Get to Know You #4!


Hello, kind Friends, I have really been enjoying your responses to my Get to Know You posts!

Without further ado, here is round 4!

  1. If you could be an animal for a day, which would you choose?
  2. How do you feel about clowns?
  3. Have you ever mistakenly texted someone you were not supposed to?
  4. What is one of your favorite movie quotes?
  5. What’s your favorite 80s movie?

I shall leave my answers here:

  1. I would be a cat. All they have to worry about is getting comfy, and they sleep well. LOL
  2. When I was 13 years old, my friend and I went to the movies to see Poltergeist. The clown in that movie scared me so badly, I haven’t been able to tolerate them since.
  3. Oh, yes, I have. My mom texted me once and asked what I was getting my son for Christmas. I answered her in great detail and hit send before I realized I had sent that text to my son, not my mom.
  4. Mrs. White from the movie Clue: “Husbands should be like Kleenex. Soft, strong, and disposable.”
  5. The teenage me, living in the 80s says the answer to this question is The Breakfast Club. The adult me says the answer is Clue.

Now it’s your turn! I can’t wait to see your answers! If you don’t wish to participate, there is no pressure, but I’d love a hello!

Have a blessed day and thank you for reading, liking, lurking, and commenting!

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  1. If you could be an animal for a day, which would you choose? Ferret
    How do you feel about clowns? Eh, meh.
    Have you ever mistakenly texted someone you were not supposed to? God, I live in fear of this, but so far I haven’t. ^^;
    What is one of your favorite movie quotes? Oooooo, that’s a tough one… I’m torn between two:
    – “No capes!” – The Incredibles
    – “Here’s looking at you, kid.” – Casablanca
    What’s your favorite 80s movie? “Who Framed Roger Rabbit?”

  2. Thank you for sharing!!.. have witnessed so many things in my life, difficult to choose.. 🙂

    If you could be an animal for a day, which would you choose? I believe I would like the freedom of a bird…
    How do you feel about clowns? Neutral I guess…
    Have you ever mistakenly texted someone you were not supposed to?… I don’t text a great deal but to family so, no
    What is one of your favorite movie quotes? “I yam what I yam and that is all that I yam” (Popeye the sailor)….
    What’s your favorite 80s movie? Field of Dreams and Chariots of Fire (Walt Disney “Honey, I Shrunk the Kids” and “The Little Mermaid” )…

    Hope all is well in your part of the universe and until we meet again…

    May love and laughter light your days,
    and warm your heart and home.
    May good and faithful friends be yours,
    wherever you may roam.
    May peace and plenty bless your world
    with joy that long endures.
    May all life’s passing seasons
    bring the best to you and yours!
    (Irish Saying)

    • Thank you so much, Larry. The freedom of a bird would definitely be nice! I loooove Popeye! 😀 I loved Whimpy always saying, “I’ll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today.” LOL Those are all wonderful movies.

      Thank you for the lovely Irish blessing.

      • I love so many of these answers! I’m a bit late, but have really enjoyed reading these Q&A’s! I like so many of the same movies & quotes! This was fun! Thank you, Kymber

        If you could be an animal for a day, which would you choose? A dog; specifically my Borzoi, Rurik. He’s a fast runner, lovable snuggler, and my best friend/service animal.

        How do you feel about clowns? Oh, I don’t like them at all; except for Cirque du Soleil’s Clowns.

        Have you ever mistakenly texted someone you were not supposed to? Not texted, but called someone, sang “Happy Birthday To YOU” and at the end, the nice man said, “Thank you, but you have the wrong person!” Talk about red-faced!

        What is one of your favorite movie quotes? I love the movie “You’ve Got Mail!”. Most of the quotes, I say or have said and the best one/four, for me are,

        “I would have asked for your number, and I wouldn’t have been able to wait 24 hours before calling you up and saying ‘Hey, how about – oh, how about some coffee or you know, drinks or dinner or a movie… for as long as we both shall live?'”

