Holden Responds to Lenora Landgraab!


It has come to Holden Sprague’s attention that Nise Dreamweaver of Story Seer posted a limerick about him. Her character Lenora Landgraab of Forever in Time wrote it.

For those of you who read Noble Doubt, you will remember that Holden was the Generation 5 Heir. He was a dancer who avoided all things supernatural. When it came to scary things that moved in the night, he was a hard no.

His twin sister, Rosetta, on the other hand, embraced all things paranormal and even honed some powers of her own. She also went to serious lengths to protect Holden because she knew he’d have a nervous breakdown if he encountered anything like that at all.

Holden Sprague

Holden was a brilliant dancer, and rising star.

Rosetta worked her way up the ranks to eventually become the Leader of the Free World. She had no fear of getting her hands dirty (and then concealing it).

Holden had a sweet family with wife, Ellie, and daughter, Bea, who he affectionately called “Chicken.”

Holden hadn’t any idea what Rosetta was capable of. Here she is being a tiny bit scary. She is torturing someone who hurt Holden. (Let’s hope she doesn’t find out about Lenora’s limerick.)

Rosetta, who are you torturing now? And what did he do?

I think we’d better leave!

The Limerick

Let’s hope and pray Rosetta hasn’t found out, and if she has, let’s hope and pray she has a sense of humor. (Having a sense of humor is often beyond her.)

Here is the limerick and the post, in case you would like to go to Story Seer:

*“There once was a dancer named Holden.
I truly thought he was golden.
But he was afraid,
Of things not mundane.
Dear Holden, man up lest you’ll be foldin.”

An excerpt from Holden’s journal:

When I read the limerick Lenora Landgraab sent to me, I couldn’t help but laugh a little. You see, it’s true. I am indeed a chicken when it comes to the supernatural things in life. When I was still a child, my twin sister, Rosetta, and I, encountered a nasty presence haunting us. Together, we took care of business, and while it encouraged Rosetta in her pursuit of the paranormal, it scared me so badly, I fear I was never the same.

While I actually laughed at the limerick (let’s face it, it’s pretty funny no matter who you are), I’m afraid for Rosetta to see it. Because of that, I’ve hidden my copy of it inside a pair of folded socks in the dresser.

I plan on writing a nice appreciation letter to Lenora later, not just because she is a famous author, but also because she is an old friend of the family. Great-grandpa Leo was the first one of us to ever meet her and her husband Tyrone. I’m sure she sent this to me because she knew I’d find it funny. I mean, if you can’t laugh at yourself, you may as well give it up.

An excerpt from Rosetta’s diary taken from Noble Doubt, Generation 5, The Missing Chapter:

I had just finished off Ella Dean, much to my satisfaction… 

“Are you going to tell your brother?”

That was an excellent question. If I told Holden about this, would he be happy? Would it snap him back to reality to know he and his family were no longer in danger?

I knew him better than that, of course.

“No. Although this is on his behalf, it would horrify him. He has a tender heart, you see. All he will need to know is that Ella will not bother him again. He will not ask for details and I will not volunteer them.”

“Good enough.”

“Thank you, Jedrek.”

“My pleasure, Ms. Sprague. You’d better get back upstairs. I’ll get my clean up team in here.”

Turning on one foot, I left the basement room where the deed had been done, working my way back upstairs to my office.

My thoughts drifted to Holden now. My poor, sweet brother who wouldn’t hurt a fly, yet he was so easy to hurt. All my life, I’d wished he’d been more like me. No one can hurt Rosetta Sprague.

Not unless they harmed him. That was definitely a way to get to me.

Clearing my throat on the elevator, I briskly pulled at the bottom of my suit jacket, then smoothed it out with my hands. I did not like looking or feeling disheveled. I am in control, I repeated to myself a few times.

When the elevator doors opened, I ignored those who entered, waiting for them to punch in their numbers, staring straight ahead.

Grimacing, I thought about the silly limerick I’d found at Holden’s house the day before. He thought he could hide the offensive piece of folded paper in his sock drawer. We were adults, yet he still had not become aware that his hiding place was both juvenile and something I already knew about.

