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Wednesday, June 26, 2024
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Help! We Need Name Ideas!

Hello, kind friends! I’m sorry I went AWOL. The Mister and I felt it was time to adopt kittens. The litter they are from were all males, and we took two of them. They are the most precious little beings. We haven’t had kittens for a long time as we normally adopt adults, so we are enjoying every moment with them. The bonding process is so fun!

What The Mister and I need are some names for these two little boys. Here is our list so far, but nothing is quite sounding right:

Huck and Finn
Bert and Ernie
Gus Gus and Jaq
Bono and The Edge
Kirk and Spock
Frasier and Niles

Pip and Squeak
Johnny and Jude
Chester and Cato
Billy and Stu
Ozzy and Jack

Names you have suggested thus far:

Laurel & Hardy
Abbott & Costello
Tom & Jerry
Felix & Oscar
Mario & Luigi
John and Paul
Noel and Ian Gallagher
Hall & Oats
Jan & Dean
Bill & Ted
George & Ringo
Fry and Laurie
Peanut (Butter) & Jelly
Fish and Chips

Bogie & Bacall
Fred & Ginger

Pumpkin & Spice
Coco & Ash
Tigger & Ash
Boomer and Barney

Calypso and Casper
Misty and Milo
Jasper and Juniper
Sherlock and Watson
Apollo and Artemis
Thor and Loki
Buzz and Woody
Harry and Ron
Chip and Dale
Peanut and Butter
Basil and Sage
Mochi and Sushi
Brooks and Dunn

Sunshine and Moonlight
equinox and eclipse

Frank and Dean
Gene & Fred
Simon & Schuster
Barnes & Noble

Bonny & Clyde
Ali & Baba
Harry & Sally
Caesar & Cleopatra
Billy & Buffy

Frodo and Sam
Merry and Pippin

Trammell & Whitaker
Michigan & Trumbull

Ernie & Harwell
Kaline & Kell

Starsky and Hutch
Hawkeye & Trapper John
BJ & the Bear
Simba & Mufasa

Itchy & Scratchy
Bubble & Squeak
Abra & Cadabra
Ping & Pong
Gin & Tonic
Boba and Cheesecake
Albert and Einstein
Chopin and Bach
Bethoven and Mozart
Mickey and Donald
Pepper and Tumeric
Ketchup and Mustard
David and Goliath
Sid and Skrat
Herbert and Heloise

Sunshine & Sable
Itty and Bitty
Puff and Stuff
Buddy & Boomer
Dean & Jerry
Oliver & Oscar
Jasper & Jack

Anything strike you? What are your suggestions?

Here are a few pictures of the little guys.

Image by KL Hawke for

Future Quality Control of Story Spinner.

I have no idea what names they will have, but if you have suggestions, my comments are open!

I have been just awful with comments, and I apologize. I’ve read them all and I appreciate your support. You mean the world to me. Thank you. xo

Thank you so much for reading, liking, lurking, and commenting! You are important!

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Kymber Hawke
Kymber Hawke
I am a simmer, Rennie garb wearer, author, and dog petter. Judy Garland is my queen, horror movies & classic movies are my jam. INFJ with "Unity Hayes" as a pseudonym. A little bit eccentric, owned by two cats, Cesare & Josie-Pye. 🐱🐱


  1. How exciting that you adopted two kittens! That’s very adorable!! You have a lot of good options to choose from. My recommendation would be Milo and Otis (I know you already have Milo on your list).

  2. New kittens — how wonderful! I asked for readers’ suggestions when I got Daphne & Velma. (Although I didn’t get nearly as many as you did here.) I didn’t really expect to get a suggestion that fit them — but I did!
    I really wanted to name them Jeeves and Wooster (even if I don’t know anyone else who is familiar with that pair)… but alas, I had two Woosters and no Jeeves for their personalities.
    Anyhow, what names did you pick? Hugs.

    • Thank you, Teagan! My buddies are so cute. We still haven’t chosen a name. We even said the suggestions out loud to see if they responded in ay particular way. LOLOL I love your names. Velma and Daphne are perfect names!

      Thank you for the encouragement. Hugs. 🩷🌸

  3. Hi Kymber, they are so adorable and you have a lot of great choices. I love Huck & Finn, Hall & Oates, George & Ringo, Brooks & Dunn. Some other suggestions are Buddy & Boomer, Dean & Jerry, Oliver & Oscar, and Jasper & Jack! I may have repeated some too. 🥰

  4. Kittens are adorable, Kymber. I’ve never had male cats. We have two little girls, Push-Push and Smudge.

  5. They’re adorable!!! I see someone already took my suggestion – Buzz and Woody. When the boys were younger and had goldfish, we went through several iterations of Buzz and Woody and Batman and Robin, lol. I also like Bono and The Edge.

