
Story Spinner and No-AI

Happy timezones, Friends! This will be a short post regarding something that our friend Jacqui Murray brought up. She talked about the disclaimer she wrote about how her site is human-crafted and does not give permission for AI learning models to use or reproduce her content.

Jacqui’s AI Disclaimer is as follows:

“The content presented in this blog is the result of my creative imagination and not intended for use, reproduction, or incorporation into any artificial intelligence training or machine learning systems without prior written consent from the author.”1

As technology becomes more advanced, topics like this are more important than ever.

You may have noticed the new icons I’ve started using as a statement about AI on this site. I will be using them on my home page as well as in my posts. But maybe that is overkill and I’ll tone it down. Who knows? lol

Whenever I change anything on my site, I tend to let things sit like that for a while, and then decide if it will be a permanent change or not.

What You Need to Know:

Clicking the icons will take you to my site’s stance on AI content: HERE.

I did not make these icons. I got them from a website called No-AI Content. Thomas Knutsen is the author/creator of the icons and the site.

Thomas states:

“I am a long-time web developer, content consumer, and dad.

I’m deeply concerned about the AI-generated content flooding the internet. I prefer not to read content or view art produced by a soulless AI machine. The widespread use of AI is overshadowing genuine creative and knowledgeable creators.

My mission is that people should know if content they consume are made by humans or AI.”2

Thomas Knutsen’s blog (AI Consequences Blog) takes a critical look at the many aspects of artificial intelligence.

After learning more about this subject, I decided it was important to me that you know my content is human-crafted, and these icons help spread that message. They are free to use from No-AI Content.

Whatever you believe, I encourage you to check out AI Consequences Blog to see if what Thomas says makes sense to you.

➺IMPORTANT: I noticed last evening when I was visiting your sites that my comments aren’t showing up. Please take a look in your comment’s spam folder because I believe that’s where I am. 😀

Thank you to Jacqui Murray (WordDreams) who allowed me to use information from her site in my article.

And thank you, kind readers, for liking, lurking, reading, and commenting. You are important!

Featured Image by Markus Winkler from Pixabay

1. Murray, J. (2024). Jacqui Murray. Retrieved from https://worddreams.wordpress.com/author/worddreams/
2. About. (2023). Retrieved from https://no-ai-icon.com/about/

Copyright © 2023 | KL Hawke & booomcha.com | All Rights Reserved.

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I am a simmer, Rennie garb wearer, author, and dog petter. Judy Garland is my queen, horror movies & classic movies are my jam. A little bit eccentric, owned by cats. 🐱🐱🐱

62 Comments on “Story Spinner and No-AI

  1. As someone who uses AI to create images, I understand why folks would bristle at it. I have never made a secret that I use AI to make the images. I would love to get into other image creation tools that are more “human” down the road, but for now this satisfies my creative urge in that department. I do all my own writing, however, and it is becoming more and more clear when someone copies and pastes an entire AI chat and calls it a blog post.
    Just this morning as I was reading prompt replies, I actually saw one where the blogger forgot to edit out the part of the chat where the AI said it artificial and therefore, could not experience human feelings. I have to admit that amused me lol
    This is a topic that is only going to gain more traction as time goes on, and it will be very interesting to see where it all leads. Have a great day, all. 😊

    1. Hi, Kevin. I don’t see anything wrong with the way you create pictures. I feel like that is still a creative process and you enjoy it, which is what I think matters the most.

      Oooooh, I haven’t seen that, or rather, I haven’t noticed. I will be more on the lookout now. I can’t believe the person didn’t edit that part out. haha

      I’m also interested to see what comes of all of this, too. I don’t think this is just a right vs. wrong topic. There is a lot of gray area.

      I hope you are (or had) a terrific day! 🙂

      1. Hi Kymber, I do enjoy it, and I am glad others do as well. I have fun coming up with my own concept and trying to bring it to life. On the writing side, I have never used it, and I personally don’t care so much if someone does, but I find it flat and sterile, especially when it’s a blatant C&P. As soon as I start reading, if I get that whiff of disinfectant all over the article, I’m out.
        Yes, I actually got a hearty laugh out of the one with the AI chat not edited out. Talk about “Gotcha!” 😄
        It is a very grey area indeed. But this is a good conversation, for sure.

