Untouched by Man


Untouched by Man

Is there a place untouched by man?
Where animals have room to live?
No fear of poachers
And nature has all to give.

Frothy water tumbles over rocks and cliffs
Striking more water below
Thick forest trees, beauty unseen
The sun through the trees aglow.

Oh, to know there is such a place
Where man has not yet destroyed
Let’s leave it alone, untouched
Forever in its void.

©2024 booomcha.com
K.L. Hawke

Happy timezones, Friends! This post is for Kevin’s No Theme Thursday (04/18/24). NTT is my one of my favorite things! Kevin makes such awesome pictures to choose from, and I when I saw this beautiful picture, I couldn’t resist! Thank you, Kevin!

Happy FriYAY! 🩷🌷🌺

Thank you so much for reading, liking, lurking, and commenting! You are important!

Featured Image by Kevin.

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. This site and its author are not affiliated with EA or any of their games.

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  1. You did a phenomenal job with this prompt KymberNoodle. I love the imagery your poem conveys, and you touched on our compassionate terms of endearment, “Is there a place untouched by man?” We seem to destroy so much, and to think we are the caretakers of the world. 🌎 What a way to treat something or someplace special that we were authorized to take care of. Excellent expressionism my ChickieDee! 😍💞🥰🙏🏼🤗

  2. That’s a beautiful vision. There are allegedly some places untouched by man, but they don’t look like that. There are deep unexplored caves, interior areas of Greenland, Antarctica, and Kamtjatka.

  3. Your poem beautifully captures the longing for a pristine sanctuary untouched by the hands of humanity. The imagery you’ve painted with your words evokes a sense of awe and reverence for the untouched beauty of nature. It’s a powerful reminder of the importance of preserving these untouched places, allowing them to thrive in their natural state. Your ability to convey such a profound message through poetry is truly commendable. Keep sharing your gift with the world!

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