Get to Know You #26


Hello, kind friends! I have greatly enjoyed your responses to my Get to Know You posts!

So, it’s time. Come sit on my porch for a spell. Tea, lemonade and refreshments will be served shortly.

Let’s go!

Image by nitli from Pixabay

Here is round #26:

  1. If you were coming out onto a stage, what would your entrance theme song be?
  2. If you had to describe how you’re feeling right now as an amusement park ride, what ride are you on?
  3. What’s something on your desk, a nearby wall, or out the window that cheers you up during the day?
  4. You’ve been teleported to the Middle Ages. How would you make a living there?
  5. Which fictional character would you want by your side during a zombie apocalypse?

Here are my answers:

  1. This might seem like a weird choice, but I don’t care. LOL I choose, “Seven Nation Army” by the White Stripes.
  2. Folks, I am on the bumper cars. I’ve been jerked every which way and I’ve crashed a few times. But all’s well. lol
  3. Well, I have a couple kitties sleeping next to me. Not long from now, they will be rough and tumbling again. They cheer me up pretty well.
  4. I think I would definitely be a minstrel.
  5. Dis guy right here. Daryl Dixon. He don’t smell right, he’s real dirty, but so are you at this point and he will keep you alive.

And now, it’s your turn! If you don’t want to participate, no problem! I’m just glad you’re here. A hello would be fantastic, though! Of course, lurkers are always heartily welcome. xo

Thank you so much for reading, liking, lurking, and commenting! You are important!

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  1. 1) My entrance song would have to be, “So Tired” by Ozzy

    2) Carnival Ride. – Marry Go Round. Time moving slow and nothing is changing. And the older it gets, the worse it appears.

    3) Out the window – My car. Because I accomplished to pay it off and on time.
    My desk – My Bible- because I can only imagine who I would be or where I would be if it wasn’t for God and His Word.

    4) I would open up and Brontosaurus Burger joint. 🤪😂.

    5) Zombie apocalypse – Sam and Dean Winchester.

      1. That’s a great entrance song! LOLOL
      2. Oh dear. LOL😂
      3. I love this answer. Those are great things (and great reasons).
      4. LOLOL A Brontosaurus Burger Joint! LOOLOL You’re cracking me up today! lol
      5. Sam and Dean Winchester is a terrific answer! They know how to get the job done! 😀

      Thank you so much, Willie, for playing!

  2. … 1. Fastball’s song Fire Escape, the part with the lyrics “I’ll be the rain/ Falling on your fire escape” 2. Bumper cars 3. Photos of loved ones 4. Wandering minstrel 5. The Grave Digger from Dellamore Dellamorte.

  3. I never got around to finishing The Walking Dead, but Daryl was always one of my fav characters, good choice! Seven Nation Army is awesome! 💜☺

  4. Oh crazy questions Kymber.
    1. My theme song would be What a Beautiful Day by Colin Hay
    2. Tilt-a-Whirl
    3. Any one of a number of my photos hanging on my walls. They take me to another place.
    4. Possibly as a builder. If not that, then likely farming or gardening.
    5) The Flash, so he could get me outta there.

    Happy Friday Kymber.

    • LOL I’m glad you still answered them. 😀

      1. Oh, that is so nice! I love it!
      2. Hope you’re not too dizzy on the tilt-a-whirl. I’m already feeling sick. LOLOLOL
      3. That’s wonderful!
      4. Excellent decisions, both of them.
      5. Oooooh! The Flash! I never thought of him, but I should have!

      Thank you so much for playing, Allan! Happy Friday! 🩷🌸

  5. Probably something by Papa Roach or Breaking Benjamin.
    The past few months I’ve felt like I’m on a nonstop carousel.
    The picture of my sons on my desk always makes me smile.
    I had to google jobs during that time, and bookbinder sounds good to me.
    I immediately thought of Daryl Dixon and then laughed when I saw your answer!

    • Love your musical tastes!

      Oh boy, I hope that carousel isn’t making you dizzy!

      That would make me smile, too.

      Oh, bookbinder does sound like a worthy profession!

      LOLOL Daryl all the way! Woot!

      Thank you so much for playing, Teri.🩷🌸

  6. Entrance Theme Song: “Here Comes the Sun” by The Beatles – because every grand entrance deserves a burst of sunshine and optimism (plus, who doesn’t love a good classic?).

    Amusement Park Ride: I’m on the Ferris wheel – feeling up and down, but always with a fantastic view and a sense of wonder at the top.

    Desk Cheer-Up: A tiny cactus that I’ve named Sir Spikes-a-Lot. It’s tough, low-maintenance, and a bit prickly – just like my sense of humor.