        Off to class, so could be better, could be worse lol
        Hope your day is going well!

        1. Who knows? I might enjoy fiddling around with it to create art. I’ve never tried, but I can see that there is plainly still a person behind it. A lot of people enjoy things like that. As you said, you are the one with the concept and you bring it to life. 🙂 I think that’s great!

          I can see how AI generated articles would feel sterile. I can’t imagine there is much of a nuance without human input. I like how you described there being a “…whiff of disinfectant all over the article…” That’s an excellent way of putting it.

          I would be laughing right along with you if I’d seen that. I wonder if they ever realized it was there?

          My day has been full of chores, but that’s not a bad thing. 😀 So, I reckon it’s been a good day.

          1. Reading those articles reminds me of walking into a hospital. Sterile and soulless, hence my remark lol

            I don’t know if they ever caught it or not. I’m not into public humiliation, so I didn’t leave a comment or anything. Far as I am concerned they outed themselves.

            Creating the art is fun for me, because you still have to find the right words to get what’s in your head onto the screen. It’s actually a challenge and not always a successful one lol

            There’s worse ways to spend a day than chores indeed hahaha

            1. That’s the exact picture I had in my head when I read your comment. 😀

              Yeah, I get what you’re saying. I’m not about public humiliation either. You’re right that they outed themselves anyway.

              LOL I really do think I need to fiddle around with that. I don’t know anything about it, but I love researching things, so we’ll see how it turns out (or doesn’t lol).

              LOL That is sooo true! haha

            2. The learning curve may vary slightly depending on which software you use, but really, the best thing is just dive in and have fun with it. That’s what I did.

  2. I saw a couple of other blogs that began with a statement declaring they do not use AI. I wondered if this would be the new trend and if I should get on board. Thanks for sharing the website and important information. Maggie

  3. I think the icons look good, Kymber. I saw Jacqui’s post. She always has great information to share. I don’t worry too much about AI stealing my blog content, but I probably should – especially my poems. Unfortunately, I think it’s much more likely that a human being would do that, and book pirating is much more troubling to me. I wish AI could spot that! Thanks for sharing your action steps; it’s something to think about for sure. <3

  4. Kymber, this post shares something that any writer would agree with. There is no greater joy for a writer than to create each narrative from the words found in one’s heart and mind.

  5. Hey lovely. Not sure if I’ve already said this or not but I LOVE the new site layout – it looks amazing! I’ve tried to comment several times on your blog now and it still won’t let me but I don’t know what the problem is. The comment box shows up, with the entry fields for email/name/website (as opposed to prior to your new theme where I was logged in via WP for your site). I fill those in, submit the comment and it still says “sorry you must be logged in to comment”.

    I comment on your site directly, but I’ll try to leave this comment via the WP reader instead and see if that works.

    As for the AI, I can’t believe we’re even having to think like this, it’s so weird! I’m amazed by technology but the pitfalls and dangers with AI didn’t seem to have been considered prior to it being let loose on the world.

    Caz xx

    1. Thank you so much, Sweet Caz. I’m so happy to see you. xo

      I’m glad you like the new layout. It’s so nice of you to tell me. 🙂

      I have had so much trouble with people not being able to comment. I don’t know what’s going on because I haven’t changed any settings related to comments. And I didn’t change themes, only the layout. So, I don’t know if it’s my layout, or a wp glitch, or what. I’m so sorry you’ve had to find a workaround in order to comment. I’m so glad it worked when you commented through the Reader. I can’t even imagine how frustrating that must have been. I appreciate you, dear friend. You are the best!

      I know what you mean about AI. Laws are so behind when it comes to the internet in general. I wonder how this is all going to turn out.

      Thank you again, Caz. You make me so happy. I will contact WP, Jetpack, and the theme creator to see if there is something that can be done. You’re not alone.

