Get to Know You #9!


Hello, and happy timezones, Kind Friends! I have really been enjoying your responses to my “Get to Know You” posts!

So, without further ado, here is round 9:

  • Who knows you better than anyone else? How would they describe you?
  • Do you put your right leg or left leg in your pants first? 😂
  • What was your favorite breakfast cereal growing up? How about today?
  • Who is your favorite sports team, and why?
  • Do you have any collections? What kind?

I shall leave my answers here:

  • The Mister knows me the best, although, I could also say my kids, sisters, or mother. I think all of them would describe me as fiercely loyal unless I’m badly crossed. They might also call me eccentric. lol
  • I put my left leg in first. Perhaps because I’m left-handed? I don’t know.
  • My favorite cereal growing up was Fruity Pebbles. lol My favorite cereal now, if it can be considered that, are cheesy grits.
  • My favorite sports team is the Detroit Tigers. I grew up in a Tiger family, watching every game, and even going to a lot of games growing up.
  • I collect antique and vintage art glass.

And now, it’s your turn! If you don’t want to participate, that is totally fine, there is no pressure. A hello would be fantastic, though! Of course, lurkers are always heartily welcome. xo

I want to apologize (again) for being late getting back with comments. I appreciate so much what you have to say but I’ve been a bit under the weather. I hope you’ll understand. I’m not ignoring you, I promise.

Thank you so much for reading, liking, lurking, and commenting!

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  1. Who knows me better then anyone else? My better half!

    ALways right leg. I am very superstitious.

    I have never been a big fan of cereal . I guess I would say Honey Nut Cheerios is the only kind I eat and I rarely eat that

    I dont have a favorite sport team because I actually follow players ! I know..that goes against the norm but my fav all time athlete is LeBron James ( cant be from cleveland and NOT like him)lol…my next fav athlete (who comes VERY close to Bron is Dak Prescott. A lot of people dont know his story but if they did they woud fall in love with him too. Maybe I will write a blog on that)

    I do have a few collections! I collect LeBron James cards and figurines and I love to frame album covers and hang them on the walls like art. I have been doing that for YEARS before it became popular

  2. • Who knows you better than anyone else? How would they describe you? Before 2015, I’d have said my mom and my older half-sister. However, Mom died in 2015, and I’ve been estranged from my half-sibling since then. So, I guess my latest ex-girlfriend does now.
    • Do you put your right leg or left leg in your pants first? 😂 Left leg. I’m a leftie.
    • What was your favorite breakfast cereal growing up? How about today? Hard to say, cos I liked most of the better-known cereals, from Kellogg’s Corn Flakes all the way to Count Chocula as a kid. I guess Golden Grahams is my favorite now at my age.
    • Who is your favorite sports team, and why? Meh…I’m going to say the Miami Dolphins even though I’m not a die-hard fan. They’re my hometown team, and the Perfect Season coincided with the year that my family and I (see first answer above) returned to the States after living overseas for nearly 6 years. But…I’m only a casual Dolfan.
    • Do you have any collections? What kind? I have a collection of Star Wars figures. Mostly of the original Kenner/Hasbro 3.75-inch action figures from 1978 to 2005 or so, but partly of the Star Wars The Black Series 6-inch scale figures.

    • Lefties unite! lol 😀 Oh, man, Count Chocula is so good! lol Golden Grahams are good, too.

      Your Star Wars collection sounds really cool! My son collects similar thing from Star Wars. A few years ago, he even made a Stormtrooper helmet and entire body armor.

          • I haven’t eaten any of the “monster cereals” from Post (They ARE from Post, right?) since I was 14 or so, and Boo Berry was the one I got least (Mom was the arbiter of what cereals she bought then…), so I was hazy on the name. Boo Berry…it almost sounds like a Wacky Packages parody sticker.

            Apropos of Wacky Packages: Those were the first things I seriously collected when I was a 1970s kid. Again, like the Dolphins’ perfect season, those Topps stickers coincided with my first year (1972-1973) back Stateside. I had MOST of them…my mother carefully placed them in a notebook for me that I (stupidly) gave away to one of my cousins in 1976 or thereabouts. I still have a few original Wackys somewhere, but I now own two books by Abrams Arts with the entire series from the 1970s, so I’m good….

