
Get to Know You #39

Hello and happy timezones, kind friends! I have greatly enjoyed your responses to my Get to Know You posts!

So, it’s time. Come sit on my porch for a spell. Tea, lemonade and refreshments will be served shortly.

Here are 3 questions! Let’s go!

Round #39:

  1. Early bird or night owl?
  2. What’s your favorite spooky story or legend?
  3. What’s the best Halloween candy?

Here are my answers:

  1. Both. I’m an insomniac. LOL
  2. “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” has put a thrill in my heart ever since I was a little girl.
  3. Kit Kat! πŸ˜€

And now, it’s your turn! If you don’t want to participate, no problem! I’m just glad you’re here. A hello would be fantastic, though! Of course, lurkers are always heartily welcome, too. xo

Thank you so much for reading, liking, lurking, and commenting! You are important!

Featured Image by Kevin from Beginning at Last.

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I am a simmer, Rennie garb wearer, author, and dog petter. Judy Garland is my queen, horror movies & classic movies are my jam. A little bit eccentric, owned by cats. 🐱🐱🐱

12 Comments on “Get to Know You #39

  1. Oh no, that first answer! Boo.

    Early bird or night owl? Early bird, at least I function better when I'm that way.
    What’s your favorite spooky story or legend? I remember loving the 'woman with velvet ribbon' story, which I hadn't thought of in a long time!
    What’s the best Halloween candy? The little Hershey's or Heath bars.

  2. Early bird or night owl? Definitely early bird. At my age the new midnight is 10:00.
    What’s your favorite spooky story or legend? My favorite legend is the on of Sleepy Hollow. Loved that as a kid.
    What’s the best Halloween candy? Has to be Reeses or Twix. Then there’s Snickers and Almond Joy. Oh heck. Anything but candy corn and popcorn balls.

  3. Hi Kymber, I am sorry to hear you are an insomniac. I am an early bird and always have been. My favourite spooky story is about the burning lights on Ghost Mountain in KwaZulu Natal. They are believed to be the fires of the spirits of the ancestors who are buried inside the Ghost’s mouth (cave in the mountain). I have written a short story about it for my next short story collection. I like the purple Quality Streets.

  4. Yes, to Kit Kat candy! The Legend of Sleepy Hollow is a good one. Did you watch the TV show series a couple of years ago. It was really good.
    My answers would be … early to bed and early to rise as I’m asleep usually by 9:30/45 and up every day at 4 a.,m. Didn’t used to be. I’d be up until after midnight but not any more.
    Spooky story? Pretty much any book written by Stephen King. Salem’s Lot, Pet Cemetery, and many more including short stories collections.
    Favorite Halloween candy – chocolate anything, but good chocolate, not the cheap off tasting ones. πŸ™‚

  5. Another fun Q&A! πŸ˜€

    Total night owl/insomniac here! I still manage to get up before 9 am, even though I go to bed around 2 or 3 am.
    “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” is a classic, for sure! Not really into creepy stories, otherwise.
    Love those mini chocolate bars – any kind, as long as they don’t have nuts (allergic).

  6. I used to be a night owl but now I’m asleep by 11pm and usually up very early.
    Sleepy Hollow is all that comes to mind for me right now.
    Candy corn is my childhood favorite, but now I would prefer anything sugar free that’s chocolate, like the ones Russel Stover’s makes!

  7. Interesting questions! Here are my answers:

    Early bird.
    Pet Sematary – I was scared by the book when i read it as a young teenager and the 2019 film creeped me out but it was good!
    Any chocolate!

  8. My answer is identical to yours, Kymber. I’ve had insomnia for several years now, so if I can get at least 4-5 hours of sleep, it’s a good night.
    None really come to mind. But I’ll tell you about something that happened to my hubby (a nonbeliever). We stayed at the Seelbach Hotel in Louisville that’s reportedly haunted by the Lady in Blue. Hubby was awakened in the middle of the night by something pulling on his wrist – totally freaked him out. Of course I told him I’d been right about ghosts all these years, lol.
    The best Halloween (or anytime) candy is dark chocolate Reese’s – which is why I buy something different for trick or treaters. I’ll eat it if it’s in the house!

  9. I’m definitely a night-owl. I rarely go to bed before 11:00 PM, even when I have to get up early on mornings when I work (I’m retired, but work part time at a local library).

    Favorite spooky story . . . that’s a tough one, because I like so many of them. Your choice is definitely a great one. I think mine is a conglomeration of legends/myths surrounding the Great Hurrican of 1900 in Galveston. There are a ton of ghost stories surrounding that event. My favorite, I think is that the Walmart in Galveston is supposedly built on the site where an orphanage was in 1900. There are tales that the Walmart is haunted by ghosts of the children. Delightfully creepy.

    Favorite Halloween candy is also tough for me . . . I pretty much like all the candy, except for candy corn. But my favorite, I think, is anything that is sugary, crunchy, and sour, like giant Lemonheads. But I also like things like Red Hots and Jawbreakers. Chocolate is always good, too, though. I wouldn’t turn down a Kit Kat.

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