Marrying a Stranger


Marrying a Stranger

A royal wedding
A royal bride
The prince so handsome
Standing at her side

May they be happy
May their love grow
Marrying a stranger
Is not easy, you know

K.L. Hawke

This post is for Kevin’s No Theme Thursday (03-14-2024).

This is the first NTT I’ve participated in, and let me tell you, it was fun! Kevin makes some amazing pictures. I had a hard time choosing between them for this challenge.

Thank you so much for reading, liking, lurking, and commenting! You are important!

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  1. This is so nice, you certainly have a way with words! It seems to be the perfect introduction to a chapter in my story in the (far) future. I say far, as I haven’t been able to get my act together due to all sorts of painkillers I have to take since my car accident 7 months ago… I will ask you permission to use it when the time comes, of course quoting it as yours!

    • That’s what I wondered, too, Allan. I was reading about Henry VII and his arranged marriage to Elizabeth of York and how that eventually became a love-match.

      I hope you have a happy Tuesday, too!

  2. It is a very nice poem. Those arranged marriages must have been complicated. When I was in India on a business trip I talked to a young coworker who was going to be in an arranged marriage. He was not happy. I told him that in Texas we don’t have arranged marriages and he said that he wanted to move here.

    • Thank you, Thomas. I’ve wondered for a long time about arranged marriages, too. I was reading about Henry VII and how his arranged marriage with Elizabeth of York became a love-match.

      That’s interesting about your trip to India and the conversation you had with the coworker. I hope he ended up happy.

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