          • Re the move to the Wintry North: I’m shivering already. I’m not sure if it’s from excitement or the anticipation of my first winter living in a place where there’s real winter….(I’ve been to NYC and Colorado when it’s cold – March for the Big Apple, and mid-February for the Rocky Mountain State – but only for brief periods. This time it’s permanent.)

  3. This made me think… and ultimately I’m with you in naming multiple people.  I would say between my wife & parents…. each knows me very well but in their own way, and are in tune with my own strengths & weaknesses in different ways.  
    I didn’t know the answer so I mimicked putting my pants on, and it’s the right leg!!!
    Loved Lucky Charms.  These days I stick with oatmeal, no sugar in it.  I know, so bland.  A banana in there sometimes though.  Never had cheesy grits but that sounds amazing.  Is that a southern thing? 
    I follow combat sports so I’ll have to go with a current athlete instead if that’s ok, and after some thought I would say Dustin Poirier.  Great attitude, role model & very exciting to watch.
    Your collections are so interesting.  Me, I love rocks.  I also collect retro games, records, & vintage signs for my bar.  Almost have to stop myself from collecting other stuff so I don’t go down another rabbit hole.

    • Hey, there, Gorilla. 😀 Yeah, I couldn’t just name one person. It’s hard. 🙂

      Right leg! LOL This is vital information to know about yourself, you know. haha

      You should try cheesy grits. I reckon it might be a southern thing, but I live in Michigan. My mom always made them for me when I was a kid. We lived in Illinois the first time I remember having them.

      Going with an athlete is perfectly fine. I don’t know anything about combat sports, but I’m going to google Dustin Poirier because now I’m curious. 😀

      Rocks are cool. So are retro games, records and vintage signs. The Mister here is a sign collector. 😀

  4. Okay…
    Probably my wife knows me best. I guess after 48 years, she should.
    Pants leg, probably the right leg. Who knows why.
    As a kid, probably Cap’n Crunch. Now,most likely raisin bran.
    Growing up in the Bronx I worshipped my Yankees. And as for collecting, probably just dust.

  5. Thank you for sharing!!.. 1. no one, just my heart…2. which ever leg I choose first.. 3. Wheaties… 4. Green Bay Packers, their coach Vince Lombardi… 5. memories… 🙂

    Hope life is all that you wish for it to be and until we meet again..
    May the sun shine all day long
    Everything go right, nothing go wrong
    May those you love bring love back to you
    And may all the wishes you wish come true
    (Irish Saying)

  6. I think we are all influenced by our environment when it comes to sports! Cheering for the same team creates a cohesion, even with strangers.
    Fruity Pebbles look good, especially the colors! We never had those kinds of cereals when I was a kid, just Frosties and such boring beige things. Vintage art glass is lovely, I have a nice Daum bowl, and some Lalique jewellery, but they are not old enough to be considered vintage. So, here are my answers:
    1. Who knows you better than anyone else? How would they describe you?
    I would love to say hubby, but nope. I guess my daughter knows me best. She probably would describe me as terribly stubborn but caring, and a bit of a know all. Not in a bad besserwisser way, but I have to confess I have a great general culture 😉
    2. Do you put your right leg or left leg in your pants first? 😂
    Never thought about it, but now you ask I realize it’s my right leg. Always.
    3. What was your favorite breakfast cereal growing up? How about today?
    I just loved those tiny thingies that crackled when you poured cold milk on them, Rice Krispies, I think it was. Makes me want to try again, to see if they still taste as good. And crackle as much 😊
    4. Who is your favorite sports team, and why?
    Tre Kronor – the Swedish ice hockey team. Well, I just love hockey!
    5. Do you have any collections? What kind?
    Horses, porcelain and old ones in plastic. I have about 400 stocked away as I don’t know where to put them!

    • I think you’re right about what you said regarding sports.

      Daum glass is so beautiful! So is Lalique jewelry.

      Some places where I live have Fruity Pebbles available as an ice cream topping. lol

      Stubborn but caring is a good thing. 😀

      Rice Krispies, yes! I haven’t had those since my own childhood. We used to make those marshmallow treats out of them, too.

      Hockey is terrific! I love our team, the Detroit Redwings.

      Wow, sounds like a lot of horses! I bet they are beautiful!