I did not understand the little poem, but I felt it was an insult. Who was this Lenora Landgraab? As I held the piece of paper between my palms, I sensed that Holden had not been offended. Rather, he had actually laughed. This was a joke?

For a few more minutes, I stood there, trying to ascertain if there was more to this that I should be concerned about. Should I put a detail on this Lenora woman?

“For writing a funny poem?” Holden demanded as he came in the room.

I did not point out to him that I had not spoken those words aloud, he had heard my thought.

“Why are you angry if it is a funny poem?” I asked him, raising an eyebrow.

He sighed with what appeared to be exasperation, and I remembered thinking how he often used exaggerated reactions with me. I wonder why?

“I’m angry with you, Rosetta! Not the poem!”

“Why would you be angry with me? I did not write this.”

Holden took the poem from me and shoved it back into his sock, closing the drawer with an unnecessary thump.

“I’m a grown man whose sister is going through his underwear drawer!”

He would never understand that protecting him meant going to extremes at times. If he talked to me more, I would not have to search his bedroom. Besides, the sock drawer had been his secret hiding place since we shared a room as small children.

This was his fault, not mine. Of course, if I expected him to settle down, I could not tell him that hard truth.

“Are you telling me I do not need to contact this Lenora Landgraab?”

He rolled his eyes and took an extremely long breath. “I’m telling you to stay out of my and Ellie’s room. It’s off limits! And no, you don’t need to contact Ms. Landgraab! Please, please, don’t do that.”

“Begging is most unbecoming, Holden. You needn’t stoop to these lows in order to make your point known.”

His face was beet red, and there was a little vein pulsating over his temple. Why he was so angry was beyond me, but I quickly excused myself to the other room so I could play with little Bea. Perhaps we could speak of this again later when he was calmer.

Thank you, Nise, for writing that limerick. I didn’t realize how much I miss Holden and Rosetta until I wrote this response. lol

Thank you, kind readers, for reading, liking, lurking, and commenting! You are appreciated, and I hope you are having a terrific week!

Special Thanks: to Bee (Stories by Bee / Poses by Bee) for editing this post and all the SimLit here at Story Spinner.
Special Thanks: to Nise Dreamweaver (Story Seer) for writing the limerick about Holden.
Poses: TV Watching Poses, poses 1-3; and Ballet, poses 6, 10, 11, and 19, all by Bee (Poses by Bee). Low Down – Modeling Poses, pose 1 by k2m1too.
Lots: The White House, Red Oak Lane, Murgatroyd Opera House
World: Fortress Rock

*Limerick is printed here with permission from its author:
Dreamweaver, N. (2023, November 12). Silly limericks with Lenora, #1 | the story seer. Story Seer. https://sweetnightingale.com/silly-limericks-with-lenora-1/

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  1. Not sure what’s going on with comments here, at least on my end, but I’m having a helluva time posting and staying logged in. Let’s try this again. I’ll just start a new comment thread because it’s not letting me reply for some reason.

    Oh yeaaaah! Time travel is da bomb-diggidy. 😀 What kind of sci-fi fan wouldn’t like time travel? 😀 Oh yeah! I forgot about that show. Disney has some great stuff. Oh, it’s not like it used to be, but you do get a real winner every once in a while. 🙂

    For sure. Both Grace and Luna could have much different lives had Deus and family been in their lives from the beginning. You get to thinking about the what-ifs and how life could be so different for a character had even a small event changed. I’ll have to mull it over and see what I can come up with for sure. 🙂

    Oh, definitely! I’m telling you, it’s gonna be intense! I mean, some of this stuff is gonna hit poor Tyrone like a friggin Mack Truck, no lie.

  2. Oh this made me chuckle. Oh I remember Ella well! Now I have to say seriously, what kind of therapy does someone need to convince them it’s not okay to stay out of their brother’s underwear drawer? Seriously Rosetta! You can’t control everyone! Poor Holden, the trauma of knowing his sister likes playing around his underwear! Oh the therapy there! Gosh I see some of those old poses I made for you and want to update them! But I still love the ballet ones!

