Get to Know You #18


Hello, and happy timezones, Kind Friends! I have greatly enjoyed your responses to my Get to Know You posts!

Shall we get right to it?

Here is round 18:

  1. If you had to choose between having a permanent unibrow or having no eyebrows at all, which one would you choose?
  2. If your family were a TV show, what genre would it be?
  3. Can you do any accents?
  4. If colors tasted like flavors, which would taste the best?
  5. What’s your favorite work-related meme or joke?
    (see instructions below about how to add an image to your comment using HTML)

Here are my answers:

  1. I would choose not to have eyebrows and then I would draw them in or get them tattooed or something. LOL
  2. Sitcom/Comedy with a huge amount of Monk, for sure.
  3. Not well, no. I have my Inland North accent which is common in the Great Lakes area.
  4. Yellow. I think it would be refreshing like lemons.
  5. This is my current favorite:

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  1. Hi Kymber!!!

    haha love this question. It depends on the thickness of the unibrow: If we’re talking like, bushel, then I’m opting for none. Good call about the tattoo though, I’m going with none either way.
    M.A.S.H. meets Perfect Strangers
    Orange, I just can’t thing of any orange foods I don’t like.
    The one where the kid is calmly sitting on a swing set while the world burns around her

    Best wishes to you!!!!

    • Hi there! Great to see you!

      I was thinking Frida Kahlo with the unibrow. Let that be your guide. LOLOL

      M.A.S.H. meets Perfect Strangers? I dying over here!! hahaha

      Italiano! Ottima scelta!

      LOLOL I love that meme! 😀

      Best wishes to you, too! Thank you for the laughs. 😀

  2. Love your answers, Kymber! Here are mine:
    If you had to choose between having a permanent unibrow or having no eyebrows at all, which one would you choose?
    None, but I’d do the same as you! LOL
    If your family were a TV show, what genre would it be? Sitcom/drama
    Can you do any accents? Probably a southern
    If colors tasted like flavors, which would taste the best? a light yellow color that would taste like Chardonnay 🙂
    What’s your favorite work-related meme or joke? I love Fridays, so this one caught my eye. 🙂 Hope it works!

    • I clicked over to your meme first and that was worth it! So funny! 😀 😀

      I never thought about doing a southern accent. I might be able to do that. But I bet they would all look at me and think, “She’s not from around here.” LOL

      I’m all about yellow, so, yaaaasssssss! LOL

  3. I’d say a unibrow and get the middle part waxed, lol.
    We’d definitely be a comedy with a lot of snark!
    I can do a pretty good Southern accent, but nothing international.
    I’d say purple. Not really sure why, just instinct (it might be a wine thing).
    I don’t have a favorite work meme, but yours sure made me laugh!

    • Hi, Teri! Going for the unibrow, eh? You know what, though? I feel ya’ about getting the middle part waxed. I mean, I said I was willing to do a tattoo and I bet that would hurt way worse than a simple, quit waxing. I love snark, so I would watch that show! haha Purple is a good answer. I’m glad my meme made you laugh. It’s a true story. 😀

  4. It seems I can’t comment on your site anymore, for a while it worked on my wordpress, but now my comments just disappear and it tells me to log in, even though I am…

  5. If you had to choose between having a permanent unibrow or having no eyebrows at all, which one would you choose?
    No way I could opt for a unibrow! Mine are already blonde, so no eyebrows would make no difference to my usual appearance – I would just cheat with make-up as I usually do!
    If your family were a TV show, what genre would it be?
    For sure a comedy, with a touch of designer programs like “Worst House on the Street” and “Escape to the Chateau”.
    Can you do any accents?
    Nope. I speak five languages but I’m hopeless when it comes to imitating local accents. I can do upper class British, though, to make my students laugh.
    If colors tasted like flavors, which would taste the best?
    Probably blue – blueberries are one of my favorites, and then I’m really fond of a blue juice here in France “Fa-Bu-Bleu” with guava, apple, lime and coconut water, but it’s spirulina, a natural algae, that gives it its beautiful color.

    • I see what you mean about blonde eyebrows. That makes total sense. LOLOL I’m laughing about your genre of TV show with the designer show added in. LOL That is great! Five languages! Wow! You go! xo I think blue is a good choice.

