Get to Know You #21


Hello, and happy timezones, Kind Friends! I have greatly enjoyed your responses to my Get to Know You posts!

Shall we get right to it, then? Here we go!

Image by Joshua Choate from Pixabay

Here is round 21:

  1. Name something you’d like to be better at than you are now.
  2. If you were going out to do something fun by yourself, what would you do?
  3. What was your favorite childhood toy, and why did you love it so much?
  4. What was the last movie you saw in theaters?
  5. Do you love or hate rollercoasters?

Here are my answers:

  1. Writing.
  2. I would go to a movie.
  3. Every day when I was about 5, I watched Family Affair on TV after lunch. For my 6th birthday, I was beyond thrilled to receive a Mrs. Basely doll just like Buffy’s.
  4. Dune Part 2. It was awesome!
  5. LOVE!!
Buffy and Mrs. Beasley, via Pinterest

And now, it’s your turn! If you don’t want to participate, no problem! I’m just glad you’re here. A hello would be fantastic, though! Of course, lurkers are always heartily welcome. xo

Thank you so much for reading, liking, lurking, and commenting! You are important!

Featured Image by Sławek from Pixabay

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  1. Taking time for myself
    See a movie
    I had a robot furry critter called Petster, loved the feel of it and the sounds it made!
    I don’t go often but I recently went to see Godzilla Minus One I think it was called. I saw it in 4DX, incredible experience!
    I hate rollercoasters, I’m lucky my wife does too so I don’t have to prove my masculinity with this.

    Loved your questions & answers, best wishes to you Kymber!

  2. Thank you for sharing!!.. 🙂

    Teach the world to sing about love..
    Take a quiet walk and smell the roses…
    any gift I received were my favorite…
    West Side Story..
    depends on what I had to eat before getting on the ride….

    Hope all is well in your part of the universe and until we meet again…
    May love and laughter light your days,
    and warm your heart and home.
    May peace and plenty bless your world
    with joy that long endures.
    May all life’s passing seasons
    bring the best to you and yours!
    (Irish Saying)

  3. Writing
    I would most likely send my family out for a long walk just so I can stay in and read a book
    My ice skates – I very much enjoyed spinning and jumping across the frozen lake
    Asteroid City – an American comedy-drama film written, directed, and produced by Wes Anderson
    No – the rapid changes in motion, twists, turns, and high speeds on roller coasters always trigger this sensory mismatch, leading me to experience symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, sweating

  4. Patience 2. I can’t imagine not having my significant other to share the fun with 3. My chemistry set. 4.I think it was Mission Impossible – Fallout in 2018 5. Loved, but likely not now at my age.

    Happy Thursday Kymber. Allan

  5. Patience…
    Take a drive to the mountains…
    My teddy bear – patiently listened to my complaints!…
    I think it was a James Bond movie (it’s been MANY MANY YEARS since I saw a movie (obviously)!…

    That was fun………………..Pam

  6. living…😉
    Would send everyone out and stay home alone 🤭
    don’t recall a favourite toy…just books and reading a constant at all stages of growing up.
    can’t remember lol😬 dislike theatres…
    no comment….since i can’t lol.😬

    much enjoyed, Kymber 🌷

  7. I would like to do better with watercolor painting.
    Go to a botanical garden by myself to take photos.
    Toy? I don’t remember.
    Movie? Went with the grandkids to see a science movie about the ocean at a museum.
    The roller coaster gives me a heart attack.

  8. As for me:

    Name something you’d like to be better at than you are now: I would like to learn astro-photography

    If you were going out to do something fun by yourself, what would you do? Go on a roller coaster

    What was your favorite childhood toy, and why did you love it so much? My toy cars or my teddy bear. I felt my teddy bear was a real person.

    What was the last movie you saw in theaters? Dune part 2

    Do you love or hate rollercoasters? I love them

  9. My answers:
    1. I’d like to improve my drawing skills. I’ve had a few drawings exhibited in local galleries. I’d like to improve, not just in terms of the technical aspect of drawing but also the imaginative side of it.
    2. If I was going out by myself, I’d go to an art gallery.
    3. I didn’t have a favourite toy as a child but I remember liking my marbles because of their colours.
    4. I saw Dune Part 2 and thought it was an impressive adaptation of Frank Herbert’s novel.
    5. I’ve never been on a rollercoaster and have no interest in being on one.