  3. Embracing the paranormal eh, as the music from Friday the 13th plays in the background! 👀😱🤺 Man up Holden, lest you be foldin’! 😂 Scaredy Cat! 🙀 Kymber, I love your creative sense of humor girlfriend! 😜😝🤣

    • This gave me a good laugh. Ah yes, thr music from Friday the 13th. I haven’t watched that in 20+ years. Yes, Holden is a scaredy cat. 😀 Glad you liked the line about him manning up or he’ll be foldin’. Just a FYI, I’m the one who actually wrote the limerick through my character, Lenora. 🙂

      • Get out of town! I so love that! Yeah honey, Holden sounds like a few people I know, with the background music playing loudly! LOL 🤣😝😂 May you have a FANtabulous week ahead. Thanks for sharing your talents! 👍🏼

        • “Get Out of Town.” Hahaha. Yes, I can just see and hear it now with all that background music. 😀 If you liked my (Lenora’s) limerick, I hope you’ll consider taking a gander over to my blog. If you do, I hope you enjoy.

        • No problem. 🙂 I love seeing both old friends and newcomers on my blog. I hope you enjoy it. It’s easy to navigate, so look around as much as you wish. Also, if you plan to read my “Forever in Time” from the very beginning, I hope you like it and find it entertaining. I’m very proud of this story and consider it my magnum opus when it comes to my SimLit writing. I work hard on it and love these characters so much. 🙂

          • Oh you can tell how well connected you are to your characters. You have to be, if you’re going to make the storyline interesting and convincing. Keep on doing what you do. Bravo my dear! 😍👏🏼🥳

        • Awwww, thank you so much, my dear friend. 🙂 🙂 This made me smile so much my cheeks hurt. 😀 You’re so right that you have to be well-connected to your characters to make a convincing and interesting storyline. I’m so glad it shows in my work. I work very hard at developing my characters and am super attached to them. Character development and growth is something I feel to be vitally important. Thank you so much for the wonderful compliment. I appreciate it so greatly. 🙂 🙂

        • BTW, I was just looking at your page (clicking your name took me right there) and looks like you’re a busy litlte bee. It sounds like you lead quite the interesting life and clearly enjoy what you do. With everything that keeps you up and going, I’m doubly appreciative that you came over to visit my blog. 🙂 I’ve been doing the SimLit thing for a few years now but I’ve written fiction long before that. I once wrote a Harry Potter fanfic, I’ve written a number of short stories, and I wrote a book although that puppy needs major editing and redoing in places. 😀 One of these days, I’ll hopefully get published, which will probably be through means of self-publication. The traditional means is appealing and seems a bit safer (albeit, you need honest people to work with who aren’t out to just divest you of your hard-earned cashola). However, I likely wouldn’t be able to do my blog, which I find immensely fun and relaxing. Agents tend to frown on having your writing be posted/published elsewhere other than where and who they hook you up with.

          Anyway, you will find I like to ramble, and I certainly have the gift of gab. 😀 My husband is apt to tell me many times over that I have diarrhea of the fingers. LOL!!!

          • Oh my goodness, you have me cracking up about your husband’s comment, because my husband tells me that I have diarrhea of the mouth! 🤣😝😂 Yep, I have had the gift of gab since first grade, according to report cards my mother kept. 😲

            But when you are passionate about something especially in arts and humanities, no one needs to tell you to continue creating. That’s just in your DNA. Obviously, I have a problem with free time! LOL 😜 Hugs and smooches! 😘💖🤗

        • Hehehehe. 😀 Normally, the hubs is very reserved and serius minded. He’s an engineer by trade, so need I say more? 😀 However, he has a funny side which I get to see when the mood strikes him. The first time he told me that, I laughed myself hoarse. That was a good one, especially since it’s so very true. 😀 😀

