Get to Know You #5!


Hello, kind Friends, I have really been enjoying your responses to my Get to Know You posts!

Without further ado, here is round 4!

  1. What emoji represents you today and why?
  2. What was your favorite childhood TV show? 
  3. What was your favorite Halloween costume as a kid? 
  4. Would you rather explore the ocean or space? 
  5. Would you rather explore Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory or Jurassic Park? 

I shall leave my answers here:

  1. 🖖 – I feel like watching Star Trek. lol
  2. I loved The Hardy Boys. That is when Shaun Cassidy was a really huge star. But I actually thought Parker Stevenson was cuter. I think I was about 7 years old when that show was on.
  3. Casper the Friendly Ghost. We got to wear our costumes at school and go all around and show them off. I loved that costume.
  4. I would rather explore space.
  5. Well, I would definitely enjoy all the chocolate, but I’m going to say Jurassic Park.

Now it’s your turn! I can’t wait to see your answers! If you don’t wish to participate, there is no pressure, but I’d love a hello!

Have a blessed day and thank you for reading, liking, lurking, and commenting!

Featured Image by gate74 from Pixabay

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  1. What emoji represents you today and why? :comfyblob:
    What was your favorite childhood TV show? Scooby Doo, hands down
    What was your favorite Halloween costume as a kid? I distinctly remember dressing up as a black cat as a small kid, while my younger sibling was a puppy. My mother drew the stripes and spots on black clothes and we just went out like that. Good times. <3
    Would you rather explore the ocean or space? Space. The ocean is effing terrifying.
    Would you rather explore Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory or Jurassic Park? Oh, god, neither, both sets terrified me as a kid. ^^;

  2. I’m clueless regarding emojis so maybe a question mark. I’m dating myself here but my favorite tv show as a child was actually a toss-up between Roy Rogers and Hopalong Cassidy. I was so enamored of westerns that I used to wear my cowboy boots to bed. My mother, of course, would pull them off. My favorite costume was a big cardboard box I turned into a tv set and wore it while acting like a talk show host inside interviewing whoever I came into contact with. Well I would have rather been alive during the Age of Exploration and commanded a ship that went exploring new lands. I hope that let’s me sneak in with the sea. As to the 2 parks given, I’d skip both and go to Disneyland.

    • LOL I love the question mark. 😀

      You know, someone else said their favorite was Hopalong Cassidy, too. When I was a child, my grandma had a Hopalong Cassidy book on her bookshelf that I always begged my uncle to read to me. lol I loved that book.

      I love that you wore your cowboy boots to bed! That is awesome!

      I adore your very creative Halloween costume! I bet that was the best costume for miles around.

      I think it would be terrific to helm a ship on the ocean. 😀

      I don’t blame you for skipping those and heading to Disneyland instead. 😀

      • My Uncle Dominic insisted Hoppy was too good to be Irish, that he had to be Italian so in our family he came to be known as Hopalong Cassidish (I think I’m spelling it correctly). For years, though, I wondered why if he was Italian, how come that name didn’t end in a vowel. The only other reference to that name was in the movie Midnight Run when one of the two hitmen calls Hoppy that, too.

  3. The stressed emoji 😫 is probably the one representing me right now. I was in a car accident three weeks ago, and is at home with a terrible backache since. The guy who caused the accident was probably on his cell, as he didn’t see that I had stopped behind another car and ran into me full force. What stresses me out is that the insurance doesn’t want to pay the repairs to my car, arguing that the cost is superior to the cost of my vehicle. So, tell me – why pay a full insurance for years and when you finally need them, they just shrug it off? Especially as it is the other guy’s fault! I know I’m ranting, but my car was in perfect shape, albeit 8 years old, and now we’ll have to buy a new car and take a loan and whatnot…
    Let’s get on with the rest or I’ll spend the day grumbling…
    My favorite TV show was Scooby Doo – deliciously scary and so funny!
    A witch, always was my favorite and still is 😉
    I have always been intrigued by space and Science fiction from the discovery of the old Flash Gordon comics at my grandparents to the Dune novels and more scientific Reeves, Sagan and Hawking’s publications via Star Wars. But it’s still just a fantastic dream that won’t come true in the near future.
    I think the Ocean is too close to home with being trapped in an environment where you can’t breathe and surrounded by whatever terrifying beasts that populates it, is a reality today.
    Jurassic Park as I assume Chris Pratt is part of the package!

