Get to Know You #8!


Hello, Kind Friends, I have really been enjoying your responses to my “Get to Know You” posts!

So, without further ado, here is round 8:

  • What was your first job?
  • If you could speak any language, what would it be?
  • What was your favorite artist or band when you were in middle school?
  • Do you have a favorite family tradition?
  • What’s the last book you read, and how was it?

I shall leave my answers here:

  • I worked in the young men’s department (folding lots of jeans lol) at JC Penney for $4.10/hour, which was the minimum wage at the time.
  • There are so many languages I wish I could speak. They include (but are not limited to): Romanian, Gaelic, French, Polish, Japanese… I want to travel and learn!
  • There was not just one… I loved U2, Bryan Adams, Tears for Fears, Bruce Springsteen, The Police, Genesis, Wham!, Culture Club, Queen and so many more!
  • A week after my father turned 8 years old, his father died suddenly. My grandma had the two children (my aunt, my dad), and then found out she was pregnant with my uncle. It was a dark time for the family. Grandma didn’t have money for Christmas presents that year, and when the church found out, they pulled together and delivered a bunch of presents on Christmas Eve. Ever since then, our family has celebrated Christmas on Christmas Eve. My children have continued that tradition, and we now hold Christmas Eve at our house. It’s a day I cherish more than words can say.
  • I just finished “Midnight Mass,” and I was left disappointed, so I probably will not do a review of this one.

And now, it’s your turn! If you don’t want to participate, that is totally fine, there is no pressure. A hello would be fantastic, though! Of course, lurkers are always heartily welcome. xo

Thank you so much for reading, liking, lurking, and commenting!

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  1. Thank you for sharing!!.. 🙂
    1.What was your first job? Feeding the animals on the farm….
    2.If you could speak any language, what would it be? The language of peace and understanding…
    3.What was your favorite artist or band when you were in middle school? Henry Mancini
    4.Do you have a favorite family tradition? Christmas tree
    5.What’s the last book you read, and how was it? Agatha Christie’s Hercule Poirot ..good

    Hope all is well and until we meet again…
    May flowers always line your path
    and sunshine light your way,
    May songbirds serenade your
    every step along the way,
    May a rainbow run beside you
    in a sky that’s always blue,
    And may happiness fill your heart
    each day your whole life through.
    (Irish Saying)

  2. What was your first job? Office assistant in the Student Publications office at Miami-Dade Community College
    If you could speak any language, what would it be? French
    What was your favorite artist or band when you were in middle school? John Williams (the composer/conductor)
    Do you have a favorite family tradition? No.
    What’s the last book you read, and how was it? Fire & Steel: The End of World War Two in the West, by Peter Caddick-Adams. It was riveting; if I didn’t have the habit of reading several books simultaneously (a trait I share with my late mother), I might have finished it long ago.

  3. What was your first “real” job? A high school bus driver and a cashier at Kentucky Fried Chicken
    If you could speak any language, what would it be? Mandarin, but don’t ask me why! 😲
    What was your favorite artist or band when you were in middle school? The Jackson 5!
    Do you have a favorite family tradition? Not really. I just enjoyed when the family got together for the holidays because my mother could throw down in the kitchen
    What’s the last book you read, and how was it? “When the Stars Go Dark” by Paula McLain. I gave it 4-stars. It was a mystery thriller and I enjoyed it.

    Kymber, you certainly come up with some thought-provoking “throwback” ruminations Chickie Pie! 😜

  4. What was your first job? Cutting lawns

    If you could speak any language, what would it be? French

    What was your favorite artist or band when you were in middle school? Beatles

    Do you have a favorite family tradition? Christmas tree decorating with family mementos

    What’s the last book you read, and how was it? End Game by Eric Swalwell
    Fascinating account of the disgusting madness of Donald Trump

  5. What was your first job? (Farm work on our farm)
    If you could speak any language, what would it be? (I am a translator and always wanted to add Japanese to my resume.
    What was your favorite artist or band when you were in middle school? (Goodness, Bay City Rollers, Sweet, Status Quo, Pink Floyd)
    Do you have a favorite family tradition? (Christmas Evening and Thanksgiving with my husband, only the two of us.)
    What’s the last book you read, and how was it? (Atomic Habits and it really opened my eyes to some of my habits.)

  6. Kymber this is a fun idea for a series. I’m enjoying it. My first job was as a florist in Nashville, and probably didn’t pay more than minimum wage. Unfortunately, it brought to the surface all my pollen allergies — and in a powerful way. I had only had very mild hay fever until then, so at 17, I didn’t understand what the devil was going on. Needless to say, I didn’t stay with it very long.

  7. Hi Kymber!

    That is an amazing story about your Christmas tradition, especially the part about your children continuing it. Loved it.

