Get to Know You #31


Hello and happy timezones, kind friends! I have greatly enjoyed your responses to my Get to Know You posts!

So, it’s time. Come sit on my porch for a spell. Tea, lemonade and refreshments will be served shortly.

Here are 3 questions! Let’s go!

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Here is round #31:

  1. What’s the best prank you’ve ever pulled on someone?
  2. What terrible gift have you gotten that you’ve had to keep?
  3. How do you like to spend your time after work?

Here are my answers:

Photo by Otto Rascon:
  1. When The Mister and I were teenagers, we had fun forking people’s yards. This is where I explain that – Devil’s Night, but see the picture to the right. It was usually a pre-Halloween prank on an unsuspecting friend. We could then expect to get lawn forked back (with the same forks), most times, many months later when you were least suspecting it. The key was to stick the forks in the ground handle down in order to decrease breaking.
  2. In 1991, we were gifted a coffee maker that was not only from the 1970s, but it was used. LOL
  3. When The Mister gets home, we eat dinner, take a walk, drink coffee or tea on the porch, play with our 3 cats, and watch TV or go to a movie. It’s a simple but happy life.

And now, it’s your turn! If you don’t want to participate, no problem! I’m just glad you’re here. A hello would be fantastic, though! Of course, lurkers are always heartily welcome, too. xo

Thank you so much for reading, liking, lurking, and commenting! You are important!

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  1. Your pranks are hilarious. A used coffee maker? Yuck! Simple but happy life is the best ❤️

    Here are my answers:

    What’s the best prank you’ve ever pulled on someone?

    I actually never played crazy pranks on people (yes very boring I know!). The one prank that I did play was offering a pebble wrapped in a toffee wrapper as candy, but that was a well known prank. Don’t worry, none of us kids were stupid enough to eat it, and we never did this with younger children. If you were angry at your friend you gave them a pebble wrapped in a toffee wrapper 😂

    What terrible gift have you gotten that you’ve had to keep?

    I got a very ugly set of bangles. And they didn’t even fit me! They were hideous to look at. I was forced to keep because it was given by a close neighbour. They’re still very ugly.

    How do you like to spend your time after work?

    I like to watch movies or anime. I also like to walk in gardens.

    • Thank you, Aboli. 🌺🩷

      1. It’s probably better not to pull pranks. lol The pebble prank is funny.
      2. Ugly bangles! And they didn’t even fit. They sound hideous indeed! lol
      3. That sounds really nice!

      I’m so glad you played my game! Your answers were great! 🌺🩷

  2. These are some fun questions! I enjoyed reading your responses, especially about the lawn forks! I must admit I’ve never really been good at pranking people (but I don’t think I’ve really tried). As for my other answers:
    2 – We were given a framed picture of my in-laws that we feel obligated to display in our house. And it’s just a very weird picture.
    3 – Cooking, eating, going for a walk or swim, gardening, catching up on reading. There just never seems to be enough time!

    • Thank you! I’m glad you liked them!

      2 – Oh dear, that must be a difficult position to be in.
      3 – That’s so true! I feel the same way. What nice evenings you have.

      Thank you so much for playing. Your answers were great! 🌺

  3. This one is interesting to me. I have never pulled a mean prank on anyone in my whole life. I don’t keep gifts I hate ~ I find someone who doesn’t hate them and pass them on. And a poet is never truly not working.

  4. More good questions.

    1) We were playing charades at a friends house and when it came Dan’s turn, he did not know we had all conspired to make it more difficult for him. When he got to the alphabet part of the word, he went through the alphabet so we would choose H. We all sounded off A,B,C,D,E,F,G,I. After the 5th time he got quite cranky and finally figured it out.
    2) A really bad hand made knitted blanket in multi colours
    3) Well, I am long retired, but in the good old days, it was typically an activity with the kids, then put them to be and finally watch the news. Nowadays, we like to watch the news first and finish the evening with a comedy.

    Happy Saturday Kymber. Allan

    • Thank you!
      1) LOLOL That is funny right there!😂 Poor Dan. LOL
      2) Sound atrocious! LOL
      3) I think finishing the evening with a comedy is a great idea!

      Thank you for playing, Allan! I wish you a happy weekend!

  5. What’s the best prank you’ve ever pulled on someone? Not sure it was a prank, but when I first met my now ex, I asked him “Don’t you know who I am” in a silly way. It was meant to be a joke, but he was seriously trying to figure out if I was ‘someone’ for quite a while that night. [told me later]

    What terrible gift have you gotten that you’ve had to keep? Can I say childhood trauma? lol
    How do you like to spend your time after work? I usually come home ridiculously hungry, and eat right away. Depending on my schedule that day, I most often make my way for the laptop after that. 🙂

  6. Great answers, Kymber.
    What’s the best prank you’ve ever pulled on someone? Honestly, I don’t do pranks.
    What terrible gift have you gotten that you’ve had to keep? I don’t think gifts can be terrible, it’s our attitude toward people or our attitude in general, that makes anything terrible.
    How do you like to spend your time after work? Every day, to unwind, I play ball with our dog Vader. He makes me 🙂

    • Thank you! 🌺

      It’s probably best if people don’t. lol

      I see what you’re saying and that makes a lot of sense. Good point!