    • Oh, Jill, I’m so sorry. That’s dreadful! You have the right to gripe about it, here, or anywhere else, as far as I’m concerned. 🤍🌺

      Scooby Doo was so fun. My Littles love those graham cracker Scooby snack things. I’m not sure they understand what they’re inspired from, though. lol

      You know, when I was a child, watching Star Trek reruns with my dad, I honestly thought that’s what our future would look like by the time I got there. Nope. LOL

      I hear you about the ocean!

      LOLOL If he is, sign me up! hahaha

    • Thank you, Diane. 🤍🌺 That is so sweet; I bet it was an amazing pic. I love Bewitched and everything Elizabeth Montgomery. lol Agnes Moorehead was wonderful, too. I like how she always called Darrin, “Durwood” or the like. lol

  4. What a great post! I saw your icon on one of my friend’s posts and love your name “Kymber.” You’re so pretty and your kitty Cesare is adorable!
    I love these kinds of posts, reminds me of the old Live Journal days with all the questionnaires everyone shared.
    I will share my answers, but also comment on yours because I’m not a “me me me” person; blog friendships are a two-way street 🙂
    Casper was one of my favorite comics as a kid and The Hardy Boys was something I never watched, but you’re right Parker Stevenson was the cuter one.

    Here are my answers:
    What emoji represents you today and why? Always the “heart” — I’m all about love, happiness, and euphoria; making the world a better place.
    What was your favorite childhood TV show? It depends what age … Maybe The Bugalows, but also The Sonny & Cher Comedy Hour; I was Cher-obsessed
    What was your favorite Halloween costume as a kid? When I was Cher! 😀
    Would you rather explore the ocean or space? Neither, I am too scared and skittish.
    Would you rather explore Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory or Jurassic Park? I never saw either movie, but maybe Jurassic Park for the dinosaurs. And I’m not a chocolate person, I want a potato chip factory! 🙂

    Nice to meet you Kymber!

    • Thank you so much, Maryanne! It’s so good to meet you. 🤍🌺 Your words are so kind. I was taken by your lovely posts and knew I’d love to read more.

      I think the heart symbol does fit you well. It’s a wonderful attitude to want to make the world a better place.
      The Bugalows, but I remember The Sonny & Cher Comedy Hour. Was Donnie and Marie on around that time? I loved that show, too.

      I bet you made a stunning Cher! 😀

      I don’t blame you for not wanting to go to either.

      Yes! We need a potato chip factory STAT! (Sorry, that is the nurse in me. LOLOL)

      I’m so glad you popped in to say hi, and I hope we’ll be good friends. 🙂
      I don’t know

      • Aw, what a nice response; I’m all for new friends and I hope we’ll be good friends too.
        Yes, Donny & Marie were around the same time as Sonny & Cher.
        The Bugaloos was a cute show about four “bugs” who lived in Tranquility Forest and made music. (They were all super good looking, three guys and one young lady). A woman named Benita Bizarre wanted to steal their voices so she could have a hit record.
        It was a cute show and the episodes are on YouTube 🙂

  5. I’d go with Star Trek in all it’s permutations, Now, do I want to drown or freeze to death in space-? I have nightmares about drowning still—almost did at least twice—so maybe space exploration. Emoji-? the basic 😀 or <3. Both Jurassic and Willy Wonka have tragic moments—I’m a child at heart so I’ll go for the Chocolate Factory less overt violence). OH YES—COSTUME. The one I was most proud of was as an Army soldier, but it was also my last. I stopped by the Hospital priest’s house and he thought I was threatening him with a real gun! I cried all the way home—and of course the priest had phoned my Dad to complain. Dad was understanding of my position, as well as the priest’s. 😀