        Joe Fox.
        “Don’t you love New York in the fall? It makes me wanna buy school supplies. I would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils if I knew your name and address.”
        Joe Fox.
        (followed by)
        “You’ve got mail. I hear nothing. Not even a sound on the streets of New York, just the beating of my own heart. I have mail. From you.”
        Kathleen Kelly.
        “Once I read a story about a butterfly in the subway, and today I saw one. I couldn’t believe it. I got on at 42nd and got off at 59th, where I assume it was going to Bloomingdale’s to buy a hat that will turn out to be a mistake.”
        Kathleen Kelly.
        I love old movies, romances, and mysteries(without clowns!)

        What’s your favorite 80s movie? All the Brat Pack Movies, Dirty Dancing, Ghost, Chariots of Fire, I don’t have a favorite. I like too many! Also many that were mentioned by your other readers <3

        *Note: A game I have always played with my kids on a road trip is Name The Movie. I give the quote, they name the title. I love movie quotes and the 80s were chock full of them…
        “These are not the droids you are looking for.” -Star Wars; A New Hope 1977
        We use the beginning of this one and add our “subject” to the quote. (These are not the … kids, donuts, books, etc) and we do giggle every time!

        • Hi there! It’s so nice to meeet you! I’m so glad you joined the party! 😀

          Your dog sounds wonderful! I think I’d like to be him, too. lol

          I quite agree that the Cirque du Soleil’s Clowns are an exception.

          LMAO!! Oh my goodness, that phone call is soooo funny! I really did LOL!

          “You’ve Got Mail” is such a good movie. I love that one, too. Those are great quotes.

          I love old movies, too. (Without clowns, for sure! haha)

          Yes to the Brat Pack and all the others you mentioned, too. There are so many movies from the 80s I’ll never forget.

          That is such a cute game! And I love how you add your subject to the quote. I think that would put me into a giggle fit pretty fast! 😀

  3. It was fun reading your answers, Kymber. I think I’d be a bird – I’d love to be able to fly. I don’t mind clowns since most of my clown memories are from circuses. I’ve definitely mis-texted, but no serious gaffs there. And any quote from Monty Python, of course. I can’t answer the last one because I can’t remember the eighties.Lol

  4. If you could be an animal for a day, which would you choose?

    If during summer, a bat. If during winter, a cat.

    How do you feel about clowns?

    I used to hate them but Sid Haig as Captain Spaulding and Bill Skarsgård as Pennywise changed my mind (also, to a lesser extent, the music video for “Coming For You” by the Offspring, which is also cool due to its positive take on mimes, the widespread hatred of which I’ve never really understood). I was never afraid of clowns, by the way, I just hated them the way some people hate kitsch (which I’ve also gained a new appreciation of in recent years).

    Have you ever mistakenly texted someone you were not supposed to?

    Not that I recall, though it seems unlikely that I never did.

    What is one of your favorite movie quotes?

    “Sell crazy someplace else. We’re all stocked up here.” (Jack Nicholson’s character in As Good As It Gets)

    What’s your favorite 80s movie?

    The Lost Boys

    • I like both bats and cats – great answer!

      I see what you mean about clowns and mimes, too.

      I love that quote! That was a good movie.

      And yes to the Lost Boys! I’d forgotten about that one, although, I don’t know how because it’s so good.

      Thank you so much for playing! I really enjoyed reading your answers.

      • You’re welcome! Thanks for doing this, it’s fun. Yeah, if I were to name 3 movies that helped shape who I am today during my formative years it would probably be The Last Dragon, The Breakfast Club, and The Lost Boys (the latter mostly for style, the other two were more of a philosophical influence). Also I had a crush on Kiefer Sutherland.

  5. If you could be an animal for a day, which would you choose? Panther or other wild cat

    How do you feel about clowns? They're okay; just a person performing as a persona (someone will disagree but not that dissimilar from drag).

    Have you ever mistakenly texted someone you were not supposed to? Once, thought I was messaging our son

    What is one of your favorite movie quotes? Yipee Ki Yay M@^her F@)(er!

    What’s your favorite 80s movie? Breakfast Club, Princess Bride, Labyrinth, Star Wars, Never Ending Story

    • I love big cats and panthers are no exception!