      I’m sorry the meme didn’t come through. My directions weren’t very clear, and I’m so sorry for that. Thank you for stopping by and trying so hard with how frustrating this all must have been. You are a superhero! 🌷🧡

  6. If you had to choose between having a permanent unibrow or having no eyebrows at all, which one would you choose?
    No way I could opt for a unibrow! Mine are already blonde, so no eyebrows would make no difference to my usual appearance – I would just cheat with make-up as I usually do!
    If your family were a TV show, what genre would it be?
    For sure a comedy, with a touch of designer programs like “Worst House on the Street” and “Escape to the Chateau”.
    Can you do any accents?
    Nope. I speak five languages but I’m hopeless when it comes to imitating local accents. I can do upper class British, though, to make my students laugh.
    If colors tasted like flavors, which would taste the best?
    Probably blue – blueberries are one of my favorites, and then I’m really fond of a blue juice here in France “Fa-Bu-Bleu” with guava, apple, lime and coconut water, but it’s spirulina, a natural algae, that gives it its beautiful color.
    What’s your favorite work-related meme or joke?

  7. If you had to choose between having a permanent unibrow or having no eyebrows at all, which one would you choose?
    No way I could opt for a unibrow! Mine are already blonde, so no eyebrows would make no difference to my usual appearance – I would just cheat with make-up as I usually do!
    If your family were a TV show, what genre would it be?
    For sure a comedy, with a touch of designer programs like “Worst House on the Street” and “Escape to the Chateau”.
    Can you do any accents?
    Nope. I speak five languages but I’m hopeless when it comes to imitating local accents. I can do upper class British, though, to make my students laugh.
    If colors tasted like flavors, which would taste the best?
    Probably blue – blueberries are one of my favorites, and then I’m really fond of a blue juice here in France “Fa-Bu-Bleu” with guava, apple, lime and coconut water, but it’s spirulina, a natural algae, that gives it its beautiful color.
    What’s your favorite work-related meme or joke?
    MEME”alt=”Why I encourage using computers…”

  8. Definitely no eyebrows.
    My family TV show genre would be sit-com for sure
    I can do accents. I did community theater and developed a string of them,
    The color red would be the most delicious.
    Here’s my current favorite joke.
    A priest is walking down the street one day when he notices a very small boy trying to press a doorbell on a house across the street. However, the boy is very small and the doorbell is too high for him to reach. After watching the boy’s efforts for some time, the priest moves closer to the boy’s position. He steps smartly across the street, walks up behind the little fellow and, placing his hand kindly on the child’s shoulder leans over and gives the doorbell a sold ring. Crouching down to the child’s level, the priest smiles benevolently and asks, “And now what, my little man?” To which the boy replies, “Now we run!”

  9. Girlfriend, you never cease to amaze me with your ‘getting to know you’ answers! Love them. 💖 Except, I would choose the unibrow for number one, like Frida Kahlo, and tweeze where needed. 👁‍🗨😎👀 I have to have brows girlfriend! LOL 😜👧🏽🥰 Your characterizations are so colorful that’s for sure, but that’s the type of personality you have…never dull and always vibrant!!! 🎉🎨🎆 Thanks for the share ChickiePotPie!!! 🤗🧁😍

  10. Oky Kim. Here we go…
    Unibrow? No. No brows would match the top of my head.
    My life as a tv show I hope would be a comedy. Nothing too serious or too silly. Maybe something like The Odd Couple.
    Can I do an accent? I’m from the Bronx. I live with one. But I can also imitate my I talian grandfathers’ accent pretty well.
    Colors tasting like flowers? Tough one. I like red, but can’t eat rare meats, so that one is out. Blueberries are a fave though, so maybe I could go that way.
    Work jokes…Well, I have a long hstory…
    I worked in a shoe factory. I was the sole employee. They later gave me the boot.
    Worked in a candle factory. But only worked on wick-ends.
    Then I worked in a cooking utensil factory. They had to let me go because my pot was bigger than theirs.

    Now your turn…
    Are you lefty or righty and can you write with your non-dominant hand.
    Would you wear sneakers when you go out for dinner.
    Do you turn the closed captions when watching a British tv show.
    Would you wear brown shoes with a blue suit.
    Did you grow to be as tall as you wanted to be as a kid.