    • I completely agree with your Star Trek remark, Jonathan. In fact, when I said my favorite childhood show was The Hardy Boys, I had forgotten watching Star Trek TOS reruns with my dad in the evenings. I would have nightmares about drowning, too, if I were you. I really went back and forth regarding Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory and Jurassic Park. As usual, I think I chose wrongly. lol I would just have to be sure I minded my manners so nothing would happen to me in the chocolate factory. lol I can see why that was an upsetting moment, and I’m glad your father understood. 🙂

  6. Loved your answers!

    What emoji represents you today and why? Ecstatic one, I love this weather transition, it’s perfect.
    What was your favorite childhood TV show?  TMNT cartoon, GI Joe close second. Both were so great in their own way.
    What was your favorite Halloween costume as a kid?  I used to carry one monster mask, and one brown bag with the holes for the eyes. My process was wear the brown bag first, knock and get candy. Go to the end of their driveway, change into the monster mask, come back to the same door and get more candy. I thought I was so smart but looking back, I’m sure they knew I was just an idiot kid. I really wasn’t the brightest bulb.
    Would you rather explore the ocean or space?  Such a tough question, I’ll go with space. I want to know what’s out there.
    Would you rather explore Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory or Jurassic Park?  Jurassic Park but only if I’m as large as the biggest dinosaur there (so I can defend myself)

    Looking forward to the next part!!

    • Thank you so much, Gorilla. I’m so glad you enjoy these silly questions of mine. I guess I’ve always had an inquiring mind. LOLOL

      I love the weather transition, too, so I think the emoji you chose is perfect!
      Those were great shows!
      I am LOLing about your Halloween costume! That’s great! I am from Michigan and this one Halloween, I was taking the kids around and I saw this teenage boy with a Lion’s jersey on and a paper sack with eye holes over his head. I asked, “Who are you dressed as?” And he said, “A Lion’s fan.” 😂

  7. What emoji represents you today and why? – The confused one. I’m very uncertain about the future right now.
    What was your favorite childhood TV show? – Ben 10 probably. I used to like The Waltons too which I grew up watching.
    What was your favorite Halloween costume as a kid? – There is no Halloween were I’m from but we do have Carnaval. In that case, it was a 1980s-era outfit with a feather headdress.
    Would you rather explore the ocean or space? – I think I’d be too scared to explore the unknowns of space. I know having the walls of a submarine separate you from the vastness of the ocean isn’t that much safer but there’s something about the eternal stretch of space that scares me.
    Would you rather explore Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory or Jurassic Park? – Jurassic Park is a little like a zoo but the chocolate factory is like nothing else in this world so I’d probably choose that 😊

    • Thank you so much for your answers. I am wishing you the best for your future. 🤍🌺
      I love The Waltons! A few years ago, my parents, husband, and I went to Virginia to visit Earl Hamner’s childhood home. It was fun.
      Carnival sounds wonderful! I’d like to experience that someday.
      I think space and the ocean are both pretty scary. lol
      Chocolate sounds so good right now! 😂

  8. I love these sorts of getting to know you things.

    What emoji represents you today and why? – The one hiding its face, because I’m hiding from the huuuuge amount of stuff I still need to do 🫣
    What was your favorite childhood TV show? So many but it’d take my brain a bit to remember the titles. I’d go Sister Sister.
    What was your favorite Halloween costume as a kid? I never dressed up as a kid. My first time was when I was 18 for an evening out with my boyfriend’s friends. It was all a bit last minute so I grabbed cat ears and went as a whisky-drinking-feline.
    Would you rather explore the ocean or space? In theory, I’d say the ocean for all the beauty it holds. But fish really creep me out so I’d probably end up in space to get away from them. I’ll see you there!
    Would you rather explore Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory or Jurassic Park? CHOCOLATE! Chocolate chocolate chocolate. I can give you chocolate in return for you telling me what the dinosaurs were like.