    Medieval Profession: I’d be an apothecary, whipping up potions and cures with a touch of flair. Because even in the Middle Ages, everyone needs a little magic in their medicine!

    Zombie Apocalypse Sidekick: Definitely Gandalf. Because when it comes to fending off zombies, who better to have by your side than a wizard with a knack for timely arrivals and epic spells?

    • I love that song! One of my faves. I agree about loving a good classic and needing a burst of sunshine, too! That’s awesome!

      I love that you are on the Ferris Wheel where there is always a fantastic view and a sense of wonder at the top. Said so well, Mike!

      Hahaha I love the name of your cactus! That’s so cool!

      As for your Medieval occupation, just don’t get burned a s witch, ok? lolol I agree about needing magic, though. 😀

      Oh, yes, Gandalf! Now that is a sound choice. I totally agree with your reasoning on that!

      Thank you so much for playing, Mike. Your answers were full of fun!🌸

  7. Oh how fun. Let me answer without thinking:

    If you were coming out onto a stage, what would your entrance theme song be? “People” by Patty Labelle
    If you had to describe how you’re feeling right now as an amusement park ride, what ride are you on? I am vintage carousel.
    What’s something on your desk, a nearby wall, or out the window that cheers you up during the day? Yoda, a 8″ puppet on top of my screen.
    You’ve been teleported to the Middle Ages. How would you make a living there? I wouldn’t make a living, they would burn me as a witch 🙂
    Which fictional character would you want by your side during a zombie apocalypse? Harry Potter

    • Oh yeah, give me some Patty Labelle!

      I love the vintage carousels! They are so colorful and timeless.

      OMG I love Yoda! And he’s a puppet! lol How cute he must be!

      That’s what I’ve always thought about with the Middle Ages! lol I’m always thinking that because I don’t understand what they’re saying or I might know a little about plants, they would arrest me as a witch! lol

      Harry Potter is a really good answer. His magic is worth having around, that’s for sure.

      Thanks so much for playing! 🩷🌸

    • What a great choice for an entrance song. Paintings are so special. I think that’s a good choice, too, Robbie. Wealthy Widow! I would so love to read a book about that! lol

      Thank you for playing. xo

  8. Honey KymberNoodle, you never cease to amaze me with the questions you create and share with your audience. But honey chile, I have to agree with you about who I would want by your side during a zombie apocalypse…definitely Daryl or Michonne if he isn’t available! 😜🧟😱

  9. Entrance theme song – Send in the Clowns
    Ride I’m on? The Tilt-A-Whirl
    A newly born fawn passes my office window twice a day.
    To make a living in the Middle Ages I would buy and sell cattle.
    During a zombie apocalypse I think Thor would be a good companion.

  10. I like your stage music a lot! and, yes to the kitty cats being adorable!
    For me, hard to pick one song, but Katie Perry’s song “Hot & Cold” would fit me (not singing about a BF or anything, just myself). I can have the hardest time making a decision, and my moods go from one to another. My amusement park ride would be the merry go round, for the same reason as the song. ADHD thoughts go around and around all the time. .. Looking out my back door is always good, seeing the different birds and watching the clouds go by. … For the Middle ages occupation, probably the historian, or scribe. I’d write down all the news, and probably make a newspaper. For the zombie helpers … for sure my fan fiction characters, Steve & Ghost. They’ve already fought vampires and demons, so a few zombies would be easy for them to get rid of. haha 🙂

    • Thank you so much! I love your answers!

      “Hot & Cold” seems like a great entrance song.

      Ah, yes, the merry go round.

      I love bird watching and cloud watching, too. The sky just feels so majestic to me.

      I love that you would be a historian or scribe. That’s so important a job!

      Oh, yes, I like the characters Steve & Ghost. If they’ve fought all that, zombies might not even be a big deal to them. 😀 lol

  11. #5 to stay alive, Kymber! I don’t know much about The Walking Dead franchise but I know enough to say this is an excellent choice. My entrance music would absolutely change from mood to mood. I’ve got so many in mind that maybe I should just play a medley/mash-up of several instead.🎵🎵🎵

    • LOL Daryl Dixon will keep you alive! 😀 I get that about the mood/entrance song. It’s a hard choice to pin it down. I would love to hear you mashup of songs! That would be cool!

  12. I just happened by today and couldn’t stop myself…
    Mack the Knife by the great Bobby Darin. Just about my favorite song of all time.
    My ride right now would be the bumper cars. A lot of crashes but none too serious.
    On my desk there is a picture of my granddaughter and a birthday card from my son that details a bunch of events from the year I was born, 1952. Yes. I am 39 years old..again..and again…
    In the Middle Ages I would have been a winemaker. Imagine the tradition!
    During the zombie apocalypse, hmmm…give me Moses. If he could part the Red Sea, he could take care of them too.
    I’m not writing here anymore as I hope you’ve noticed. But I will check back from time to time. Stay well.