      You’re right about it being a persona, I think. I often forget that and my first instinct takes over, making me scream; we have Poltergeist and It to thank for that. lol

      Excellent quote! 😀

      Those are epic movies and some of my faves, too! It’s hard to pick only one. 🤍🌺

  6. Blue whale, for a day.
    Nothing notable with clowns, mimes are a little more disturbing to me though.
    Not often as I try to be careful with that. But I sometimes do a silly text thing with people I’m close with. I badmouth them and mention their name, then say “apologies wrong recipient”
    If I can change, and you can change, everybody can change” Rocky IV. Hits me pretty hard in this day and age.
    Beverly Hills Cop

    Best wishes to you

    • I love whales; what a great answer!

      I agree wholeheartedly about mimes! Yikes!

      That is so funny! I LOL’d for real and had to explain to my husband who wasn’t expecting me to break out in laughter just then. 😀

      That’s a great quote. I’d forgotten about that movie, but it’s a good one!

      Ooooh, yes, Beverly Hills Cop. Great answers!

  7. Hi Kymber!
    I wouldn’t t mind being a Falcon for a day.
    I have sent a text to the wrong person. Agg!
    Clowns are boring.
    My favorite movie quote is “ I could’ve been a contender “ 😊
    My favorite 80’s movie is a “Ghostbusters”.
    Have a lovely day!

    • Hi, Holly! It’s good to see you!

      I think being a Falcon would be lovely.

      I’m glad you find clowns boring instead of frightening. lol I think they are terrifying! LOL

      I love that epic quote! 🙂

      Ghostbusters is a solid choice! 😀

      Thank you, you have a great day, too! 🤍🌺

  8. I don’t text and haven’t seen that many movies—that lets me out of two of the four! Cat–my fave animal—and clowns are okay. I can’t count either! 😀 Can’t think of a movie quote. Pretty depressing, huh-?
    *The questions, he couldn’t answer
    It was an iffy “chancer”…
    But he tried
    And got tongue-tied,
    He’s not much of a verbal dancer!
    —Jonathan Caswell

  9. If you could be an animal for a day, which would you choose?
    ~ a wolf, they are my favorite animal
    How do you feel about clowns?
    ~ don’t really bother me either way
    Have you ever mistakenly texted someone you were not supposed to?
    ~ not that I can think of
    What is one of your favorite movie quotes?
    ~ “Nobody puts Baby in the corner” from Dirty Dancing
    What’s your favorite 80s movie?
    ~ Dirty Dancing, The Goonies, the first Ghostbusters movie…

    • Hi, Holly! I think a wolf is a terrific answer.

      I’m glad clowns don’t bother you. They freak me out. lol

      Yes! I love that quote. My sister and I say it all the time. LOL And Dirty Dancing is definitely a fave.

  10. If you could be an animal for a day, which would you choose?
    Probably some species of bird.
    How do you feel about clowns?
    Feel about ’em? I AM one! At least, that’s what all my friends tell me… 🤭
    Have you ever mistakenly texted someone you were not supposed to?
    Well, I THOUGHT I was supposed to, but that clown I texted by accident set me straight…
    What is one of your favorite movie quotes?
    “Dear me, the world still so very much loves a cage.” ~ Maude, from the timeless “Harold and Maude.”
    What’s your favorite 80s movie?
    Joseph Campbell”s biography.

    • I think a bird is a great answer, Ana. Imagine flying wherever you want to go. That is exciting to think about. 🙂

      LOLOLOL You’re funny. 😀

      Oh no about texting the wrong person. LOL

      Oh, yes, Harold and Maude! I remember that movie. It was really good.

      I’ll have to check out Joseph Campbell’s biography.

  11. If you could be an animal for a day, which would you choose? A dog in a nice family, a Leonberger
    How do you feel about clowns? I loved them as a kid. I thought they were funny. Then came the Joker, It/Pennywise, Twisty, John Wayne Gacy
    Have you ever mistakenly texted someone you were not supposed to? Yes but it was a harmless daily business text
    What is one of your favorite movie quotes? 11:55, almost midnight. Enough time for one more story. One more story before 12:00, just to keep us warm. From the horror movie “The fog”.
    What’s your favorite 80s movie? The Thing

    • Oh, yes, you would be the perfect Leonberger. I think that is a splendid answer!