    Caz xx

    • I’m so glad you enjoy these silly questions, Caz. 😂

      Ooooh, now that is an emoji that I, too, can understand. lol
      I would have loved to have seen your whisky-drinking-feline outfit! That sounds like something I’d put together, too. lol
      Fish creep me out as well. I hate swimming in a lake (which Michigan is full of) and feel something brush your leg, I just shivered. lol
      Chocolate is never a bad answer! LOLOLOL If I don’t get eaten by a dinosaur, we’ll do that swap. 😀

  9. I love these questions, and your last getting to know you blog sparked an idea for a question for my last newsletter. 🙂 The emoji that I think represents me is smiley face with the three heart kisses around it. I love to share love and hugs. I wasn’t allowed to watch TV as a child. My favorite Halloween costume is that of a Gypsy. I think I’d rather explore the ocean. I believe there are other worlds hidden beneath the ocean. And definitely, Willa Wonka’s Chocolate factory. What’s not to love about chocolate? Great stuff!!!

    • Thank you, Jan. I’m so glad you enjoy these silly questions. 😀 Gasp! I don’t think I’m signed up for your newsletter even though I’m subscribed to your site. I must figure this out at once!
      Your costume sounds fun!
      I believe you’re right about other worlds hidden in the ocean. Wouldn’t that be something else to find out!
      Chocolate is always a good answer, I’d say! 🤍🌺😂

  10. Hi Kymber, I finally found your blog. It isn’t linked to your gravatar. This is a fun five questions. I would explore the ocean as I prefer creatures to stars and planets. I would go with Willy Wonka’s factory. In fact, I might even build it.

    • Hi, Robbie! It’s so good to see you here! Thank you for searching me out. I had no idea I couldn’t be found with my gravatar. When I began blogging in 2016, I started with my domain (booomcha) on In 2018, I moved to a self-hosted site and kept my domain name the same. It wasn’t until later I realized I probably should have changed that because it’s rather confusing to find me since the move. I apologize that, but am so glad you’re here. 🙂

      I’m glad you enjoyed the questions! The ocean would be a marvelous place to explore, for sure. Ooooh! And I would love to see how you would build Willy Wonka’s factory! So cool!

  11. What emoji represents you today and why? I like the smiling face with two hearts on the eyes. A combination of 🙂 and <3
    What was your favorite childhood TV show? I didn’t watch TV when I was a kid.
    What was your favorite Halloween costume as a kid? We didn’t have Halloween in Hong Kong when I was a kid.
    Would you rather explore the ocean or space? Ocean even though I don’t swim well.
    Would you rather explore Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory or Jurassic Park? Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory.

    • Hi, Miriam, thank you for coming by!
      I love the smiley with the heart eyes, too. 😀 Even more, I love the cat emoji with heart eyes. 🤍🌺
      I’ve never been to Hong Kong, but it’s on the bucket list!
      Exploring the ocean would be pretty neat.
      I should have gone with Willy Wonka’s factory, too. What was I thinking? 😀

  12. What emoji represents you today and why? 🐕‍🦺 🐶 because my dogs followed me around everywhere today

    What was your favorite childhood TV show? Pippi Longstocking in Swedish

    What was your favorite Halloween costume as a kid? First time I’ve heard of Halloween I was already 24 years old, so I missed that.

    Would you rather explore the ocean or space? There is a lot we don’t know about the ocean but space is infinitely larger.

    Would you rather explore Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory or Jurassic Park? Jurassic Park

  13. What emoji represents you today and why? 🥴I was with my husband at the hospital for a procedure, and much like any time I enter a medical facility, I got sick a few days later. I am very prone to picking up illnesses since my burn injury many years ago.

    What was your favorite childhood TV show? Ooooo… this is a tough one. I think I have to choose, it would be Star Trek: The next generation. I also fell asleep almost every night to the original playing on my tiny B&W TV. They played a few back-to-back episodes every night at my bedtime. It might explain why I had a lot of strange dreams as a kid. 😋

    What was your favorite Halloween costume as a kid? I have to give a shout out to my mom for making the best costumes from things around the house. In 4th grade, I won first place in my entire school for a Punky Brewster costume. I had many great ones over the years, but that one was just amazing.

    Would you rather explore the ocean or space? I think my earlier TV show preferences will give this one away, but space is my final frontier. I even entered for a scholarship for Space Camp every year I was eligible.