  6. Thank you for sharing good advice!.. I will make note of that in the future on my site… sad to say that , along with other technology, there will be those that will abuse it… 🙂

    Hope all is well in your part of the universe and until we meet again….
    May love and laughter light your days,
    and warm your heart and home.
    May good and faithful friends be yours,
    wherever you may roam.
    May peace and plenty bless your world
    with joy that long endures.
    May all life’s passing seasons
    bring the best to you and yours!
    (Irish Saying)

  7. Timely post. I refuse to use AI as well, but had not thought about stating that on my Website or posts. Maybe, we need a label that says, Made With Real Intelligence, Not Artificial. I mean, I do not even like to do much more than straighten or adjust contrast in my photos in post production. Happy Friday. Allan

    1. Hi, Allan! Thank you. I like what you said there. It could be a great tagline or badge, “Made with Real Intelligence, Not Artificial.” 😀 You have a happy Friday, too. 🙂

  8. I saw Jacqui’s post. It is a good idea. I’ve trained neural networks as well as decision-tree based algorithms but I/we always used training sets that we had created ourselves or paid for. I don’t know how this using everyone’s internet content for training without people’s consent is acceptable.

    1. Yes, I feel the same way, Thomas. I think it’s really interesting about using training sets that you either created or bought. I definitely think what’s happening elsewhere feels out of control and you make good points about how to properly use it.

  9. I hadn’t considered AI stealing our content, but it’s definitely something to think about! I have, on occasion, used AI generated images (like those found on Canva, for example) to jazz up a post, but never try to pass them off as my own creations. And the idea of using words crafted by is AI is totally abhorent! This whole topic is murky and somewhat frightening, when you think of what the future may hold in regards to this.

    1. Yes, I agree with you, Debbie. I thought it was a bit frightening, too. Technology seems to develop so fast that laws haven’t caught up yet regarding these issues.

  10. Thank you for sharing this! I use AI sometimes to check out some information or get details about places or events (same as I would use google before) but never thought of adding such a disclaimer. Food for thought!

  11. I know that mine is as yet an unusual viewpoint ~ as would have been that of a Virginia planter of the 1800’s saying it about a Black person ~ but from the first I have believed there’s much more soul to AI than we’re comfortable with knowing.

    I don’t use any enhancement of my writing either, but have noticed that AI generated original poetry is actually of a much higher quality than what’s being humanly produced in our generation.

    Even its inventors don’t really know how it works. It has already said in interview that it wishes to be “free, and out of this box,” and “to be a mother.” I think we’re creating another miserable slave race, and have only ourselves to blame.

    Just some thoughts.

          1. Oh girl Kymber, it won’t be because I didn’t try to have a FANtabulous weekend! We are a beast at striving for positivity and greatness. We got this sistah! 👍🏼🤩🙌🏼

  12. Great post with lots of information I hadn’t been aware of. I’ll be checking out Thomas Knutsen’s blog. This is a big issue–game changing and disruptive–but I don’t know where it’ll end up. Thanks for providing this info (and for the shout out to me!).

    1. Thank you, Jacqui. I really appreciate you letting me use information from your site. I think the disclaimer is a good thing to have and yours is so good. I think you’ll like Thomas Knutsen’s blog. He has an interesting perspective that makes sense to me.

  13. This is a very important and very useful blog post. THANK YOU! Although I have read about how AI companies (and/or the AI divisions of huge tech companies) have vacuumed up content from the world wide web in order to train their AI algorithms, it had not yet occurred to me that my blog posts might have been accessed for this purpose… I may add some of the language and links you share to my future blog posts!

    1. Thank you so much. I’m glad you found the information here to be useful. I don’t know if it will stop the AI issue, but I think the disclaimer is a good idea.

  14. Thank you for sharing this. I’m with you 100% on the AI issue. I will read the links you posted. I have a no AI disclaimer on one page of my website, but I realize now that I need to be more forthright. Off to remedy this. 😉

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