Haunting Charlie, a Review


From Amazon:

Ignoring the dead can get you killed…

All Charlie Payne wants is to lead a normal life and to be a good mom. But Charlie’s not exactly normal. She’s from a long line of witches and she can see the dead. Which sometimes makes even going to the bathroom awkward as ghosts have no boundaries.

Susan Tate has inherited a beautiful old southern mansion on the coast. Unfortunately, the property came with a million necessary repairs. And ghosts.

When Charlie meets Susan, the woman is desperate for help. Taking on a spirit who doesn’t want to see the light can be dangerous but ignoring it? Ignoring the dead can get you killed.

Haunting Charlie is the first in a spine-tingling new Supernatural Suspense that will have you clinging to the edge of your seat. If you like stories with psychics, ghosts, and witches, then you will love the Witches of Palmetto Point Series by Wendy Wang! Download your copy now and get comfy because once you start reading you won’t be able to put it down.

Series: Witches of Palmetto Point (#1)
Format: 284 pages, Kindle Edition
Published: February 3, 2017
Genre: Paranormal, Horror, Ghosts, Fantasy, Witches, Mystery, Urban Fantasy

I think a content warning for the book (not my review) might be good:

Content Warning! Sexual assault, sexual abuse

This book is a strong start to “The Witches of Palmetto Point” series, of which there are thirteen books so far. I really like Charlie and feel for her situation both personally and professionally. She is a an empath and psychic medium. Other members of her family are witches with their own abilities. Charlie also meets Deputy Jason. I’ve come to love these characters, and I want the best for all of them.

It’s full of humor which is always a plus for me. The story is good, the characters unique, and I liked the ending, too. And the setting… don’t even get me started! There is nothing better than a haunted house! I even like the urban feel. I read this so fast, and it was a real page-turner.

While it comes off as kind of a cozy read, there is physical violence and some other harrowing situations that are dealt with. (See the CW above.)

This book is definitely worth the read. And so far, I’ve read 4/13, and I really like them.

I just finished book 4 of this series and I intend on reading them all. In fact, I can’t wait to begin book 5.

So far, I really like Wendy Wang as an author. Her characters are engaging, her stories well worth the read.

I gave this 5/5 stars.

Wendy Wang has been writing stories since she was a child. Once she grew up and found a sensible job, she put the fantasy aside, but often found she had a story in her head with characters that just would not shut up. Finally, when she could no longer ignore the characters she started to write them down, and she gave up her sensible job for one she loves.

Haunting Charlie on AmazonHaunting Charlie on Goodreads
Wendy Wang on AmazonWendy Wang’s Website

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  1. I loved this book and am enjoying the series so much. You just can’t help but feel for Charlie. Her life hasn’t been easy, and she continues to have her struggles as she embraces this magical part of her life. The characters are so engaging, and it’s so fun to see how they interact with each other. I love the character dynamics and how close the cousins are. I have you to thank for steering me toward this series. It’s right up my Avenue and has become a favorite.

      • You got me pegged to a tee. 😄 Rigjt now, I’m on “Harbinger.” I just finished “Witch’s Ladder” and went right into this one, which is #5. I totally want to read them all. 😄🤪

        • LOL 🤍😺🌺🌻 I can’t wait to read the rest of them! I’ve got #5 lined up, but there are things on my October reading list I want to get to as well. It might be too hard to put Charlie aside for that, though! 😀

          • GGGRR!! My IPad wouldn’t show me as signed in so hence, the comment from Annonymous. I hate that. 😛

            Oh, I totally hear you. It’s really hard for me toput Charlie aside right now. I’m only about an hour or so into the 5th one – “The Harbinger” and I’m already hooked. It sounds like you have some great stuff lined up for October though and you can always pick back up with Charlie at a later time. 🙂

            • Ooooooh! lol I thought it was you and that there had been some kind of snafu. lol

              I’m reading The Night Gardener right now which is on my October reading list. Girl, this book is so good, and the main character is Irish! You would like it! I’m actually just finishing it, so I can attest to the “it’s good” factor. LOL 😀 I’m heading to a book called “Twilight” next even though I really want to continue with Charlie.

          • WordPress has been so weird lately. I am back on the iPad but trying this on Chrome, so hopefully it will work the way it should.

            Oh wow! That book sounds absolutely wonderful. Well, you know what I will be adding to my library. Lol period. I’m sure I will love it. It’s an added bonus thst the main character is Irish!!! Ah, my heart! ♥️♥️♥️

            Know what you mean. Charlie is really hard to put down once you start. Ah, “Twilight”? Is it different than the Bella and Edward one?

            • A lot of people have been saying that about WP recently. Maybe they need an update or something? Or maybe it was an update that did this. LOL

              Yeah, would love to hear your opinion on it if you read it. It reminded me of a fairy tale. The dark kind. lol

              Oh yes, this is Twilight by William Gay.

  2. “a spine-tingling new Supernatural Suspense…” Oh wow, how thrilling girlfriend. 🥳 I don’t think I have ever read anything by Wendy Wang. She sounds amazing! Thanks so much for sharing your very impressive review Kymber dear! You are one reading beast ChickiePie! 🤗📚🥰 Love it! 💖💐✨

  3. Haha! Ghosts in the bathroom would be the last straw. It’s bad enough that my two cats want to play “Sling the Ring” under the bathroom door every time I have to go… o_O
    Thanks for the content warning, Kymber. With my “stuff” that would have been extremely undermining for me. Even so, best wishes to Wendy. Hugs.

    • Isn’t that funny? LOL I have 2 cats, too, that hate closed bathroom doors. LOL

      I’m glad I put the cw on here. I wasn’t really expecting that when I read it and I thought it might be good to give that warning for others. 🙂

      Hugs to you, too. 🙂

    • Thank you, Jacqui. I’m glad you appreciate the warning. I thought it might not be a good thing if someone wasn’t expecting that topic. It’s totally understandable to avoid books with content like that. xo

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