    Would you rather explore Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory or Jurassic Park? A tough choice, but I think Jurassic Park. Probably a dangerous choice, but the chance to see previously extinct animals roaming around is too hard to pass up.

    • Oh no, I’m sorry you had to endure such a thing. I hope you are on the mend now. 🤍🌺
      Star Trek: TNG is a great answer, as is the original, too. I love that.
      A lot of mom’s probably deserve shout outs for making Halloween costumes. lol I bet you were a cute Punky Brewster!
      Wow, that’s cool about Space Camp. I didn’t know that was a thing until I saw the movie “Space Camp.” lol
      Wouldn’t Jurassic Park be so cool?

  14. 🤨
    My family made a point of watching “World of Disney” together every week, but I was secretly in love with Glenn Campbell, who came on with Hee Haw right before it… You’re right, though, Casper was totally the coolest ghost 👌
    For the two-three years it fit me, I loved a beautiful red satin dress with hearts all around the hem and a wand ~ it was a “Queen of Hearts” costume, custom made for my mother while she was growing up in a Portuguese ducal house ~ and the last word in childhood elegance.
    I’m getting far too old to explore either. It’s inner space for me!
    Again, neither ~ but any natural or cultural museum will do nicely.

  15. What emoji represents you today and why?

    ^v^ (bat) Today and everyday! I know it's not a real emoji. But it should be. As for why, because I'm a goth who loves bats. And I'm batty.

    What was your favorite childhood TV show?

    Star Trek TOS

    What was your favorite Halloween costume as a kid?


    Would you rather explore the ocean or space?

    The ocean... I've always been fascinated with everything under the sea. Also, if something goes wrong at least I'll die within the womb of Mother Earth, not off in the benighted void somewhere far from home.

    Would you rather explore Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory or Jurassic Park?

    Jurassic Park. Mad Scientists, please make this a reality soon!

    • I love the bat emoji! 😀
      Yes! Another Trekkie! Who knew there were so many of us?
      I bet your witch costume was magnificent.
      That’s a good point about exploring the ocean rather than space. I hadn’t thought of that.
      Yes, mad scientists! You’ve been told! 🤍🌺

      • Yeah, my mom got me into Star Trek. Yay for syndication! As for the witch costume, I have this memory of it being awesome but since I was a witch more than one year it’s likely just a bunch of different memories all jumbled together, so the reality was probably far less awesome than I realize. XD

  16. What emoji represents you today and why? Here is is 😁. I enjoy life and find it all very humorous.
    What was your favorite childhood TV show? My favorite was Hopalong Cassidy. I really liked Quaker puffed rice which Gabby Hays shot from a cannon.
    What was your favorite Halloween costume as a kid? I think my favorite was the Lone Ranger cause I had two six guns
    Would you rather explore the ocean or space? I’ll take space. I’ve done enough diving to know there is big stuff in the ocean that’ll eat you.
    Would you rather explore Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory or Jurassic Park? I love chocolate but would like to get to get up close to a T-Rex .

  17. 1: What emoji represents you today and why?
    I can’t do emojis on PC, but I think the Book emoji would be mine. LOL! #Bookworm

    2: What was your favorite childhood TV show?
    As a kid: I loved Barney til this one night we had to take the battery out of a Barney doll my sister and I had….. But it was STILL TALKING!! Hated the show ever since.

    3: What was your favorite Halloween costume as a kid?
    My favorite Halloween costume as a kid…. I dressed as an Indian, a witch, and a vampire. All different years. Yes, I picked 3.
    4: Would you rather explore the ocean or space?
    Would you rather explore Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory or Jurassic Park?
    Wonka Factory as Dinosaurs can kill you. LOL!

    Love ya, Kymber!

    • Love you, too, Hilly! 🤍🌺
      I can see the book emoji fitting you quite well.
      That Barney doll sounds frightening!
      Very nice costumes, and there are no rules; you can pick as many as you like. 😀
      You make an excellent point about dinosaurs! lol

  18. Don’t know how to do emojis here but favorite show was Gilligan’s Island, costume was a tree with a real (taxidermied) squirrel in the branches, space, and definitely the chocolate factory.