  6. Bangers and Mash lol the Ginger can be Mash 🤣

    I don’t know if anyone has mentioned Fred and Ginger? Those lists are loooong lol and I’m lazy.

    What about Sid and Skrat my 2 favourite Ice Age characters?

    Or Albert and Einstein

    Chopin and Bach

    Bethoven and Mozart

    Mickey and Donald

    Pepper and Tumeric

    Ketchup and Mustard

    David and Goliath

    Sodom and Gomorrah (if you think they’re gonna be 2 naughty shits LOL)

  7. The names of my my son’s cats are Boba and Cheesecake. My neighbor’s cat is Buddy. Some popular names are : Luna, Loki, Leo, Nala, Coco, Bella, Charlie, Milo, Simba, and Lily

  8. Just looking at these sweet kitties makes me smile! So glad you got two of them. Kittens are so fun to watch play, and I’m glad Josie Pye is getting along okay with them, too. Lots of great suggestions, and I know you’ll find the perfect ones, plus as we did, calling them all kinds of other names, too. Enjoy <3

    • I’m so glad you smiled. They are so adorable; I plan on sharing lots about them in the future.

      Me, too. I was worried Josie-Pye would not take kindly to her space being invaded. She seems fine with them and because it’s a large house, she can go elsewhere if they’re too feisty. lol xoxo

  9. I like Tigger and Pooh! Tigger for the dark tiger kitty and Pooh for the orange tabby!! If you don’t like Pooh, you could call him Pooh Bear!!

  10. They are adorable! How about Boomer and Barney……I have learned something through my MANY years of having cats – if you look at them and say a name they seem to react to some names more than others. You will find “THE” name for each of them on your own though I think!

    Hugs, Pam and Teddy

    • Oh my goodness! I love Boomer and Barney! That is so cute! 🩷I definitely think you’re riight about them reacting to certain names. I keep asking them, “What is your name?” They just purr to humor me. lol 😹

      Whoa! I love the name Teddy! 😀

    • Thank you so much! 🩷🌸 They’re so playful and then they like to sleep a lot. LOL One is an orange tabby and the other is kind of a dark gray tabby with some black on his back.

  11. you were missed, Kymber…glad you back 🌷

    terrible with choosing names😬…but I like
    Huck and Finn…
    it’s an aaaw…. they’re adorable 🤍

  12. Well, I am utterly in love. Kittens! Congrats!

    Names? Hmm….
    Calypso and Casper
    Misty and Milo
    Jasper and Juniper
    Sherlock and Watson
    Apollo and Artemis
    Thor and Loki
    Buzz and Woody
    Harry and Ron
    Chip and Dale
    Peanut and Butter
    Basil and Sage
    Mochi and Sushi
    Brooks and Dunn (Was just in the car with my mom and one of their songs came up.)

  13. Oh Kymber! Congratulations on your two little cuties! The first thing that came to mind was the old 70s show, Josie and the Pussycats, but unfortunately Josie’s band mates were all girls. I know, not helpful in the least.

    I’ve never been good at naming my cats. Hubs has almost always chosen their names, except for my dilute tortie, Bella, and my Rainbow Bridge boy, Pixel.

    Seeing as I know you love the classics…
    Bogie & Bacall
    Fred & Ginger

    Jake & Elwood
    Dr. Evil and Mini Me. (Nah!! This is what I get for thinking without the morning cuppa.)

    Whatever you choose, they’ll have the perfect (purrfect?) names.

    • I wish I could do Josie & Pussycats. That is so cute!! ❤️’

      Those classic names are perfect! Both The Mister and I love the old classics.

      I like your others list, too. LOL Very creative!

      I hope you have gotten your morning cuppa now! lol xo

  14. They’re so cute here’s my entries:

    John and Paul
    Noel and Ian Gallagher
    Hall & Oats
    Jan & Dean
    Bill & Ted
    George & Ringo
    Fry and Laurie
    Peanut (Butter) & Jelly
    Fish and Chips

  15. I get a kick out of Frasier and Niles.😂 I have two cats that are brothers and their names are Prometheus and Bob. I don’t know if you’re familiar with the reference. It was a claymation show on Kablam on Nickelodeon.

    • Oh my gosh! LOL I love your cats’ names! That’s just perfect! I haven’t seen the show, but I love how the names sound together.

      Fraisir and Niles was an idea The Mister put forward. He’ll be glad to know you liked it. 🙂

    • Hi, Audrey! I’m so glad you stopped by. xoxo

      I love your list and I’ll add the names-all of them-because they are all so good! I think it’s good to name them as duos! 😀

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