  10. Hi Kymber, Name something you’d like to be better at than you are now.
    If you were going out to do something fun by yourself, what would you do?–Walk a nature trail.
    What was your favorite childhood toy, and why did you love it so much?–A Raggedy Ann Doll, because I didn’t have many toys.
    What was the last movie you saw in theaters?–Barbie, and I loved it. The movie says a lot about being a woman and expectations.
    Do you love or hate rollercoasters?–Hate rollercoasters. They make me sick. Sorry, I can’t ride one with you, Kymber.

  11. Fun questions! I loved Family Affair TV show, too! How fun you got one of the Mrs. Beasley dolls!
    Here are my answers:
    1. Putting things away where they belong, instead of just setting them aside for another day.
    2. I’d probably go to the library, a book store, or a craft store. I can spend hours just browsing around.
    3. All my stuffed animals – they all had names and I could make them do tricks.
    4. Last movie? So long ago I forget. One of my favorites though was “Snakes on a Plane” and went to see that more than once.
    5. Rode a small one when I was a kid. Didn’t much like it. Hated when I rode on a big one. Never again!

  12. Working with technology.
    Go to spa and have a massage, mani and pedi…I just did it, by the way.
    Buttons. I gave them names and formed families with them
    Ay! I haven’t gone to a movie theater in years…even before Covid. I don’t even remember.
    I would ride them but I am not crazy about them.

  13. You are rip roaring and ready to go my KymberNoodle! And oh my gosh, how that picture of Buffy and Mrs. Beasley brings back some fond, innocent memories and complements your post so beautifully. Loved Buffy and Jody, Uncle Bill and Mr. French! It’s a Family Affair! 😍👨‍👨‍👦‍👦🥰

  14. Name something you’d like to be better at than you are now.
    Understanding. It seems I don’t understand the world anymore 🙁
    If you were going out to do something fun by yourself, what would you do?
    A walk or hike with my dog(s) in the morning every day
    What was your favorite childhood toy, and why did you love it so much?
    I didn’t have a favorite toy. I was an outdoorsy tomboy girl.
    What was the last movie you saw in theaters?
    “Fantastic Beasts and where to find them” 2016
    Do you love or hate rollercoasters?
    Loved it when I was a child. Tolerated it when I was a young adult. “Can’t do them anymore” said my stomach when I got older.

  15. Number 1: Proper diet. I’ve been lax the past three months.
    Number 2: Pretty much anything. I have no issue flying solo.
    Number 3: Star Wars action figures, because…Star Wars lol
    Number 4: 300. Seriously. 😄
    Number 5: Loved. Past tense because not ridden one in ages.

  16. Another fun set of questions! 🙂 I think you’re an excellent writer, Kymber. 👌

    My answers:
    1) Sticking to my weight loss regime. It’s hard, because so much of our social life revolves around food. Portion control is a bitch! Plus, I’m lazy and don’t enjoy working out. 😝
    2) Go on a photo shoot! Sometimes, I take hubby along and he gets impatient with me, as I’m always looking for the perfect angle, lighting, etc. It’s easier when I’m on my own. 😆
    3) I don’t recall being that attached to toys in general, but I had a fondness for my Barbie family, including Ken, Midge and Skipper.
    4) Metallica: 72 Seasons (both nights) 🔥🤘
    5) Loved them as a kid, but haven’t been on one in years. I’d say “the thrill is gone”. Old and jaded, I guess. 😉

  17. Great questions! I enjoyed your answers, Kymber!

    Name something you’d like to be better at than you are now.
    typing speed… lol

    If you were going out to do something fun by yourself, what would you do?
    Go to a museum, usually The Rooms here in the city.

    What was your favorite childhood toy, and why did you love it so much?
    I had a walking doll when I was 10, whose name was the same as mine, Lorrie. I would hold her hand and she would walk along next to me. I loved that Doll, she had the same name as mine!

    What was the last movie you saw in theaters?
    “The Beekeeper”

    Do you love or hate rollercoasters?
    HATE them… lol

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