  19. What emoji represents you today and why?

    😐 (Because I overslept and still feel groggy four hours later)

    What was your favorite childhood TV show?
    I was somewhat precocious and got interested in WWII early in life, so I’ll say “The World at War” documentary series from 1973/74.

    What was your favorite Halloween costume as a kid?

    My Apollo 11 astronaut costume, which was not at all realistic but had a mask labeled “Armstrong.” (Hey, I was six in 1969!)

    Would you rather explore the ocean or space?

    Space: the final frontier.

    Would you rather explore Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory or Jurassic Park?

    Jurassic Park. I’d stay away from the dilophosaurus and velociraptor areas, though.

    • I hate that groggy feeling you get after oversleeping.
      Wow! That’s an interesting answer as your favorite childhood TV show!
      I bet you made a great astronaut. I would put “Armstrong” on it, too, if it were me.
      Yes, to space, the final frontier! 😀
      That is very sound advice about Jurassic Park, Alex.

  20. Fun questions and answers, Kymber.
    My favorite emoji is probably this one: 😎 Anything with sunglasses (which I never wear in real life but they look cool. Lol)
    TV show was The Walt Disney show on Sunday nights. We only got 3 channels back then, and the whole family would watch.
    Halloween? Mary with her little lambs (my younger brothers).
    The ocean for me. It’s a fantasy world for sure.
    Jurassic Park for me too, though I wouldn’t want to end up as dino-lunch.

    • I’m so glad you like the questions, Diana! 🤍🌺
      That emoji is awesome. I could definitely see that one as representing you even if you don’t wear sunglasses in r/l.
      I loved the Sunday night Disney show, too. They were always good stories. We only got 3 channels, too. (And even though we have so many more nowadays, plus all the streaming anyone could ever want, I still have trouble finding things to watch. LOL)
      That’s hilarious that your little brothers were the lambs. Hilarious and cute, too.
      Yes, I think there is a lot of fantasy in the ocean, I agree.
      How best to avoid being dino-lunch? LOLOLOL We’ll have to have a strategy, for sure! 😂

  21. What emoji represents you today and why?

    The smiley face. I keep a smile. 🙂

    What was your favorite childhood TV show?

    I watched a lot of Brady Bunch and the Flinstones.

    What was your favorite Halloween costume as a kid?

    None really. We made ours up. I dressed as a Marine once.

    Would you rather explore the ocean or space?

    The ocean. Love the water.

    Would you rather explore Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory or Jurassic Park?
    Willy Wonka’s hands down. Love chocolate and prizes! 🙂

    • Hi there, Ellie! 🤍🌺
      That’s lovely that you always keep a smile. 🙂 I need to surround myself with more people like that.
      Oh, yes, the Brady Bunch and the Flintstones! I’d forgotten about those!
      When you explore the ocean, tell me what’s down there. I’m too afraid to go on my own. LOL
      Who doesn’t love chocolate and prizes? Both good points!

  22. What emoji represents you today and why?

    Because it’s already Thursday, tomorrow is Friday, and it’s rest day on Saturday!

    What was your favorite childhood TV show?

    Mostly cartoon programs

    What was your favorite Halloween costume as a kid?

    Never attended Halloween when I was a kid

    Would you rather explore the ocean or space?

    Hmmm… neither. I’m afraid of heights and I don’t know how to swim.

    Would you rather explore Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory or Jurassic Park?

    Chocolate Factory because I love chocolates


    • Good answer!
      I loved Saturday morning cartoons. Kids today don’t know what they’re missing without the Bugs Bunny Road Runner Show! lol
      I’m with you more and more about exploring neither.
      Chocolate is a great answer!

  23. 🤦🏻‍♀️ – I’ve had a couple facepalm moments today, both due to my own dumbassery as well as others’

    Gummibears! I loved them and Star Trek and Macguiver and the Smurfs

    We never celebrated Halloween in South Africa before the late-ish 2000s

    The Ocean all the way! It fascinates me to imagine what could be down in places like the Mariana Trench, where people can’t really go to explore properly

    Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory. I think the Oompa Loompas are too cute and the idea of being in a jungle with real live dinosaurs that can kill me just doesn’t appeal!