          I was one of those shy little kids who was more of a loner. But once I got to know a person, I could yack it up. I grew out of that as I aged and became more extroverted although I still like my alone time so I can recharge my batteries. 🙂 But yeah, I can certainly talk a person’s ear off, especially after a few adult beverages. LOL!! What really got me though back then – and it still does to this day in my 50’s (sheesh, I’m getting old!) is when my funny-bone got tickled, It REALLY got tickled. I’d get a hopeless case of the giggles in class. Heaven help me, when the teacher would tell me to knock it off, it only made me laugh all the harder. It’s not a quiet laugh either. Not only do I sing soprano (I’m a classically trained singer), but I friggin LAUGH in soprano. And I SNORT! So yeah, folks know Nise’s present when that happens. LOLOL!! At the same time, I can cry at the drop of a hat. You don’t want to be with me during a sad movie because I’m usually in floods. Songs can get me as well as books. It seems the older I get, the more easily choked up I can get.

          Oh, I couldn’t agree more. When those qualities are in your DNA, you just gotta go for it. I know I get antsy and even anxious if inspiration strikes and I can’t act on it, like if we’re super busy and have places we have to be. I’ve become more of a homebody in my getting-older years and get seriously annoyed when we’re having to constantly go several days in a row. I’d rather park myself in my little corner and do my creative thing whether it’s singing, writing, or crocheting, for example.

          That’s hilarious about too much free time. Yep, that happens to me, too, and I can get silly. 😀 There are times I jokingly say I need to get a life. LOL!!!

          Hugs and smoochies right back atcha! Ah, I’m so glad we got acuainted, my friend. 🙂 🙂 🤗🤗🤗💖💖

      • Girlfriend, yes I did love that. You and your stories are so entertaining. 🎭 Do you use live subjects for your storyline, like family members maybe? 😜 I know a few Holden’s and I’m playing the theme song too! 😱 LOL Hugs and smooches Kymber dear! 🥰💃🏻😍🥂😊 Enjoy the rest of your week! 🌞

        • Hahaha I love that you know a few Holden’s. I tell everyone, family and friends included that anything they say and do may be used for story purposes. LOL

          For instance, when Leo was a little rambunctious boy, he painted his sister Jilly’s bike. He painted the entire thing, including the seat, tires, handlebars. Well, that was me as a child. I did that to my sister Chrissy’s bike. haha

          Sometimes I use examples from people I know, but honestly Holden and Rosetta just turned out that way without me planning a thing. It’s how I heard them in my head when I was writing them. LOL

          • And who said those voices in your head are crazy? 🤣 But no girl, not the bike? OMG, what on earth did Chrissy do? What were the repercussions for the new paint job…if any? 🚴🏼‍♀️🚴🏼‍♀️🚴🏼‍♀️ Chickie Pot Pie, you were one mischievous kid…but then again, so was I. And that’s all I have to say about that! 😂😝😜

            • LOL See, we have that in common, too. I was only about three, maybe four when I did that awful deed. LOL Chrissy, I think, was probably about six.

              See, my dad left a bucket of paint on the back step and the brushes were there because he was planning on cleaning them. Anyway, I remember being so excited because I thought painting would be so much fun.

              Chrissy’s bike was pretty and purple. Well, when I was done, it was white from front to back, top to bottom. I was quite thorough. lol

              My dad came outside to clean the brushes and he just stood there for a minute, his jaw hanging open. LOL

              I think I got a stern talking to, but I think he felt since I was so little, it was his own fault for leaving everything there where a child could find it. LOL

            • Yeah girl, I can understand that. In my case I was a fast runner with some great hiding places, and could cry on the spot. 😱😭😵 Yeah my friend, I was a true drama queen! But there are some things I am going to have to take to my grave! 🤣😜😂 Period!

  4. ROTFLMAO!!!! I’m over here dying. I can barely see the computer, I’m laughing so hard. LOLOLOL!!! This is just way, way too funny!

    Yes, Lenora would definitely believe Holden thought it would be funny. Like he said, it is funny, no matter who you are, and you just have to laugh at yourself. Lenora knows this all too well. Also, as you know, both she and Aurora love Leo to bits, so it’s natural they’d keep in touch and have a great affinity to the rest of the family…uh…well, maybe not Rosetta. LOL!