      I forgot about Joker and Twisty! And John Wayne Gacy! Ick.

      Good thing your texting the wrong person wasn’t too serious. LOL I can’t tell you how many times that’s happened to me. I once accidentally texted my sister what I wanted my husband to pick up at the restaurant. She texted me back demanding to know why I thought she was going to pick up breakfast for me? hahaha

      That’s a great quote from The Fog.

      The Thing is so scary! Good choice!

  12. If you could be an animal for a day, which would you choose? A yellow Labrador retriever…but a pampered yellow Labrador retriever. (I used to have one.)
    How do you feel about clowns? While I’m not afraid of them (Pennywise the Dancing Clown might be one exception), I am not fond of them, either.
    Have you ever mistakenly texted someone you were not supposed to? I want to say that I once had an affair with a sexy young married woman and texted her husband by accident, but nahhhh.
    What is one of your favorite movie quotes? Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.
    What’s your favorite 80s movie? There are way too many ’80s movies in my movie collection (per my stats on, 1980s movies account for 16.2% of the Blu-ray titles I own, the third-ranked decade after the 2000s and 2010s), but if I must pick one, it would be “Raiders of the Lost Ark.”

    • Yellow Labs are so beautiful, and their temperaments are amazing, too. I had one once, too, named Bart. He was a good boy.

      Pennywise is definitely an exception for me.

      LOLOL That’s a great premise. 😀

      Oh yes! That is a great quote! I love The Princess Bride so much.

      That’s a great choice. I know what you mean about having a lot of 80s movies. I do, too. 😀

  13. What fun, Kymber!
    If I could be an animal for a day, I would choose to be a Lion, mainly because my sun sign is Leo, and I’d like to experience that power for one day.
    Clowns? They don’t bother me. I always enjoyed them at rodeos and circuses.
    Texting the wrong person? Oh yes, more than once. Thankfully the test wasn’t anything horrible or too private. 🙂
    Movie quote? That’s hard for me, because I hardly ever remember anything from movies. Honestly, the only thing that comes to mind is a quote from Olaf. “I just thought of one thing that’s permanent. Love.” 🙂
    Favorite movie from the 80s? I don’t know exactly what year it came out, but my all-time favorite movie is A Star Is Born with Kris Kristofferson and Barbara Streisand.

    • Oh, yes, that’s a great answer! I love big cats and for you to be a Leo on top of it, that is just perfect!

      Just writing the word “clowns…” I shivered. LOL

      Good thing about your text being harmless. haha

      That is such a sweet quote. I tend to remember movies really well which means I’m full of useless information. LOL

      A Star is Born is a lovely answer. I love the Judy Garland version of that movie the best.

  14. Fun idea, Kymber 🙂
    If you could be an animal for a day, which would you choose?
    A dog- they always seem happy with life.

    How do you feel about clowns?
    I have a love/hate relationship with clowns. Some are cute, while others creep me out, lol

    Have you ever mistakenly texted someone you were not supposed to?
    Yes, my husband when I was asking my mom for a recipe. He was confused, lol

    What is one of your favorite movie quotes?
    From Mary Poppins- “Everything Is Possible, Even the Impossible.”

    What’s your favorite 80s movie?
    Overboard with Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell. I love those two together!

  15. Okay. Here we go!
    I would be a dog I think.
    Clowns don’t bother me at all. I always wondered how they can fit so many into such a small car.
    Never texted a wrong person.
    “No one likes a slut for long. And only the worst kind of man will marry one.” Sidney Poitier in To Sir With Love.
    Fave of the 80’s….probably ET

    Okay. Now your turn…
    Are you a lefty or a righty
    Favorite line in a rock song
    Did you walk to school or take a school bus
    What do you like least about writing
    What is your favorite board game

    Go to it!! (This was a great idea you had)

    • Are you a lefty or a righty

      Actually learned to operate ambidextrously while operating air powered factory disk sanders at a job for which I didn’t really have the strength.

      Favorite line in a rock song

      The sax riff from “Baker Street”

      Did you walk to school or take a school bus

      Neither ~ my mother was beyond protective. She trusted neither busses nor the streets. We were driven to and from school every day.

