Get to Know You #13!


Hello, and happy timezones, Kind Friends! I have really been enjoying your responses to my “Get to Know You” posts!

So, without further ado, here is round 13:

  • Would you rather live where it only snows or the temperature never falls below 100 degrees?
  • What do you think the ultimate theme party would be?
  • What’s something that makes you feel overwhelmed?
  • Do you sing in the shower?
  • What’s on the top of your bucket list?

I shall leave my answers here:

  • Bring on the snow!
  • The Mister and I plan to have an 80s-themed party in the future. Probably Spring or Summer next year.
  • I’m able to do many things at once, but there was a particular night when I was a cardiac nurse when I had a patient on a nitro drip. Her blood pressure was taken every 5 minutes and I had to titrate the nitro up or down depending on her readings. I was also administering morphine to her because she had a nitro headache. That same night, I also had a drunk guy who was admitted and he was nothing by mouth and had to lie flat. Instead of following directions, he kept leaning out of his door (he couldn’t go any further because his IV pump was plugged into the wall), and waved his coffee cup around, yelling, “Waitress, waitress! I need coffee!” He was a lot of fun. Also, I had a 3rd patient who was asleep but having runs of ventricular tachycardia. It was a night from hell. I had the aide put pacer pads on the v-tach guy in case he coded (he didn’t) and I was able to ask a nurse with a lighter load to help me out. Funny story about drunk guy: the next morning, I was just about to punch out when my phone rang and he said he needed me. It was urgent, he said. Upon walking into his room, he held a joint up and asked me if I had a light. I was like, “Do you know where you’re at?” LOLOLOL
  • Loudly
  • Seeing orcas and dolphins in the wild.
Image by janrye from Pixabay

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And now, it’s your turn! If you don’t want to participate, that is totally fine, there is no pressure. A hello would be fantastic, though! Of course, lurkers are always heartily welcome. xo

Thank you so much for reading, liking, lurking, and commenting!

Featured Photo: Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

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  1. 1) I love my seasons, snow and all. 2) an 80s hair band theme, except I’d need a wig 3) The death and destruction being rained down on innocent citizens by lying politicians and oligarchs throughout the world. 4) Inside my head 5) Getting back to New Zealand. Happy Friday Kymber. Allan

  2. Bring on the heat! At least you can turn on some A/C and get some relief. When you get cold, especially your feet, it’s friggin miserable and often hard to warm back up. With all the aches and pains I have, excess cold and I don’t get on very well at all.

    A Supernatural one, of course. 😀 I want it all – witches, vampires, fairies, werewolves…bring it on, baby. 😀

    Most recently, it was redoing my Sims 3 CC folder and putting my poor Simmies back together after that. About 95% of them were in sorrowful condition.

    Most definitely – very loudly, high, and long. But then, I sing everywhere. 😀 I just can’t help myself. LOL!!

    Play the role of Christine in “Phantom.”

  3. I prefer the hotter weather. 2. Superhero cosplay party but big names like Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Spider-Man, Captain America and a few others are off limits. Have to be more obscure characters with wild costumes. 3. Excessive paperwork and red tape. 4. I do not. 5. Not sure.

  4. Would you rather live where it only snows or the temperature
    never falls below 100 degrees? A

    What do you think the ultimate theme party would be? A Cleveland Browns victory fete

    What’s something that makes you feel overwhelmed? Aging process

    Do you sing in the shower? No

    What’s on the top of your bucket list? Paris once more

  5. What nursing stories! There are so many jobs out there I am woefully underskilled for, and would make such a hash of… Probably how I fell into being a poet!

    How ’bout a party themed party? Everybody could just go totally over the top in outrageous celebration all attire.

  6. That 1980s party sounds fun; I hope you post pictures!
    And I give you so much credit for being a nurse; that’s really a huge responsibility and you’re making a difference in the world.
    I actually did your bucket list — living on the east coast I’ve seen many dolphins and whales (I’ve been on whale sighting cruises). There are always dolphins along the Jersey shore, especially further down south in Wildwood and Cape May. I’ve seen them in North Carolina too.

    Here are my answers:
    Would you rather live where it only snows or the temperature never falls below 100 degrees?
    If the temperature is dry like in Arizona, I can go over 100. I visited that state when it was 105 and it wasn’t that big of a deal because it’s dry there.

    What do you think the ultimate theme party would be?
    I love birthday parties.

    What’s something that makes you feel overwhelmed?
    When people are nasty for no reason, like people just pulling to start trouble.

    Do you sing in the shower?

    What’s on the top of your bucket list?
    Meeting Cher. 🙂

  7. Definitely not snow. Unsure on theme party. Many projects overwhelmed, working on time management and organizational skills will be implemented since retiring on February 29, 2024. No singing in the shower. Top of backlist is to complete/publish two books.

  8. Thank you for sharing!!.. 🙂

    of the two, snow….
    depends on the party…
    the universe…
    no, I cannot carry a tune in a bucket, but I do have a radio on the shelf that plays music by someone who can sing..
    “Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.” (Maya Angelou)

    Hope all is well in your part of the universe and until we meet again….
    May the sun shine all day long
    Everything go right, nothing go wrong
    May those you love bring love back to you
    And may all the wishes you wish come true
    May your troubles be less
    Your blessings be more
    And nothing but happiness
    Come through your door
    (Irish Saying)

  9. Definitely snow. I love the idea of an 80s themed party. Currently, my TBR stack overwhelms me a little. I definitely don’t sing in the shower – but when I’m alone in the car it’s a possibility. Just as long as no one hears me, lol. We visited Italy this past summer, so that was the biggest thing on the bucket list. More traveling is next.