    It was so fun to see these two again. I loved their little tiff back and forth. Rosetta was ready to do battle, which is understandable after everything poor Holden has gone through. She’s scary, no doubt. Buuutttt…you don’t wanna underestimate those powerful werewolves surrounding Lenora. 😀 They’re awesome as long as nobody poses a threat, but after everything Lenora went through at the hands of the Clayton brothers, they, Tyrone especially, are even more protective of Lenora than ever. Plus, Lenora is no shrinking violet either and can hold her own (I don’t think anyone will be putting anything suspicious in her tea again) if she has to protect herself. 😀

    I loved the journal entries and seeing their different reactions. Both Lenora and I look forwrad to Holden’s letter to Lenora (unless we just assume he writes one off-blog). Expect more correspondence with Holden, which I’ll post on my blog. Plus, now that Lenora started writing these limericks, she’s finding she really enjoys doing it. 😀

    I’m so glad you found it funny, too. It’s always fun to take a littlre poke at a character. Both Lenora and I do it with great affection for sure. 🙂

    • LOL IKR? I’ve been laughing ever since I read Lenora’s limerick.

      I couldn’t see Holden getting all worked up over this little poem. I mean, unlike Rosetta, he actually has a sense of humor. lol

      I tell ya’, I’ve missed Holden and Rosetta like crazy. Rosetta did some really awful things, but she was fun to write. She had the evil trait, but she wasn’t purely a bad guy. She loved Holden more than anything and after the things he went through with Ella Dean, she couldn’t stand by and let him be hurt like that ever again.

      And yeah, Lenora isn’t going to fold just because Rosetta might decide to retaliate. Hopefully, she’ll listen to Holden and get it through her head that the limerick was in jest and Holden actually found it to be funny.

      Yeah, I think Holden should definitely write a letter to Lenora. A letter of appreciation. When he writes it, I’ll send it to you so you can post it on your site with Lenora’s response. I’ll make sure to link to it from here.

      I know you do. xo

      • I’m so glad. 😀 I know we had such fun when we were yacking about it. Lenora just had to get in her “digs” and have a little fun. 😀

        Hmmm…maybe she’ll write one aobut Leo, who wold totally crack up.

        I figured Holden would find it funny. He takes after Marty that way with a sense of humor and an all-in-good-fun kind of outlook. It’s so great he kept that after his horrific tragedy. Lenora likes making people laugh, so she’ll be thrilled it did its job. 😀

        Well, sometimes you gotta be bad to be good. Rosetta, at least, had a conscience and is capable of much love, even if she is very–um–over-the-top sometimes. Her protectiveness of her brother is something to be both admired and worrisome simply because of the ways she goes about it. They both were such graet characters, and I can see why you miss them. 🙂

        Yep, exactly. Lenora doesn’t intimidate easily at all, not after the life she’s had thus far. Oh, she’d feel kinda bad Rosetta was upset by it, but it was meant for Holden, who she knew would laugh, so she would’t feel the need to apologize for that. Besides, she knows Holden could do with a few laughs, even if it’s at his own expense. 😀

        Oh, that would be great! Please do have Holden write Lenora an appreciation letter. She’ll be thrilled and will send him an awesome response back. 🙂

        • Holden takes after Marty a lot. He is a Larochette through and through even though he’s technically a Sprague. But anyway, he can definitely laugh at himself. He knows he’s got problems that are easy to tease about. LOL Remember how he took care of that bully? Rosetta wanted to permanently maim him, but Holden told her he had it. It was a different approach he took.

          Yeah, Rosetta sort of had a conscience. She never second guessed herself. She was somewhat narcissistic, but she did really love her family.

          She shouldn’t feel bad about Rosetta. lol

          Okay, I’ll see what I can come up with.

          • Poor Holden. He really had a rough time of it, especially with lightning striking twice because of Ella. She hurt him once, got her comeuppance, retaliated, but finally got hers in the end, although Rosetta should’ve tortured her a lot longer before she adiosed her. LMAO!! 😀 😀 😀 Hehehehe! Look at me being evil. 😀 Holden – he never knew. I guess what they say is true about ignorance being bliss. Lol!!