  7. I don’t think anybody really knows me. I hide a lot. 2. Right leg first. 3. Cheerios when I was growing up. Frosted flakes now. 4. The Pittsburgh Steelers. They were always in the mix. 5. I collect preserved covers of the 1870s to 1917 version of Puck magazine. I have them framed and hang them on the wall like pictures and rotate several of them depending on the time of year.

    • I still like Frosted Flakes. Once in a long while, we get some of those.

      I bet your Puck magazine covers are cool! I didn’t know much about that magazine, so I looked it up and found this:

      “…Puck topped the list of magazine firsts in its day: it was the first successful humor magazine, the first to print illustrated advertising, and the first to print full color lithographic illustrations…”

      Very interesting!

  8. Who knows you better than anyone else? How would they describe you? — My husband, for sure. My husband gets to hear EVERYTHING that goes on in my head… for better or worse. I swear that it’s only because he’s as crazy as me that he stays. 😂 He’d probably describe me as creative, silly, and a bit anxious .

    Do you put your right leg or left leg in your pants first? — Both… I like to jump into them from above. 😋

    What was your favorite breakfast cereal growing up? How about today? — I’ve really never been a fan of cereal of any kind. I guess I tolerated Cookie Crisp because it’s little cookies, but absolutely NO milk. I hate milk! I think I would say brown sugar and cinnamon oatmeal is now my breakfast cereal of choice.

    Who is your favorite sports team, and why? — Though it is probably a crime to say this in some circles, I just don’t care much for sports as a spectator or follow any teams. I am a Packers fan by default as a Wisconsin resident… which I quietly accept because I’ve already disappointed my state by hating milk and beer.

    Do you have any collections? What kind? — My husband and I collect dragons (figurines, tapestries, etc) and books. I thought my personal library was impressive, but he actually has a copy of every book he’s ever read since he was 12. I can’t wait until we can get all those books on shelves in our own personal library. I also collect yarn. I use it, too, but I swear I collect more than I have time to knit or crochet into usable items!

      • I’m so sorry. You’re not the only one this is happening to. I changed the settings so that you can comment anonymously. I didn’t realize it would sign people out or that anyone would have to take care to make sure they are signed in. I might have to change the settings back. xo

    • Your husband sounds like a gem. But then, you are a gem, too, I’m sure. 😀

      Jumping into your pants from above! You are an acrobat! 😀 😀

      LOL It’s totally okay not to be a sports fan. There are some sports I’d rather have teeth pulled than having to watch the games. 😂

      I can’t imagine having a copy of every book I’ve ever read since the age of 12! What a fascinating collection that is! I think collecting yarn and dragons are really neat, too.

  9. Great questions. – My wife knows me best. I’m blessed to be married to my best friend. That said, the person who know me almost as well would be my long time physical therapist. She knows me inside and out.

    I didn’t know which leg goes in first, so I had to try it. Then I realized the left because I’m a paraplegic and have a bit more strength and movement in the left.

    I’m a long time Cincinnati Bengals fan. I learned football and the underlying philosophy from Paul Brown. I’ve listen to hours of his thoughts.

    Breakfast cereal would be Cheerios. I’ve never wavered on that.

    My collection has me frustrated at the moment. I have thousands of slides documenting our family for decades. I carried a tiny camera everywhere. My projector broke, and there are no replacements to be had.

    Nice to meet y’all.

    • Thank you, George. I’m glad you like the questions.

      Indeed it is truly a blessing to be married to your best friend. I can say that is true of me as well. I loved what you said about your wife being your physical therapist and knowing you “inside and out.” lol

      Thank you for trying on your pants to see which leg goes in first. LOL 😂

      Cheerios is a great cereal.

      That is a shame about your collection. I wish there was somewhere you could get a new projector.

      Very nice to meet you!

  10. I love these!!
    My answers and my response to yours!

    Who knows you better than anyone else? How would they describe you?
    Wow, I didn’t know you were married and had kids and sisters! That’s a great description, loyalty is a good quality. (I’m loyal too and only one friend noticed, ha-ha!)
    My husband knows me best and he often describes me as “magic.” We are both Law of Attraction manifesters and live a great life.

    Do you put your right leg or left leg in your pants first?
    Same as you, left.

    What was your favorite breakfast cereal growing up? How about today?
    Growing up, a cereal called KABOOM! But I also liked your Fruity Pebbles, as well as Count Chocula (spelling?)