  10. 1) Bring on the snow
    2) 70s and 80s music
    3) I feel overwhelmed when there is too much to do ASAP
    4) No, I don’t sing in the shower
    5) I would like to move to Blue Ridge, Ga.

    The drunk guy with the joint story is hilarious! What a jerk.

  11. Well ChickieDee, I suppose I am a lurker, always fascinated by your “Get to Know You” segments. But the drunk guy with the joint…girl I am laughing my but off! That scenario is playing out in my mind, but not in the way you handled it. He would have sobered up, but I won’t say how! 😝😱🤣

  12. I loved your discussion and your description as a nurse. I thought I would lighten the subject with some silly answers.

    Would you rather live where it only snows or the temperature never falls below 100 degrees? Here in Texas it seems like it never drops below a hundred so I’ll take snow.
    What do you think the ultimate theme party would be? I think the ultimate theme would be The Invisible Man. Everyone would have to figure out how to be invisible. (maybe not show up?)
    What’s something that makes you feel overwhelmed? The continued rise in crime rate in this country. Makes me reluctant to leave home without a fully loaded automatic. It is very bulky, and weighs a ton. Can be overwhelming.
    Do you sing in the shower? Never. I wouldn’t want to crack the tiles.
    What’s on the top of your bucket list? To not kick the bucket.

  13. Would you rather live where it only snows or the temperature never falls below 100 degrees?
    Summer, summer…I am from the Caribbean. Calentito is better 🙂
    What do you think the ultimate theme party would be?
    Cats and kittens.
    What’s something that makes you feel overwhelmed?
    Two deadlines approaching at once!
    Do you sing in the shower?
    Yes, sometimes. Always in Spanish.
    What’s on the top of your bucket list?

  14. Would you rather live where it only snows or the temperature never falls below 100 degrees?
    -Snow please and lots of it. Keep the heat!
    What do you think the ultimate theme party would be?
    -I honestly don’t know. Perhaps disco?
    What’s something that makes you feel overwhelmed?
    The news overwhelm me quite frequently. While not-knowing isn’t an option, I can’t stomach much of all the negativity, the hate, the wars and what’s going on in the US.
    Do you sing in the shower?
    No, never.
    What’s on the top of your bucket list?
    Finally getting the Moroccan lamp I wish for.

  15. Haha. I got a kick out of JC’s comment about singing everywhere. I used to sing all through the commute to work, even when people in other cars laughed and pointed. Now I just try to turn on something that is noisy (like my old AC unit) to block my noise from the neighbors, and belt out one or two in the evenings with Karaoke. It’s really therapeutic.
    Overwhelmed? All I have to do is look at the back yard… or the front yard… or at any room inside…
    Always fun to get to know you, Kymber. Hugs.

  16. Okay. How could I not respond. So here we go
    No such thing as too warm so give me put me where 100 degrees is normal
    A great theme party for me would be to go back to about 17 years old with all the same friends
    Overwhelmed? I can do alot at one time so I never remember being overwhelmed. Just push on, organize and go.
    Do I sing in the shower? I’m Italian. I sing everywhere. When I was younger though I actually won a few contests and sang in a rock band.
    The top of my bucket list is to see my granddaughter get married just so Incan tell her that he isn’t good enough.

    No for you…
    What is the most exotic dish you’ve ever eaten.
    If you could pick what color hair would you want to be your natural color.
    How far did you walk to grammar school or did you ride a school bus.
    What is your most important responsibility today.
    How often do you any formal exercise.

    Okay. Go to it!

  17. Hi Kymber!
    Would you rather live where it only snows or the temperature never falls below 100 degrees? Snow, unless the 100 degree location comes with a consistent breeze & not dry heat.
    What do you think the ultimate theme party would be? Everyone dressed as awkward, bulky robots.
    What’s something that makes you feel overwhelmed? After reading about your story, I’ve got nothing! In general though, desiring to accomplish too much within an unreasonable amount of time. I try to fallback on deep, calm breathing when I’m getting bombarded.
    Do you sing in the shower? Yes, song most sung in the shower: Mack the Knife
    What’s on the top of your bucket list? Driving into a golf cart. It’s the only one I have, and it comes from my dislike of golf in general. I should be clear that I don’t want to hurt anyone, the ideal scenario would be 2 pretentious golfers already in the cart, who safely dive into the grass as I slowly drive into the cart. I should be clear that I would not do this if it risked someone getting hurt.

    Happy holidays to you and yours!

  18. Would you rather live where it only snows or the temperature never falls below 100 degrees?
    What do you think the ultimate theme party would be?
    What’s something that makes you feel overwhelmed?
    Do you sing in the shower?
    What’s on the top of your bucket list?

    I’m a summer girl for sure!
    You didn’t specify what kind of party. I like the 90’s, we’ll-rounded musical choices-everything from rap to rock!
    When too many things are piled on me at once-like when it’s time to move from one house to a new one. Of course, right now I don’t have that problem since my house is on wheels!
    Not in the shower.
    Trip to Australia someday. Or maybe Switzerland 🇨🇭

  19. Snow. Absolutely snow.
    Party theme — everyone stays at home and imagines being at the party that doesn’t actually exist
    Overwhelmed — groups of people (refer to previous response)
    Sing — not in the shower
    Bucket list — I don’t have a bucket list per se. I do wish I would have gone up in a lighthouse during a storm.

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