    • I’m glad you played, JC! Your answers are great!

      I loooove “Mac the Knife!” Super cool choice!

      Ah, those darn bumper cars! I promise not to hit you! lol

      I tell people the same thing about my age. LOL That’s lovely about your granddaughter and son.

      Oh, yes, we need winemakers for sure! I will be stopping by on the regular. lol

      I like Moses as the answer! I bet you would survive with him, for sure!

      Yes, I had noticed. I hope you’re able to check in often as you’ve been missed.

      Take care and stay well.

  13. Ok, first of all, I love your answers!
    My them song used to be The Breeze by Lynyrd Skynyrd and was given to me by some fellow soldiers who used to say I passed by them so quickly, all they felt was the breeze as I sped by. But due to my birthplace, I’m going with Mountain’s Mississippi Queen! It still gets me pumped every time I hear it, and makes me wish I lived in Cajun Country once again.
    My amusement park ride that I have felt I’m on for quite some time is the rollercoaster for sure! Pretty self-explanatory!
    I’m not in my home right now, but my pets are usually sitting near me when I’m writing or reading, and they always give me joy-my two little Shorkies!
    If I was transported to the Middle Ages, id have to be some type of craftsman. Making jewelry or something crafty that was needed at the time. Otherwise, I’d nurse the sick and ailing, since that is close to what I did in the real world here.
    Definitely Daryl and Negan, but I’d want the original star from the beginning…what was his name? Rick? And his wife of course…she was also badass!!

  14. If you were coming out onto a stage, what would your entrance theme song be?
    If I were stepping out onto a stage, my entrance theme song would definitely be “Eye of the Tiger” by Survivor. It’s got that perfect blend of intensity and determination that pumps me up and gets me ready to take on whatever comes my way. The driving beat and empowering lyrics make me feel like I’m ready to conquer any challenge, and it sets the tone for a confident and energetic performance. Plus, it’s just a classic anthem that never fails to get me fired up and in the zone.
    If you had to describe how you’re feeling right now as an amusement park ride, what ride are you on?
    If I had to liken how I’m feeling right now to an amusement park ride, I’d say I’m on the Bumper Cars. It’s like I’m navigating through a bit of chaos, bumping into unexpected twists and turns, but overall, it’s a fun and lively experience. There’s a sense of energy and movement, with moments of sudden jolts and quick maneuvers to avoid collisions. Despite the occasional bumps, I’m enjoying the ride, embracing the spontaneity and excitement it brings.
    What’s something on your desk, a nearby wall, or out the window that cheers you up during the day?
    Something on my desk that never fails to cheer me up during the day is a small potted plant. Its vibrant green leaves and delicate flowers add a touch of nature to my workspace, instantly lifting my spirits whenever I glance at it. Just seeing that splash of color amidst the papers and gadgets reminds me to take a moment to breathe and appreciate the beauty around me. It’s like having a little slice of the outdoors right at my fingertips, and it brings a sense of calm and positivity to even the busiest days.
    You’ve been teleported to the Middle Ages. How would you make a living there?
    If I suddenly found myself transported to the Middle Ages, I’d channel my inner Dr. Stone and embark on a quest to invent something groundbreaking. Drawing on any knowledge I have of basic science and technology, I’d search for ways to improve the lives of people in that era. Maybe I could introduce simple innovations like better farming techniques or rudimentary hygiene practices to boost community health and productivity. Or perhaps I’d focus on creating tools or machinery that could streamline labor-intensive tasks and improve overall efficiency. It would be a challenging journey, filled with trial and error, but the potential to make a lasting impact on society would be incredibly rewarding.
    Which fictional character would you want by your side during a zombie apocalypse?
    If I had to choose a fictional character to have by my side during a zombie apocalypse, I’d definitely pick Daryl from The Walking Dead. His survival skills are legendary, and his resourcefulness in tough situations would be invaluable. Plus, there’s something about his character that resonates with me, and I admire how he’s portrayed in the series. However, I can’t deny the allure of having Negan as a companion as well. Despite being a villain, there’s an intriguing complexity to his character that draws me in. And let’s be honest, who wouldn’t want a badass weapon like Lucille, that spiked Louisville Slugger baseball bat? It’s undeniably cool and could definitely come in handy when facing off against hordes of zombies. So, having either Daryl or Negan by my side would give me a fighting chance in the apocalypse, each bringing their own unique strengths to the table.

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