    Who is your favorite sports team, and why?
    No sports for me. Sorry 🙂

    Do you have any collections? What kind?
    Your collection sounds amazing. Please share pictures sometimes!
    My biggest collection is my CD collection. Estimating, I may have nearly 2000 CDs (all in ABC order … My CD collection is OCD. LOL!) But I also like to collect retro health books. I found some health books in the attic from the late 1800s. I like to read about what people think was healthy back in the olden days. My favorite book is “Sugar Blues” written in the 1970s.

    • I’m glad you love doing these. 😀

      I love that your husband describes you as “magic.” That is awesome.

      Count Chocula was soooo good! I don’t remember Kaboom.

      No problemo on the sports. 😀

      Oh, yes, I’ll definitely share photos of my art glass some day.

      CDs are an awesome thing to collect. That is a lot! I totally get putting them in alphabetical order. I’m much the same only I don’t have nearly as many as you.

      Wow the health books sounds really interesting!

  11. Who knows you better than anyone else? How would they describe you? My daughter. She describes me as having strong faith in God, and someone with good organizational skills.
    Do you put your right leg or left leg in your pants first? Right foot.
    What was your favorite breakfast cereal growing up? How about today? Like Thomas, we had porriage. These days, I like milk with granola and banana for breakfast.
    Who is your favorite sports team, and why? Lakers. Basketball is the sports I understand.
    Do you have any collections? What kind? I have many crystals, like vases, plates, cups, etc. I received them as gifts over the years.

  12. My friends of 40 years or more probably know me best but that number is dwindling unfortunately. They would say I’m loyal, an empath, and independent.
    For some reason I always seem to put my left leg in first, though when it comes to socks I almost always put the right one on first. That does seem, now that I think about it, somewhat contradictory.
    Favorite cereal was Special K’s when growing up and I still prefer it, though I’ll have corn flakes if I can’t find it on the shelf.
    My favorite sports team was the Brooklyn Dodgers and they broke my heart when they left NY for that other coast. I could never warm to another team since. I still have a Brooklyn Dodgers’ pennant on my wall though I no longer have any hope they’ll move back.
    I collect all sorts of knick-knacks, mostly odd looking or exotic type figurines and I’m partial to glassware: carnival glass, and Murano glass being favorites.

    • I’m sorry that number is dwindling, but it’s really nice you have had such good friends. Those are good qualities to have, for sure.

      Interesting about the difference between how you put on socks as opposed to pants. I’m pretty sure I put my left first in both cases.

      I am sorry about the Dodgers. I bet that move broke a lot of hearts.

      I bet your knick-knacks are pretty neat. I love carnival glass and Murano glass, too.

  13. How fun, I’ve never done one of these! (Hopefully it doesn’t flag me as anonymous again.)

    People who know me best, probably a combination of my mum, my best friend, and my brother. My best friend probably knows what I’m like as a person best, but my mum and brother have a better understanding of my nature, and my brother and I share a very similar sense of humour.

    I have never in my life thought about my pant legs. I had to get up and test it out! Turns out it seems to depend on the length of the pants, but most of the time it’s the right.

    My favourite cereal as a kid would have been either Coco Pops (apparently these are known as Cocoa Krispies in the US) or Corn Flakes. I’m not a big cereal eater nowadays, but I think my tastes remain pretty much unchanged.

    I don’t have a favourite sports team. My exposure to sports generally begins and ends with the Olympics, so… team Australia I guess haha. I might have a favourite esports team, if that counts?

    I don’t really have anything I collect just for the sake of collecting it. I have books, and games, and CDs, and a few figurines. I have a fairly extensive nail polish collection if that counts, and I do still have a collection of coins from different countries that I put together as a child.

    • Hi there! Great to see you. 🙂 I’m glad you participated. 😀

      I think that makes sense that different people know you in different ways. I felt like that, too.

      LOLOL I don’t know what made me ask that. I hadn’t thought about my pants before either. Interesting that the length of the pants makes a difference.

      I love chocolate cereals. So good.

      Sure, that counts. 😀 😀

      Nail polish definitely counts.

  14. I can’t say my husband knows me best, because he’s oblivious to details. If asked what my favorite flower is, he’d likely say “Gold Medal” and be totally bewildered at being laughed at”. My daughter (mid-40s) probably knows me best.