    What was your first job? At 14 I worked as a masonry helper in the summers (old Italian guys would call you every curse word you can imagine as you fall in the mud while carrying cement. They would even make up their own curse words for me) Also at 14 I worked at a very slummy motel after school ($4.25/hr, cash) mainly taking out the trash (the bottom of the cheap trash bags would constantly break en route walking to the dumpster), also vacuuming, shoveling snow etc. There were 4 moldy “mini-fridges” in total that the motel had, and at times I had to swap them between rooms. One fine evening, I dropped a fridge off to a unit where a guy was lying on the bed with blood trickling from his mouth (he was dead). I once approached the guy who paid me (my boss, I guess?), and explained why I felt I needed a raise but he pretended not to speak English. I feel like if I listed my childhood jobs on “LinkedIn”, people would mistake it for a horror novela written by a moron.

    If you could speak any language, what would it be? Japanese. I’ve been trying to learn through a Pimsleur audiobook, but I’m pretty sure I’ll just get blank stares, looks of fear/anger if I ever try to speak to someone fluent.

    What was your favorite artist or band when you were in middle school? Faith no More. I love the bands you mentioned too! I actually saw Tears for Fears live last year, as well as Duran Duran.

    Do you have a favorite family tradition? I enjoy cutting our own Christmas tree every year.

    What’s the last book you read, and how was it? Unfortunately I don’t read many paper books, but I do listen to a lot of audiobooks to take advantage of time while I drive. The last one I listened to was “12 rules for life” by Jordan Peterson. It was fine. Something to be taken from it, but I wouldn’t listen again because I don’t care to hear about political views in this type of book. I respect the fact that you don’t review the ones that you’re disappointed by!

    Wishing you and your followers the best!

  8. I loved your answers, Kymber, especially about why your family celebrates on Christmas eve. What a beautiful and meaningful tradition. Here are my answers:
    1. Waitress at a diner
    2. I’d like to speak “dog.”
    3. The Monkees. Yeah that was a long long time ago. Hehe.
    4. Unfortunately, no family traditions. I’m deprived.
    5. I just finished “A Peril in the Bayou” by Teagan Geneviene. It takes place in a haunted swamp – very atmospheric. 🙂

  9. Those were interesting answers. It’s a fun game. As for me:
    • What was your first job? Selling newspaper subscriptions door to door when I was 13.
    • If you could speak any language, what would it be? Well, I speak a few languages but I am currently learning French (mostly for fun) so suddenly becoming fluent in French would be great so I can pass the next test I signed up for.
    • What was your favorite artist or band when you were in middle school? In middle school I did not really have a favorite artist or band.
    • Do you have a favorite family tradition? I guess my current favorite family tradition is Thanksgiving at my wife’s in-laws
    • What’s the last book you read, and how was it? It was “in the tree’s shadow” by D.L. Finn and it was a great book.

  10. Hi Kymber, Your answers are interesting. I enjoy learning more about you. My first job was in the deli at a local food store. It ended badly as I unknowingly cut off a finger nail while slicing meat for a customer. It got packed up with the meat. It was painted bright purple and the customer wasn’t delighted. haha! I can speak English, Afrikaans and a little bit of French and Zulu. I’m not great at languages so haven’t pursued anything more. I liked Roxette and Tracy Chapman. I have recently finished Mae Clair’s Harbour Pointe book which I’ll be including in my Halloween book reviews and I’m deeply into Teagan’s new book.

  11. I’ll intertwine my answers with your answers to inspire people that it’s polite to make it not just about yourself, but also the blogger 🙂
    1. My first job paid close to what yours did, $4.15 per hour and it wasn’t the minimum wage, so I might be at least a decade older than you. (I’m 60). I worked as a shipping clerk at Scribner’s Book Company (and got a ton of free books!)
    2. I agree, I’d love to speak other languages and learn. I can sing in Japanese though! (The Japanese portion of “Let Us Cling Together” by Queen!)
    3. Which leads me to my favorite artist in middle school – definitely Queen! And I also love all the bands you mentioned, but some weren’t around yet like Wham and Culture Club.
    4. Wow, that’s so beautiful because my family also celebrated Christmas Eve and exchanged presents then. Now that my mom died, Christmas is up in the air, but I’d still like to make Christmas Eve special somehow.
    5. Sorry to you didn’t like the last book you read. If I don’t like a book, I’ll just stop reading it, and I highly admire people who read an entire book just because they started. Wow, it’s just so impressive and dedicated to me. My last book was “Meat is for Pussies” by John Joseph. It was great because he’s so bad-ass and sassy. He showed the world that you can build muscle on a vegan lifestyle and also had some great recipes (without photos — which is super badass because you just KNOW someone is going to get bent over that! LMAO!!)

  12. Okay…Here we go!
    First job was working in my grandfather’s store. I made $2 per day.
    Languages – I already speak 2, English and profane. ButI’d like to learn Italian.
    Favorite band in middle school was either The Beatles or Gerry and the Pacemakers.
    My favorite family tradition is a nice, special Sunday dinner.
    Last book? Hmmm.I’m not much of a reader so it probably was the Iliad and the Odyssey.