    • LOLOLOL I feel ya’ on the facepalm moments and their causes. 😂
      Ooooh, I had forgotten about Gummibears, MacGyver, and the Smurfs! Good answer!
      That is a good point about the Mariana Trench. I hadn’t thought about that!
      I can see also why you chose the chocolate factory. Wise decision!

  24. Okay. Here we go…
    My today emoji is the same as always. It would be the kissy face one because, being Italian, I am a hopeless romantic.
    My favorite childhood tv show got me in so much trouble. Saturday mornings I got up early to watch The Modern Farmer. I think it went on at 6:00. I wanted to be a farmer. I was probably 5 yers old or so.
    Favorite halloween costume? I never really wore one. Just made up my face. I did dress and go as a girl once. That was fun.
    I would definitely explore space.
    Willy Wonka. Definitely. I don’t want to get eaten by a T-rex!

    Okay. Now your turn…
    What is your favorite month.
    What is your favorite Sunday dinner to serve to guests
    Would you rather drive, take a train or fly to go across the country
    What country in Asia would you least like to visit.
    Given a choice, would you rather go to the North or the South Pole.

    • October, beginning of Fall

      Something with mashed potatoes and gravy.

      Drive. More independence.

      Not going there.

      Neither ~ I take enough of a chill in a quiet room!

      Once I had a male friend who did Halloween as a woman. It took him two hours to get ready. Afterward he told me, “Never again!” “Did you remove any hair?” I asked him. He looked horrified. “No!” “Well, then, you didn’t even get started on the hardcore stuff,” I said, like, you know, “wimp!”

          • Many many laughs there! No bouffant. But a pompadour in grammar school, real short hair in Catholic High School, and a Prince Valiant with straight hair down to my shoulders! Now I am in the eight ball phase. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
            And you?

            • Hahaha!!! I was born with EVERY kind of bad hair on one head! It’s thin in back where it should be thick, thick all around the face where it should be thin, grows straight down into the crease over my ears until it does a Dagwood trying to come back up out of there, and straight down over my eyes from a hairline disturbingly jagged, like it’s trying to ingrow into my forehead.

              There are six major cowlicks, and it’s much thinner on one side than the other. To top it all off, a hairdresser once said to me, “It’s crazy ~ you have thin hair, thick hair, straight hair and wavy hair, all growing mixed together!…

              I tried leaving it long in school, gradually cutting it into more and more stupid looking compromises with my need to see my schoolwork when I bent my head forward. Then I tried spraying it until my daughter patted the top of my head one day and said “Styrofoam hair!”

              Eventually I shaved it completely, put a tattoo around the hairline to soften it, and kept it that way for over twenty years ~ before women shaved their heads. Or tattooed much at all.

              Everyone loved it, right down to little old ladies in suburban shopping centers.

              Then came homelessness, and I could no longer plug in my shaver. These days I take a pair of sewing shears, cut it off right below the ears, and band and clip it mercilessly on the days it’s too warm to simply cover it with a scarf!

    • Great answers, JC! After reading yours, I remembered that one of the big things when I was a kid was to dress up as a baby for Halloween. lol

      Okay. Now your turn…
      What is your favorite month.
      October; it’s when the fun holidays begin.

      What is your favorite Sunday dinner to serve to guests
      I’ll agree with Ana and say something with mashed potatoes and gravy. (My grandma called gravy “sop” because you sop it up with your bread. LOL)

      Would you rather drive, take a train or fly to go across the country
      I would best like to take a train.

      What country in Asia would you least like to visit.
      North Korea.

      Given a choice, would you rather go to the North or the South Pole.
      Either as long as I can see wild orcas. It’s actually on my bucket list. 😀

  25. Now this is why we are the best of friends you and I. Because my answers, as I told you on the phone match yours. Except I don’t know how to answer the tv one. I didn’t watch tv as a kid, so I would have to look up old shows and figure it out. I did have a dream recently about a male that looked just like Zac Efron the other night, but wasn’t him? However, I’m 52 so not an old show from my childhood. No it was not a s*x dream, get your head out of that! LOL This was fun.

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