No Theme Thursday - Short Stories

The Progeny

Written in response to Kevin’s NTT:

↬ This story is a continuation of The Dragon, and The Dragon’s Return, which were also written for Kevin’s NTT. ↫

Image by Kevin from The Beginning at Last


The Progeny’s First Christmas! His parents’ hearts are full of beastly pride!

May I formally present to you:

Ahem… and drumroll…

Destroyer of Men,

Son of
the Eternal1.

Someday, we shall see if Yrgenth lives up to his terrifying name! If this picture is any indication, I think he may have been named wrongly.

Happy timezones, Friends, and welcome to another No Theme Thursday! It’s great to have you here! I hope you like the words I put with Kevin’s picture.

Thank you so much for reading, liking, lurking, and commenting! You are important!

1. Some refer to him as Fryrvirth, the Insane.

↬ Copyright © 2024 | KL Hawke & | All Rights Reserved. ↫

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I am a simmer, Rennie garb wearer, author, and dog petter. Judy Garland is my queen, horror movies & classic movies are my jam. A little bit eccentric, owned by cats. 🐱🐱🐱

16 Comments on “The Progeny

  1. Cool and not very fierce dragon. I had a Norwich terrier like him. She desperately wanted to be fierce, so we asked the delivery guys to pretend to be terrified. It made Divot so very happy.

  2. Aww. How delightful. Yes, he’s going to need to grow into that name, or perhaps choose another when he reaches the Sandithian Magical Well of Names in the Mountains of the Lost Marmots . 🙂

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