    Now you…
    What is your favorite pasta dish.
    Name me one thing that you would never eat.
    What states have you visited, not counting where you live now.
    How old were you the first time you voted.
    What is your favorite song to dance to.

  13. What was your first job? I had a newspaper route when I was ten years old. I had 65 daily deliveries and 100 Sunday. My dad had just died and the money I made helped the family until my mom could get a job.
    If you could speak any language, what would it be? I think Spanish. More and more people only speak Spanish and I think it would be nice to be able to communicate effectively.
    What was your favorite artist or band when you were in middle school? Let’ see that was seventy years ago.Bill Haley and the Comments, The Platters, The Fontaine Sisters, Frank Sinatra, Mitch Miller, Tennessee Erne Ford, The Cordettes, Al Hibbler, The Four Aces.
    Do you have a favorite family tradition? We have a sit down dinner every night and have since the kids were born. We are now alone but continue the tradition. The youngest comes over to join us on Sunday.
    What’s the last book you read, and how was it? The Menagerie by Joan Hall. it was outstanding.

  14. Hi there again. Your Christmas story moved me, it is amazing what a knit community can do for each other. And your first job sure was more interesting than mine… Here are my answers:

    • What was your first job? I worked one summer cleaning in a retirement home where one of my aunts was the director. It was nice looking at pictures with the tenants, and listen to their stories, but cleaning? Ugh… Something that has always stayed with me since that experience, was when my aunt checked the hoover and disdainfully said “Your mom hasn’t told you to clean the tools?” Which resulted in me always hoovering the brush after I’m done cleaning…
    • If you could speak any language, what would it be? Italian, it’s such a wonderful, romantic language. I already speak Swedish, English and French fluently, with a bit of Spanish, German and Russian on the side, so Italian is on my retirement-to-do-list.
    • What was your favorite artist or band when you were in middle school? I was not very interested in music – my life was about horses. I listened to “old” people’s music – Elvis Presley was my favorite aunt’s favorite, so naturally I grew fond of him and everything concerning the 50s and 60s. My dad had brought home a whole bunch of his old discs, I discovered a passion for Fats Domino’s Blueberry Hill, Little Eva’s Locomotion and of course Mr Postman. Bruce Springsteen is my now a favorite, but I discovered him in my teens…
    • Do you have a favorite family tradition? Yes, Christmas. We celebrate Christmas on the 24th in Sweden, and we always went to my grandparents place where we met up with the rest of the family. My mom has 8 siblings, so you can imagine the crowd. We had the traditional buffet, and then we went home to watch a Disney special and after that, around 5 pm., Santa came loaded with gifts! As long as the kids ware small, my husband dressed up in a costume I had sewed, and we kept the Swedish tradition alive. Best is that on the 25th France celebrates Christmas, so we got a double every year! Still sharing presents on the 24th, though.
    • What’s the last book you read, and how was it? I’m actually starting on the Eagles of the Emire books by Simon Scarrow. I’ve almost finished n°2, and it’s a huge relief there still are 20 more as I really love everything that has to do with Romans.

  15. What was your first job? – I worked at a Subway. They made me manager after a month. It was nice to make the extra $1 an hour for doing basically the same thing. 😋 Thanks to this status as the owner’s favorite, I met Jared Fogle at a corporate event… yes, THAT Jared… before all the awful stuff came out about him. He definitely gave me oily, creepy vibes even then. I couldn’t understand why everyone found him so charming.

    If you could speak any language, what would it be? – Spanish. My son is learning it in school and it would be nice to practice together. I learned French in grade and high school, but it’s all gone because I had no one to practice and speak it with over the years.

    What was your favorite artist or band when you were in middle school? – I can’t pick one! I grew up with a dad who loved 50’s and 60’s music, a mom obsessed with classic country, a big sister into hair bands, and an older brother that loved popular 70’s and 80s music. All of that plus my own interest in classical and Celtic music left me with a lot of “favorites.”

    Do you have a favorite family tradition? – I like that we go look at holiday lights on Christmas Eve. We used to drive around, but neighborhoods don’t go as all out as they once did. So now we go to a forest walkthrough that is sponsored by local businesses. Volunteers and individual businesses set up little displays along a boardwalk through the nature preserve. At the end you get a cocoa, candy cane, and visit with Santa. When I was a kid, once we got home, Santa had already been there and we got to open presents. With our son, we combined my family’s lights tradition with my husband’s Christmas morning tradition, so our son gets to enjoy the lights, go to bed, and wake up early to a present pile.

    What’s the last book you read, and how was it? Tower of Dawn by Sarah J Maas. It was a bit of a tough read compared to the rest of her books. Not one of my favorites, but important to continue the story in the next book.

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