            OMG, yes! I’d forgotten about that bully. Dang, I’m gonna have to go back and reread some of this. He handled that bully like a champ. Nothing wrong with a different approach. It worked, after all.

            Yeah, I could see that. I think the fact that Rosetta really did love her family was her saving grace. Otherwise, she could have really been the family villain. In a way, she kinda was since she took on some vigilante activities, but nobody really knew what she was up to until after she died.

            Yay, cool! Can’t wait to see waht Holden has to say to Lenora. 🙂 ‘woot!!

            • Hahahaha I think Rosetta didn’t expect that kind of power or she may have tortured her longer. It’s okay to be evil when you love a character that’s been hurt. LOLOL I think. Maybe. haha

              I wanted to show that side of Holden. It wasn’t that he was a pushover or weak, he just wasn’t over the top like Rosetta. Okay, and yeah, he was terrified of the paranormal. LOLOL

              Rosetta loving her family was probably the only thing that kept her civilized. If she hadn’t had them, she might have gone all the way overboard and just taken the office of Leader of the Free World by force. Boy, that would’ve been interesting to write.

              Yes, that’s true. Everyone in the family knew she had a darker side which was something Holden didn’t possess. But no one realized how far she’d gone until she died.

              Yes, I’ve got to get on that. It might be a minute because I have to work on my Old Stone chapter.

          • Hehehe. Oh, I can relate. When you’re heavily invested in a character and love them so much, you want the person who hurt them to pay and pay dearly. Like, we both know how evil Shane Clayton is, and Tyrone ain’s gonna ask questions firsts, if you catch my meaning. He’s not evil by any stretch, of course, but he loves hsi family above anything else and anyone who hurts them, especially with what was done to Lenora, won’t be getting out of it unscathed.

            Ohhh yes. You gotta be at least a little evil when a much loved character has been hurt badly. LOLOL!!!

            I know what you mean. Holden could be clever in his way. Actually, he was a very complex and multi-faceted character, which I really loved. I think the more a character can be developed, all the better with a greater chance of loving or hating them, depending on what makes tha tcharacter tick. Holden definitely had his fears – the paranormal being one of them. LOLOLOL – but he could hold his own very well in other areas. As much as I felt so bad for him when he couldn’t dance professionally anymore, we got to see what he was made of and how we coped and lived his life with that unexpected turn of events.

            Ohhh boy, that would have been interesting to write, I’m sure, and would have been quite interesting (and entertaining) to see as a reader. Isn’t it funny how a character’s life could go in a totally different direction had life circumstances been different? For example, if Linc (Lenora’s first husband) hadn’t been killed in the plane crash and Lenora didn’t marry Tyrone, I don’t think she’d be quite as powerful as she is now. Oh sure, she could do her magic and all that, but it took a horrific tragedy for her to really discover who she is and what she’s capable of, not that she didn’t love Linc dearly because she did. Also, she had Mathilda, who was vital in her rcovery and guidance.

            Gosh, this gets me to thinking about what could happen to our much loved characters in parallel universes/alternative realities.

            Awesome! No worries. I hear you on needing to write your next chapter,. I just finished doing the rough draft of the event that will lead to locating Lenora. It still needs major reworking and screenshots, but at least the rough draft is done. I do have some prewritten chapters, too, but they need screenshots. Sooo, I’ll have stuff coming out at a good clip really soon. Can’t wait to see yours and then what Holden has to say to Lenora when you get around to it. 🙂

            • I’m glad you thought of Holden that way. Most people say that about Rosetta, but I always thought Holden was, too. lol

              Yeah, I can see why you say that about Lenora and Linc. For sure. I sometimes like writing alternate things for characters just to see how it would turn out. I remember I wrote up a thing as if Blue and Dax had been together, or if Jilly hadn’t died.

              That’s great! Can’t wait to see the exhumation, and all that.