    • Helllllooooooooooooo, JC! 😀 I’m finally catching up on some comments that got away from me. 🙂

      That’s really funny that having no brows would match your head. The Mister is bald, too. He used to have coppery red hair. He wears a shortly-trimmed beard and it’s mostly red still, but has patches of white. 😀

      I love that you could imitate your Italian grandfather. I’d think that is great to hear!

      Hahahaha! Your work jokes have me rolling!

      Okay, my turn:
      1. I’m a lefty, and cannot write with my non-dominant hand. When I was a kid, I played softball, and so one Christmas (when I was 10 years old), my family all got me things to play softball with. The mitt, though, was for my left hand. I didn’t know that was the opposite of what I should be doing, but I learned to do it that way and still wear a left-handed mitt. As I got older, I found out I was a pretty good switch-hitter. And I enjoyed playing shortstop. 😀
      2. No. Well, I take that back. If we’re going somewhere informal and I have to get ready quickly, I might wear my tie dyed Vans. Or my red Converse low tops. But mostly I like to dress up.
      3. Yes! Is that awful? I sure do. The Mister doesn’t need the closed captioning, but I really do. lol
      4. Yes, I think that is fine.
      5. Nope. I am 5’2″. A height that I reached in middle school and never grew any taller. I’m the shortest sibling, I’m shorter than both my children. I’m fine with it now, but I always wanted to be taller.

      Thanks for the questions!

  11. Interesting questions, Kymber, and I enjoyed your answers. 🙂
    I’m with you on #1. Easy enough to use an eyebrow pencil or tattoo.
    #2: Comedy-drama would be appropriate, but I can’t think of a specific show.
    #3: A couple of Americans in California told me I had a Canadian accent, but I can’t hear it. 😆 Given my German heritage and hubby’s Italian one, I could probably mimic those accents fairly well. (Not that I’ve tried…)
    #4: Orange is a fresh, zesty colour and I love Persimmons (aka Kaki), which have a rich, orange-coloured skin and taste delicious.
    #5: Walking multiple dogs can be challenging! 😀

    • The cartoon didn’t load… It’s a guy walking 5 dogs, staring at 3 squirrels. Caption: “The last thing Ray remembers before the squirrels scattered in different directions…”

    • Thank you, Debbie. I could only think of a specific show because so many members of my family (both immediate and extended) have “Monk-like” ways. lol I know what you mean about not hearing your own accent. I am told all the time by people out of state that I have a Michigan accent, and I can’t hear it either. I’ve never had a persimmon, but I was thinking about them the other day when I saw a picture of some, and I really want to try them.

  12. Since my brows are already thin, I’ll say none lol
    Action comedy
    English, but my real forte is imitating other people 😋
    Red like ch, ch, ch, ch, cherry cola
    The modern workplace is one giant meme, in my opinion. 😄

    • Your answers are great, Kevin! LOL I’d watch that action/comedy, for sure! Yes to cherry cola! 😀 I love that: “The modern workplace is one giant meme…” haha I can totally see that.

  13. Great answers Kymber! Your first two are similar to mine…
    If you had to choose between having a permanent unibrow or having no eyebrows at all, which one would you choose?
    No eyebrows. Mine are practically non-existent without make-up anyway. Inspired by Sierra Ferrell, I’m thinking of shaving mine.

    If your family were a TV show, what genre would it be?
    Definitely a sitcom….that’s totally my family.

    Can you do any accents?
    Yes! I do a fabulous cockney accent. It’s so on the money that when I was in high school I convinced a substitute teacher I was from England. He asked me, “How long will you be in the states?”

    If colors tasted like flavors, which would taste the best?
    My favorite color is magenta, so it would taste like the most amazing candy that’s fruity but not too sweet.

    What’s your favorite work-related meme or joke?
    How do you find a journalist at a party?
    Don’t worry, they’ll find you and start asking questions.

    • Sierra Ferrell is so gorgeous, but so are you! 😀 I would looooove to hear your accents! That’s so funny that your teacher thought you were from England. haha 🌷🧡 Oh, magenta! That suits you and I think it would taste good.

      OMG, that is hilarious! xo

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