    Putting on pants… never paid attention… I don’t think I have a usual left or right first. I am somewhat ambidextrous. I use right and left interchangeably. For instance, I write faster and more clearly right-handed, but I use tableware and computer mouse left handed.

    Cereal as a kid was Frosted Flakes and Cheerios. Now, Grape Nuts and Corn Flakes.

    For the very brief period in my sports-interest life, I was a New York Jets fan, because I had a huge crush on Broadway Joe Namath. Nowadays, sports and me are Meh.

    I’ve collected petrified wood rocks forEVER. Ha I have a Beauty and the Beast memorabilia collection (obsession) from the Vincent and Catherine tv show (Linda Hamilton and Ron Perlman) of the late 1980s.

    • I laughed as I read about how oblivious your husband is and the bewilderment. haha

      Being ambidextrous is pretty cool. My son is, too.

      I still like Frosted Flakes. lol

      I can understand sports being meh. If it isn’t baseball, I’m not much interested.

      Oh, I bet your Beauty and the Beast collection is something to see! I remember that show.

  15. As for me:

    Who knows you better than anyone else? How would they describe you? My wife.

    Do you put your right leg or left leg in your pants first? Right.

    What was your favorite breakfast cereal growing up? How about today? For breakfast we had porridge not cereal. Now a day I sometimes have cereal for breakfast and when I do it is typically cornflakes.

    Who is your favorite sports team, and why? Modo Ice hockey from my hometown Örnsköldsvik in northern Sweden. Örnsköldsvik is a small town but it was named the hockey capital of the world by a Canadian Magazine. Scores of NHL players including Hart award winner Peter Forsberg, Markus Näslund, the Sedin twins Daniel/Henrik (Vancouver) played for Modo. I can add that Henrik Sedin is Vancouver Canucks highest point scorer of all time, and Daniel Sedin is the second.

    Do you have any collections? What kind? I collect beer bottles and books (after reading them).

    • I don’t know that I’ve ever had porridge but I wouldn’t mind trying it sometime.

      Ice hockey is so neat! I’m going to look up your team and see if I can fall down a rabbit hole or two. 😀 That’s very interesting about the players you mentioned.

      Drinking, and reading. Sounds good to me. LOL

  16. Detroit Tigers!!!!!!! I was born and raised in Detroit and loved the Tigers as a kid.
    My wife and she would say I’m obsessive compulsive but make delicious meals.
    I used to right leg first but got a left knee replacement. I now do left first.
    Cheerios as a kid and HEB brand of Raisin Bran Crunch now.
    My favorite sports team is Notre Dame. Cause I went there.
    No collections of any kind unless you count all the fictional characters that sit in my brain.

  17. I’m enjoying learning more about you, Kymber! 🙂 Hope you feel better soon.

    My anwers:
    1) Hubby knows me best. I’m sure he would say I’m a perfectionist pain-in-the-ass, but also smart and creative.
    2) Right leg first and it probably does have something to do with which hand is dominant. Mine is the right one.
    3) Childhood cereal – mostly oatmeal and corn flakes. Now it’s oatmeal and Cheerios.
    4) The Toronto Maple Leafs of the National Hockey League, going back to 1961, when I was 6 years old. My father, who was born and raised in Montreal (where the famed Montreal Canadiens hockey team rule), played university and minor hockey. He taught me how to skate and all about the game.
    5) Hubby and I are terrible pack rats and collect all kinds of stuff: Coins, books, movies, music, travel souvenirs, glassware…

    • Thank you, Debbie!

      Interesting about how you put your right leg in first and you’re right handed.

      That’s so cool about your dad and hockey. I love watching ice hockey.

      I can totally understand being pack rats. lol Those are some great collections. 🙂

  18. I’d have to say hubby and my best friend.
    I think my left? I never noticed until you asked, lol.
    I was a big fan of Cap’n Crunch Peanut Butter! Even today, chocolate and PB are my kryptonite.
    Don’t really have a favorite team, but I watch sports sometimes with hubby.
    I have a Nerd Cabinet where I have Marvel golf balls, Legos (HP and Star Wars), and Funko pops my sons bought me. Always adding to it. Have a Lego Darth Vader head I need to assemble.
    This was fun, Kymber!

    • Thank you, Teagan. I’ve had a time of it.

      Cheese grits are soooo good!

      So which leg you put on first doesn’t have anything to do with handedness with you. That’s interesting.

      Hugs! Thanks for playing!

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