      What do you like least about writing

      Not a damn thing!

      What is your favorite board game

      Anything super simple, like “Aggravation,” so the players can concentrate on boasting about how they’ll win and smart remarks about how their opponents won’t…

    • I think it would be fun to be a dog. I wonder what kind of dog you would be?

      LOLOL Oh, you made me laugh so hard as I pictured like 15 clowns climbing out of the little car. 😀

      To Sir With Love is such a good choice. And so is ET.

      Okay, on with your questions…
      1. I am a lefty. 😀
      2. Bono added the line, “All I got is a red guitar, three chords and the truth” when U2 did Bob Dylan’s All along the Watchtower.”
      3. I walked a mile to school in Elementary. In middle school I walked that same mile to catch the bus that went to the middle school. Then in high school, I always made sure I had a friend with a car. LOL
      4. What I like least about writing is when I compare myself to others. I know you’re not supposed to do that, but I end up doing it anyways and then I want to delete everything in my draft. LOL
      5. Hmmm… I think my favorite board game is Clue.

      Thanks for the questions! Those were great!

  16. Being owned by a cat, I bet you’d love to switch places! I’m not sure about the throwing up on the bedspread thing, though… Poltergeist scared me of TV’s – I can still recall the little girl sitting in front of it being in contact with evil. Gaah… I hope your son wasn’t too disappointed to get to know about his present in advance! Multitasking with a cell can be hellish, indeed.
    So, here are my answers:
    1. I think I would be a bird, some kind of hawk or falcon maybe. Just to be able to fly!
    2. Clowns are scary, too many horror movies have ruined their “reputation”…
    3. Nothing really important, but my daughter texted a confusing message to the police who had taken her deposition about her stolen bag, thinking it was some hot guy she had met earlier the same evening. We got a good laugh out of it, and I bet the cop was a bit flustered 😉
    4. “I’ll be back.” Not a very intellectual quote, but it has stuck over the years 😊 And then there’s the classical “Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn”. Gone with the wind – can’t get tired of that one!
    5. “Raiders of the Lost Ark”. I’m a huge Harrison Ford fan, and it still is a great movie. A pity the follow ups weren’t as good. A part from the one with Sean Connery, “The Last Crusade”.

    • Yes with Poltergeist making you scared of TVs! Seeing that movie so young really creeped me out. Back then they didn’t have PG-13 so it was just rated PG. I was so geeked that it was PG because my mom wouldn’t let me see rated R. I couldn’t believe a scary movie like that was PG. My son thought it was hilarious that I did that, so it was cool. But I sure was mad at myself. lol

      I think being a bird is a great answer! I can only imagine flying everywhere. I know what you mean about clowns. LOLOLOL at your daughter texting the police! That is too funny! “I’ll be back” is epic! And so is Raiders of the Lost Ark! The Last Crusade is my favorite Indiana Jones movie.

  17. I would like to be Twiggy our French Bulldog. It would give me an opportunity to understand exactly what she is trying to say most of the time. 2. Do not like clowns. Pennywise from IT cured me. 3. Yeah, I texted my boss and told him he was an idiot. The text was supposed to go to a co-worker. Still got in trouble for calling a co-worker an idiot. 4. From Jaws. “We’re going to need a bigger boat.” 5. Risky Business.

  18. If you could be an animal for a day, which would you choose?
    How do you feel about clowns?
    Have you ever mistakenly texted someone you were not supposed to?
    What is one of your favorite movie quotes?
    What’s your favorite 80s movie?

    I would be a bird-preferably an eagle because they are protected-so I could soar over the Earth and see all the wonders I’ve been missing.
    Clowns don’t bother me, but It was an awful clown.
    Yes! My brother when it was supposed to be my husband. Thank goodness it wasn’t racy!
    That’s hard, there are so many! “I feel the need…the need for speed!! Top Gun.

    • Yes, that’s right about the flames! LOLOL Madeline Kahn was so incredibly funny. I really love Mrs. Peacock in Clue, too. So hilarious!

      Oh, yes, It was definitely scary! Pennywise was not to be trifled with.

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