          • I guess I’m kinda weird that way where I think about character personalities and how they tick. I’m sure Holden would say that Rosetta was far more clever than him. In a lot of ways, she was, but Holden certainly had his way of maneuvering through a situation. He’s had to grow a lot over his lifetime due to all the crap he’s had to endure. He could’ve just given up and died – dancing was his life – but I think his family’s love and his for them was what got him through.

            Thank you. 🙂 It was really sad for me to write Linc out of the story. They had an interesting backstory, and they truly did love each other. In a number of ways, he was like Tyrone somewhat (very affectionate and gentle to her, considerate of her needs and treated her like a lady, etc), but very different, too. He had no supernatural abilities and never tried to stifle Lenora’s. He was poetic in the way he expressed his love to Lenora. They were high school sweethearts and really, her first love. As much as I adored Linc, Tyrone is such a perfect fit for her. They have such a unique, personal bond that transcends everything, and they are super powerful as a unit.

            Oh yes, I totally remember that. I love seeing alternative universes/realities. When I wrote a Harry Potter fanfic years and years ago (bah! I’m dating myself here), it was more of an alternate universe kind of deal. It was a different sort of story though. My own made-up characters took center stage, but I tweaked a few things which made it differ a bit from what happened in the actual books. If I ever get an opportunity where an alternate reality could be written for Forever in Time, I’ll definitely have to explore that. For example, what would’ve happened if Deus had known about Gabriella’s pregnancy all along? That would be quite interesting to write.

            Girlfriend, I’m telling you, it’s gonna be intense! Lots and lots of emotions and such when things really come to light. Poor Tyrone! 🙁

            • I definitely think you’re right about Holden and how family basically saved his life. Otherwise, he might have given up.

              It’s always sad, I think, when you have to write a character out. Linc and Lenora definitely had an interesting dynamic. I felt that way when I had to write Jilly out. She was the intended heir, so that one really smarted. lol In the end, though, it gave Leo a lot more depth.

              LOL I date myself all the time on here, too. I feel much younger than I am. haha Anyway, I love thinking about alternate universes and what might have happened otherwise. Your HP fanfic sounds cool. I would love to see if Deus had known about Gabriella! Sounds pretty neat to me.

              Oh, I know it! I am looking forward to it like you can’t believe. Let’s exhume a body!! LOLOLOL

          • Unconditional love is a strong incentive to want to get better. Holden was so very fortunate to have such a powerful family connection. 🙂

            Oh, exactly. I really enjoyed Linc, who was just an all around nice guy. He and Lenora definitely had an interesting and fun dynamic. With Tyrone, however, those two are just so perfect together. Plus, she has a huge loving family now, which she thrives on. Yes, it was so sad to see Jilly go, and oh, it broke my heart to see what it did to Leo. But you’re right. Leo had a chance to develop more and grow, and look at how mamy people came to love him. I know I do madly, but then, you know that. 😀 😀

            LOLOL!!! There are some days I feel much older but others where I feel younger. I’m told I look a lot younger than I am. 😀 I really enjoyed writing the Harry Potter fanfic. But it’s better to write yoru own original stuff. It’s interesting though to see what folks come up with when it comes to a fandomm universe they really love.

            Oh yes! Even when reading sci-fi, I love alternate universes/parallel worlds as a theme. Same here. It definitely makes me wonder what it would have been like had Deus known all along that Gabriella was carrying Luna. Naturally, he’d have been such a great father to her. But how would things have been effected had she been in their lives from the beginning? Would Grace have been so terribly injured? Would Grace have even come along? And if so, what would Deus have done to the guy who’d hurt Luna? Oh yes, lots and lots to explore here and an interesting project/storyline to write for sure.

            Oh, girlfirnd, me, too!!! Oh, you have no idea. 😀 😀 Well, maybe you do since you love our power couple so much. 🙂 🙂 I totall agree. Let’s exhume a body and see what we can find out. LOLOLOL!!!! 😀 😀

            • I love sci-fi and alternate universes, too. I love time-travel, too. Have you seen Loki on Disney? It is so good! He teams up with Owen Wilson and it’s great.

              I agree about there being lots to explore with Grace.

              Yes, let’s! 😀 😀 😀

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