      LOL He makes you. I love it!

      Thank you so much for playing my game! I hope you have a terrific weekend! 🌺🩷

  7. Great questions! What’s the best prank you’ve ever pulled on someone?
    I love pranks! Best were when me and my half-brother were kids and they had opened a joke store in town where we bought tiny “dynamite” sticks to put in cigarettes. My stepdad was the unfortunate target, and I can still see him that time once after dinner lying on the bed all sooty around his mouth and the cigarette in shreds. I had probably inserted the little dynamite thingy too far… It got to a point when he was actually shaking when he lit a cigarette. Anyway, he didn’t give up smoking, though, and I’m pretty sure they aren’t allowed to sell these today… Mom bought a fart-cushion and poor dad didn’t sit down without checking for weeks. I wonder how he survived us?
    What terrible gift have you gotten that you’ve had to keep?
    A wedding gift from one of my best friends who, I’m sorry to say, had terrible taste. It was a carved picture in wood, that I promptly hang on the wall when I knew she was visiting. Luckily, I quickly moved to another country, so surprise visits were out of the “picture”! (Bad pun, couldn’t help myself)
    How do you like to spend your time after work?
    Just kicking off my shoes and take a mug of something steaming hot to the couch with an audiobook and hope I don’t fall asleep…

  8. I’ll be participating, of course, but no idea when it will go live. Early next week or so. I don’t remember how far I’ve scheduled my posts 😂.

    • YAY! So glad to hear you’ll be participating, AM. There is no rush or deadline. 🙂

      I do that with my posts, too. 😀

      Great to see you! Oh! I almost forgot to tell you! I sent you an email through your contact form, but I don’t know if you got it. All it said was that my response to your prompt will be published Aug 28th at 10am. 🌺

  9. #1 – I’m not much of a prankster, and I cannot really think of anything but I do remember one my dad played on my mother when I was like around eight. He had called my mom down the street from the grocery store on the payphone (I know my age showing), and told her he had been arrested. My mom was so distraught. I vividly remember that, and then he walked in the door a couple minutes later, as she was trying to get ahold of the grandparents so she could go bail him out. I will never forget that!

    #2 – Any present that is put in one of those giftbags that are decorated with glitter. This past christmas, I got christmas presents in a full on glittered bag, and I kid you not, glitter got everywhere. I don’t know why they make those present bags have glitter on them. It is the most annyoing thing on earth.

    #3 – So I work at 5AM, and am off around 2-2:30pm so I usually go to the library after work with my laptop for a few hours, and get some writing done. Honestly, It is the only leave me alone quiet time I get, and I am trying to write a book. So library for a few hours after work, and then head home, cook dinner, do some end of night chores, hang out, then sleep. On a typical day.

      1. Oh my goodness! LOL😂He sounds like such a prankster. 😀
      2. I so agree! That is the worst. Even after you clean it up, you’ll still find glitter here and there. Frustrating!
      3. I like how you make special time for yourself. It’s so important and I think it’s a great idea!

      Thank you so much for playing my game! I really enjoyed your answers!🌺🩷

  10. What’s the best prank you’ve ever pulled on someone? As a kid we found some piano wire and as it was after nightfall in the dead of winter we stretched it across our street at about windshield level. Then we put a snowball on the wire and waited. Sure enough, a car came along and did about three 360s trying to stop before hitting the snowball. We ran away and laughed till we peed out pants
    What terrible gift have you gotten that you’ve had to keep? I only had to keep the terrible pair of cuff links until the divorce.
    How do you like to spend your time after work? Well, after the writing day, I like to prepare a great meal and glass of wine.

    • That’s a clever prank, John. I’ve never heard of that one before! lol

      LOL Yes, that makes sense.

      That sounds so nice. 🙂

      Terrific answers! Thank you so much for playing the game!

  11. I’ve never heard of forking a lawn before. What a hoot! 😆

    Pulling pranks isn’t something I’ve ever done. As for gifts, we received an ugly, ornate tea set once that we’ve never used, but is still in the china cabinet. We’re both retired now, but we usually didn’t do much after work, other than have dinner, walk the dog and watch TV (or fall asleep in front of it!). Weekends were fun times, though!

    • LOL I think it’s a local thing because even when I tell other people in my state what we did, they immediately know where I lived. haha

      That’s a good thing, probably. Who needs all the trouble? Ohhhh, ugly tea set! Such a bad gift! lol You know, thought, that sounds like a good evening to me, Debbie. 🙂

      Thank you so much for playing the game. I had fun reading your answers.

  12. I’m terrible with pranking – and can’t keep it up! 2. I’ve kept an awful revolving unicorn ornament that plays a hideous tune. That was from my grandmother. 3. After work, I do pilates and catch up with a friend.

      1. I think that’s a good thing. I’m not normally either, but I did fork those yards. lol 2. That sounds bizarre all right. 😀 3. Reading is always a winner!

      Thank you so much for stopping by and thank you for playing the game. 🙂

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