 4. Oh, the hours I have spent milking cows and feeding chickens in my game! haha

      Me thinks you may be right about Memphis, there. 🙂 We shall see. Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting.

  9. What a delightfully funny chapter! The babies are so adorable! Your description of the trip to the hospital and the birth of the babies is right on the mark!

  10. I’d be camping in the car from month 7½ and onward if I were Mango. 😉 Giant bag packed and everything ready. Keniesha in labour is scary! Not that I don’t understand her. Love how she drove there herself.

    Poor Memphis, barfing in the street.. *”Dancing in the Street” playing in head* That must have sucked for her. But it made for a couple of great shots!

    1. I’m glad you got a kick out of Keniesha and Mango. I felt a bit sorry for him myself. lol Hey, that song was going through my head, too! Great minds and all that. 😀 Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting, too.

  11. Oh, this is going to be FUN! Especially when Memphis has her baby! Cause that is where you are leading us I’m sure……

    Every time I see this world I wish I could move my Bells there and off the island!

    1. I know what you mean! Every time I play the game somewhere else, I long to move my sims to Storybrook. 🙂 I’m glad you think this will be fun, Jesse! Better fasten your seat belt because you just might be on a rollercoaster in Noble-land from here on out! haha 😛

  12. Yay!! Double trouble!! And soon more ‘trouble’ on its way, it seems! If Memphis has a girl, the guys are really going to be outnumbered!! Poor Mango, he just fell apart at the seams. I can hardly wait for the next chapter!! =)

    1. hahaha You called it! You said something about it being twins. 😀 Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting, too! 🙂

  13. Oh gosh, Mango was soo not helpful haha! That part made me laugh, and so did Memphis’s reaction! The twin’s names are very pretty, by the way, and I can’t wait to see how they look as they grow older.

  14. Beautifully written as always, RM! Twins… wow 🙂 Tia Rose and Grace Marie are as cute as can be. How nice that you used Grace Marie so that Memphis could stay Memphis as that is how we all think of her. Hmmm…. odors bothering Memphis? I wonder, I wonder… Keniesha might be an Aunt herself sometime soon 😉

    1. You just might be right! Life is going to get pretty crazy for this family! As for the twins, the game threw that at me. It was very unexpected. lol Thank you for reading and commenting, Addy! 🙂

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